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311 lines
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* This class was used to automate huge refactoring in https://github.com/rectorphp/rector/pull/584
* It helped with 7-step refactoring of 96 files:
* - 1. replace "isCandidate()" method by "getNodeType()" method
* - 2. rename "return false;" to "return null;" to respect "refactor(Node $node): ?Node" typehint
* - 3. rename used variable "$node" to "$specificTypeParam"
* - 4. turn last return in "isCondition()" with early return
* - 5. return true makes no sense anymore, just continue
* - 6. remove first "instanceof", already covered by getNodeType()
* - 7. add contents of "isCandidate()" method to start of "refactor()" method
* It took ~2 hours to setup. Saved work of 5-6 hours and much more stress :)
namespace Rector\Examples;
use PhpParser\BuilderFactory;
use PhpParser\Node;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayItem;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Identical;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ClassConstFetch;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\ConstFetch;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable;
use PhpParser\Node\Name;
use PhpParser\Node\Name\FullyQualified;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassMethod;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\If_;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Nop;
use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Return_;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ParamTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\IdentifierTypeNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\UnionTypeNode;
use Rector\NodeTypeResolver\PhpDoc\NodeAnalyzer\DocBlockAnalyzer;
use Rector\PhpParser\NodeTraverser\CallableNodeTraverser;
use Rector\Rector\AbstractRector;
use Rector\RectorDefinition\CodeSample;
use Rector\RectorDefinition\RectorDefinition;
final class MergeIsCandidateRector extends AbstractRector
* @var BuilderFactory
private $builderFactory;
* @var DocBlockAnalyzer
private $docBlockAnalyzer;
* @var CallableNodeTraverser
private $callableNodeTraverser;
public function __construct(
BuilderFactory $builderFactory,
DocBlockAnalyzer $docBlockAnalyzer,
CallableNodeTraverser $callableNodeTraverser
) {
$this->builderFactory = $builderFactory;
$this->docBlockAnalyzer = $docBlockAnalyzer;
$this->callableNodeTraverser = $callableNodeTraverser;
public function getDefinition(): RectorDefinition
return new RectorDefinition(
'Finds all "Rector\Rector\AbstractRector" instances, merges "isCandidate()" method to "refactor()" method and creates "getNodeType()" method by @param annotation of "refactor()" method.',
[new CodeSample('', '')]
* @return string[]
public function getNodeTypes(): array
return [Class_::class];
* @param Class_ $node
public function refactor(Node $node): ?Node
if (! $this->isType($node, AbstractRector::class)) {
return null;
if (! $node->isAbstract()) {
return null;
// has "isCandidate()" method?
if (! $this->hasClassIsCandidateMethod($node)) {
return null;
[$isCandidateClassMethodPosition, $isCandidateClassMethod] = $this->getClassMethodByName($node, 'isCandidate');
[$refactorClassMethodPosition, $refactorClassMethod] = $this->getClassMethodByName($node, 'refactor');
if ($refactorClassMethod === null) {
return null;
// 1. replace "isCandidate()" method by "getNodeType()" method
$node->stmts[$isCandidateClassMethodPosition] = $this->createGetNodeTypeClassMethod($refactorClassMethod);
// 2. rename "return false;" to "return null;" to respect "refactor(Node $node): ?Node" typehint
// 3. rename used variable "$node" to "$specificTypeParam"
$this->renameNodeToParamNode($isCandidateClassMethod, $refactorClassMethod->params[0]->var->name);
// 4. turn last return in "isCondition()" with early return
// 5. return true makes no sense anymore, just continue
// 6. remove first "instanceof", already covered by getNodeType()
$isCandidateClassMethod = $this->removeFirstInstanceOf($isCandidateClassMethod);
// 7. add contents of "isCandidate()" method to start of "refactor()" method
$refactorClassMethod->stmts = array_merge($isCandidateClassMethod->stmts, $refactorClassMethod->stmts);
