2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
( function ( $ ) { $ ( document ) . on ( 'keydown' , 'div.custom-checkbox' , function ( e ) { if ( e . keyCode == 32 )
e . preventDefault ( ) } )
$ ( document ) . on ( 'keyup' , 'div.custom-checkbox' , function ( e ) { if ( e . keyCode == 32 ) { var $cb = $ ( 'input' , this )
if ( $cb . data ( 'oc-space-timestamp' ) == e . timeStamp )
$cb . get ( 0 ) . checked = ! $cb . get ( 0 ) . checked
$cb . data ( 'oc-space-timestamp' , e . timeStamp )
$cb . trigger ( 'change' )
return false } } )
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { if ( Modernizr . touch )
var formatSelectOption = function ( state ) { if ( ! state . id )
return state . text ; var $option = $ ( state . element ) , iconClass = $option . data ( 'icon' ) , imageSrc = $option . data ( 'image' )
if ( iconClass )
return '<i class="select-icon ' + iconClass + '"></i> ' + state . text
if ( imageSrc )
return '<img class="select-image" src="' + imageSrc + '" alt="" /> ' + state . text
return state . text }
2015-01-13 17:26:16 +11:00
$ ( 'select.custom-select:not([data-no-auto-update-on-render=true])' ) . select2 ( { formatResult : formatSelectOption , formatSelection : formatSelectOption , escapeMarkup : function ( m ) { return m ; } } ) } )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
$ ( document ) . on ( 'disable' , 'select.custom-select' , function ( event , status ) { $ ( this ) . select2 ( 'enable' , ! status ) } )
2015-03-03 18:39:07 +11:00
$ ( document ) . on ( 'focus' , 'select.custom-select' , function ( event ) { setTimeout ( $ . proxy ( function ( ) { $ ( this ) . select2 ( 'focus' ) } , this ) , 10 ) } ) } ) ( jQuery ) ; $ ( window ) . on ( 'ajaxErrorMessage' , function ( event , message ) { if ( ! message ) return
2015-03-03 18:45:37 +11:00
swal ( { title : message , confirmButtonClass : 'btn-default' } )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
event . preventDefault ( ) } )
2015-03-03 18:39:07 +11:00
$ ( window ) . on ( 'ajaxConfirmMessage' , function ( event , message ) { if ( ! message ) return
2015-03-03 18:45:37 +11:00
swal ( { title : message , showCancelButton : true , confirmButtonClass : 'btn-primary' } , function ( isConfirm ) { isConfirm ? event . promise . resolve ( ) : event . promise . reject ( ) } )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
event . preventDefault ( )
return true } )
function backendUrl ( url ) { if ( typeof backendBasePath === 'undefined' || ! backendBasePath )
return url ; if ( url . substr ( 0 , 1 ) == '/' )
url = url . substr ( 1 ) ; return backendBasePath + url ; }
2015-03-12 20:50:16 +11:00
AssetManager = function ( ) { var o = { load : function ( collection , callback ) { var jsList = ( collection . js ) ? collection . js : [ ] , cssList = ( collection . css ) ? collection . css : [ ] , imgList = ( collection . img ) ? collection . img : [ ]
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
jsList = $ . grep ( jsList , function ( item ) { return $ ( 'head script[src="' + item + '"]' ) . length == 0 } )
cssList = $ . grep ( cssList , function ( item ) { return $ ( 'head link[href="' + item + '"]' ) . length == 0 } )
var cssCounter = 0 , jsLoaded = false , imgLoaded = false
if ( jsList . length === 0 && cssList . length === 0 && imgList . length === 0 ) { callback && callback ( )
return }
o . loadJavaScript ( jsList , function ( ) { jsLoaded = true
checkLoaded ( ) } )
$ . each ( cssList , function ( index , source ) { o . loadStyleSheet ( source , function ( ) { cssCounter ++
checkLoaded ( ) } ) } )
o . loadImage ( imgList , function ( ) { imgLoaded = true
checkLoaded ( ) } )
function checkLoaded ( ) { if ( ! imgLoaded )
return false
if ( ! jsLoaded )
return false
if ( cssCounter < cssList . length )
return false
callback && callback ( ) } } , loadStyleSheet : function ( source , callback ) { var cssElement = document . createElement ( 'link' )
cssElement . setAttribute ( 'rel' , 'stylesheet' )
cssElement . setAttribute ( 'type' , 'text/css' )
cssElement . setAttribute ( 'href' , source )
cssElement . addEventListener ( 'load' , callback , false )
if ( typeof cssElement != 'undefined' ) { document . getElementsByTagName ( 'head' ) [ 0 ] . appendChild ( cssElement ) }
return cssElement } , loadJavaScript : function ( sources , callback ) { if ( sources . length <= 0 )
return callback ( )
var source = sources . shift ( ) , jsElement = document . createElement ( 'script' ) ; jsElement . setAttribute ( 'type' , 'text/javascript' )
jsElement . setAttribute ( 'src' , source )
jsElement . addEventListener ( 'load' , function ( ) { o . loadJavaScript ( sources , callback ) } , false )
if ( typeof jsElement != 'undefined' ) { document . getElementsByTagName ( 'head' ) [ 0 ] . appendChild ( jsElement ) } } , loadImage : function ( sources , callback ) { if ( sources . length <= 0 )
return callback ( )
var loaded = 0
$ . each ( sources , function ( index , source ) { var img = new Image ( )
img . onload = function ( ) { if ( ++ loaded == sources . length && callback )
callback ( ) }
img . src = source } ) } } ; return o ; } ; assetManager = new AssetManager ( ) ; $ . fn . extend ( { clickOutside : function ( handler , exceptions ) { var $this = this ; $ ( 'body' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( event ) { if ( exceptions && $ . inArray ( event . target , exceptions ) > - 1 ) { return ; } else if ( $ . contains ( $this [ 0 ] , event . target ) ) { return ; } else { handler ( event , $this ) ; } } ) ; return this ; } } )
if ( $ . oc === undefined )
$ . oc = { }
$ . oc . escapeHtmlString = function ( string ) { var htmlEscapes = { '&' : '&' , '<' : '<' , '>' : '>' , '"' : '"' , "'" : ''' , '/' : '/' } , htmlEscaper = /[&<>"'\/]/g
return ( '' + string ) . replace ( htmlEscaper , function ( match ) { return htmlEscapes [ match ] ; } ) }
2015-03-24 20:47:49 -07:00
+ function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; if ( $ . oc === undefined )
$ . oc = { }
if ( $ . oc . foundation === undefined )
$ . oc . foundation = { }
var Base = function ( ) { this . proxiedMethods = [ ]
this . proxyCounter = 0 }
Base . prototype . dispose = function ( )
{ for ( var index in this . proxiedMethods )
this . proxiedMethods [ index ] = null
this . proxiedMethods = null }
2015-03-28 11:42:40 -07:00
Base . prototype . proxy = function ( method ) { if ( method . ocProxyId === undefined ) { this . proxyCounter ++
method . ocProxyId = this . proxyCounter }
if ( this . proxiedMethods [ method . ocProxyId ] !== undefined )
return this . proxiedMethods [ method . ocProxyId ]
2015-03-24 20:47:49 -07:00
this . proxiedMethods [ method . ocProxyId ] = method . bind ( this )
return this . proxiedMethods [ method . ocProxyId ] }
2015-03-28 11:42:40 -07:00
$ . oc . foundation . base = Base ; } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; if ( $ . oc === undefined )
$ . oc = { }
if ( $ . oc . foundation === undefined )
$ . oc . foundation = { }
var Element = { hasClass : function ( el , className ) { if ( el . classList )
return el . classList . contains ( className ) ; return new RegExp ( '(^| )' + className + '( |$)' , 'gi' ) . test ( el . className ) ; } , addClass : function ( el , className ) { if ( this . hasClass ( el , className ) )
if ( el . classList )
el . classList . add ( className ) ; else
el . className += ' ' + className ; } , removeClass : function ( el , className ) { if ( el . classList )
el . classList . remove ( className ) ; else
2015-03-28 13:36:01 -07:00
el . className = el . className . replace ( new RegExp ( '(^|\\b)' + className . split ( ' ' ) . join ( '|' ) + '(\\b|$)' , 'gi' ) , ' ' ) ; } , absolutePosition : function ( element , ignoreScrolling ) { var top = ignoreScrolling === true ? 0 : document . body . scrollTop , left = 0
do { top += element . offsetTop || 0 ; if ( ignoreScrolling !== true )
top -= element . scrollTop || 0
left += element . offsetLeft || 0
element = element . offsetParent } while ( element )
2015-03-28 11:42:40 -07:00
return { top : top , left : left } } , getCaretPosition : function ( input ) { if ( document . selection ) { var selection = document . selection . createRange ( )
selection . moveStart ( 'character' , - input . value . length )
return selection . text . length }
if ( input . selectionStart !== undefined )
return input . selectionStart
return 0 } , setCaretPosition : function ( input , position ) { if ( document . selection ) { var range = input . createTextRange ( )
setTimeout ( function ( ) { range . collapse ( true )
range . moveStart ( "character" , position )
range . moveEnd ( "character" , 0 )
range . select ( )
range = null
input = null } , 0 ) }
if ( input . selectionStart !== undefined ) { setTimeout ( function ( ) { input . selectionStart = position
input . selectionEnd = position
input = null } , 0 ) } } }
$ . oc . foundation . element = Element ; } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; if ( $ . oc === undefined )
$ . oc = { }
if ( $ . oc . foundation === undefined )
$ . oc . foundation = { }
var Event = { getTarget : function ( ev , tag ) { var target = ev . target ? ev . target : ev . srcElement
if ( tag === undefined )
return target
var tagName = target . tagName
while ( tagName != tag ) { target = target . parentNode
if ( ! target )
return null
tagName = target . tagName }
return target } , stop : function ( ev ) { if ( ev . stopPropagation )
ev . stopPropagation ( )
ev . cancelBubble = true
if ( ev . preventDefault )
ev . preventDefault ( )
ev . returnValue = false } , pageCoordinates : function ( ev ) { if ( ev . pageX || ev . pageY ) { return { x : ev . pageX , y : ev . pageY } }
else if ( ev . clientX || ev . clientY ) { return { x : ( ev . clientX + document . body . scrollLeft + document . documentElement . scrollLeft ) , y : ( ev . clientY + document . body . scrollTop + document . documentElement . scrollTop ) } }
return { x : 0 , y : 0 } } }
$ . oc . foundation . event = Event ; } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var Base = $ . oc . foundation . base , BaseProto = Base . prototype
var Scrollpad = function ( element , options ) { this . $el = $ ( element )
this . scrollbarElement = null
this . dragHandleElement = null
this . scrollContentElement = null
this . contentElement = null
this . options = options
this . scrollbarSize = null
this . updateScrollbarTimer = null
this . dragOffset = null
Base . call ( this )
this . init ( ) }
Scrollpad . prototype = Object . create ( BaseProto )
Scrollpad . prototype . constructor = Scrollpad
Scrollpad . prototype . dispose = function ( ) { this . unregisterHandlers ( )
this . $el . get ( 0 ) . removeChild ( this . scrollbarElement )
this . $el . removeData ( 'oc.scrollpad' )
this . $el = null
this . scrollbarElement = null
this . dragHandleElement = null
this . scrollContentElement = null
this . contentElement = null
BaseProto . dispose . call ( this ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . scrollToStart = function ( ) { var scrollAttr = this . options . direction == 'vertical' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft'
this . scrollContentElement [ scrollAttr ] = 0 }
Scrollpad . prototype . init = function ( ) { this . build ( )
this . setScrollContentSize ( )
this . registerHandlers ( ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . build = function ( ) { var el = this . $el . get ( 0 )
this . scrollContentElement = el . children [ 0 ]
this . contentElement = this . scrollContentElement . children [ 0 ]
this . $el . prepend ( '<div class="scrollpad-scrollbar"><div class="drag-handle"></div></div>' )
this . scrollbarElement = el . querySelector ( '.scrollpad-scrollbar' )
this . dragHandleElement = el . querySelector ( '.scrollpad-scrollbar > .drag-handle' ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . registerHandlers = function ( ) { this . $el . on ( 'mouseenter' , this . proxy ( this . onMouseEnter ) )
this . $el . on ( 'mouseleave' , this . proxy ( this . onMouseLeave ) )
this . scrollContentElement . addEventListener ( 'scroll' , this . proxy ( this . onScroll ) )
this . dragHandleElement . addEventListener ( 'mousedown' , this . proxy ( this . onStartDrag ) ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . unregisterHandlers = function ( ) { this . $el . off ( 'mouseenter' , this . proxy ( this . onMouseEnter ) )
this . $el . off ( 'mouseleave' , this . proxy ( this . onMouseLeave ) )
this . scrollContentElement . removeEventListener ( 'scroll' , this . proxy ( this . onScroll ) )
this . dragHandleElement . removeEventListener ( 'mousedown' , this . proxy ( this . onStartDrag ) )
document . removeEventListener ( 'mousemove' , this . proxy ( this . onMouseMove ) )
document . removeEventListener ( 'mouseup' , this . proxy ( this . onEndDrag ) ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . setScrollContentSize = function ( ) { var scrollbarSize = this . getScrollbarSize ( )
if ( this . options . direction == 'vertical' )
this . scrollContentElement . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'margin-right: -' + scrollbarSize + 'px' )
this . scrollContentElement . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'margin-bottom: -' + scrollbarSize + 'px' ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . getScrollbarSize = function ( ) { if ( this . scrollbarSize !== null )
return this . scrollbarSize
var testerElement = document . createElement ( 'div' )
testerElement . setAttribute ( 'class' , 'scrollpad-scrollbar-size-tester' )
testerElement . appendChild ( document . createElement ( 'div' ) )
document . body . appendChild ( testerElement )
var width = testerElement . offsetWidth , innerWidth = testerElement . querySelector ( 'div' ) . offsetWidth
document . body . removeChild ( testerElement )
if ( width === innerWidth && navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( 'firefox' ) > - 1 )
