diff --git a/admin/css/style.css b/admin/css/style.css
index e134a4a7..2ac6b241 100644
--- a/admin/css/style.css
+++ b/admin/css/style.css
@@ -599,17 +599,24 @@ button {
.typecho-option-tabs {
list-style: none;
- margin: 1em 0;
- padding: 0; }
+ margin: 1em 0 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ font-size: 13px;
+ text-align: center; }
+ .typecho-option-tabs.fix-tabs {
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
.typecho-option-tabs a {
display: block;
margin-right: -1px;
border: 1px solid #D9D9D6;
padding: 0 15px;
- height: 24px;
- line-height: 24px;
- color: #666; }
+ height: 26px;
+ line-height: 26px;
+ color: #666;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+ box-sizing: border-box; }
.typecho-option-tabs a:hover {
background-color: #E9E9E6;
@@ -618,11 +625,24 @@ button {
.typecho-option-tabs li {
float: left; }
+ .typecho-option-tabs li:first-child a {
+ -webkit-border-radius: 2px 0 0 2px;
+ -moz-border-radius: 2px 0 0 2px;
+ -ms-border-radius: 2px 0 0 2px;
+ -o-border-radius: 2px 0 0 2px;
+ border-radius: 2px 0 0 2px; }
+ .typecho-option-tabs li:last-child a {
+ -webkit-border-radius: 0 2px 2px 0;
+ -moz-border-radius: 0 2px 2px 0;
+ -ms-border-radius: 0 2px 2px 0;
+ -o-border-radius: 0 2px 2px 0;
+ border-radius: 0 2px 2px 0; }
-.typecho-option-tabs li.right {
+.typecho-option-tabs.right {
float: right; }
-.typecho-option-tabs li.current a {
+.typecho-option-tabs li.current a,
+.typecho-option-tabs li.active a {
background-color: #E9E9E6; }
@@ -937,12 +957,12 @@ a.operate-reply {
list-style: none;
padding: 0; }
+#edit-secondary #tab-advance {
+ display: none; }
* 标签列表
-.manage-metas .typecho-list-operate {
- margin-top: 0; }
.typecho-page-main ul.tag-list {
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
@@ -994,21 +1014,37 @@ a.operate-reply {
#upload-panel {
padding: 15px;
- border: 1px dashed #D9D9D6;
+ border: 1px solid #D9D9D6;
background-color: #FFF;
color: #999;
- font-size: .92857em; }
+ font-size: .92857em;
+ -webkit-border-radius: 2px;
+ -moz-border-radius: 2px;
+ -ms-border-radius: 2px;
+ -o-border-radius: 2px;
+ border-radius: 2px; }
#upload-panel.drag {
background-color: #FFFBCC; }
#file-list {
list-style: none;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0; }
+ margin: 15px 0 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ border-top: 1px dashed #EEE;
+ min-height: 180px; }
#file-list li {
- margin-top: 5px; }
+ padding: 5px 0;
+ border-top: 1px dashed #EEE; }
+ #file-list li:first-child {
+ border: none; }
#file-list .file {
margin-left: 5px; }
+ #file-list .insert {
+ display: block;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis; }
* 附件管理
diff --git a/admin/editor-js.php b/admin/editor-js.php
index e6de9fc2..ea84505a 100644
--- a/admin/editor-js.php
+++ b/admin/editor-js.php
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
$(document).ready(function () {
var textarea = $('#text'),
toolbar = $('
" )
- .attr( "id", id )
- .addClass( "ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" )
- .data( "ui-tabs-destroy", true );
- },
- _setupDisabled: function( disabled ) {
- if ( $.isArray( disabled ) ) {
- if ( !disabled.length ) {
- disabled = false;
- } else if ( disabled.length === this.anchors.length ) {
- disabled = true;
- }
- }
- // disable tabs
- for ( var i = 0, li; ( li = this.tabs[ i ] ); i++ ) {
- if ( disabled === true || $.inArray( i, disabled ) !== -1 ) {
- $( li )
- .addClass( "ui-state-disabled" )
- .attr( "aria-disabled", "true" );
- } else {
- $( li )
- .removeClass( "ui-state-disabled" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-disabled" );
- }
- }
- this.options.disabled = disabled;
- },
- _setupEvents: function( event ) {
- var events = {
- click: function( event ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- };
- if ( event ) {
- $.each( event.split(" "), function( index, eventName ) {
- events[ eventName ] = "_eventHandler";
- });
- }
- this._off( this.anchors.add( this.tabs ).add( this.panels ) );
- this._on( this.anchors, events );
- this._on( this.tabs, { keydown: "_tabKeydown" } );
- this._on( this.panels, { keydown: "_panelKeydown" } );
- this._focusable( this.tabs );
- this._hoverable( this.tabs );
- },
- _setupHeightStyle: function( heightStyle ) {
- var maxHeight,
- parent = this.element.parent();
- if ( heightStyle === "fill" ) {
- maxHeight = parent.height();
