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synced 2025-02-13 20:36:23 +01:00
* [scoped] build PHP 7.0 repo to own repository to avoid breaking prefixed rector * lint with PHP 7.0 files
35 lines
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35 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66644233/how-to-propagate-colors-from-bash-script-to-github-action?noredirect=1#comment117811853_66644233
export TERM=xterm-color
# show errors
set -e
# script fails if trying to access to an undefined variable
set -u
# configure - 1st argument, use like
# sh build/downgrade-rector.sh <directory-with-code-to-downgrade>
# 1. downgrade it
echo "[NOTE] Running downgrade in '$BUILD_DIRECTORY' directory\n";
# 3. provide directories to downgrade; includes the rector dirs
directories=$(php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/rector downgrade-paths 7.1 --config build/config/config-downgrade.php --working-dir $BUILD_DIRECTORY --ansi)
# split array see https://stackoverflow.com/a/1407098/1348344
export IFS=";"
# 4. downgrade the directories
for directory in $directories; do
echo "[NOTE] Downgrading '$directory' directory\n"
# --working-dir is needed, so "SKIP" parameter is applied in absolute path of nested directory
php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/rector process $directory --config build/config/config-downgrade.php --working-dir $BUILD_DIRECTORY --ansi