return this . scrollbarSize = 17
return this . scrollbarSize = width - innerWidth }
Scrollpad . prototype . updateScrollbarSize = function ( ) { var contentSize = this . options . direction == 'vertical' ? this . contentElement . scrollHeight : this . contentElement . scrollWidth , scrollOffset = this . options . direction == 'vertical' ? this . scrollContentElement . scrollTop : this . scrollContentElement . scrollLeft , scrollbarSize = this . options . direction == 'vertical' ? this . scrollbarElement . offsetHeight : this . scrollbarElement . offsetWidth , scrollbarRatio = scrollbarSize / contentSize , handleOffset = Math . round ( scrollbarRatio * scrollOffset ) + 2 , handleSize = Math . floor ( scrollbarRatio * ( scrollbarSize - 2 ) ) - 2 ; if ( scrollbarSize < contentSize ) { if ( this . options . direction == 'vertical' )
this . dragHandleElement . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'top: ' + handleOffset + 'px; height: ' + handleSize + 'px' )
this . dragHandleElement . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'left: ' + handleOffset + 'px; width: ' + handleSize + 'px' )
this . scrollbarElement . removeAttribute ( 'data-hidden' ) }
this . scrollbarElement . setAttribute ( 'data-hidden' , true ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . displayScrollbar = function ( ) { this . clearUpdateScrollbarTimer ( )
this . updateScrollbarSize ( )
this . scrollbarElement . setAttribute ( 'data-visible' , 'true' ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . hideScrollbar = function ( ) { this . scrollbarElement . removeAttribute ( 'data-visible' ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . clearUpdateScrollbarTimer = function ( ) { if ( this . updateScrollbarTimer === null )
clearTimeout ( this . updateScrollbarTimer )
this . updateScrollbarTimer = null }
Scrollpad . prototype . onMouseEnter = function ( ) { this . displayScrollbar ( ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . onMouseLeave = function ( ) { this . hideScrollbar ( ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . onScroll = function ( ) { if ( this . updateScrollbarTimer !== null )
this . updateScrollbarTimer = setTimeout ( this . proxy ( this . displayScrollbar ) , 10 ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . onStartDrag = function ( ev ) { $ . oc . foundation . event . stop ( ev )
var pageCoords = $ . oc . foundation . event . pageCoordinates ( ev ) , eventOffset = this . options . direction == 'vertical' ? pageCoords . y : pageCoords . x , handleCoords = $ . oc . foundation . element . absolutePosition ( this . dragHandleElement ) , handleOffset = this . options . direction == 'vertical' ? handleCoords . top : handleCoords . left
this . dragOffset = eventOffset - handleOffset
document . addEventListener ( 'mousemove' , this . proxy ( this . onMouseMove ) )
document . addEventListener ( 'mouseup' , this . proxy ( this . onEndDrag ) ) }
Scrollpad . prototype . onMouseMove = function ( ev ) { $ . oc . foundation . event . stop ( ev )
var eventCoordsAttr = this . options . direction == 'vertical' ? 'y' : 'x' , elementCoordsAttr = this . options . direction == 'vertical' ? 'top' : 'left' , offsetAttr = this . options . direction == 'vertical' ? 'offsetHeight' : 'offsetWidth' , scrollAttr = this . options . direction == 'vertical' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft'
var eventOffset = $ . oc . foundation . event . pageCoordinates ( ev ) [ eventCoordsAttr ] , scrollbarOffset = $ . oc . foundation . element . absolutePosition ( this . scrollbarElement ) [ elementCoordsAttr ] , dragPos = eventOffset - scrollbarOffset - this . dragOffset , scrollbarSize = this . scrollbarElement [ offsetAttr ] , contentSize = this . contentElement [ offsetAttr ] , dragPerc = dragPos / scrollbarSize
if ( dragPerc > 1 )
dragPerc = 1
var scrollPos = dragPerc * contentSize ; this . scrollContentElement [ scrollAttr ] = scrollPos }
Scrollpad . prototype . onEndDrag = function ( ev ) { document . removeEventListener ( 'mousemove' , this . proxy ( this . onMouseMove ) )
document . removeEventListener ( 'mouseup' , this . proxy ( this . onEndDrag ) ) }
Scrollpad . DEFAULTS = { direction : 'vertical' }
var old = $ . fn . scrollpad
$ . fn . scrollpad = function ( option ) { var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) , result = undefined
this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.scrollpad' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , Scrollpad . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.scrollpad' , ( data = new Scrollpad ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) result = data [ option ] . apply ( data , args )
if ( typeof result != 'undefined' ) return false } )
return result ? result : this }
$ . fn . scrollpad . Constructor = Scrollpad
$ . fn . scrollpad . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . scrollpad = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . on ( 'render' , function ( ) { $ ( 'div[data-control=scrollpad]' ) . scrollpad ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var TriggerOn = function ( element , options ) { var $el = this . $el = $ ( element ) ; this . options = options || { } ; if ( this . options . triggerType !== false && this . options . triggerAction === false ) this . options . triggerAction = this . options . triggerType
2015-03-07 11:20:54 +11:00
if ( this . options . triggerCondition === false )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
throw new Error ( 'Trigger condition is not specified.' )
if ( this . options . trigger === false )
throw new Error ( 'Trigger selector is not specified.' )
2015-02-17 20:58:38 +11:00
if ( this . options . triggerAction === false )
throw new Error ( 'Trigger action is not specified.' )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . triggerCondition = this . options . triggerCondition
if ( this . options . triggerCondition . indexOf ( 'value' ) == 0 ) { var match = this . options . triggerCondition . match ( /[^[\]]+(?=])/g )
2015-03-06 20:41:14 +11:00
this . triggerCondition = 'value'
this . triggerConditionValue = ( match ) ? match : "" }
2015-03-07 09:47:44 +11:00
this . triggerParent = this . options . triggerClosestParent !== undefined ? $el . closest ( this . options . triggerClosestParent ) : undefined
if ( this . triggerCondition == 'checked' || this . triggerCondition == 'value' ) { $ ( document ) . on ( 'change' , this . options . trigger , $ . proxy ( this . onConditionChanged , this ) ) }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
var self = this
$el . on ( 'oc.triggerOn.update' , function ( e ) { e . stopPropagation ( )
self . onConditionChanged ( ) } )
self . onConditionChanged ( ) }
2015-03-07 09:47:44 +11:00
TriggerOn . prototype . onConditionChanged = function ( ) { if ( this . triggerCondition == 'checked' ) { this . updateTarget ( $ ( this . options . trigger + ':checked' , this . triggerParent ) . length > 0 ) }
2015-03-14 18:09:54 +11:00
else if ( this . triggerCondition == 'value' ) { var trigger = $ ( this . options . trigger + ':checked' , this . triggerParent ) ; if ( trigger . length ) { this . updateTarget ( trigger . val ( ) == this . triggerConditionValue ) } else { this . updateTarget ( $ ( this . options . trigger , this . triggerParent ) . val ( ) == this . triggerConditionValue ) } } }
2015-02-17 20:58:38 +11:00
TriggerOn . prototype . updateTarget = function ( status ) { if ( this . options . triggerAction == 'show' )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . $el . toggleClass ( 'hide' , ! status ) . trigger ( 'hide' , [ ! status ] )
2015-02-17 20:58:38 +11:00
else if ( this . options . triggerAction == 'hide' )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . $el . toggleClass ( 'hide' , status ) . trigger ( 'hide' , [ status ] )
2015-02-17 20:58:38 +11:00
else if ( this . options . triggerAction == 'enable' )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . $el . prop ( 'disabled' , ! status ) . trigger ( 'disable' , [ ! status ] ) . toggleClass ( 'control-disabled' , ! status )
2015-02-17 20:58:38 +11:00
else if ( this . options . triggerAction == 'disable' )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . $el . prop ( 'disabled' , status ) . trigger ( 'disable' , [ status ] ) . toggleClass ( 'control-disabled' , status )
2015-02-17 20:58:38 +11:00
else if ( this . options . triggerAction == 'empty' && status )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . $el . trigger ( 'empty' ) . val ( '' )
2015-02-17 20:58:38 +11:00
if ( this . options . triggerAction == 'show' || this . options . triggerAction == 'hide' )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . fixButtonClasses ( )
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'resize' ) }
TriggerOn . prototype . fixButtonClasses = function ( ) { var group = this . $el . closest ( '.btn-group' )
if ( group . length > 0 && this . $el . is ( ':last-child' ) )
this . $el . prev ( ) . toggleClass ( 'last' , this . $el . hasClass ( 'hide' ) ) }
2015-03-07 09:47:44 +11:00
TriggerOn . DEFAULTS = { triggerAction : false , triggerCondition : false , triggerClosestParent : undefined , trigger : false }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
var old = $ . fn . triggerOn
$ . fn . triggerOn = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.triggerOn' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , TriggerOn . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.triggerOn' , ( data = new TriggerOn ( this , options ) ) ) } ) }
$ . fn . triggerOn . Constructor = TriggerOn
$ . fn . triggerOn . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . triggerOn = old
return this }
2015-01-23 20:50:08 +11:00
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-trigger]' ) . triggerOn ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var DragScroll = function ( element , options ) { this . options = $ . extend ( { } , DragScroll . DEFAULTS , options )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
$el = $ ( element ) , el = $el . get ( 0 ) , dragStart = 0 , startOffset = 0 , self = this , dragging = false , eventElementName = this . options . vertical ? 'pageY' : 'pageX' ; this . el = $el
this . scrollClassContainer = this . options . scrollClassContainer ? $ ( this . options . scrollClassContainer ) : $el
if ( this . options . scrollMarkerContainer )
$ ( this . options . scrollMarkerContainer ) . append ( $ ( '<span class="before scroll-marker"></span><span class="after scroll-marker"></span>' ) )
$el . mousewheel ( function ( event ) { if ( ! self . options . allowScroll )
2015-03-26 22:06:01 +11:00
return ; var offset = self . options . vertical ? ( ( event . deltaFactor * event . deltaY ) * - 1 ) : ( event . deltaFactor * event . deltaX )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
return ! scrollWheel ( offset ) } )
$el . on ( 'mousedown' , function ( event ) { startDrag ( event )
return false } )
$el . on ( 'touchstart' , function ( event ) { var touchEvent = event . originalEvent ; if ( touchEvent . touches . length == 1 ) { startDrag ( touchEvent . touches [ 0 ] )
event . stopPropagation ( ) } } )
$el . on ( 'click' , function ( ) { if ( $ ( document . body ) . hasClass ( 'drag' ) )
return false } )
$ ( document ) . on ( 'ready' , $ . proxy ( this . fixScrollClasses , this ) )
$ ( window ) . on ( 'resize' , $ . proxy ( this . fixScrollClasses , this ) )
function startDrag ( event ) { dragStart = event [ eventElementName ]
startOffset = self . options . vertical ? $el . scrollTop ( ) : $el . scrollLeft ( )
if ( Modernizr . touch ) { $ ( window ) . on ( 'touchmove.dragScroll' , function ( event ) { var touchEvent = event . originalEvent
moveDrag ( touchEvent . touches [ 0 ] )
event . preventDefault ( ) } )
$ ( window ) . on ( 'touchend.dragScroll' , function ( event ) { stopDrag ( ) } ) }
else { $ ( window ) . on ( 'mousemove.dragScroll' , function ( event ) { moveDrag ( event )
$ ( document . body ) . addClass ( self . options . dragClass )
return false } )
$ ( window ) . on ( 'mouseup.dragScroll' , function ( mouseUpEvent ) { var isClick = event . pageX == mouseUpEvent . pageX && event . pageY == mouseUpEvent . pageY
stopDrag ( isClick )
return false } ) } }
function moveDrag ( event ) { var current = event [ eventElementName ] , offset = dragStart - current
if ( Math . abs ( offset ) > 2 ) { if ( ! dragging ) { dragging = true
$el . trigger ( 'start.oc.dragScroll' )
self . options . start ( ) ; }
self . options . vertical ? $el . scrollTop ( startOffset + offset ) : $el . scrollLeft ( startOffset + offset )
$el . trigger ( 'drag.oc.dragScroll' )
self . options . drag ( ) } }
function stopDrag ( click ) { $ ( window ) . off ( '.dragScroll' )
dragging = false ; if ( click )
$ ( document . body ) . removeClass ( self . options . dragClass )
self . fixScrollClasses ( )
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { if ( ! click ) { $ ( document . body ) . removeClass ( self . options . dragClass )
$el . trigger ( 'stop.oc.dragScroll' )
self . options . stop ( )
self . fixScrollClasses ( ) } } , 100 ) }
function scrollWheel ( offset ) { startOffset = self . options . vertical ? el . scrollTop : el . scrollLeft
self . options . vertical ? $el . scrollTop ( startOffset + offset ) : $el . scrollLeft ( startOffset + offset )
var scrolled = self . options . vertical ? el . scrollTop != startOffset : el . scrollLeft != startOffset
$el . trigger ( 'drag.oc.dragScroll' )
self . options . drag ( )
if ( scrolled ) { if ( self . wheelUpdateTimer !== undefined && self . wheelUpdateTimer !== false )
window . clearInterval ( self . wheelUpdateTimer ) ; self . wheelUpdateTimer = window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . wheelUpdateTimer = false ; self . fixScrollClasses ( ) } , 100 ) ; }
return scrolled }
this . fixScrollClasses ( ) ; }
