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synced 2025-02-24 03:35:01 +01:00
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# Due to some Github Actions limitations, we are running realtime fixes (commits) only for self-owned-pr
# Current limitations:
# - Secrets (ACCESS_TOKEN) are not available in PRs from forks
# - Github Token has Read-only access (can not commit), Personal Access Token must be used instead
# - Github Token does not trigger workflows after push
# So we basically have chicken-egg problem here
# https://help.github.com/en/actions/configuring-and-managing-workflows/authenticating-with-the-github_token#permissions-for-the-github_token
name: Rector CI
pull_request: null
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }} # Solves the not "You are not currently on a branch" problem, see https://github.com/actions/checkout/issues/124#issuecomment-586664611
token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }} # Must be used to trigger workflow after push
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v1
php-version: 7.3
coverage: none
- run: composer install --no-progress --ansi
## First run Rector
- run: composer rector
name: Check for Rector modified files
id: rector-git-check
run: echo ::set-output name=modified::$(if git diff --exit-code --no-patch; then echo "false"; else echo "true"; fi)
- name: Git config
if: steps.rector-git-check.outputs.modified == 'true'
run: |
git config --global user.name 'rector-bot'
git config --global user.email 'tomas@getrector.org'
echo ::set-env name=COMMIT_MESSAGE::$(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%s")
- name: Commit Rector changes
if: steps.rector-git-check.outputs.modified == 'true'
run: git commit -am "fixup! ${COMMIT_MESSAGE}"
## Now, there might be coding standard issues after running Rector
if: steps.rector-git-check.outputs.modified == 'true'
run: composer fix-cs
name: Check for CS modified files
if: steps.rector-git-check.outputs.modified == 'true'
id: cs-git-check
run: echo ::set-output name=modified::$(if git diff --exit-code --no-patch; then echo "false"; else echo "true"; fi)
- name: Commit CS changes
if: steps.cs-git-check.outputs.modified == 'true'
run: git commit -am "fixup! fixup! ${COMMIT_MESSAGE}"
- name: Push changes
if: steps.rector-git-check.outputs.modified == 'true'
run: git push
# In case we want to fail this job when there are changed files, just add "exit 1"