Tomas Votruba 6a5ebad0e7 Updated Rector to commit f0a1b688f360319847d86901d66f96a456b1c75d
f0a1b688f3 [DowngradePhp80] Apply PHPStan 1.7.x-dev compatible for PhpParameterReflection (#2336)
2022-05-20 10:24:40 +00:00

82 lines
3.1 KiB

* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace RectorPrefix20220520\Symfony\Component\Finder;
* Gitignore matches against text.
* @author Michael Voříšek <>
* @author Ahmed Abdou <>
class Gitignore
* Returns a regexp which is the equivalent of the gitignore pattern.
* Format specification:
public static function toRegex(string $gitignoreFileContent) : string
return self::buildRegex($gitignoreFileContent, \false);
public static function toRegexMatchingNegatedPatterns(string $gitignoreFileContent) : string
return self::buildRegex($gitignoreFileContent, \true);
private static function buildRegex(string $gitignoreFileContent, bool $inverted) : string
$gitignoreFileContent = \preg_replace('~(?<!\\\\)#[^\\n\\r]*~', '', $gitignoreFileContent);
$gitignoreLines = \preg_split('~\\r\\n?|\\n~', $gitignoreFileContent);
$res = self::lineToRegex('');
foreach ($gitignoreLines as $line) {
$line = \preg_replace('~(?<!\\\\)[ \\t]+$~', '', $line);
if ('!' === \substr($line, 0, 1)) {
$line = \substr($line, 1);
$isNegative = \true;
} else {
$isNegative = \false;
if ('' !== $line) {
if ($isNegative xor $inverted) {
$res = '(?!' . self::lineToRegex($line) . '$)' . $res;
} else {
$res = '(?:' . $res . '|' . self::lineToRegex($line) . ')';
return '~^(?:' . $res . ')~s';
private static function lineToRegex(string $gitignoreLine) : string
if ('' === $gitignoreLine) {
return '$f';
// always false
$slashPos = \strpos($gitignoreLine, '/');
if (\false !== $slashPos && \strlen($gitignoreLine) - 1 !== $slashPos) {
if (0 === $slashPos) {
$gitignoreLine = \substr($gitignoreLine, 1);
$isAbsolute = \true;
} else {
$isAbsolute = \false;
$regex = \preg_quote(\str_replace('\\', '', $gitignoreLine), '~');
$regex = \preg_replace_callback('~\\\\\\[((?:\\\\!)?)([^\\[\\]]*)\\\\\\]~', function (array $matches) : string {
return '[' . ('' !== $matches[1] ? '^' : '') . \str_replace('\\-', '-', $matches[2]) . ']';
}, $regex);
$regex = \preg_replace('~(?:(?:\\\\\\*){2,}(/?))+~', '(?:(?:(?!//).(?<!//))+$1)?', $regex);
$regex = \preg_replace('~\\\\\\*~', '[^/]*', $regex);
$regex = \preg_replace('~\\\\\\?~', '[^/]', $regex);
return ($isAbsolute ? '' : '(?:[^/]+/)*') . $regex . (\substr_compare($gitignoreLine, '/', -\strlen('/')) !== 0 ? '(?:$|/)' : '');