*/ private const CHARACTER_CLASS_MAP = [ ':alnum:' => '[:alnum:]', ':alpha:' => '[:alpha:]', ':blank:' => '[:blank:]', ':cntrl:' => '[:cntrl:]', ':digit:' => '\\d', ':graph:' => '[:graph:]', ':lower:' => '[:lower:]', ':print:' => '[:print:]', ':punct:' => '[:punct:]', // should include VT ':space:' => '013\\s', ':upper:' => '[:upper:]', ':xdigit:' => '[:xdigit:]', ]; /** * @var string * @see https://regex101.com/r/htpXFg/1 */ private const BOUND_REGEX = '/^(?<' . self::MINIMAL_NUMBER_PART . '>\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d| 2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5]) (?,(?<' . self::MAXIMAL_NUMBER_PART . '>\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d\\d| 2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])?)?$/x'; /** * @var string */ private const MINIMAL_NUMBER_PART = 'minimal_number'; /** * @var string */ private const MAXIMAL_NUMBER_PART = 'maximal_number'; /** * @var string[] */ private $icache = []; /** * @var string[] */ private $cache = []; /** * @var string */ private $pcreDelimiter = '#'; /** * Change this via services configuratoin in rector.php if you need it * Single type is chosen to prevent every regular with different delimiter. */ public function __construct(string $pcreDelimiter = '#') { $this->pcreDelimiter = $pcreDelimiter; } public function transform(string $ereg, bool $isCaseInsensitive) : string { if (\strpos($ereg, $this->pcreDelimiter) === \false) { return $this->ere2pcre($ereg, $isCaseInsensitive); } // fallback $quotedEreg = \preg_quote($ereg, '#'); return $this->ere2pcre($quotedEreg, $isCaseInsensitive); } // converts the ERE $s into the PCRE $r. triggers error on any invalid input. private function ere2pcre(string $content, bool $ignorecase) : string { if ($ignorecase) { if (isset($this->icache[$content])) { return $this->icache[$content]; } } elseif (isset($this->cache[$content])) { return $this->cache[$content]; } [$r, $i] = $this->_ere2pcre($content, 0); if ($i !== \strlen($content)) { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('unescaped metacharacter ")"'); } if ($ignorecase) { return $this->icache[$content] = '#' . $r . '#mi'; } return $this->cache[$content] = '#' . $r . '#m'; } /** * Recursively converts ERE into PCRE, starting at the position $i. * * @return mixed[] */ private function _ere2pcre(string $content, int $i) : array { $r = ['']; $rr = 0; $l = \strlen($content); while ($i < $l) { // atom $char = $content[$i]; if ($char === '(') { $i = (int) $i; $i = $this->processBracket($content, $i, $l, $r, $rr); } elseif ($char === '[') { ++$i; $cls = ''; if ($i < $l && $content[$i] === '^') { $cls .= '^'; ++$i; } if ($i >= $l) { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('"[" does not have a matching "]"'); } $start = \true; $i = (int) $i; [$cls, $i] = $this->processSquareBracket($content, $i, $l, $cls, $start); if ($i >= $l) { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('"[" does not have a matching "]"'); } $r[$rr] .= '[' . $cls . ']'; } elseif ($char === ')') { break; } elseif ($char === '*' || $char === '+' || $char === '?') { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('unescaped metacharacter "' . $char . '"'); } elseif ($char === '{') { if ($i + 1 < $l && \strpos('0123456789', $content[$i + 1]) !== \false) { $r[$rr] .= '\\{'; } else { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('unescaped metacharacter "' . $char . '"'); } } elseif ($char === '.') { $r[$rr] .= $char; } elseif ($char === '^' || $char === '$') { $r[$rr] .= $char; ++$i; continue; } elseif ($char === '|') { if ($r[$rr] === '') { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('empty branch'); } $r[] = ''; ++$rr; ++$i; continue; } elseif ($char === '\\') { if (++$i >= $l) { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('an invalid escape sequence at the end'); } $r[$rr] .= $this->_ere2pcre_escape($content[$i]); } else { // including ] and } which are allowed as a literal character $r[$rr] .