DragScroll . DEFAULTS = { vertical : false , allowScroll : true , scrollClassContainer : false , scrollMarkerContainer : false , dragClass : 'drag' , start : function ( ) { } , drag : function ( ) { } , stop : function ( ) { } }
DragScroll . prototype . fixScrollClasses = function ( ) { this . scrollClassContainer . toggleClass ( 'scroll-before' , ! this . isStart ( ) )
this . scrollClassContainer . toggleClass ( 'scroll-after' , ! this . isEnd ( ) )
this . scrollClassContainer . toggleClass ( 'scroll-active-before' , this . isActiveBefore ( ) )
this . scrollClassContainer . toggleClass ( 'scroll-active-after' , this . isActiveAfter ( ) ) }
DragScroll . prototype . isStart = function ( ) { if ( ! this . options . vertical )
return this . el . scrollLeft ( ) <= 0 ; else
return this . el . scrollTop ( ) <= 0 ; }
DragScroll . prototype . isEnd = function ( ) { if ( ! this . options . vertical )
return ( this . el [ 0 ] . scrollWidth - ( this . el . scrollLeft ( ) + this . el . width ( ) ) ) <= 0
return ( this . el [ 0 ] . scrollHeight - ( this . el . scrollTop ( ) + this . el . height ( ) ) ) <= 0 }
DragScroll . prototype . goToStart = function ( ) { if ( ! this . options . vertical )
return this . el . scrollLeft ( 0 )
return this . el . scrollTop ( 0 ) }
DragScroll . prototype . isActiveAfter = function ( ) { var activeElement = $ ( '.active' , this . el ) ; if ( activeElement . length == 0 )
return false
if ( ! this . options . vertical )
return activeElement . get ( 0 ) . offsetLeft > ( this . el . scrollLeft ( ) + this . el . width ( ) )
return activeElement . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop > ( this . el . scrollTop ( ) + this . el . height ( ) ) }
DragScroll . prototype . isActiveBefore = function ( ) { var activeElement = $ ( '.active' , this . el ) ; if ( activeElement . length == 0 )
return false
if ( ! this . options . vertical )
return ( activeElement . get ( 0 ) . offsetLeft + activeElement . width ( ) ) < this . el . scrollLeft ( )
return ( activeElement . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop + activeElement . height ( ) ) < this . el . scrollTop ( ) }
DragScroll . prototype . goToElement = function ( element , callback , options ) { var $el = $ ( element )
if ( ! $el . length )
return ; var self = this , params = { duration : 300 , queue : false , complete : function ( ) { self . fixScrollClasses ( )
if ( callback !== undefined )
callback ( ) } }
params = $ . extend ( params , options || { } )
var offset = 0 , animated = false
if ( ! this . options . vertical ) { offset = $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetLeft - this . el . scrollLeft ( )
if ( offset < 0 ) { this . el . animate ( { 'scrollLeft' : $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetLeft } , params )
animated = true } else { offset = $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetLeft + $el . width ( ) - ( this . el . scrollLeft ( ) + this . el . width ( ) )
if ( offset > 0 ) { this . el . animate ( { 'scrollLeft' : $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetLeft + $el . width ( ) - this . el . width ( ) } , params )
animated = true } } } else { offset = $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop - this . el . scrollTop ( )
if ( offset < 0 ) { this . el . animate ( { 'scrollTop' : $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop } , params )
animated = true } else { offset = $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop - ( this . el . scrollTop ( ) + this . el . height ( ) )
if ( offset > 0 ) { this . el . animate ( { 'scrollTop' : $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop + $el . height ( ) - this . el . height ( ) } , params )
animated = true } } }
if ( ! animated && callback !== undefined )
callback ( ) }
var old = $ . fn . dragScroll
$ . fn . dragScroll = function ( option ) { var args = arguments ; return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.dragScroll' )
var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.dragScroll' , ( data = new DragScroll ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) { var methodArgs = [ ] ; for ( var i = 1 ; i < args . length ; i ++ )
methodArgs . push ( args [ i ] )
data [ option ] . apply ( data , methodArgs ) } } ) }
$ . fn . dragScroll . Constructor = DragScroll
$ . fn . dragScroll . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . dragScroll = old
2015-03-06 20:41:14 +11:00
return this } } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var DragValue = function ( element , options ) { this . options = options
this . $el = $ ( element )
this . init ( ) }
DragValue . DEFAULTS = { dragClick : false }
DragValue . prototype . init = function ( ) { this . $el . prop ( 'draggable' , true )
this . textValue = this . $el . data ( 'textValue' )
this . $el . on ( 'dragstart' , $ . proxy ( this . handleDragStart , this ) )
this . $el . on ( 'drop' , $ . proxy ( this . handleDrop , this ) )
this . $el . on ( 'dragend' , $ . proxy ( this . handleDragEnd , this ) )
if ( this . options . dragClick ) { this . $el . on ( 'click' , $ . proxy ( this . handleClick , this ) )
this . $el . on ( 'mouseover' , $ . proxy ( this . handleMouseOver , this ) ) } }
DragValue . prototype . handleDragStart = function ( event ) { var e = event . originalEvent
e . dataTransfer . effectAllowed = 'all'
e . dataTransfer . setData ( 'text/plain' , this . textValue )
this . $el . css ( { opacity : 0.5 } ) . addClass ( 'dragvalue-dragging' ) }
DragValue . prototype . handleDrop = function ( event ) { event . stopPropagation ( )
return false }
DragValue . prototype . handleDragEnd = function ( event ) { this . $el . css ( { opacity : 1 } ) . removeClass ( 'dragvalue-dragging' ) }
DragValue . prototype . handleMouseOver = function ( event ) { var el = document . activeElement
if ( ! el ) return
if ( el . isContentEditable || ( el . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) == 'input' && el . type == 'text' || el . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) == 'textarea' ) ) { this . lastElement = el } }
DragValue . prototype . handleClick = function ( event ) { if ( ! this . lastElement ) return
var $el = $ ( this . lastElement )
if ( $el . hasClass ( 'ace_text-input' ) )
return this . handleClickCodeEditor ( event , $el )
if ( this . lastElement . isContentEditable )
return this . handleClickContentEditable ( )
this . insertAtCaret ( this . lastElement , this . textValue ) }
DragValue . prototype . handleClickCodeEditor = function ( event , $el ) { var $editorArea = $el . closest ( '[data-control=codeeditor]' )
if ( ! $editorArea . length ) return
$editorArea . codeEditor ( 'getEditorObject' ) . insert ( this . textValue ) }
DragValue . prototype . handleClickContentEditable = function ( ) { var sel , range , html ; if ( window . getSelection ) { sel = window . getSelection ( ) ; if ( sel . getRangeAt && sel . rangeCount ) { range = sel . getRangeAt ( 0 ) ; range . deleteContents ( ) ; range . insertNode ( document . createTextNode ( this . textValue ) ) ; } }
else if ( document . selection && document . selection . createRange ) { document . selection . createRange ( ) . text = this . textValue ; } }
DragValue . prototype . insertAtCaret = function ( el , insertValue ) { if ( document . selection ) { el . focus ( )
sel = document . selection . createRange ( )
sel . text = insertValue
el . focus ( ) }
else if ( el . selectionStart || el . selectionStart == '0' ) { var startPos = el . selectionStart , endPos = el . selectionEnd , scrollTop = el . scrollTop
el . value = el . value . substring ( 0 , startPos ) + insertValue + el . value . substring ( endPos , el . value . length )
el . focus ( )
el . selectionStart = startPos + insertValue . length
el . selectionEnd = startPos + insertValue . length
el . scrollTop = scrollTop }
else { el . value += insertValue
el . focus ( ) } }
var old = $ . fn . dragValue
$ . fn . dragValue = function ( option ) { var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) , result
this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.dragvalue' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , DragValue . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.dragvalue' , ( data = new DragValue ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) result = data [ option ] . apply ( data , args )
if ( typeof result != 'undefined' ) return false } )
return result ? result : this }
$ . fn . dragValue . Constructor = DragValue
$ . fn . dragValue . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . dragValue = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control="dragvalue"]' ) . dragValue ( ) } ) ; } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var Toolbar = function ( element , options ) { var
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
$el = this . $el = $ ( element ) , $toolbar = $el . closest ( '.control-toolbar' )
this . options = options || { } ; var scrollClassContainer = options . scrollClassContainer !== undefined ? options . scrollClassContainer : $el . parent ( )
$el . dragScroll ( { scrollClassContainer : scrollClassContainer } )
$ ( '.form-control.growable' , $toolbar ) . on ( 'focus' , function ( ) { update ( ) } )
$ ( '.form-control.growable' , $toolbar ) . on ( 'blur' , function ( ) { update ( ) } )
function update ( ) { $ ( window ) . trigger ( 'resize' ) } }
Toolbar . DEFAULTS = { }
var old = $ . fn . toolbar
$ . fn . toolbar = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.toolbar' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , Toolbar . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.toolbar' , ( data = new Toolbar ( this , options ) ) ) } ) }
$ . fn . toolbar . Constructor = Toolbar
$ . fn . toolbar . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . toolbar = old
return this }
2015-03-12 20:50:16 +11:00
$ ( document ) . on ( 'render' , function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control=toolbar]' ) . toolbar ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; ( function ( $ ) { $ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-toggle="tooltip"]' ) . tooltip ( ) } ) } ) ( jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var VerticalMenu = function ( element , toggle , options ) { this . body = $ ( 'body' )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . toggle = $ ( toggle )
this . options = options || { }
this . options = $ . extend ( { } , VerticalMenu . DEFAULTS , this . options )
this . wrapper = $ ( this . options . contentWrapper )
this . menuPanel = $ ( '<div></div>' ) . appendTo ( 'body' ) . addClass ( this . options . collapsedMenuClass ) . css ( 'width' , 0 )
this . menuContainer = $ ( '<div></div>' ) . appendTo ( this . menuPanel ) . css ( 'display' , 'none' )
this . menuElement = $ ( element ) . clone ( ) . appendTo ( this . menuContainer ) . css ( 'width' , 'auto' )
var self = this
this . toggle . click ( function ( ) { if ( ! self . body . hasClass ( self . options . bodyMenuOpenClass ) ) { var wrapperWidth = self . wrapper . outerWidth ( )
self . menuElement . dragScroll ( 'goToStart' )
self . wrapper . css ( { 'position' : 'absolute' , 'min-width' : self . wrapper . width ( ) , 'height' : '100%' } )
self . body . addClass ( self . options . bodyMenuOpenClass )
self . menuContainer . css ( 'display' , 'block' )
self . wrapper . animate ( { 'left' : self . options . menuWidth } , { duration : 200 , queue : false } )
self . menuPanel . animate ( { 'width' : self . options . menuWidth } , { duration : 200 , queue : false , complete : function ( ) { self . menuElement . css ( 'width' , self . options . menuWidth ) } } ) } else { closeMenu ( ) }
return false } )
this . wrapper . click ( function ( ) { if ( self . body . hasClass ( self . options . bodyMenuOpenClass ) ) { closeMenu ( )
return false } } )
$ ( window ) . resize ( function ( ) { if ( self . body . hasClass ( self . options . bodyMenuOpenClass ) ) { if ( $ ( window ) . width ( ) > self . options . breakpoint ) { hideMenu ( ) } } } )
this . menuElement . dragScroll ( { vertical : true , start : function ( ) { self . menuElement . addClass ( 'drag' ) } , stop : function ( ) { self . menuElement . removeClass ( 'drag' ) } , scrollClassContainer : self . menuPanel , scrollMarkerContainer : self . menuContainer } )
this . menuElement . on ( 'click' , function ( ) { if ( self . menuElement . hasClass ( 'drag' ) )
return false } )
function hideMenu ( ) { self . body . removeClass ( self . options . bodyMenuOpenClass )
self . wrapper . css ( { 'position' : 'static' , 'min-width' : 0 , 'right' : 0 , 'height' : '100%' } )
self . menuPanel . css ( 'width' , 0 )
self . menuElement . css ( 'width' , 'auto' )
self . menuContainer . css ( 'display' , 'none' ) }
function closeMenu ( ) { self . wrapper . animate ( { 'left' : 0 } , { duration : 200 , queue : false } )
self . menuPanel . animate ( { 'width' : 0 } , { duration : 200 , queue : false , complete : hideMenu } )
self . menuElement . animate ( { 'width' : 0 } , { duration : 200 , queue : false } ) } }
VerticalMenu . DEFAULTS = { menuWidth : 250 , minContentWidth : 769 , breakpoint : 769 , bodyMenuOpenClass : 'mainmenu-open' , collapsedMenuClass : 'mainmenu-collapsed' , contentWrapper : '#layout-canvas' }
var old = $ . fn . verticalMenu
$ . fn . verticalMenu = function ( toggleSelector , option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.verticalMenu' )
var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.verticalMenu' , ( data = new VerticalMenu ( this , toggleSelector , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) data [ option ] . call ( $this ) } ) }
$ . fn . verticalMenu . Constructor = VerticalMenu
$ . fn . verticalMenu . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . verticalMenu = old
return this } } ( window . jQuery ) ; ( function ( $ ) { $ ( window ) . load ( function ( ) { $ ( 'nav.navbar' ) . each ( function ( ) { var