- maxHeight -= this.element.outerHeight() - this.element.height();
- this.element.siblings( ":visible" ).each(function() {
- var elem = $( this ),
- position = elem.css( "position" );
- if ( position === "absolute" || position === "fixed" ) {
- return;
- }
- maxHeight -= elem.outerHeight( true );
- });
- this.element.children().not( this.panels ).each(function() {
- maxHeight -= $( this ).outerHeight( true );
- });
- this.panels.each(function() {
- $( this ).height( Math.max( 0, maxHeight -
- $( this ).innerHeight() + $( this ).height() ) );
- })
- .css( "overflow", "auto" );
- } else if ( heightStyle === "auto" ) {
- maxHeight = 0;
- this.panels.each(function() {
- maxHeight = Math.max( maxHeight, $( this ).height( "" ).height() );
- }).height( maxHeight );
- }
- },
- _eventHandler: function( event ) {
- var options = this.options,
- active = this.active,
- anchor = $( event.currentTarget ),
- tab = anchor.closest( "li" ),
- clickedIsActive = tab[ 0 ] === active[ 0 ],
- collapsing = clickedIsActive && options.collapsible,
- toShow = collapsing ? $() : this._getPanelForTab( tab ),
- toHide = !active.length ? $() : this._getPanelForTab( active ),
- eventData = {
- oldTab: active,
- oldPanel: toHide,
- newTab: collapsing ? $() : tab,
- newPanel: toShow
- };
- event.preventDefault();
- if ( tab.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ) ||
- // tab is already loading
- tab.hasClass( "ui-tabs-loading" ) ||
- // can't switch durning an animation
- this.running ||
- // click on active header, but not collapsible
- ( clickedIsActive && !options.collapsible ) ||
- // allow canceling activation
- ( this._trigger( "beforeActivate", event, eventData ) === false ) ) {
- return;
- }
- options.active = collapsing ? false : this.tabs.index( tab );
- this.active = clickedIsActive ? $() : tab;
- if ( this.xhr ) {
- this.xhr.abort();
- }
- if ( !toHide.length && !toShow.length ) {
- $.error( "jQuery UI Tabs: Mismatching fragment identifier." );
- }
- if ( toShow.length ) {
- this.load( this.tabs.index( tab ), event );
- }
- this._toggle( event, eventData );
- },
- // handles show/hide for selecting tabs
- _toggle: function( event, eventData ) {
- var that = this,
- toShow = eventData.newPanel,
- toHide = eventData.oldPanel;
- this.running = true;
- function complete() {
- that.running = false;
- that._trigger( "activate", event, eventData );
- }
- function show() {
- eventData.newTab.closest( "li" ).addClass( "ui-tabs-active ui-state-active" );
- if ( toShow.length && that.options.show ) {
- that._show( toShow, that.options.show, complete );
- } else {
- toShow.show();
- complete();
- }
- }
- // start out by hiding, then showing, then completing
- if ( toHide.length && this.options.hide ) {
- this._hide( toHide, this.options.hide, function() {
- eventData.oldTab.closest( "li" ).removeClass( "ui-tabs-active ui-state-active" );
- show();
- });
- } else {
- eventData.oldTab.closest( "li" ).removeClass( "ui-tabs-active ui-state-active" );
- toHide.hide();
- show();
- }
- toHide.attr({
- "aria-expanded": "false",
- "aria-hidden": "true"
- });
- eventData.oldTab.attr( "aria-selected", "false" );
- // If we're switching tabs, remove the old tab from the tab order.
- // If we're opening from collapsed state, remove the previous tab from the tab order.
- // If we're collapsing, then keep the collapsing tab in the tab order.
- if ( toShow.length && toHide.length ) {
- eventData.oldTab.attr( "tabIndex", -1 );
- } else if ( toShow.length ) {
- this.tabs.filter(function() {
- return $( this ).attr( "tabIndex" ) === 0;
- })
- .attr( "tabIndex", -1 );
- }
- toShow.attr({
- "aria-expanded": "true",
- "aria-hidden": "false"
- });
- eventData.newTab.attr({
- "aria-selected": "true",
- tabIndex: 0
- });
- },
- _activate: function( index ) {
- var anchor,
- active = this._findActive( index );
- // trying to activate the already active panel
- if ( active[ 0 ] === this.active[ 0 ] ) {
- return;
- }
- // trying to collapse, simulate a click on the current active header
- if ( !active.length ) {
- active = this.active;
- }
- anchor = active.find( ".ui-tabs-anchor" )[ 0 ];
- this._eventHandler({
- target: anchor,
- currentTarget: anchor,
- preventDefault: $.noop
- });
- },
- _findActive: function( index ) {
- return index === false ? $() : this.tabs.eq( index );
- },
- _getIndex: function( index ) {
- // meta-function to give users option to provide a href string instead of a numerical index.
