# Rector - Upgrade your Legacy App to Modern Codebase Rector is a **rec**onstruc**tor** tool - it does **instant upgrades** and **instant refactoring** of your code. I mean, why do it manually if 80 % can Rector handle for you? [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/rectorphp/rector/master.svg?style=flat-square)](https://travis-ci.org/rectorphp/rector) [![Coverage Status](https://img.shields.io/coveralls/rectorphp/rector/master.svg?style=flat-square)](https://coveralls.io/github/rectorphp/rector?branch=master) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/rector/rector.svg?style=flat-square)](https://packagist.org/packages/rector/rector) ![Rector-showcase](docs/images/rector-showcase.gif) Rector **instantly upgrades PHP & YAML code of your application**, with focus on open-source projects:

**Rector can**: - Rename classes, methods and properties - Rename partial namespace - Rename pseudo-namespace to namespace - Add, replace or remove arguments - Add arguments or return typehint - Change visibility of constant, property or method - And much more... ...**look at overview of [all available Rectors](/docs/AllRectorsOverview.md)** with before/after diffs and configuration examples. You can use them to build your own sets. ## Install ```bash composer require rector/rector --dev ``` **Do you have conflicts on `composer require`?** Install [prefixed version](https://github.com/rectorphp/rector-prefixed) with isolated dependencies. ### Extra Autoloading Rector relies on project and autoloading of its classes. To specify own autoload file, use `--autoload-file` option: ```bash vendor/bin/rector process ../project --autoload-file ../project/vendor/autoload.php ``` Or make use of `rector.yml` config: ```yaml # rector.yml parameters: autoload_paths: - 'vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/autoload.php' - 'vendor/project-without-composer' ``` You can also **exclude files or directories** (with regex or [fnmatch](http://php.net/manual/en/function.fnmatch.php)): ```yaml # rector.yml parameters: exclude_paths: - '*/src/*/Tests/*' ``` ## Running Rector ### A. Prepared Sets Featured open-source projects have **prepared sets**. You'll find them in [`/config/level`](/config/level) or by calling: ```bash vendor/bin/rector levels ``` Let's say you pick `symfony40` level and you want to upgrade your `/src` directory: ```bash # show known changes in Symfony 4.0 vendor/bin/rector process src --level symfony40 --dry-run ``` ```bash # apply vendor/bin/rector process src --level symfony40 ``` Tip: To process just specific subdirectories, you can use [fnmatch](http://php.net/manual/en/function.fnmatch.php) pattern: ```bash vendor/bin/rector process "src/Symfony/Component/*/Tests" --level phpunit60 --dry-run ``` ### B. Custom Sets 1. Create `rector.yml` with desired Rectors: ```yaml services: Rector\Rector\Architecture\DependencyInjection\AnnotatedPropertyInjectToConstructorInjectionRector: $annotation: "inject" ``` 2. Run on your `/src` directory: ```bash vendor/bin/rector process src --dry-run # apply vendor/bin/rector process src ``` ## How to Apply Coding Standards? AST that Rector uses doesn't deal with coding standards very well, so it's better to let coding standard tools do that. Your project doesn't have one? Rector ships with [EasyCodingStandard](https://github.com/Symplify/EasyCodingStandard) set that covers namespaces import, 1 empty line between class elements etc. Just use `--with-style` option to handle these basic cases: ```bash vendor/bin/rector process src --with-style ``` ## More Detailed Documentation - **[All Rectors Overview](/docs/AllRectorsOverview.md)** - [How Rector Works?](/docs/HowItWorks.md) - [How to Create Own Rector](/docs/HowToCreateOwnRector.md) ## How to Contribute Just follow 3 rules: - **1 feature per pull-request** - **New feature needs tests** - Tests, coding standards and PHPStan **checks must pass**: ```bash composer complete-check ``` Don you need to fix coding standards? Run: ```bash composer fix-cs ``` We would be happy to merge your feature then. ## Run rector in docker With this command, you can process your project with rector from docker: ```bash docker run -v $(pwd):/project rector:latest ```