navbar = $ ( this ) , nav = $ ( 'ul.nav' , navbar )
nav . verticalMenu ( $ ( 'a.menu-toggle' , navbar ) )
2015-03-12 20:50:16 +11:00
$ ( 'li.with-tooltip > a' , navbar ) . tooltip ( { container : 'body' , placement : 'bottom' } )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
$ ( '.layout-cell.width-fix' , navbar ) . one ( 'oc.widthFixed' , function ( ) { var dragScroll = $ ( '[data-control=toolbar]' , navbar ) . data ( 'oc.dragScroll' )
if ( dragScroll )
dragScroll . goToElement ( $ ( 'ul.nav > li.active' , navbar ) , undefined , { 'duration' : 0 } ) } ) } ) } ) } ) ( jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; if ( $ . oc === undefined )
$ . oc = { }
var SideNav = function ( element , options ) { this . options = options
this . $el = $ ( element )
this . $list = $ ( 'ul' , this . $el )
this . init ( ) ; }
SideNav . DEFAULTS = { }
SideNav . prototype . init = function ( ) { var self = this ; this . $list . dragScroll ( { vertical : true , start : function ( ) { self . $list . addClass ( 'drag' ) } , stop : function ( ) { self . $list . removeClass ( 'drag' ) } , scrollClassContainer : self . $el , scrollMarkerContainer : self . $el } )
this . $list . on ( 'click' , function ( ) { if ( self . $list . hasClass ( 'drag' ) )
return false } ) }
SideNav . prototype . setCounter = function ( itemId , value ) { var $counter = $ ( 'span.counter[data-menu-id="' + itemId + '"]' , this . $el )
$counter . removeClass ( 'empty' )
$counter . toggleClass ( 'empty' , value == 0 )
$counter . text ( value )
return this }
SideNav . prototype . increaseCounter = function ( itemId , value ) { var $counter = $ ( 'span.counter[data-menu-id="' + itemId + '"]' , this . $el )
var originalValue = parseInt ( $counter . text ( ) )
if ( isNaN ( originalValue ) )
originalValue = 0
var newValue = value + originalValue
$counter . toggleClass ( 'empty' , newValue == 0 )
$counter . text ( newValue )
return this }
SideNav . prototype . dropCounter = function ( itemId ) { this . setCounter ( itemId , 0 )
return this }
var old = $ . fn . sideNav
$ . fn . sideNav = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.sideNav' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , SideNav . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.sideNav' , ( data = new SideNav ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) data [ option ] . call ( $this )
if ( $ . oc . sideNav === undefined )
$ . oc . sideNav = data } ) }
$ . fn . sideNav . Constructor = SideNav
$ . fn . sideNav . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . sideNav = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control="sidenav"]' ) . sideNav ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var Tab = function ( element , options ) { var $el = this . $el = $ ( element ) ; this . options = options || { }
this . $tabsContainer = $ ( '.nav-tabs' , $el )
this . $pagesContainer = $ ( '.tab-content' , $el )
this . tabId = 'tabs' + $el . parents ( ) . length + Math . round ( Math . random ( ) * 1000 ) ; if ( this . options . closable !== undefined && this . options . closable !== false )
$el . attr ( 'data-closable' , '' )
this . init ( ) }
Tab . prototype . init = function ( ) { var self = this ; this . options . slidable = this . options . slidable !== undefined && this . options . slidable !== false
$ ( '> li' , this . $tabsContainer ) . each ( function ( index ) { self . initTab ( this ) } )
this . $el . on ( 'close.oc.tab' , function ( ev , data ) { ev . preventDefault ( )
var force = ( data !== undefined && data . force !== undefined ) ? data . force : false ; self . closeTab ( $ ( ev . target ) . closest ( 'ul.nav-tabs > li, div.tab-content > div' ) , force ) } )
this . $el . on ( 'toggleCollapse.oc.tab' , function ( ev , data ) { ev . preventDefault ( )
$ ( ev . target ) . closest ( 'div.tab-content > div' ) . toggleClass ( 'collapsed' ) } )
this . $el . on ( 'modified.oc.tab' , function ( ev ) { ev . preventDefault ( )
self . modifyTab ( $ ( ev . target ) . closest ( 'ul.nav-tabs > li, div.tab-content > div' ) ) } )
this . $el . on ( 'unmodified.oc.tab' , function ( ev ) { ev . preventDefault ( )
self . unmodifyTab ( $ ( ev . target ) . closest ( 'ul.nav-tabs > li, div.tab-content > div' ) ) } )
this . $tabsContainer . on ( 'shown.bs.tab' , 'li' , function ( ) { $ ( window ) . trigger ( 'oc.updateUi' ) } )
if ( this . options . slidable ) { this . $pagesContainer . touchwipe ( { wipeRight : function ( ) { self . prev ( ) ; } , wipeLeft : function ( ) { self . next ( ) ; } , preventDefaultEvents : false , min _move _x : 60 } ) ; }
this . $tabsContainer . toolbar ( { scrollClassContainer : this . $el } )
this . updateClasses ( ) }
Tab . prototype . initTab = function ( li ) { var
$tabs = $ ( '>li' , this . $tabsContainer ) , tabIndex = $tabs . index ( li ) , time = new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) , targetId = this . tabId + '-tab-' + tabIndex + time , $a = $ ( 'a' , li )
$a . attr ( 'data-target' , '#' + targetId ) . attr ( 'data-toggle' , 'tab' )
if ( ! $a . attr ( 'title' ) )
$a . attr ( 'title' , $a . text ( ) )
var html = $a . html ( )
$a . html ( '' )
$a . append ( $ ( '<span class="title"></span>' ) . append ( $ ( '<span></span>' ) . html ( html ) ) )
var pane = $ ( '> .tab-pane' , this . $pagesContainer ) . eq ( tabIndex ) . attr ( 'id' , targetId )
$ ( li ) . append ( $ ( '<span class="tab-close"><i>×</i></span>' ) . click ( function ( ) { $ ( this ) . trigger ( 'close.oc.tab' )
return false } ) )
pane . data ( 'tab' , li )
this . $el . trigger ( 'initTab.oc.tab' , [ { 'pane' : pane , 'tab' : li } ] ) }
Tab . prototype . addTab = function ( title , content , identifier , tabClass ) { var
processedTitle = this . generateTitleText ( title , - 1 ) , $link = $ ( '<a/>' ) . attr ( 'href' , 'javascript:;' ) . text ( processedTitle ) , $li = $ ( '<li/>' ) , $pane = $ ( '<div>' ) . html ( content ) . addClass ( 'tab-pane' ) ; $link . attr ( 'title' , title )
$li . append ( $link )
this . $tabsContainer . append ( $li )
this . $pagesContainer . append ( $pane )
if ( tabClass !== undefined )
$link . addClass ( tabClass )
if ( identifier !== undefined )
$li . attr ( 'data-tab-id' , identifier )
if ( this . options . paneClasses !== undefined )
$pane . addClass ( this . options . paneClasses )
this . initTab ( $li )
$link . tab ( 'show' )
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'resize' )
this . $tabsContainer . dragScroll ( 'goToElement' , $li )
var defaultFocus = $ ( '[default-focus]' , $pane )
if ( defaultFocus . is ( ":visible" ) )
defaultFocus . focus ( )
this . updateClasses ( ) }
Tab . prototype . updateTab = function ( tab , title , content ) { var tabIndex = this . findTabIndex ( tab )
if ( tabIndex == - 1 )
processedTitle = this . generateTitleText ( title , - 1 ) , $tab = $ ( '> li' , this . $tabsContainer ) . eq ( tabIndex ) , $pane = $ ( '> div' , this . $pagesContainer ) . eq ( tabIndex ) , $link = $ ( 'a' , $tab )
$link . text ( processedTitle ) . attr ( 'title' , title )
$pane . html ( content )
this . initTab ( $tab )
this . updateClasses ( ) }
2015-01-29 20:04:47 +11:00
Tab . prototype . generateTitleText = function ( title , tabIndex ) { var newTitle = title
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
if ( this . options . titleAsFileNames )
newTitle = title . replace ( /^.*[\\\/]/ , '' )
if ( this . options . maxTitleSymbols && newTitle . length > this . options . maxTitleSymbols )
newTitle = '...' + newTitle . substring ( newTitle . length - this . options . maxTitleSymbols )
return newTitle }
Tab . prototype . closeTab = function ( tab , force ) { var tabIndex = this . findTabIndex ( tab )
if ( tabIndex == - 1 )
$tab = $ ( '> li' , this . $tabsContainer ) . eq ( tabIndex ) , $pane = $ ( '> div' , this . $pagesContainer ) . eq ( tabIndex ) , isActive = $tab . hasClass ( 'active' ) , isModified = $tab . attr ( 'data-modified' ) !== undefined ; if ( isModified && this . options . closeConfirmation !== undefined && force !== true ) { if ( ! confirm ( this . options . closeConfirmation ) )
return }
var e = $ . Event ( 'beforeClose.oc.tab' , { relatedTarget : $pane } )
this . $el . trigger ( e )
if ( e . isDefaultPrevented ( ) )
$pane . remove ( )
$tab . remove ( )
if ( isActive )
$ ( '> li > a' , this . $tabsContainer ) . eq ( tabIndex - 1 ) . tab ( 'show' )
if ( $ ( '> li > a' , this . $tabsContainer ) . length == 0 )
this . $el . trigger ( 'afterAllClosed.oc.tab' )
this . $el . trigger ( 'closed.oc.tab' , [ $tab ] )
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'resize' )
this . updateClasses ( ) }
Tab . prototype . updateClasses = function ( ) { if ( this . $tabsContainer . children ( ) . length > 0 )
this . $el . addClass ( 'has-tabs' )
this . $el . removeClass ( 'has-tabs' ) }
Tab . prototype . modifyTab = function ( tab ) { var tabIndex = this . findTabIndex ( tab )
if ( tabIndex == - 1 )
$ ( '> li' , this . $tabsContainer ) . eq ( tabIndex ) . attr ( 'data-modified' , '' )
$ ( '> div' , this . $pagesContainer ) . eq ( tabIndex ) . attr ( 'data-modified' , '' ) }
Tab . prototype . unmodifyTab = function ( tab ) { var tabIndex = this . findTabIndex ( tab )
if ( tabIndex == - 1 )
$ ( '> li' , this . $tabsContainer ) . eq ( tabIndex ) . removeAttr ( 'data-modified' )
$ ( '> div' , this . $pagesContainer ) . eq ( tabIndex ) . removeAttr ( 'data-modified' ) }
Tab . prototype . findTabIndex = function ( tab ) { var tabToFind = tab
if ( tab === undefined )
tabToFind = $ ( 'li.active' , this . $tabsContainer )
var tabParent = this . $pagesContainer
if ( $ ( tabToFind ) . parent ( ) . hasClass ( 'nav-tabs' ) )
tabParent = this . $tabsContainer
return tabParent . children ( ) . index ( $ ( tabToFind ) ) }
Tab . prototype . findTabFromPane = function ( pane ) { var id = '#' + $ ( pane ) . attr ( 'id' ) , tab = $ ( '[data-target="' + id + '"]' , this . $tabsContainer )
return tab }
Tab . prototype . goTo = function ( identifier ) { var $tab = $ ( '[data-tab-id="' + identifier + '" ]' , this . $tabsContainer )
if ( $tab . length == 0 )
return false
var tabIndex = this . findTabIndex ( $tab )
if ( tabIndex == - 1 )
return false
this . goToIndex ( tabIndex )
this . $tabsContainer . dragScroll ( 'goToElement' , $tab )
return true }
Tab . prototype . goToPane = function ( pane ) { var $pane = $ ( pane ) , $tab = this . findTabFromPane ( $pane )
if ( $pane . length == 0 )
$pane . removeClass ( 'collapsed' )
var tabIndex = this . findTabIndex ( $pane )
if ( tabIndex == - 1 )
return false
this . goToIndex ( tabIndex )
if ( $tab . length > 0 )
this . $tabsContainer . dragScroll ( 'goToElement' , $tab )
return true }
Tab . prototype . goToElement = function ( element ) { return this . goToPane ( element . closest ( '.tab-pane' ) ) }
Tab . prototype . findByIdentifier = function ( identifier ) { return $ ( '[data-tab-id="' + identifier + '" ]' , this . $tabsContainer ) ; }
Tab . prototype . updateIdentifier = function ( tab , identifier ) { var index = this . findTabIndex ( tab )
if ( index == - 1 )
$ ( '> li' , this . $tabsContainer ) . eq ( index ) . attr ( 'data-tab-id' , identifier ) }
Tab . prototype . updateTitle = function ( tab , title ) { var index = this . findTabIndex ( tab )
if ( index == - 1 )
var processedTitle = this . generateTitleText ( title , index ) , $link = $ ( '> li > a span.title' , this . $tabsContainer ) . eq ( index )
$link . attr ( 'title' , title )
$link . text ( processedTitle ) }
Tab . prototype . goToIndex = function ( index ) { $ ( '> li > a' , this . $tabsContainer ) . eq ( index ) . tab ( 'show' ) }
Tab . prototype . prev = function ( ) { var tabIndex = this . findTabIndex ( )
if ( tabIndex <= 0 )
this . goToIndex ( tabIndex - 1 ) }
Tab . prototype . next = function ( ) { var tabIndex = this . findTabIndex ( )
if ( tabIndex == - 1 )
this . goToIndex ( tabIndex + 1 ) }
Tab . DEFAULTS = { }
var old = $ . fn . ocTab
$ . fn . ocTab = function ( option ) { var args = arguments ; return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.tab' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , Tab . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.tab' , ( data = new Tab ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) { var methodArgs = [ ] ; for ( var i = 1 ; i < args . length ; i ++ )
methodArgs . push ( args [ i ] )
data [ option ] . apply ( data , methodArgs ) } } ) }
$ . fn . ocTab . Constructor = Tab
$ . fn . ocTab . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . ocTab = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control=tab]' ) . ocTab ( ) } )
$ ( window ) . on ( 'ajaxInvalidField' , function ( event , element , name , messages , isFirst ) { if ( ! isFirst ) return
event . preventDefault ( )
element . closest ( '[data-control=tab]' ) . ocTab ( 'goToElement' , element )
element . focus ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var Popover = function ( element , options ) { var $el = this . $el = $ ( element ) ; this . options = options || { } ; this . arrowSize = 15
this . show ( ) }
Popover . prototype . hide = function ( ) { var e = $ . Event ( 'hiding.oc.popover' , { relatedTarget : this . $el } )
this . $el . trigger ( e , this )
if ( e . isDefaultPrevented ( ) )
this . $container . removeClass ( 'in' )
if ( this . $overlay ) this . $overlay . removeClass ( 'in' )
$ . support . transition && this . $container . hasClass ( 'fade' ) ? this . $container . one ( $ . support . transition . end , $ . proxy ( this . hidePopover , this ) ) . emulateTransitionEnd ( 300 ) : this . hidePopover ( ) }
Popover . prototype . hidePopover = function ( ) { if ( this . $container ) this . $container . remove ( )
if ( this . $overlay ) this . $overlay . remove ( )
this . $overlay = false
this . $container = false
this . $el . removeClass ( 'popover-highlight' )
this . $el . data ( 'oc.popover' , null )
$ ( document . body ) . removeClass ( 'popover-open' )
