simpleCallableNodeTraverser = $simpleCallableNodeTraverser; $this->valueResolver = $valueResolver; $this->nodeNameResolver = $nodeNameResolver; $this->nodeTypeResolver = $nodeTypeResolver; $this->nodesToRemoveCollector = $nodesToRemoveCollector; $this->nodeComparator = $nodeComparator; } /** * @param Node[] $nodes */ public function refactorArrayToken(array $nodes, Expr $singleTokenExpr): void { $this->replaceTokenDimFetchZeroWithGetTokenName($nodes, $singleTokenExpr); // replace "$token[1]"; with "$token->value" $this->simpleCallableNodeTraverser->traverseNodesWithCallable($nodes, function (Node $node): ?PropertyFetch { if (! $node instanceof ArrayDimFetch) { return null; } if (! $this->isArrayDimFetchWithDimIntegerValue($node, 1)) { return null; } $tokenStaticType = $this->nodeTypeResolver->getStaticType($node->var); if (! $tokenStaticType instanceof ArrayType) { return null; } return new PropertyFetch($node->var, 'text'); }); } /** * @param Node[] $nodes */ public function refactorNonArrayToken(array $nodes, Expr $singleTokenExpr): void { // replace "$content = $token;" → "$content = $token->text;" $this->simpleCallableNodeTraverser->traverseNodesWithCallable($nodes, function (Node $node) use ( $singleTokenExpr ) { if (! $node instanceof Assign) { return null; } if (! $this->nodeComparator->areNodesEqual($node->expr, $singleTokenExpr)) { return null; } $tokenStaticType = $this->nodeTypeResolver->getStaticType($node->expr); if ($tokenStaticType instanceof ArrayType) { return null; } $node->expr = new PropertyFetch($singleTokenExpr, 'text'); }); // replace "$name = null;" → "$name = $token->getTokenName();" $this->simpleCallableNodeTraverser->traverseNodesWithCallable($nodes, function (Node $node) use ( $singleTokenExpr ): ?Assign { if (! $node instanceof Assign) { return null; } $tokenStaticType = $this->nodeTypeResolver->getStaticType($node->expr); if ($tokenStaticType instanceof ArrayType) { return null; } if ($this->assignedNameExpr === null) { return null; } if (! $this->nodeComparator->areNodesEqual($node->var, $this->assignedNameExpr)) { return null; } if (! $this->valueResolver->isValue($node->expr, 'null')) { return null; } $node->expr = new MethodCall($singleTokenExpr, 'getTokenName'); return $node; }); } /** * @param Node[] $nodes */ public function refactorTokenIsKind(array $nodes, Expr $singleTokenExpr): void { $this->simpleCallableNodeTraverser->traverseNodesWithCallable($nodes, function (Node $node) use ( $singleTokenExpr ): ?MethodCall { if (! $node instanceof Identical) { return null; } $arrayDimFetchAndConstFetch = $this->matchArrayDimFetchAndConstFetch($node); if (! $arrayDimFetchAndConstFetch instanceof ArrayDimFetchAndConstFetch) { return null; } if (! $this->isArrayDimFetchWithDimIntegerValue($arrayDimFetchAndConstFetch->getArrayDimFetch(), 0)) { return null; } $arrayDimFetch = $arrayDimFetchAndConstFetch->getArrayDimFetch(); $constFetch = $arrayDimFetchAndConstFetch->getConstFetch(); if (! $this->nodeComparator->areNodesEqual($arrayDimFetch->var, $singleTokenExpr)) { return null; } $constName = $this->nodeNameResolver->getName($constFetch); if ($constName === null) { return null; } if (! Strings::match($constName, '#^T_#')) { return null; } return $this->createIsTConstTypeMethodCall( $arrayDimFetch, $arrayDimFetchAndConstFetch->getConstFetch() ); }); } /** * @param Node[] $nodes */ public function removeIsArray(array $nodes, Variable $singleTokenVariable): void { $this->simpleCallableNodeTraverser->traverseNodesWithCallable($nodes, function (Node $node) use ( $singleTokenVariable ) { if (! $node instanceof FuncCall) { return null; } if (! $this->nodeNameResolver->isName($node, 'is_array')) { return null; } if (! $this->nodeComparator->areNodesEqual($node->args[0]->value, $singleTokenVariable)) { return null; } if ($this->shouldSkipNodeRemovalForPartOfIf($node)) { return null; } // remove correct node $nodeToRemove = $this->matchParentNodeInCaseOfIdenticalTrue($node); $this->nodesToRemoveCollector->addNodeToRemove($nodeToRemove); }); } /** * Replace $token[0] with $token->getTokenName() call * * @param Node[] $nodes */ private function replaceTokenDimFetchZeroWithGetTokenName(array $nodes, Expr $singleTokenExpr): void { $this->simpleCallableNodeTraverser->traverseNodesWithCallable($nodes, function (Node $node) use ( $singleTokenExpr ): ?MethodCall { if (! $node instanceof FuncCall) { return null; } if (! $this->nodeNameResolver->isName($node, 'token_name')) { return null; } $possibleTokenArray = $node->args[0]->value; if (! $possibleTokenArray instanceof ArrayDimFetch) { return null; } $tokenStaticType = $this->nodeTypeResolver->getStaticType($possibleTokenArray->var); if (! $tokenStaticType instanceof ArrayType) { return null; } if ($possibleTokenArray->dim === null) { return null; } if (! $this->valueResolver->isValue($possibleTokenArray->dim, 0)) { return null; } if (! $this->nodeComparator->areNodesEqual($possibleTokenArray->var, $singleTokenExpr)) { return null; } // save token variable name for later $parentNode = $node->getAttribute(AttributeKey::PARENT_NODE); if ($parentNode instanceof Assign) { $this->assignedNameExpr = $parentNode->var; } return new MethodCall($singleTokenExpr, 'getTokenName'); }); } private function isArrayDimFetchWithDimIntegerValue(ArrayDimFetch $arrayDimFetch, int $value): bool { if ($arrayDimFetch->dim === null) { return false; } return $this->valueResolver->isValue($arrayDimFetch->dim, $value); } private function matchArrayDimFetchAndConstFetch(Identical $identical): ?ArrayDimFetchAndConstFetch { if ($identical->left instanceof ArrayDimFetch && $identical->right instanceof ConstFetch) { return new ArrayDimFetchAndConstFetch($identical->left, $identical->right); } if (! $identical->right instanceof ArrayDimFetch) { return null; } if (! $identical->left instanceof ConstFetch) { return null; } return new ArrayDimFetchAndConstFetch($identical->right, $identical->left); } private function createIsTConstTypeMethodCall(ArrayDimFetch $arrayDimFetch, ConstFetch $constFetch): MethodCall { return new MethodCall($arrayDimFetch->var, 'is', [new Arg($constFetch)]); } private function shouldSkipNodeRemovalForPartOfIf(FuncCall $funcCall): bool { $parentNode = $funcCall->getAttribute(AttributeKey::PARENT_NODE); // cannot remove x from if(x) if ($parentNode instanceof If_ && $parentNode->cond === $funcCall) { return true; } if ($parentNode instanceof BooleanNot) { $parentParentNode = $parentNode->getAttribute(AttributeKey::PARENT_NODE); if ($parentParentNode instanceof If_) { $parentParentNode->cond = $parentNode; return true; } } return false; } private function matchParentNodeInCaseOfIdenticalTrue(FuncCall $funcCall): Expr { $parentNode = $funcCall->getAttribute(AttributeKey::PARENT_NODE); if ($parentNode instanceof Identical) { $isRightValueTrue = $this->valueResolver->isValue($parentNode->right, true); if ($parentNode->left === $funcCall && $isRightValueTrue) { return $parentNode; } $isLeftValueTrue = $this->valueResolver->isValue($parentNode->left, true); if ($parentNode->right === $funcCall && $isLeftValueTrue) { return $parentNode; } } return $funcCall; } }