Tomas Votruba 247cb9fc8b Updated Rector to commit f82fa3182cf021adbce60e2c6d9e823df5737881
f82fa3182c [DeadCode] Make RemoveUnusedPrivatePropertyRector configurable to allow skip remove assign with side effect (#1948)
2022-03-20 19:48:16 +00:00

Console Component

The Console component eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces.


The Console component for Symfony 5.4/6.0 is backed by is a team of 50+ Symfony experts who can help you design, develop and fix your projects. We provide a wide range of professional services including development, consulting, coaching, training and audits. We also are highly skilled in JS, Go and DevOps. We are a worker cooperative!

Help Symfony by sponsoring its development!



Resources/bin/hiddeninput.exe is a third party binary provided within this component. Find sources and license at