$ ( document ) . unbind ( 'mousedown' , this . docClickHandler ) ; this . $el . trigger ( 'hide.oc.popover' )
$ ( document ) . off ( '.oc.popover' ) }
Popover . prototype . show = function ( options ) { var self = this
var e = $ . Event ( 'showing.oc.popover' , { relatedTarget : this . $el } )
this . $el . trigger ( e , this )
if ( e . isDefaultPrevented ( ) )
this . $container = $ ( '<div />' ) . addClass ( 'control-popover' )
if ( this . options . containerClass )
this . $container . addClass ( this . options . containerClass )
if ( this . options . useAnimation )
this . $container . addClass ( 'fade' )
var $content = $ ( '<div />' ) . html ( this . getContent ( ) )
this . $container . append ( $content )
if ( this . options . width )
this . $container . width ( this . options . width )
if ( this . options . modal ) { this . $overlay = $ ( '<div />' ) . addClass ( 'popover-overlay' )
$ ( document . body ) . append ( this . $overlay )
if ( this . options . highlightModalTarget ) { this . $el . addClass ( 'popover-highlight' )
this . $el . blur ( ) } } else { this . $overlay = false }
if ( this . options . container )
$ ( this . options . container ) . append ( this . $container )
$ ( document . body ) . append ( this . $container )
placement = this . calcPlacement ( ) , position = this . calcPosition ( placement )
this . $container . css ( { left : position . x , top : position . y } ) . addClass ( 'placement-' + placement )
this . $container . addClass ( 'in' )
if ( this . $overlay ) this . $overlay . addClass ( 'in' )
$ ( document . body ) . addClass ( 'popover-open' )
var showEvent = jQuery . Event ( 'show.oc.popover' , { relatedTarget : this . $container . get ( 0 ) } )
this . $el . trigger ( showEvent )
this . $container . on ( 'mousedown' , function ( e ) { e . stopPropagation ( ) ; } )
this . $container . on ( 'close.oc.popover' , function ( e ) { self . hide ( ) } )
this . $container . on ( 'click' , '[data-dismiss=popover]' , function ( e ) { self . hide ( )
return false } )
this . docClickHandler = $ . proxy ( this . onDocumentClick , this )
$ ( document ) . bind ( 'mousedown' , this . docClickHandler ) ; if ( this . options . closeOnEsc ) { $ ( document ) . on ( 'keyup.oc.popover' , function ( e ) { if ( $ ( e . target ) . hasClass ( 'select2-offscreen' ) )
return false
if ( e . keyCode == 27 ) { self . hide ( )
return false } } ) } }
Popover . prototype . getContent = function ( ) { return typeof this . options . content == 'function' ? this . options . content . call ( this . $el [ 0 ] , this ) : this . options . content }
Popover . prototype . calcDimensions = function ( ) { var
documentWidth = $ ( document ) . width ( ) , documentHeight = $ ( document ) . height ( ) , targetOffset = this . $el . offset ( ) , targetWidth = this . $el . outerWidth ( ) , targetHeight = this . $el . outerHeight ( )
return { containerWidth : this . $container . outerWidth ( ) + this . arrowSize , containerHeight : this . $container . outerHeight ( ) + this . arrowSize , targetOffset : targetOffset , targetHeight : targetHeight , targetWidth : targetWidth , spaceLeft : targetOffset . left , spaceRight : documentWidth - ( targetWidth + targetOffset . left ) , spaceTop : targetOffset . top , spaceBottom : documentHeight - ( targetHeight + targetOffset . top ) , spaceHorizontalBottom : documentHeight - targetOffset . top , spaceVerticalRight : documentWidth - targetOffset . left , documentWidth : documentWidth } }
Popover . prototype . fitsLeft = function ( dimensions ) { return dimensions . spaceLeft >= dimensions . containerWidth && dimensions . spaceHorizontalBottom >= dimensions . containerHeight }
Popover . prototype . fitsRight = function ( dimensions ) { return dimensions . spaceRight >= dimensions . containerWidth && dimensions . spaceHorizontalBottom >= dimensions . containerHeight }
Popover . prototype . fitsBottom = function ( dimensions ) { return dimensions . spaceBottom >= dimensions . containerHeight && dimensions . spaceVerticalRight >= dimensions . containerWidth }
Popover . prototype . fitsTop = function ( dimensions ) { return dimensions . spaceTop >= dimensions . containerHeight && dimensions . spaceVerticalRight >= dimensions . containerWidth }
Popover . prototype . calcPlacement = function ( ) { var
placement = this . options . placement , dimensions = this . calcDimensions ( ) ; if ( placement == 'center' )
return placement
if ( placement != 'bottom' && placement != 'top' && placement != 'left' && placement != 'right' )
placement = 'bottom'
var placementFunctions = { top : this . fitsTop , bottom : this . fitsBottom , left : this . fitsLeft , right : this . fitsRight }
if ( placementFunctions [ placement ] ( dimensions ) )
return placement
for ( var index in placementFunctions ) { if ( placementFunctions [ index ] ( dimensions ) )
return index }
return this . options . fallbackPlacement }
Popover . prototype . calcPosition = function ( placement ) { var
dimensions = this . calcDimensions ( ) , result
switch ( placement ) { case 'left' : var realOffset = this . options . offsetY === undefined ? this . options . offset : this . options . offsetY
result = { x : ( dimensions . targetOffset . left - dimensions . containerWidth ) , y : dimensions . targetOffset . top + realOffset }
break ; case 'top' : var realOffset = this . options . offsetX === undefined ? this . options . offset : this . options . offsetX
result = { x : dimensions . targetOffset . left + realOffset , y : ( dimensions . targetOffset . top - dimensions . containerHeight ) }
break ; case 'bottom' : var realOffset = this . options . offsetX === undefined ? this . options . offset : this . options . offsetX
result = { x : dimensions . targetOffset . left + realOffset , y : ( dimensions . targetOffset . top + dimensions . targetHeight + this . arrowSize ) }
break ; case 'right' : var realOffset = this . options . offsetY === undefined ? this . options . offset : this . options . offsetY
result = { x : ( dimensions . targetOffset . left + dimensions . targetWidth + this . arrowSize ) , y : dimensions . targetOffset . top + realOffset }
break ; case 'center' : var windowHeight = $ ( window ) . height ( )
result = { x : ( dimensions . documentWidth / 2 - dimensions . containerWidth / 2 ) , y : ( windowHeight / 2 - dimensions . containerHeight / 2 ) }
if ( result . y < 40 )
result . y = 40
break ; }
if ( ! this . options . container )
return result
$container = $ ( this . options . container ) , containerOffset = $container . offset ( )
result . x -= containerOffset . left
result . y -= containerOffset . top
return result }
Popover . prototype . onDocumentClick = function ( ) { if ( this . options . closeOnPageClick )
this . hide ( ) ; }
Popover . DEFAULTS = { placement : 'bottom' , fallbackPlacement : 'bottom' , content : '<p>Popover content<p>' , width : false , modal : false , highlightModalTarget : false , closeOnPageClick : true , closeOnEsc : true , container : false , containerClass : null , offset : 15 , useAnimation : false }
var old = $ . fn . ocPopover
$ . fn . ocPopover = function ( option ) { var args = arguments ; return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.popover' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , Popover . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) { if ( typeof option == 'string' )
return ; $this . data ( 'oc.popover' , ( data = new Popover ( this , options ) ) ) } else { if ( typeof option != 'string' )
return ; var methodArgs = [ ] ; for ( var i = 1 ; i < args . length ; i ++ )
methodArgs . push ( args [ i ] )
data [ option ] . apply ( data , methodArgs ) } } ) }
$ . fn . ocPopover . Constructor = Popover
$ . fn . ocPopover . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . ocPopover = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '[data-control=popover]' , function ( e ) { $ ( this ) . ocPopover ( )
return false ; } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var Popup = function ( element , options ) { var self = this
this . options = options
this . $el = $ ( element )
this . $container = null
this . $modal = null
this . $backdrop = null
this . isOpen = false
this . firstDiv = null
this . allowHide = true
this . $container = this . createPopupContainer ( )
this . $content = this . $container . find ( '.modal-content:first' )
this . $modal = this . $container . modal ( { show : false , backdrop : false , keyboard : this . options . keyboard } )
this . $container . data ( 'oc.popup' , this )
this . $modal . on ( 'hide.bs.modal' , function ( ) { self . isOpen = false
self . setBackdrop ( false ) } )
2015-03-21 23:09:33 -07:00
this . $modal . on ( 'hidden.bs.modal' , function ( ) { self . triggerEvent ( 'hidden.oc.popup' )
self . $container . remove ( )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
self . $el . data ( 'oc.popup' , null ) } )
this . $modal . on ( 'show.bs.modal' , function ( ) { self . isOpen = true
self . setBackdrop ( true ) } )
this . $modal . on ( 'shown.bs.modal' , function ( ) { self . triggerEvent ( 'shown.oc.popup' ) } )
this . $modal . on ( 'close.oc.popup' , function ( ) { self . hide ( )
return false } )
this . init ( ) }
2015-02-11 18:35:39 +11:00
Popup . DEFAULTS = { ajax : null , handler : null , keyboard : true , extraData : { } , content : null , size : null }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
Popup . prototype . init = function ( ) { var self = this
if ( self . isOpen )
this . setBackdrop ( true )
if ( ! this . options . content )
this . setLoading ( true )
if ( this . options . handler ) { this . $el . request ( this . options . handler , { data : this . options . extraData , success : function ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) { this . success ( data , textStatus , jqXHR ) . done ( function ( ) { self . setContent ( data . result )
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'ajaxUpdateComplete' , [ this , data , textStatus , jqXHR ] )
self . triggerEvent ( 'popupComplete' )
self . triggerEvent ( 'complete.oc.popup' ) } ) } , error : function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) { this . error ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) . done ( function ( ) { self . hide ( )
self . triggerEvent ( 'popupError' )
self . triggerEvent ( 'error.oc.popup' ) } ) } } ) }
else if ( this . options . ajax ) { $ . ajax ( { url : this . options . ajax , data : this . options . extraData , success : function ( data ) { self . setContent ( data ) } , cache : false } ) }
else if ( this . options . content ) { var content = typeof this . options . content == 'function' ? this . options . content . call ( this . $el [ 0 ] , this ) : this . options . content
this . setContent ( content ) } }
Popup . prototype . createPopupContainer = function ( ) { var
modal = $ ( '<div />' ) . prop ( { class : 'control-popup modal fade' , role : 'dialog' , tabindex : - 1 } ) , modalDialog = $ ( '<div />' ) . addClass ( 'modal-dialog' ) , modalContent = $ ( '<div />' ) . addClass ( 'modal-content' )
2015-02-11 18:35:39 +11:00
if ( this . options . size )
modalDialog . addClass ( 'size-' + this . options . size )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
return modal . append ( modalDialog . append ( modalContent ) ) }
Popup . prototype . setContent = function ( contents ) { this . $content . html ( contents )
this . setLoading ( false )
this . show ( )
this . firstDiv = this . $content . find ( '>div:first' )
if ( this . firstDiv . length > 0 )
this . firstDiv . data ( 'oc.popup' , this ) }
Popup . prototype . setBackdrop = function ( val ) { if ( val && ! this . $backdrop ) { this . $backdrop = $ ( '<div class="popup-backdrop fade" />' ) . appendTo ( document . body )
this . $backdrop . addClass ( 'in' )
this . $backdrop . append ( $ ( '<div class="modal-content popup-loading-indicator" />' ) ) }
else if ( ! val && this . $backdrop ) { this . $backdrop . remove ( )
this . $backdrop = null } }
Popup . prototype . setLoading = function ( val ) { if ( ! this . $backdrop )
return ; var self = this
if ( val ) { setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . $backdrop . addClass ( 'loading' ) ; } , 100 ) }
else { this . $backdrop . removeClass ( 'loading' ) ; } }
Popup . prototype . hideLoading = function ( val ) { this . setLoading ( false )
var self = this
setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . setBackdrop ( false ) } , 250 )
setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . hide ( ) } , 500 ) }
Popup . prototype . triggerEvent = function ( eventName , params ) { if ( ! params )
params = [ this . $el , this . $modal ]
var eventObject = jQuery . Event ( eventName , { relatedTarget : this . $container . get ( 0 ) } )
this . $el . trigger ( eventObject , params )
if ( this . firstDiv )
this . firstDiv . trigger ( eventObject , params ) }
Popup . prototype . reload = function ( ) { this . init ( ) }
Popup . prototype . show = function ( ) { this . $modal . modal ( 'show' )
this . $modal . on ( 'click.dismiss.popup' , '[data-dismiss="popup"]' , $ . proxy ( this . hide , this ) )
this . triggerEvent ( 'popupShow' )
this . triggerEvent ( 'show.oc.popup' ) }
Popup . prototype . hide = function ( ) { this . triggerEvent ( 'popupHide' )
this . triggerEvent ( 'hide.oc.popup' )
if ( this . allowHide )
this . $modal . modal ( 'hide' ) }
Popup . prototype . visible = function ( val ) { if ( val )
this . $modal . addClass ( 'in' )
this . $modal . removeClass ( 'in' )
this . setBackdrop ( val ) }
Popup . prototype . toggle = function ( ) { this . triggerEvent ( 'popupToggle' , [ this . $modal ] )
this . triggerEvent ( 'toggle.oc.popup' , [ this . $modal ] )
this . $modal . modal ( 'toggle' ) }
Popup . prototype . lock = function ( val ) { this . allowHide = ! val }
var old = $ . fn . popup
$ . fn . popup = function ( option ) { var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 )
