language: php matrix: include: - php: 7.1 env: STATIC_ANALYSIS=true RUN_RECTOR=true MONOREPO_SPLIT=true - php: 7.1 env: COMPOSER_FLAGS="--prefer-lowest" # - php: 7.2 # env: PHPUNIT_FLAGS="--coverage-clover coverage.xml" install: - composer update $COMPOSER_FLAGS before_script: # disable xdebug if not coverage - if [[ $PHPUNIT_FLAGS == "" ]]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini; fi script: - vendor/bin/phpunit $PHPUNIT_FLAGS # disable xdebug - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini || return 0 - | if [[ $STATIC_ANALYSIS == true ]]; then composer check-cs composer phpstan fi # Rector demo run - | if [[ $RUN_RECTOR == true ]]; then bin/rector process src tests --level symfony40 --dry-run bin/rector generate-rector-overview fi after_script: # upload coverage.xml to Coveralls # - | # if [[ $PHPUNIT_FLAGS != "" ]]; then # wget; # php php-coveralls.phar --verbose; # fi # split monorepo to packages - only on merge to master + publish prefixed version - | if [[ $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE == "push" && $MONOREPO_SPLIT == true && $TRAVIS_BRANCH == "master" ]]; then vendor/bin/monorepo-builder split -v composer publish-prefixed fi cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache notifications: email: never