# Backers
Development of Rector is made possible thanks to these awesome backers! Would you like to join them?
- [Become a backer or sponsor on Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/rectorphp)
- [Donate once via PayPal](https://www.paypal.me/rectorphp)
Check out all the tiers - higher ones include additional goodies like placing the logo of your company in Rector's README or creating custom set for your needs.
## $20+
- Jan Votruba
## $5+
- Kerrial Newham
- Jan Mikeš
- Jan Kuchař
- Jakob Oberhummer
- Attila Fulop
## $1+
- Arnaud TIERANT
## PayPal Backers
- Musement S.p.a.
- Sebastian Schreiber