return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.popup' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , Popup . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.popup' , ( data = new Popup ( this , options ) ) )
else if ( typeof option == 'string' ) data [ option ] . apply ( data , args )
else data . reload ( ) } ) }
$ . fn . popup . Constructor = Popup
2015-03-06 20:41:14 +11:00
$ . popup = function ( option ) { return $ ( '<a />' ) . popup ( option ) }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
$ . fn . popup . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . popup = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . on ( 'click.oc.popup' , '[data-control="popup"]' , function ( ) { $ ( this ) . popup ( )
2015-01-29 20:04:47 +11:00
return false } ) ; $ ( document ) . on ( 'ajaxPromise' , '[data-popup-load-indicator]' , function ( event , context ) { if ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'request' ) != context . handler ) return
$ ( this ) . closest ( '.control-popup' ) . removeClass ( 'in' ) . popup ( 'setLoading' , true ) } ) . on ( 'ajaxFail' , '[data-popup-load-indicator]' , function ( event , context ) { if ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'request' ) != context . handler ) return
$ ( this ) . closest ( '.control-popup' ) . addClass ( 'in' ) . popup ( 'setLoading' , false ) } ) . on ( 'ajaxDone' , '[data-popup-load-indicator]' , function ( event , context ) { if ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'request' ) != context . handler ) return
$ ( this ) . closest ( '.control-popup' ) . popup ( 'hideLoading' ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var GoalMeter = function ( element , options ) { var
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
$el = this . $el = $ ( element ) , self = this ; this . options = options || { } ; this . $indicatorBar = $ ( '<span/>' ) . text ( this . options . value + '%' )
this . $indicatorOuter = $ ( '<span/>' ) . addClass ( 'goal-meter-indicator' ) . append ( this . $indicatorBar )
$ ( 'p' , this . $el ) . first ( ) . before ( this . $indicatorOuter )
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . update ( self . options . value ) } , 200 ) }
GoalMeter . prototype . update = function ( value ) { this . $indicatorBar . css ( 'height' , value + '%' ) }
GoalMeter . DEFAULTS = { value : 50 }
var old = $ . fn . goalMeter
$ . fn . goalMeter = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.goalMeter' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , GoalMeter . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data )
$this . data ( 'oc.goalMeter' , ( data = new GoalMeter ( this , options ) ) )
data . update ( option ) } ) }
$ . fn . goalMeter . Constructor = GoalMeter
$ . fn . goalMeter . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . goalMeter = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control=goal-meter]' ) . goalMeter ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var Scrollbar = function ( element , options ) { var
$el = this . $el = $ ( element ) , el = $el . get ( 0 ) , self = this , options = this . options = options || { } , sizeName = this . sizeName = options . vertical ? 'height' : 'width' , isTouch = this . isTouch = Modernizr . touch , isScrollable = this . isScrollable = false , isLocked = this . isLocked = false , eventElementName = options . vertical ? 'pageY' : 'pageX' , dragStart = 0 , startOffset = 0 ; this . $scrollbar = $ ( '<div />' ) . addClass ( 'scrollbar-scrollbar' )
this . $track = $ ( '<div />' ) . addClass ( 'scrollbar-track' ) . appendTo ( this . $scrollbar )
this . $thumb = $ ( '<div />' ) . addClass ( 'scrollbar-thumb' ) . appendTo ( this . $track )
$el . addClass ( 'drag-scrollbar' ) . addClass ( options . vertical ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal' ) . prepend ( this . $scrollbar )
if ( isTouch ) { this . $el . on ( 'touchstart' , function ( event ) { var touchEvent = event . originalEvent ; if ( touchEvent . touches . length == 1 ) { startDrag ( touchEvent . touches [ 0 ] )
event . stopPropagation ( ) } } ) }
else { this . $thumb . on ( 'mousedown' , function ( event ) { startDrag ( event ) } )
this . $track . on ( 'mouseup' , function ( event ) { moveDrag ( event ) } ) }
2015-03-26 22:06:01 +11:00
$el . mousewheel ( function ( event ) { var offset = self . options . vertical ? ( ( event . deltaFactor * event . deltaY ) * - 1 ) : ( event . deltaFactor * event . deltaX )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
return ! scrollWheel ( offset * self . options . scrollSpeed ) } )
$el . on ( 'oc.scrollbar.gotoStart' , function ( event ) { self . options . vertical ? $el . scrollTop ( 0 ) : $el . scrollLeft ( 0 )
self . update ( )
event . stopPropagation ( ) } )
$ ( window ) . on ( 'resize' , $ . proxy ( this . update , this ) )
$ ( window ) . on ( 'oc.updateUi' , $ . proxy ( this . update , this ) )
function startDrag ( event ) { $ ( 'body' ) . addClass ( 'drag-noselect' )
$el . trigger ( 'oc.scrollStart' )
dragStart = event [ eventElementName ]
startOffset = self . options . vertical ? $el . scrollTop ( ) : $el . scrollLeft ( )
if ( isTouch ) { $ ( window ) . on ( 'touchmove.scrollbar' , function ( event ) { var touchEvent = event . originalEvent
if ( moveDrag ( touchEvent . touches [ 0 ] ) )
event . preventDefault ( ) ; } ) ; $el . on ( 'touchend.scrollbar' , stopDrag ) }
else { $ ( window ) . on ( 'mousemove.scrollbar' , function ( event ) { moveDrag ( event )
return false } )
$ ( window ) . on ( 'mouseup.scrollbar' , function ( ) { stopDrag ( )
return false } ) } }
function moveDrag ( event ) { self . isLocked = true ; var
offset , dragTo = event [ eventElementName ]
if ( self . isTouch ) { offset = dragStart - dragTo }
else { var ratio = self . getCanvasSize ( ) / self . getViewportSize ( )
offset = ( dragTo - dragStart ) * ratio }
self . options . vertical ? $el . scrollTop ( startOffset + offset ) : $el . scrollLeft ( startOffset + offset )
self . setThumbPosition ( )
return self . options . vertical ? el . scrollTop != startOffset : el . scrollLeft != startOffset }
function stopDrag ( ) { $ ( 'body' ) . removeClass ( 'drag-noselect' )
$el . trigger ( 'oc.scrollEnd' )
$ ( window ) . off ( '.scrollbar' ) }
var isWebkit = $ ( document . documentElement ) . hasClass ( 'webkit' )
function scrollWheel ( offset ) { startOffset = self . options . vertical ? el . scrollTop : el . scrollLeft
$el . trigger ( 'oc.scrollStart' )
self . options . vertical ? $el . scrollTop ( startOffset + offset ) : $el . scrollLeft ( startOffset + offset )
var scrolled = self . options . vertical ? el . scrollTop != startOffset : el . scrollLeft != startOffset
self . setThumbPosition ( )
if ( ! isWebkit ) { if ( self . endScrollTimeout !== undefined ) { clearTimeout ( self . endScrollTimeout )
self . endScrollTimeout = undefined }
self . endScrollTimeout = setTimeout ( function ( ) { $el . trigger ( 'oc.scrollEnd' )
self . endScrollTimeout = undefined } , 50 ) } else { $el . trigger ( 'oc.scrollEnd' ) }
return scrolled }
setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . update ( ) } , 1 ) ; }
Scrollbar . DEFAULTS = { vertical : true , scrollSpeed : 2 , animation : true , start : function ( ) { } , drag : function ( ) { } , stop : function ( ) { } }
2015-01-13 17:26:16 +11:00
Scrollbar . prototype . update = function ( ) { if ( ! this . $scrollbar )
this . $scrollbar . hide ( )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . setThumbSize ( )
this . setThumbPosition ( )
this . $scrollbar . show ( ) }
Scrollbar . prototype . setThumbSize = function ( ) { var properties = this . calculateProperties ( )
this . isScrollable = ! ( properties . thumbSizeRatio >= 1 ) ; this . $scrollbar . toggleClass ( 'disabled' , ! this . isScrollable )
if ( this . options . vertical ) { this . $track . height ( properties . canvasSize )
this . $thumb . height ( properties . thumbSize ) }
else { this . $track . width ( properties . canvasSize )
this . $thumb . width ( properties . thumbSize ) } }
Scrollbar . prototype . setThumbPosition = function ( ) { var properties = this . calculateProperties ( )
if ( this . options . vertical )
this . $thumb . css ( { top : properties . thumbPosition } )
this . $thumb . css ( { left : properties . thumbPosition } ) }
Scrollbar . prototype . calculateProperties = function ( ) { var $el = this . $el , properties = { } ; properties . viewportSize = this . getViewportSize ( )
properties . canvasSize = this . getCanvasSize ( )
properties . scrollAmount = ( this . options . vertical ) ? $el . scrollTop ( ) : $el . scrollLeft ( )
properties . thumbSizeRatio = properties . viewportSize / properties . canvasSize
properties . thumbSize = properties . viewportSize * properties . thumbSizeRatio
properties . thumbPositionRatio = properties . scrollAmount / ( properties . canvasSize - properties . viewportSize )
properties . thumbPosition = ( ( properties . viewportSize - properties . thumbSize ) * properties . thumbPositionRatio ) + properties . scrollAmount
if ( isNaN ( properties . thumbPosition ) )
properties . thumbPosition = 0
return properties ; }
Scrollbar . prototype . getViewportSize = function ( ) { return ( this . options . vertical ) ? this . $el . height ( ) : this . $el . width ( ) ; }
Scrollbar . prototype . getCanvasSize = function ( ) { return ( this . options . vertical ) ? this . $el . get ( 0 ) . scrollHeight : this . $el . get ( 0 ) . scrollWidth ; }
Scrollbar . prototype . gotoElement = function ( element , callback ) { var $el = $ ( element )
if ( ! $el . length )
return ; var self = this , offset = 0 , animated = false , params = { duration : 300 , queue : false , complete : function ( ) { if ( callback !== undefined )
callback ( ) } }
if ( ! this . options . vertical ) { offset = $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetLeft - this . $el . scrollLeft ( )
if ( offset < 0 ) { this . $el . animate ( { 'scrollLeft' : $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetLeft } , params )
animated = true } else { offset = $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetLeft + $el . outerWidth ( ) - ( this . $el . scrollLeft ( ) + this . $el . outerWidth ( ) )
if ( offset > 0 ) { this . $el . animate ( { 'scrollLeft' : $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetLeft + $el . outerWidth ( ) - this . $el . outerWidth ( ) } , params )
animated = true } } } else { offset = $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop - this . $el . scrollTop ( )
if ( this . options . animation ) { if ( offset < 0 ) { this . $el . animate ( { 'scrollTop' : $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop } , params )
animated = true } else { offset = $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop - ( this . $el . scrollTop ( ) + this . $el . outerHeight ( ) )
if ( offset > 0 ) { this . $el . animate ( { 'scrollTop' : $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop + $el . outerHeight ( ) - this . $el . outerHeight ( ) } , params )
animated = true } } } else { if ( offset < 0 ) { this . $el . scrollTop ( $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop ) } else { offset = $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop - ( this . $el . scrollTop ( ) + this . $el . outerHeight ( ) )
if ( offset > 0 )
this . $el . scrollTop ( $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetTop + $el . outerHeight ( ) - this . $el . outerHeight ( ) ) } } }
if ( ! animated && callback !== undefined )
callback ( )
return this }
Scrollbar . prototype . dispose = function ( ) { this . $el = null
this . $scrollbar = null
this . $track = null
this . $thumb = null }
var old = $ . fn . scrollbar
$ . fn . scrollbar = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.scrollbar' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , Scrollbar . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.scrollbar' , ( data = new Scrollbar ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) data [ option ] . call ( $this ) } ) }
$ . fn . scrollbar . Constructor = Scrollbar
$ . fn . scrollbar . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . scrollbar = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control=scrollbar]' ) . scrollbar ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var FileList = function ( element , options ) { this . options = options
this . $el = $ ( element )
this . init ( ) ; }
FileList . DEFAULTS = { }
FileList . prototype . init = function ( ) { var self = this
this . $el . on ( 'click' , 'li.group > h4 > a, li.group > div.group' , function ( ) { self . toggleGroup ( $ ( this ) . closest ( 'li' ) )
return false ; } ) ; this . $el . on ( 'click' , 'li.item > a' , function ( event ) { var e = $ . Event ( 'open.oc.list' , { relatedTarget : $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . get ( 0 ) , clickEvent : event } )
self . $el . trigger ( e , this )
return false } )
this . $el . on ( 'ajaxUpdate' , $ . proxy ( this . update , this ) ) }
FileList . prototype . toggleGroup = function ( group ) { var $group = $ ( group ) ; $group . attr ( 'data-status' ) == 'expanded' ? this . collapseGroup ( $group ) : this . expandGroup ( $group ) }
FileList . prototype . collapseGroup = function ( group ) { var
$list = $ ( '> ul, > div.subitems' , group ) , self = this ; $list . css ( 'overflow' , 'hidden' )
$list . animate ( { 'height' : 0 } , { duration : 100 , queue : false , complete : function ( ) { $list . css ( { 'overflow' : 'visible' , 'display' : 'none' } )
$ ( group ) . attr ( 'data-status' , 'collapsed' )
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'resize' ) } } )
this . sendGroupStatusRequest ( group , 0 ) ; }
FileList . prototype . expandGroup = function ( group ) { var
$list = $ ( '> ul, > div.subitems' , group ) , self = this ; $list . css ( { 'overflow' : 'hidden' , 'display' : 'block' , 'height' : 0 } )
