* break test without autoload
* PHPStanServiceFactory - add tests directory as analysed paths
* use ReflectionProvider instead of class_exists
* use native reflections for annotation reader
* use native class and method reflections
* add RectorBetterReflectionSourceLocatorFactory
* add DynamicSourceLocator that is shared by PHPStan and Rector
* use ReflectoinProvider instead of class_exists()
* resolve native ClassMethodReflection
* make AnonymousFunctionFactory use reflection
* [DowngradePHP74] Improve DowngradeCovariantReturnTypeRector
* phsptan: avoid ClassReflection
* ProcessCommand: add file infos to source locator
* [DeadCode] Skip RemoveUnusedPublicMethodRector for test
* remove autolaod from tests
* misc
* remove is_a()
* [CI] enable only few dirs to avoid fails
* misc
* [ci-review] Rector Rectify
* [ci-review] Rector Rectify
Co-authored-by: kaizen-ci <info@kaizen-ci.org>
* add phpstan-for-rector config path, to separate phpstan and extensions that help Rector with precise types
* move type value object to value object
* moving
* remove KernelGetContainerAfterBootReturnTypeExtension, use one from symplify
* remove ContainerGetDynamicMethodReturnTypeExtension to ContainerGetReturnTypeExtension
* remove nette extension
* add nette-extension
* removed delegated rule
* delegate implmenets + code sample PHPStan rule to symplify