2014-06-06 21:38:34 +10:00
< ? php namespace System\Controllers ;
use Str ;
use Lang ;
use File ;
2014-06-06 22:26:49 +10:00
use Mail ;
2014-06-06 21:38:34 +10:00
use Flash ;
use Backend ;
use Redirect ;
use BackendMenu ;
2014-06-06 22:26:49 +10:00
use BackendAuth ;
2014-06-06 21:38:34 +10:00
use Backend\Classes\Controller ;
use System\Models\EmailTemplate ;
use System\Classes\ApplicationException ;
use Exception ;
* Email templates controller
* @ package october\system
* @ author Alexey Bobkov , Samuel Georges
class EmailTemplates extends Controller
public $implement = [
'Backend.Behaviors.FormController' ,
public $requiredPermissions = [ 'system.manage_email_templates' ];
public $listConfig = [ 'templates' => 'config_templates_list.yaml' , 'layouts' => 'config_layouts_list.yaml' ];
public $formConfig = 'config_form.yaml' ;
public function __construct ()
parent :: __construct ();
BackendMenu :: setContext ( 'October.System' , 'system' , 'settings' );
public function index ()
/* @todo Remove line if year >= 2015 */ if ( ! \System\Models\EmailLayout :: whereCode ( 'default' ) -> count ()) { \Eloquent :: unguard (); with ( new \System\Database\Seeds\SeedSetupEmailLayouts ) -> run (); }
EmailTemplate :: syncAll ();
$this -> getClassExtension ( 'Backend.Behaviors.ListController' ) -> index ();
$this -> bodyClass = null ;
public function formBeforeSave ( $model )
$model -> is_custom = true ;
2014-06-06 22:26:49 +10:00
public function onTest ( $recordId )
try {
$model = $this -> formFindModelObject ( $recordId );
$user = BackendAuth :: getUser ();
Mail :: send ( $model -> code , [], function ( $message ) use ( $user ) {
$message -> to ( $user -> email , $user -> full_name );
Flash :: success ( 'The test message has been successfully sent.' );
catch ( Exception $ex ) {
Flash :: error ( $ex -> getMessage ());
2014-06-06 21:38:34 +10:00