$list . animate ( { 'height' : $list [ 0 ] . scrollHeight } , { duration : 100 , queue : false , complete : function ( ) { $list . css ( { 'overflow' : 'visible' , 'height' : 'auto' } )
$ ( group ) . attr ( 'data-status' , 'expanded' )
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'resize' ) } } )
this . sendGroupStatusRequest ( group , 1 ) ; }
FileList . prototype . sendGroupStatusRequest = function ( group , status ) { if ( this . options . groupStatusHandler !== undefined ) { var groupId = $ ( group ) . data ( 'group-id' )
if ( groupId === undefined )
groupId = $ ( '> h4 a' , group ) . text ( ) ; $ ( group ) . request ( this . options . groupStatusHandler , { data : { group : groupId , status : status } } ) } }
FileList . prototype . markActive = function ( dataId ) { $ ( 'li.item' , this . $el ) . removeClass ( 'active' )
if ( dataId )
$ ( 'li.item[data-id="' + dataId + '"]' , this . $el ) . addClass ( 'active' )
this . dataId = dataId }
FileList . prototype . update = function ( ) { if ( this . dataId !== undefined )
this . markActive ( this . dataId ) }
var old = $ . fn . fileList
$ . fn . fileList = function ( option ) { var args = arguments ; return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.fileList' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , FileList . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.fileList' , ( data = new FileList ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) { var methodArgs = [ ] ; for ( var i = 1 ; i < args . length ; i ++ )
methodArgs . push ( args [ i ] )
data [ option ] . apply ( data , methodArgs ) } } ) }
$ . fn . fileList . Constructor = FileList
$ . fn . fileList . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . fileList = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control=filelist]' ) . fileList ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var HotKey = function ( element , options ) { var $el = this . $el = $ ( element )
var $target = this . $target = $ ( options . hotkeyTarget )
this . options = options || { }
if ( ! options . hotkey )
throw new Error ( 'No hotkey has been defined.' ) ; if ( options . hotkeyMac ) options . hotkey += ', ' + options . hotkeyMac
keys = options . hotkey . toLowerCase ( ) . split ( ',' ) , keysCount = keys . length , keyConditions = [ ] , keyPressed = { shift : false , ctrl : false , cmd : false , alt : false } , keyMap = { 'esc' : 27 , 'tab' : 9 , 'space' : 32 , 'return' : 13 , 'enter' : 13 , 'backspace' : 8 , 'scroll' : 145 , 'capslock' : 20 , 'numlock' : 144 , 'pause' : 19 , 'break' : 19 , 'insert' : 45 , 'home' : 36 , 'delete' : 46 , 'suppr' : 46 , 'end' : 35 , 'pageup' : 33 , 'pagedown' : 34 , 'left' : 37 , 'up' : 38 , 'right' : 39 , 'down' : 40 , 'f1' : 112 , 'f2' : 113 , 'f3' : 114 , 'f4' : 115 , 'f5' : 116 , 'f6' : 117 , 'f7' : 118 , 'f8' : 119 , 'f9' : 120 , 'f10' : 121 , 'f11' : 122 , 'f12' : 123 }
for ( var i = 0 ; i < keysCount ; i ++ ) { keyConditions . push ( makeCondition ( trim ( keys [ i ] ) ) ) }
$target . keydown ( function ( event ) { keyPressed . shift = event . originalEvent . shiftKey
keyPressed . ctrl = event . originalEvent . ctrlKey
keyPressed . cmd = event . originalEvent . metaKey
keyPressed . alt = event . originalEvent . altKey
if ( testConditions ( event ) ) { if ( options . hotkeyVisible && ! $el . is ( ':visible' ) )
if ( options . callback )
return options . callback ( $el , this )
keyPressed . shift = false
keyPressed . ctrl = false
keyPressed . cmd = false
keyPressed . alt = false } } ) ; $target . keyup ( function ( event ) { keyPressed . shift = event . originalEvent . shiftKey
keyPressed . ctrl = event . originalEvent . ctrlKey
keyPressed . cmd = event . originalEvent . metaKey
keyPressed . alt = event . originalEvent . altKey } ) ; function testConditions ( event ) { var count = keyConditions . length , condition
for ( var i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { condition = keyConditions [ i ]
if ( event . which == condition . specific && keyPressed . shift == condition . shift && keyPressed . ctrl == condition . ctrl && keyPressed . cmd == condition . cmd && keyPressed . alt == condition . alt ) { return true } }
return false }
function makeCondition ( keyBind ) { var condition = { shift : false , ctrl : false , cmd : false , alt : false , specific : - 1 } , keys = keyBind . split ( '+' ) , count = keys . length
for ( var i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { switch ( keys [ i ] ) { case 'shift' : condition . shift = true
case 'ctrl' : condition . ctrl = true
case 'command' : case 'cmd' : case 'meta' : condition . cmd = true
case 'alt' : condition . alt = true
break } }
condition . specific = keyMap [ keys [ keys . length - 1 ] ]
if ( typeof ( condition . specific ) == 'undefined' )
condition . specific = keys [ keys . length - 1 ] . toUpperCase ( ) . charCodeAt ( )
return condition }
function trim ( str ) { return str . replace ( /^\s+/ , "" ) . replace ( /\s+$/ , "" ) } }
HotKey . DEFAULTS = { hotkey : null , hotkeyMac : null , hotkeyTarget : 'html' , hotkeyVisible : true , callback : function ( element ) { element . trigger ( 'click' )
return false } }
var old = $ . fn . hotKey
$ . fn . hotKey = function ( option ) { var args = arguments ; return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.hotkey' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , HotKey . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.hotkey' , ( data = new HotKey ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) data [ option ] . call ( $this ) } ) }
$ . fn . hotKey . Constructor = HotKey
$ . fn . hotKey . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . hotKey = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-hotkey]' ) . hotKey ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var LoadIndicator = function ( element , options ) { var $el = this . $el = $ ( element )
this . options = options || { }
this . tally = 0
this . show ( ) }
LoadIndicator . prototype . hide = function ( ) { this . tally --
if ( this . tally <= 0 ) { $ ( 'div.loading-indicator' , this . $el ) . remove ( )
this . $el . removeClass ( 'in-progress' ) } }
LoadIndicator . prototype . show = function ( options ) { if ( options )
this . options = options
this . hide ( )
var indicator = $ ( '<div class="loading-indicator"></div>' )
indicator . append ( $ ( '<div></div>' ) . text ( this . options . text ) )
indicator . append ( $ ( '<span></span>' ) )
2015-03-18 05:38:25 +11:00
if ( this . options . opaque !== undefined ) { indicator . addClass ( 'is-opaque' ) }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . $el . prepend ( indicator )
this . $el . addClass ( 'in-progress' )
this . tally ++ }
LoadIndicator . DEFAULTS = { text : '' }
var old = $ . fn . loadIndicator
$ . fn . loadIndicator = function ( option ) { var args = arguments ; return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.loadIndicator' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , LoadIndicator . DEFAULTS , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) { if ( typeof option == 'string' )
return ; $this . data ( 'oc.loadIndicator' , ( data = new LoadIndicator ( this , options ) ) ) } else { if ( typeof option !== 'string' )
data . show ( options ) ; else { var methodArgs = [ ] ; for ( var i = 1 ; i < args . length ; i ++ )
methodArgs . push ( args [ i ] )
data [ option ] . apply ( data , methodArgs ) } } } ) }
$ . fn . loadIndicator . Constructor = LoadIndicator
$ . fn . loadIndicator . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . loadIndicator = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . on ( 'ajaxPromise' , '[data-load-indicator]' , function ( ) { var
indicatorContainer = $ ( this ) . closest ( '.loading-indicator-container' ) , loadingText = $ ( this ) . data ( 'load-indicator' ) , options = { opaque : $ ( this ) . data ( 'load-indicator-opaque' ) }
if ( loadingText )
options . text = loadingText
indicatorContainer . loadIndicator ( options ) } ) . on ( 'ajaxFail ajaxDone' , '[data-load-indicator]' , function ( ) { $ ( this ) . closest ( '.loading-indicator-container' ) . loadIndicator ( 'hide' ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; if ( $ . oc === undefined )
$ . oc = { }
var StripeLoadIndicator = function ( ) { this . counter = 0
this . indicator = $ ( '<div/>' ) . addClass ( 'stripe-loading-indicator loaded' ) . append ( $ ( '<div />' ) . addClass ( 'stripe' ) ) . append ( $ ( '<div />' ) . addClass ( 'stripe-loaded' ) )
this . stripe = this . indicator . find ( '.stripe' )
$ ( document . body ) . append ( this . indicator ) }
StripeLoadIndicator . prototype . show = function ( ) { this . counter ++
this . stripe . after ( this . stripe = this . stripe . clone ( ) ) . remove ( )
if ( this . counter > 1 )
this . indicator . removeClass ( 'loaded' )
$ ( document . body ) . addClass ( 'loading' ) }
StripeLoadIndicator . prototype . hide = function ( force ) { this . counter --
if ( force !== undefined && force )
this . counter = 0
if ( this . counter <= 0 ) { this . indicator . addClass ( 'loaded' )
$ ( document . body ) . removeClass ( 'loading' ) } }
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) { $ . oc . stripeLoadIndicator = new StripeLoadIndicator ( ) } )
$ ( document ) . on ( 'ajaxPromise' , '[data-stripe-load-indicator]' , function ( event ) { event . stopPropagation ( )
$ . oc . stripeLoadIndicator . show ( )
var $el = $ ( this )
$ ( window ) . one ( 'ajaxUpdateComplete' , function ( ) { if ( $el . closest ( 'html' ) . length === 0 )
$ . oc . stripeLoadIndicator . hide ( ) } ) } ) . on ( 'ajaxFail ajaxDone' , '[data-stripe-load-indicator]' , function ( event ) { event . stopPropagation ( )
$ . oc . stripeLoadIndicator . hide ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var FlashMessage = function ( options , el ) { var
options = $ . extend ( { } , FlashMessage . DEFAULTS , options ) , $element = $ ( el )
$ ( 'body > p.flash-message' ) . remove ( )
if ( $element . length == 0 )
$element = $ ( '<p/>' ) . addClass ( options . class ) . html ( options . text )
$element . addClass ( 'flash-message fade' )
$element . attr ( 'data-control' , null )
$element . append ( '<button type="button" class="close" aria-hidden="true">×</button>' )
$element . on ( 'click' , 'button' , remove )
$element . on ( 'click' , remove )
$ ( document . body ) . append ( $element )
setTimeout ( function ( ) { $element . addClass ( 'in' ) } , 1 )
var timer = window . setTimeout ( remove , options . interval * 1000 )
function removeElement ( ) { $element . remove ( ) }
function remove ( ) { window . clearInterval ( timer )
$element . removeClass ( 'in' )
$ . support . transition && $element . hasClass ( 'fade' ) ? $element . one ( $ . support . transition . end , removeElement ) . emulateTransitionEnd ( 500 ) : removeElement ( ) } }
FlashMessage . DEFAULTS = { class : 'success' , text : 'Default text' , interval : 2 }
if ( $ . oc === undefined )
$ . oc = { }
$ . oc . flashMsg = FlashMessage
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control=flash-message]' ) . each ( function ( ) { $ . oc . flashMsg ( $ ( this ) . data ( ) , this ) } ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var LATIN _MAP = { 'À' : 'A' , 'Á' : 'A' , 'Â' : 'A' , 'Ã' : 'A' , 'Ä' : 'A' , 'Å' : 'A' , 'Æ' : 'AE' , 'Ç' : 'C' , 'È' : 'E' , 'É' : 'E' , 'Ê' : 'E' , 'Ë' : 'E' , 'Ì' : 'I' , 'Í' : 'I' , 'Î' : 'I' , 'Ï' : 'I' , 'Ð' : 'D' , 'Ñ' : 'N' , 'Ò' : 'O' , 'Ó' : 'O' , 'Ô' : 'O' , 'Õ' : 'O' , 'Ö' : 'O' , 'Ő' : 'O' , 'Ø' : 'O' , 'Ù' : 'U' , 'Ú' : 'U' , 'Û' : 'U' , 'Ü' : 'U' , 'Ű' : 'U' , 'Ý' : 'Y' , 'Þ' : 'TH' , 'Ÿ' : 'Y' , 'ß' : 'ss' , 'à' : 'a' , 'á' : 'a' , 'â' : 'a' , 'ã' : 'a' , 'ä' : 'a' , 'å' : 'a' , 'æ' : 'ae' , 'ç' : 'c' , 'è' : 'e' , 'é' : 'e' , 'ê' : 'e' , 'ë' : 'e' , 'ì' : 'i' , 'í' : 'i' , 'î' : 'i' , 'ï' : 'i' , 'ð' : 'd' , 'ñ' : 'n' , 'ò' : 'o' , 'ó' : 'o' , 'ô' : 'o' , 'õ' : 'o' , 'ö' : 'o' , 'ő' : 'o' , 'ø' : 'o' , 'ù' : 'u' , 'ú' : 'u' , 'û' : 'u' , 'ü' : 'u' , 'ű' : 'u' , 'ý' : 'y' , 'þ' : 'th' , 'ÿ' : 'y' } , LATIN _SYMBOLS _MAP = { '©' : '(c)' } , GREEK _MAP = { 'α ' : 'a' , 'β' : 'b' , 'γ ' : 'g' , 'δ' : 'd' , 'ε' : 'e' , 'ζ' : 'z' , 'η' : 'h' , 'θ' : '8' , 'ι ' : 'i' , 'κ' : 'k' , 'λ' : 'l' , 'μ' : 'm' , 'ν ' : 'n' , 'ξ' : '3' , 'ο ' : 'o' , 'π' : 'p' , 'ρ ' : 'r' , 'σ ' : 's' , 'τ' : 't' , 'υ ' : 'y' , 'φ' : 'f' , 'χ' : 'x' , 'ψ' : 'ps' , 'ω' : 'w' , 'ά' : 'a' , 'έ' : 'e' , 'ί' : 'i' , 'ό' : 'o' , 'ύ' : 'y' , 'ή' : 'h' , 'ώ' : 'w' , 'ς' : 's' , 'ϊ' : 'i' , 'ΰ' : 'y' , 'ϋ' : 'y' , 'ΐ' : 'i' , 'Α ' : 'A' , 'Β ' : 'B' , 'Γ' : 'G' , 'Δ' : 'D' , 'Ε ' : 'E' , 'Ζ ' : 'Z' , 'Η ' : 'H' , 'Θ' : '8' , 'Ι ' : 'I' , 'Κ ' : 'K' , 'Λ' : 'L' , 'Μ ' : 'M' , 'Ν ' : 'N' , 'Ξ' : '3' , 'Ο ' : 'O' , 'Π' : 'P' , 'Ρ ' : 'R' , 'Σ' : 'S' , 'Τ ' : 'T' , 'Υ ' : 'Y' , 'Φ' : 'F' , 'Χ ' : 'X' , 'Ψ' : 'PS' , 'Ω' : 'W' , 'Ά' : 'A' , 'Έ' : 'E' , 'Ί' : 'I' , 'Ό' : 'O' , 'Ύ' : 'Y' , 'Ή' : 'H' , 'Ώ' : 'W' , 'Ϊ' : 'I' , 'Ϋ' : 'Y' } , TURKISH _MAP = { 'ş' : 's' , 'Ş' : 'S' , 'ı ' : 'i' , 'İ' : 'I' , 'ç' : 'c' , 'Ç' : 'C' , 'ü' : 'u' , 'Ü' : 'U' , 'ö' : 'o' , 'Ö' : 'O' , 'ğ' : 'g' , 'Ğ' : 'G' } , RUSSIAN _MAP = { 'а ' : 'a' , 'б ' : 'b' , 'в' : 'v' , 'г ' : 'g' , 'д' : 'd' , 'е ' : 'e' , 'ё' : 'yo' , 'ж' : 'zh' , 'з' : 'z' , 'и' : 'i' , 'й' : 'j' , 'к' : 'k' , 'л' : 'l' , 'м' : 'm' , 'н' : 'n' , 'о ' : 'o' , 'п' : 'p' , 'р ' : 'r' , 'с ' : 's' , 'т' : 't' , 'у ' : 'u' , 'ф' : 'f' , 'х ' : 'h' , 'ц' : 'c' , 'ч' : 'ch' , 'ш' : 'sh' , 'щ' : 'sh' , 'ъ' : '' , 'ы' : 'y' , 'ь' : '' , 'э' : 'e' , 'ю' : 'yu' , 'я' : 'ya' , 'А ' : 'A' , 'Б' : 'B' , 'В ' : 'V' , 'Г' : 'G' , 'Д' : 'D' , 'Е ' : 'E' , 'Ё' : 'Yo' , 'Ж' : 'Zh' , 'З ' : 'Z' , 'И' : 'I' , 'Й' : 'J' , 'К ' : 'K' , 'Л' : 'L' , 'М ' : 'M' , 'Н ' : 'N' , 'О ' : 'O' , 'П' : 'P' , 'Р ' : 'R' , 'С ' : 'S' , 'Т ' : 'T' , 'У ' : 'U' , 'Ф' : 'F' , 'Х ' : 'H' , 'Ц' : 'C' , 