nodeNameResolver = $nodeNameResolver; $this->phpDocInfoFactory = $phpDocInfoFactory; $this->builderFactory = $builderFactory; $this->valueResolver = $valueResolver; $this->betterNodeFinder = $betterNodeFinder; } public function createFromClass(Class_ $class) : Enum_ { $shortClassName = $this->nodeNameResolver->getShortName($class); $enum = new Enum_($shortClassName, [], ['startLine' => $class->getStartLine(), 'endLine' => $class->getEndLine()]); $enum->namespacedName = $class->namespacedName; $constants = $class->getConstants(); $enum->stmts = $class->getTraitUses(); if ($constants !== []) { $value = $this->valueResolver->getValue($constants[0]->consts[0]->value); $enum->scalarType = \is_string($value) ? new Identifier('string') : new Identifier('int'); // constant to cases foreach ($constants as $constant) { $enum->stmts[] = $this->createEnumCaseFromConst($constant); } } $enum->stmts = \array_merge($enum->stmts, $class->getMethods()); return $enum; } public function createFromSpatieClass(Class_ $class, bool $enumNameInSnakeCase = \false) : Enum_ { $shortClassName = $this->nodeNameResolver->getShortName($class); $enum = new Enum_($shortClassName, [], ['startLine' => $class->getStartLine(), 'endLine' => $class->getEndLine()]); $enum->namespacedName = $class->namespacedName; // constant to cases $phpDocInfo = $this->phpDocInfoFactory->createFromNodeOrEmpty($class); $docBlockMethods = $phpDocInfo->getTagsByName('@method'); if ($docBlockMethods !== []) { $mapping = $this->generateMappingFromClass($class); $identifierType = $this->getIdentifierTypeFromMappings($mapping); $enum->scalarType = new Identifier($identifierType); foreach ($docBlockMethods as $docBlockMethod) { $enum->stmts[] = $this->createEnumCaseFromDocComment($docBlockMethod, $class, $mapping, $enumNameInSnakeCase); } } return $enum; } private function createEnumCaseFromConst(ClassConst $classConst) : EnumCase { $constConst = $classConst->consts[0]; $enumCase = new EnumCase($constConst->name, $constConst->value, [], ['startLine' => $constConst->getStartLine(), 'endLine' => $constConst->getEndLine()]); // mirror comments $enumCase->setAttribute(AttributeKey::PHP_DOC_INFO, $classConst->getAttribute(AttributeKey::PHP_DOC_INFO)); $enumCase->setAttribute(AttributeKey::COMMENTS, $classConst->getAttribute(AttributeKey::COMMENTS)); return $enumCase; } /** * @param array $mapping */ private function createEnumCaseFromDocComment(PhpDocTagNode $phpDocTagNode, Class_ $class, array $mapping = [], bool $enumNameInSnakeCase = \false) : EnumCase { /** @var MethodTagValueNode $nodeValue */ $nodeValue = $phpDocTagNode->value; $enumValue = $mapping[$nodeValue->methodName] ?? $nodeValue->methodName; if ($enumNameInSnakeCase) { $enumName = \strtoupper(Strings::replace($nodeValue->methodName, self::PASCAL_CASE_TO_UNDERSCORE_REGEX, '_$0')); $enumName = Strings::replace($enumName, self::MULTI_UNDERSCORES_REGEX, '_'); } else { $enumName = \strtoupper($nodeValue->methodName); } $enumExpr = $this->builderFactory->val($enumValue); return new EnumCase($enumName, $enumExpr, [], ['startLine' => $class->getStartLine(), 'endLine' => $class->getEndLine()]); } /** * @return array */ private function generateMappingFromClass(Class_ $class) : array { $classMethod = $class->getMethod('values'); if (!$classMethod instanceof ClassMethod) { return []; } $returns = $this->betterNodeFinder->findReturnsScoped($classMethod); /** @var array $mapping */ $mapping = []; foreach ($returns as $return) { if (!$return->expr instanceof Array_) { continue; } $mapping = $this->collectMappings($return->expr->items, $mapping); } return $mapping; } /** * @param null[]|ArrayItem[] $items * @param array $mapping * @return array */ private function collectMappings(array $items, array $mapping) : array { foreach ($items as $item) { if (!$item instanceof ArrayItem) { continue; } if (!$item->key instanceof Int_ && !$item->key instanceof String_) { continue; } if (!$item->value instanceof Int_ && !$item->value instanceof String_) { continue; } $mapping[$item->key->value] = $item->value->value; } return $mapping; } /** * @param array $mapping */ private function getIdentifierTypeFromMappings(array $mapping) : string { $callableGetType = static fn($value): string => \gettype($value); $valueTypes = \array_map($callableGetType, $mapping); $uniqueValueTypes = \array_unique($valueTypes); if (\count($uniqueValueTypes) === 1) { $identifierType = \reset($uniqueValueTypes); if ($identifierType === 'integer') { $identifierType = 'int'; } } else { $identifierType = 'string'; } return $identifierType; } }