$node->stmts[$refactorClassMethodPosition] = $refactorClassMethod;
return $node;
private function hasClassIsCandidateMethod(Class_ $classNode): bool
return (bool) $this->getClassMethodByName($classNode, 'isCandidate');
* @return int[]|ClassMethod[]|null
private function getClassMethodByName(Class_ $classNode, string $name)
foreach ($classNode->stmts as $i => $stmt) {
if (! $stmt instanceof ClassMethod) {
if ($this->isName($stmt->name, $name)) {
return [$i, $stmt];
return null;
* @return string[]
private function resolveParamTagValueNodeToStrings(ParamTagValueNode $paramTagValueNode): array
$types = [];
if ($paramTagValueNode->type instanceof UnionTypeNode) {
foreach ($paramTagValueNode->type->types as $type) {
$types[] = (string) $type;
} elseif ($paramTagValueNode->type instanceof IdentifierTypeNode) {
$types[] = $paramTagValueNode->type->name;
// todo: resolve
return $types;
private function createGetNodeTypeClassMethod(ClassMethod $refactorClassMethod): ClassMethod
$paramTypes = $this->resolveSingleParamTypesFromClassMethod($refactorClassMethod);
$nodeToBeReturned = new Array_();
if (count($paramTypes) > 1) {
foreach ($paramTypes as $paramType) {
$classConstFetchNode = $this->createClassConstant($paramType, 'class');
$nodeToBeReturned->items[] = new ArrayItem($classConstFetchNode);
} elseif (count($paramTypes) === 1) {
$nodeToBeReturned->items[] = $this->createClassConstant($paramTypes[0], 'class');
} else { // fallback to basic node
$nodeToBeReturned->items[] = $this->createClassConstant(Node::class, 'class');
return $this->builderFactory->method('getNodeTypes')
->addStmt(new Return_($nodeToBeReturned))
* @return string[]
private function resolveSingleParamTypesFromClassMethod(ClassMethod $classMethod): array
// add getNodeType() by $refactorClassMethod "@param" doc type
if (! $this->docBlockAnalyzer->hasTag($classMethod, 'param')) {
return [];
$paramNode = $this->docBlockAnalyzer->getTagByName($classMethod, 'param');
/** @var ParamTagValueNode $paramTagValueNode */
$paramTagValueNode = $paramNode->value;
return $this->resolveParamTagValueNodeToStrings($paramTagValueNode);
private function replaceReturnFalseWithReturnNull(ClassMethod $classMethod): void
$this->callableNodeTraverser->traverseNodesWithCallable([$classMethod], function (Node $node): ?Node {
if (! $node instanceof Return_ || ! $node->expr instanceof ConstFetch) {
return null;
if ($this->isFalse($node->expr)) {
return new Return_(new ConstFetch(new Name('null')));
return null;
private function renameNodeToParamNode(ClassMethod $classMethod, string $nodeName): void
$this->callableNodeTraverser->traverseNodesWithCallable([$classMethod], function (Node $node) use (
): ?Node {
if (! $node instanceof Variable || ! $this->isName($node, 'node')) {
return null;
$node->name = $nodeName;
return $node;
private function replaceLastReturnWithIf(ClassMethod $classMethod): void
$this->callableNodeTraverser->traverseNodesWithCallable([$classMethod], function (Node $node): ?Node {
if (! $node instanceof Return_) {
return null;
if ($node->expr instanceof ConstFetch) {
return null;
$identicalCondition = new Identical($node->expr, new ConstFetch(new Name('false')));
return new If_($identicalCondition, [
'stmts' => [new Return_(new ConstFetch(new Name('null')))],
private function removeReturnTrue(ClassMethod $classMethod): void
$this->callableNodeTraverser->traverseNodesWithCallable([$classMethod], function (Node $node): ?Node {
if (! $node instanceof Return_ || ! $node->expr instanceof ConstFetch || ! $this->isTrue($node->expr)) {
return null;
return new Nop();
private function removeFirstInstanceOf(ClassMethod $classMethod): ClassMethod
if (! isset($classMethod->stmts[0])) {
return $classMethod;
if (! $classMethod->stmts[0] instanceof If_) {
return $classMethod;
/** @var If_ $ifNode */
$ifNode = $classMethod->stmts[0];
if (! $ifNode->stmts[0] instanceof Return_) {
return $classMethod;
/** @var Return_ $returnNode */
$returnNode = $ifNode->stmts[0];
if (! $returnNode->expr instanceof ConstFetch) {
return $classMethod;
$constFetchNode = $returnNode->expr;
if ($constFetchNode->name->toString() === null) {
return $classMethod;