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Rector - Reconstruct your Legacy Code to Modern Codebase

Build Status Coverage Status

This tool will upgrade your application for you.

All Reconstructors

At the moment these packages are supported:


composer require rector/rector --dev

Install on PHP < 7.1

You must have separated environment with PHP 7.1 (for example in Docker container). When you have it then run following command.

composer create-project rector/rector your-path-to-rector

When do you have it then you can run all commands like

your-path-to-rector/bin/rector process /var/www/old-project --level=nette24
your-path-to-rector/bin/rector process /var/www/another-old-project --level=symfony40

How To Reconstruct your Code?

  1. Create rector.yml with desired Rectors
    - Rector\Rector\Contrib\Nette\Application\InjectPropertyRector
  1. Run rector on your /src directory
vendor/bin/rector process src
  1. Check the Git
git diff

6 Steps to Add New Rector

Just extend Rector\Rector\AbstractRector. It will prepare 2 methods processing the node.

public function isCandidate(Node $node): bool

public function refactor(Node $node): ?Node
  1. Put it under namespace Rector\Contrib\<set>; namespace
<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace Rector\Contrib\Symfony;
use Rector\Rector\AbstractRector;

final class MyRector extends AbstractRector
    // ...
  1. Add a Test Case

  2. Add to specific level, e.g. /src/config/level/nette/nette24.yml

  3. Submit PR

  4. 👍

Simpler setup with Dynamic Rectors

You don't have to always write PHP code. Many projects change only classes or method names, so it would be too much work for a simple task.

Instead you can use prepared Dynamic Rectors directly in *.yml config:

You can:

  • replace class name

    # phpunit60.yml
            # old class: new class
            'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase': 'PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase'
  • replace part of namespace

    # better-reflection20.yml
            'BetterReflection': 'Roave\BetterReflection'
  • change method name

    # nette24.yml
            # class:
            #   old method: new method
                'add': 'addHtml'
            # or in case of static methods calls
            # class:
            #   old method: [new class, new method] 
                'renderFormBegin': ['Nette\Bridges\FormsLatte\Runtime', 'renderFormBegin']
  • change class constant name

    # symfony30.yml
            # class:
                'PRE_BIND': 'PRE_SUBMIT'
                'BIND': 'SUBMIT'
                'POST_BIND': 'POST_SUBMIT'
  • or replace underscore naming _ with namespaces \

            # old namespace prefix
            - 'PHPUnit_'

READMEs for Subpackages

Advanced Operations

How to Contribute

Just follow 3 rules:

  • 1 feature per pull-request

  • New feature needs tests

  • Tests, coding standard and PHPStan checks must pass

    composer all

    Don you need to fix coding standards? Run:

    composer fix-cs

We would be happy to merge your feature then.

PHP 99.9%