os: linux dist: bionic language: php before_install: # turn off XDebug - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini jobs: include: - name: "Split Monorepo" if: (branch = master OR tag IS present) && type = push script: - composer update --ansi # travis_retry to prevent fails - travis_retry vendor/bin/monorepo-builder split --ansi # inspired by https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan-src/blob/088b9fab470632cea07f08a936fb0923a59b2ecb/.travis.yml#L47-L59 # "Deploy to https://github.com/rectorphp/rector-prefixed" - name: Compile and Release rector.phar if: (branch = master OR tag IS present) && type = push php: 7.4 script: - cd compiler # see https://gist.github.com/jeffersonmartin/d0d4a8dfec90d224d14f250b36c74d2f # see https://www.previousnext.com.au/blog/managing-composer-github-access-personal-access-tokens - composer config -g github-oauth.github.com $GITHUB_TOKEN - composer install --ansi - bin/compile --ansi - ../tmp/rector.phar --ansi - cd .. # reuse tmp/rector.phar from previous job - git clone https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/rectorphp/rector-prefixed.git rector-prefixed > /dev/null 2>&1 - cp tmp/rector.phar rector-prefixed/rector.phar - cp tmp/rector.phar rector-prefixed/rector - cd rector-prefixed - git config user.name "TomasVotruba" - git config user.email "tomas.vot@gmail.com" - git add rector rector.phar - if [ "${TRAVIS_TAG}" != "" ]; then COMMIT_MSG="Rector ${TRAVIS_TAG}"; else COMMIT_MSG="Updated Rector to commit ${TRAVIS_COMMIT}"; fi - git commit -m "${COMMIT_MSG}" - git push --quiet origin master -f - if [ "${TRAVIS_TAG}" != "" ]; then git tag "${TRAVIS_TAG}" && git push --quiet origin ${TRAVIS_TAG}; fi notifications: email: false