'invalid_file'=>'Invalid file name: :name. File names can contain only alphanumeric symbols, underscores, dashes and dots. Some examples of correct file names: page.htm, page, subdirectory/page',
'invalid_property'=>'The property ":name" cannot be set',
'help'=>"We're sorry, but something went wrong and the page cannot be displayed.",
'no_list_records'=>'No pages found',
'new'=>'New page',
'invalid_url'=>'Invalid URL format. The URL should start with the forward slash symbol and can contain digits, Latin letters and the following symbols: _-[]:?|/+*',
'delete_confirm_multiple'=>'Do you really want to delete selected pages?',
'delete_confirm_single'=>'Do you really want delete this page?',
'no_layout'=>'-- no layout --'
'not_found'=>"The layout ':name' is not found",
'no_list_records'=>'No layouts found',
'new'=>'New layout',
'delete_confirm_multiple'=>'Do you really want to delete selected layouts?',
'delete_confirm_single'=>'Do you really want delete this layout?'
'invalid_name'=>"Invalid partial name: :name.",
'not_found'=>"The partial ':name' is not found.",
'no_list_records'=>'No partials found',
'delete_confirm_multiple'=>'Do you really want to delete selected partials?',
'delete_confirm_single'=>'Do you really want delete this partial?',
'new'=>'New partial'
'not_found'=>"The content file ':name' is not found.",
'no_list_records'=>'No content files found',
'delete_confirm_multiple'=>'Do you really want to delete selected content files or directories?',
'delete_confirm_single'=>'Do you really want delete this content file?',
'error_deleting_directory'=>'Error deleting the original directory :dir',
'no_description'=>"No description provided",
'alias_description'=>"A unique name given to this component when using it in the page or layout code.",
'validation_message'=>"Component aliases are required and can contain only Latin symbols, digits, and underscores. The aliases should start with a Latin symbol.",
'invalid_request'=>"The template cannot be saved because of invalid component data.",
'no_records'=>'No components found',
'not_found'=>"The component ':name' is not found.",
'method_not_found'=>"The component ':name' does not contain a method ':method'.",
'invalid_type'=>"Unknown template type.",
'not_found'=>"The requested template was not found.",
'saved'=>"The template has been successfully saved."