- data-inspector-title - title for the inspector popup
- data-inspector-description - optional description for the inspector popup
- data-inspector-class - PHP class name of the inspectable object. Required for drop-down fields with dynamic options.
- data-inspector-css-class - CSS class name to apply to the Inspector container element.
- data-inspector-container - specifies a CSS selector for the inspector container. The default container is the document body. The container element should be relative positioned. The 'self' container value allows to inject the inspector to the inspectable element.
- data-inspector-offset - offset in pixels to add to the calculated position, to make the position more "random"
- data-inspector-placement - top | bottom | left | right. The placement could automatically be changed if the popover doesn't fit into the desired position.
- data-inspector-fallback-placement - The placement to use if the default placement and all other possible placements do not work. The default value is "bottom".
- data-inspector-config - Configuration of the inspector fields as an array in the JSON format.
Each element in the array is an object with the following properties:
- property
- title
- group (optional)
- type (currently supported types are: string, checkbox, dropdown)
- description (optional)
- validationPattern (regex pattern for for validating the value, supported by the text editor)
- validationMessage (a message to display if the validation fails)
- placeholder - placholder text, for text and dropdown properties
- default - default value
- depends - a list of properties the property depend on, for dropdown lists
- options - an option list for dropdown lists, optional. If not provided the options are loaded with AJAX.
- showExternalParam - specifies the visibility of the external parameter feature for the property. Default: true.
Example of the configuration string (a single property):