= $this->_ere2pcre_escape($char); } ++$i; if ($i >= $l) { break; } // piece after the atom (only ONE of them is possible) $char = $content[$i]; if ($char === '*' || $char === '+' || $char === '?') { $r[$rr] .= $char; ++$i; } elseif ($char === '{') { $i = (int) $i; $i = $this->processCurlyBracket($content, $i, $r, $rr); } } if ($r[$rr] === '') { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('empty regular expression or branch'); } return [\implode('|', $r), $i]; } /** * @param mixed[] $r */ private function processBracket(string $content, int $i, int $l, array &$r, int $rr) : int { // special case if ($i + 1 < $l && $content[$i + 1] === ')') { $r[$rr] .= '()'; ++$i; } else { $position = $i + 1; [$t, $ii] = $this->_ere2pcre($content, $position); if ($ii >= $l || $content[$ii] !== ')') { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('"(" does not have a matching ")"'); } $r[$rr] .= '(' . $t . ')'; $i = $ii; } return $i; } /** * @return mixed[] */ private function processSquareBracket(string $s, int $i, int $l, string $cls, bool $start) : array { do { if ($s[$i] === '[' && $i + 1 < $l && \strpos('.=:', $s[$i + 1]) !== \false) { /** @var string $cls */ [$cls, $i] = $this->processCharacterClass($s, $i, $cls); } else { $a = $s[$i]; ++$i; if ($a === '-' && !$start && !($i < $l && $s[$i] === ']')) { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('"-" is invalid for the start character in the brackets'); } if ($i < $l && $s[$i] === '-') { $b = $s[++$i]; ++$i; if ($b === ']') { $cls .= $this->_ere2pcre_escape($a) . '\\-'; break; } elseif (\ord($a) > \ord($b)) { $errorMessage = \sprintf('an invalid character range %d-%d"', (int) $a, (int) $b); throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException($errorMessage); } $cls .= $this->_ere2pcre_escape($a) . '-' . $this->_ere2pcre_escape($b); } else { $cls .= $this->_ere2pcre_escape($a); } } $start = \false; } while ($i < $l && $s[$i] !== ']'); return [$cls, $i]; } private function _ere2pcre_escape(string $content) : string { if ($content === "\0") { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('a literal null byte in the regex'); } if (\strpos('\\^$.[]|()?*+{}-/', $content) !== \false) { return '\\' . $content; } return $content; } /** * @param mixed[] $r */ private function processCurlyBracket(string $s, int $i, array &$r, int $rr) : int { $ii = \strpos($s, '}', $i); if ($ii === \false) { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('"{" does not have a matching "}"'); } $start = $i + 1; $length = $ii - ($i + 1); $bound = \RectorPrefix20210815\Nette\Utils\Strings::substring($s, $start, $length); $matches = \RectorPrefix20210815\Nette\Utils\Strings::match($bound, self::BOUND_REGEX); if ($matches === null) { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('an invalid bound'); } if (isset($matches[self::MAXIMAL_NUMBER_PART])) { if ($matches[self::MINIMAL_NUMBER_PART] > $matches[self::MAXIMAL_NUMBER_PART]) { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('an invalid bound'); } $r[$rr] .= '{' . $matches[self::MINIMAL_NUMBER_PART] . ',' . $matches[self::MAXIMAL_NUMBER_PART] . '}'; } elseif (isset($matches['comma'])) { $r[$rr] .= '{' . $matches[self::MINIMAL_NUMBER_PART] . ',}'; } else { $r[$rr] .= '{' . $matches[self::MINIMAL_NUMBER_PART] . '}'; } return $ii + 1; } /** * @return int[]|string[] */ private function processCharacterClass(string $content, int $i, string $cls) : array { $offset = $i; $ii = \strpos($content, ']', $offset); if ($ii === \false) { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('"[" does not have a matching "]"'); } $start = $i + 1; $length = $ii - ($i + 1); $ccls = \RectorPrefix20210815\Nette\Utils\Strings::substring($content, $start, $length); if (!isset(self::CHARACTER_CLASS_MAP[$ccls])) { throw new \Rector\Php70\Exception\InvalidEregException('an invalid or unsupported character class [' . $ccls . ']'); } $cls .= self::CHARACTER_CLASS_MAP[$ccls]; $i = $ii + 1; return [$cls, $i]; } }