- if ( typeof index === "string" ) {
- index = this.anchors.index( this.anchors.filter( "[href$='" + index + "']" ) );
- }
- return index;
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- if ( this.xhr ) {
- this.xhr.abort();
- }
- this.element.removeClass( "ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-tabs-collapsible" );
- this.tablist
- .removeClass( "ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" )
- .removeAttr( "role" );
- this.anchors
- .removeClass( "ui-tabs-anchor" )
- .removeAttr( "role" )
- .removeAttr( "tabIndex" )
- .removeUniqueId();
- this.tabs.add( this.panels ).each(function() {
- if ( $.data( this, "ui-tabs-destroy" ) ) {
- $( this ).remove();
- } else {
- $( this )
- .removeClass( "ui-state-default ui-state-active ui-state-disabled " +
- "ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-widget-content ui-tabs-active ui-tabs-panel" )
- .removeAttr( "tabIndex" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-live" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-busy" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-selected" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-labelledby" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-hidden" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-expanded" )
- .removeAttr( "role" );
- }
- });
- this.tabs.each(function() {
- var li = $( this ),
- prev = li.data( "ui-tabs-aria-controls" );
- if ( prev ) {
- li
- .attr( "aria-controls", prev )
- .removeData( "ui-tabs-aria-controls" );
- } else {
- li.removeAttr( "aria-controls" );
- }
- });
- this.panels.show();
- if ( this.options.heightStyle !== "content" ) {
- this.panels.css( "height", "" );
- }
- },
- enable: function( index ) {
- var disabled = this.options.disabled;
- if ( disabled === false ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( index === undefined ) {
- disabled = false;
- } else {
- index = this._getIndex( index );
- if ( $.isArray( disabled ) ) {
- disabled = $.map( disabled, function( num ) {
- return num !== index ? num : null;
- });
- } else {
- disabled = $.map( this.tabs, function( li, num ) {
- return num !== index ? num : null;
- });
- }
- }
- this._setupDisabled( disabled );
- },
- disable: function( index ) {
- var disabled = this.options.disabled;
- if ( disabled === true ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( index === undefined ) {
- disabled = true;
- } else {
- index = this._getIndex( index );
- if ( $.inArray( index, disabled ) !== -1 ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( $.isArray( disabled ) ) {
- disabled = $.merge( [ index ], disabled ).sort();
- } else {
- disabled = [ index ];
- }
- }
- this._setupDisabled( disabled );
- },
- load: function( index, event ) {
- index = this._getIndex( index );
- var that = this,
- tab = this.tabs.eq( index ),
- anchor = tab.find( ".ui-tabs-anchor" ),
- panel = this._getPanelForTab( tab ),
- eventData = {
- tab: tab,
- panel: panel
- };
- // not remote
- if ( isLocal( anchor[ 0 ] ) ) {
- return;
- }
- this.xhr = $.ajax( this._ajaxSettings( anchor, event, eventData ) );
- // support: jQuery <1.8
- // jQuery <1.8 returns false if the request is canceled in beforeSend,
- // but as of 1.8, $.ajax() always returns a jqXHR object.
- if ( this.xhr && this.xhr.statusText !== "canceled" ) {
- tab.addClass( "ui-tabs-loading" );
- panel.attr( "aria-busy", "true" );
- this.xhr
- .success(function( response ) {
- // support: jQuery <1.8
- // http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/11778
- setTimeout(function() {
- panel.html( response );
- that._trigger( "load", event, eventData );
- }, 1 );
- })
- .complete(function( jqXHR, status ) {
- // support: jQuery <1.8
- // http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/11778
- setTimeout(function() {
- if ( status === "abort" ) {
- that.panels.stop( false, true );
- }
- tab.removeClass( "ui-tabs-loading" );
- panel.removeAttr( "aria-busy" );
- if ( jqXHR === that.xhr ) {
- delete that.xhr;
- }
- }, 1 );
- });
- }
- },
- _ajaxSettings: function( anchor, event, eventData ) {
- var that = this;
- return {
- url: anchor.attr( "href" ),
- beforeSend: function( jqXHR, settings ) {
- return that._trigger( "beforeLoad", event,
- $.extend( { jqXHR : jqXHR, ajaxSettings: settings }, eventData ) );
- }
- };
- },
- _getPanelForTab: function( tab ) {
- var id = $( tab ).attr( "aria-controls" );
- return this.element.find( this._sanitizeSelector( "#" + id ) );
- }
-})( jQuery );
(function($, undefined) {
var dataSpace = "ui-effects-";
diff --git a/admin/manage-comments.php b/admin/manage-comments.php
index 0c805e1a..5f654da8 100644
--- a/admin/manage-comments.php
+++ b/admin/manage-comments.php
@@ -12,34 +12,38 @@ $isAllComments = ('on' == $request->get('__typecho_all_comments') || 'on' == Typ