'Ч' : 'Ch' , 'Ш' : 'Sh' , 'Щ' : 'Sh' , 'Ъ' : '' , 'Ы' : 'Y' , 'Ь ' : '' , 'Э' : 'E' , 'Ю' : 'Yu' , 'Я' : 'Ya' } , UKRAINIAN _MAP = { 'Є' : 'Ye' , 'І ' : 'I' , 'Ї' : 'Yi' , 'Ґ' : 'G' , 'є' : 'ye' , 'і ' : 'i' , 'ї' : 'yi' , 'ґ' : 'g' } , CZECH _MAP = { 'č' : 'c' , 'ď' : 'd' , 'ě' : 'e' , 'ň' : 'n' , 'ř' : 'r' , 'š' : 's' , 'ť' : 't' , 'ů' : 'u' , 'ž' : 'z' , 'Č' : 'C' , 'Ď' : 'D' , 'Ě' : 'E' , 'Ň' : 'N' , 'Ř' : 'R' , 'Š' : 'S' , 'Ť' : 'T' , 'Ů' : 'U' , 'Ž' : 'Z' } , POLISH _MAP = { 'ą' : 'a' , 'ć' : 'c' , 'ę' : 'e' , 'ł' : 'l' , 'ń' : 'n' , 'ó' : 'o' , 'ś' : 's' , 'ź' : 'z' , 'ż' : 'z' , 'Ą' : 'A' , 'Ć' : 'C' , 'Ę' : 'E' , 'Ł' : 'L' , 'Ń' : 'N' , 'Ó' : 'O' , 'Ś' : 'S' , 'Ź' : 'Z' , 'Ż' : 'Z' } , LATVIAN _MAP = { 'ā' : 'a' , 'č' : 'c' , 'ē' : 'e' , 'ģ' : 'g' , 'ī' : 'i' , 'ķ' : 'k' , 'ļ' : 'l' , 'ņ' : 'n' , 'š' : 's' , 'ū' : 'u' , 'ž' : 'z' , 'Ā' : 'A' , 'Č' : 'C' , 'Ē' : 'E' , 'Ģ' : 'G' , 'Ī' : 'I' , 'Ķ' : 'K' , 'Ļ' : 'L' , 'Ņ' : 'N' , 'Š' : 'S' , 'Ū' : 'U' , 'Ž' : 'Z' } , ARABIC _MAP = { 'أ' : 'a' , 'ب' : 'b' , 'ت' : 't' , 'ث' : 'th' , 'ج' : 'g' , 'ح' : 'h' , 'خ' : 'kh' , 'د' : 'd' , 'ذ' : 'th' , 'ر' : 'r' , 'ز' : 'z' , 'س' : 's' , 'ش' : 'sh' , 'ص' : 's' , 'ض' : 'd' , 'ط' : 't' , 'ظ' : 'th' , 'ع' : 'aa' , 'غ' : 'gh' , 'ف' : 'f' , 'ق' : 'k' , 'ك' : 'k' , 'ل' : 'l' , 'م' : 'm' , 'ن' : 'n' , 'ه ' : 'h' , 'و' : 'o' , 'ي' : 'y' } , PERSIAN _MAP = { 'آ' : 'a' , 'ا ' : 'a' , 'پ' : 'p' , 'چ' : 'ch' , 'ژ' : 'zh' , 'ک' : 'k' , 'گ' : 'gh' , 'ی' : 'y' } , LITHUANIAN _MAP = { 'ą' : 'a' , 'č' : 'c' , 'ę' : 'e' , 'ė' : 'e' , 'į' : 'i' , 'š' : 's' , 'ų' : 'u' , 'ū' : 'u' , 'ž' : 'z' , 'Ą' : 'A' , 'Č' : 'C' , 'Ę' : 'E' , 'Ė' : 'E' , 'Į' : 'I' , 'Š' : 'S' , 'Ų' : 'U' , 'Ū' : 'U' , 'Ž' : 'Z' } , SERBIAN _MAP = { 'ђ' : 'dj' , 'ј ' : 'j' , 'љ' : 'lj' , 'њ' : 'nj' , 'ћ' : 'c' , 'џ' : 'dz' , 'đ' : 'dj' , 'Ђ' : 'Dj' , 'Ј ' : 'j' , 'Љ' : 'Lj' , 'Њ' : 'Nj' , 'Ћ' : 'C' , 'Џ' : 'Dz' , 'Đ' : 'Dj' } , AZERBAIJANI _MAP = { 'ç' : 'c' , 'ə' : 'e' , 'ğ' : 'g' , 'ı ' : 'i' , 'ö' : 'o' , 'ş' : 's' , 'ü' : 'u' , 'Ç' : 'C' , 'Ə' : 'E' , 'Ğ' : 'G' , 'İ' : 'I' , 'Ö' : 'O' , 'Ş' : 'S' , 'Ü' : 'U' } , ALL _MAPS = [ LATIN _MAP , LATIN _SYMBOLS _MAP , GREEK _MAP , TURKISH _MAP , RUSSIAN _MAP , UKRAINIAN _MAP , CZECH _MAP , POLISH _MAP , LATVIAN _MAP , ARABIC _MAP , PERSIAN _MAP , LITHUANIAN _MAP , SERBIAN _MAP , AZERBAIJANI _MAP ]
var removeList = [ "a" , "an" , "as" , "at" , "before" , "but" , "by" , "for" , "from" , "is" , "in" , "into" , "like" , "of" , "off" , "on" , "onto" , "per" , "since" , "than" , "the" , "this" , "that" , "to" , "up" , "via" , "with" ]
var Downcoder = { Initialize : function ( ) { if ( Downcoder . map ) { return ; }
Downcoder . map = { } ; Downcoder . chars = [ ] ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < ALL _MAPS . length ; i ++ ) { var lookup = ALL _MAPS [ i ] ; for ( var c in lookup ) { if ( lookup . hasOwnProperty ( c ) ) { Downcoder . map [ c ] = lookup [ c ] ; } } }
for ( var k in Downcoder . map ) { if ( Downcoder . map . hasOwnProperty ( k ) ) { Downcoder . chars . push ( k ) ; } }
Downcoder . regex = new RegExp ( Downcoder . chars . join ( '|' ) , 'g' ) ; } }
function toCamel ( slug , numChars ) { Downcoder . Initialize ( )
slug = slug . replace ( Downcoder . regex , function ( m ) { return Downcoder . map [ m ] } )
var regex = new RegExp ( '\\b(' + removeList . join ( '|' ) + ')\\b' , 'gi' )
slug = slug . replace ( regex , '' )
slug = slug . toLowerCase ( )
slug = slug . replace ( /(\b|-)\w/g , function ( m ) { return m . toUpperCase ( ) ; } ) ; slug = slug . replace ( /[^-\w\s]/g , '' )
slug = slug . replace ( /^\s+|\s+$/g , '' )
slug = slug . replace ( /[-\s]+/g , '' )
slug = slug . substr ( 0 , 1 ) . toLowerCase ( ) + slug . substr ( 1 ) ; return slug . substring ( 0 , numChars ) }
function slugify ( slug , numChars ) { Downcoder . Initialize ( )
slug = slug . replace ( Downcoder . regex , function ( m ) { return Downcoder . map [ m ] } )
var regex = new RegExp ( '\\b(' + removeList . join ( '|' ) + ')\\b' , 'gi' )
slug = slug . replace ( regex , '' )
slug = slug . replace ( /[^-\w\s]/g , '' )
slug = slug . replace ( /^\s+|\s+$/g , '' )
slug = slug . replace ( /[-\s]+/g , '-' )
slug = slug . toLowerCase ( )
return slug . substring ( 0 , numChars ) }
var InputPreset = function ( element , options ) { var $el = this . $el = $ ( element )
this . options = options || { }
this . cancelled = false
var parent = options . inputPresetClosestParent !== undefined ? $el . closest ( options . inputPresetClosestParent ) : undefined , self = this , prefix = ''
if ( options . inputPresetPrefixInput !== undefined )
prefix = $ ( options . inputPresetPrefixInput , parent ) . val ( )
if ( prefix === undefined )
prefix = ''
if ( $el . val ( ) . length && $el . val ( ) != prefix )
$el . val ( prefix )
this . $src = $ ( options . inputPreset , parent ) , this . $src . on ( 'keyup' , function ( ) { if ( self . cancelled )
$el . val ( prefix + self . formatValue ( ) ) } )
this . $el . on ( 'change' , function ( ) { self . cancelled = true } ) }
InputPreset . prototype . formatValue = function ( ) { if ( this . options . inputPresetType == 'camel' )
var value = toCamel ( this . $src . val ( ) )
else { var value = slugify ( this . $src . val ( ) ) }
if ( this . options . inputPresetType == 'url' )
value = '/' + value
return value . replace ( /\s/gi , "-" ) }
InputPreset . DEFAULTS = { inputPreset : '' , inputPresetType : 'file' , inputPresetClosestParent : undefined , inputPresetPrefixInput : undefined }
var old = $ . fn . inputPreset
$ . fn . inputPreset = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.inputPreset' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , InputPreset . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.inputPreset' , ( data = new InputPreset ( this , options ) ) ) } ) }
$ . fn . inputPreset . Constructor = InputPreset
$ . fn . inputPreset . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . inputPreset = old
return this }
2015-03-06 20:41:14 +11:00
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-input-preset]' ) . inputPreset ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; ( function ( $ ) { var OctoberLayout = function ( ) { this . $accountMenuOverlay = null }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
OctoberLayout . prototype . setPageTitle = function ( title ) { var $title = $ ( 'title' )
if ( this . pageTitleTemplate === undefined )
this . pageTitleTemplate = $title . data ( 'titleTemplate' )
$title . text ( this . pageTitleTemplate . replace ( '%s' , title ) ) }
OctoberLayout . prototype . updateLayout = function ( title ) { $ ( '.layout-cell.width-fix' ) . each ( function ( ) { var $el = $ ( this ) . children ( ) ; if ( $el . length > 0 ) { var margin = $el . data ( 'oc.layoutMargin' ) ; if ( margin === undefined ) { margin = parseInt ( $el . css ( 'marginRight' ) ) + parseInt ( $el . css ( 'marginLeft' ) )
$el . data ( 'oc.layoutMargin' , margin ) }
$ ( this ) . width ( $el . get ( 0 ) . offsetWidth + margin )
$ ( this ) . trigger ( 'oc.widthFixed' ) } } ) }
2015-03-06 20:41:14 +11:00
OctoberLayout . prototype . toggleAccountMenu = function ( el ) { var self = this , $menu = $ ( el ) . next ( )
if ( $menu . hasClass ( 'active' ) ) { self . $accountMenuOverlay . remove ( )
$menu . removeClass ( 'active' ) }
else { self . $accountMenuOverlay = $ ( '<div />' ) . addClass ( 'popover-overlay' )
$ ( document . body ) . append ( self . $accountMenuOverlay )
$menu . addClass ( 'active' )
self . $accountMenuOverlay . one ( 'click' , function ( ) { self . $accountMenuOverlay . remove ( )
$menu . removeClass ( 'active' ) } ) } }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
if ( $ . oc === undefined )
$ . oc = { }
$ . oc . layout = new OctoberLayout ( )
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) { $ . oc . layout . updateLayout ( )
window . setTimeout ( $ . oc . layout . updateLayout , 100 ) } )
$ ( window ) . on ( 'resize' , function ( ) { $ . oc . layout . updateLayout ( ) } )
$ ( window ) . on ( 'oc.updateUi' , function ( ) { $ . oc . layout . updateLayout ( ) } ) } ) ( jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var SidePanelTab = function ( element , options ) { this . options = options
this . $el = $ ( element )
this . init ( ) }
SidePanelTab . prototype . init = function ( ) { var self = this
this . tabOpenDelay = 200
this . tabOpenTimeout = undefined
2015-01-14 17:34:11 +11:00
this . panelOpenTimeout = undefined
this . $sideNav = $ ( '#layout-sidenav' )
this . $sideNavItems = $ ( 'ul li' , this . $sideNav )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . $sidePanelItems = $ ( '[data-content-id]' , this . $el )
2015-01-14 17:34:11 +11:00
this . sideNavWidth = this . $sideNavItems . outerWidth ( )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . mainNavHeight = $ ( '#layout-mainmenu' ) . outerHeight ( )
this . panelVisible = false
this . visibleItemId = false
this . $fixButton = $ ( '<a href="#" class="fix-button"><i class="icon-thumb-tack"></i></a>' )
this . $fixButton . click ( function ( ) { self . fixPanel ( )
return false } )
$ ( '.fix-button-container' , this . $el ) . append ( this . $fixButton )
this . $sideNavItems . click ( function ( ) { if ( Modernizr . touch && $ ( window ) . width ( ) < self . options . breakpoint ) { if ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'menu-item' ) == self . visibleItemId && self . panelVisible ) { self . hideSidePanel ( )
return } else
self . displaySidePanel ( ) }
self . displayTab ( this )
return false } )
2015-01-14 17:34:11 +11:00
if ( ! Modernizr . touch ) { self . $sideNav . mouseenter ( function ( ) { if ( $ ( window ) . width ( ) < self . options . breakpoint || ! self . panelFixed ( ) ) { self . panelOpenTimeout = setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . displaySidePanel ( ) } , self . tabOpenDelay ) } } )
self . $sideNav . mouseleave ( function ( ) { clearTimeout ( self . panelOpenTimeout ) } )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
self . $el . mouseleave ( function ( ) { self . hideSidePanel ( ) } )
self . $sideNavItems . mouseenter ( function ( ) { if ( $ ( window ) . width ( ) < self . options . breakpoint || ! self . panelFixed ( ) ) { var _this = this
self . tabOpenTimeout = setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . displayTab ( _this ) } , self . tabOpenDelay ) } } )
self . $sideNavItems . mouseleave ( function ( ) { clearTimeout ( self . tabOpenTimeout ) } )
$ ( window ) . resize ( function ( ) { self . updatePanelPosition ( )
self . updateActiveTab ( ) } ) } else { $ ( '#layout-body' ) . click ( function ( ) { if ( self . panelVisible ) { self . hideSidePanel ( )
return false } } )
self . $el . on ( 'close.oc.sidePanel' , function ( ) { self . hideSidePanel ( ) } ) }
this . updateActiveTab ( ) }
SidePanelTab . prototype . displayTab = function ( menuItem ) { var menuItemId = $ ( menuItem ) . data ( 'menu-item' )
this . $sideNavItems . removeClass ( 'active' )
$ ( menuItem ) . addClass ( 'active' )
this . visibleItemId = menuItemId
this . $sidePanelItems . each ( function ( ) { var $el = $ ( this )
$el . toggleClass ( 'hide' , $el . data ( 'content-id' ) != menuItemId ) } )
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'resize' ) }
SidePanelTab . prototype . displaySidePanel = function ( ) { $ ( document . body ) . addClass ( 'display-side-panel' )
this . $el . appendTo ( '#layout-canvas' )
this . panelVisible = true
this . $el . css ( { left : this . sideNavWidth , top : this . mainNavHeight } )
this . updatePanelPosition ( )
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'resize' ) }
SidePanelTab . prototype . hideSidePanel = function ( ) { $ ( document . body ) . removeClass ( 'display-side-panel' )
2015-03-06 20:41:14 +11:00
if ( this . $el . next ( '#layout-body' ) . length == 0 ) { $ ( '#layout-body' ) . before ( this . $el ) }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . panelVisible = false
this . updateActiveTab ( ) }
2015-03-06 20:41:14 +11:00
SidePanelTab . prototype . updatePanelPosition = function ( ) { if ( ! this . panelFixed ( ) || Modernizr . touch ) { this . $el . height ( $ ( document ) . height ( ) - this . mainNavHeight ) }
else { this . $el . css ( 'height' , '' ) }
if ( this . panelVisible && $ ( window ) . width ( ) > this . options . breakpoint && this . panelFixed ( ) ) { this . hideSidePanel ( ) } }
SidePanelTab . prototype . updateActiveTab = function ( ) { if ( ! this . panelVisible && ( $ ( window ) . width ( ) < this . options . breakpoint || ! this . panelFixed ( ) ) ) { this . $sideNavItems . removeClass ( 'active' ) }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
else { this . $sideNavItems . filter ( '[data-menu-item=' + this . visibleItemId + ']' ) . addClass ( 'active' ) } }
2015-03-06 20:41:14 +11:00
SidePanelTab . prototype . panelFixed = function ( ) { return ! ( $ ( window ) . width ( ) < this . options . breakpoint ) && ! $ ( document . body ) . hasClass ( 'side-panel-not-fixed' ) }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
SidePanelTab . prototype . fixPanel = function ( ) { $ ( document . body ) . toggleClass ( 'side-panel-not-fixed' )
var self = this
window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { var fixed = self . panelFixed ( )
if ( fixed ) { self . updateActiveTab ( )
$ ( document . body ) . addClass ( 'side-panel-fix-shadow' ) } else { $ ( document . body ) . removeClass ( 'side-panel-fix-shadow' )
self . hideSidePanel ( ) }
if ( typeof ( localStorage ) !== 'undefined' )
localStorage . ocSidePanelFixed = fixed ? 1 : 0 } , 0 ) }
SidePanelTab . DEFAULTS = { breakpoint : 769 }
var old = $ . fn . sidePanelTab
$ . fn . sidePanelTab = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.sidePanelTab' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , SidePanelTab . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.sidePanelTab' , ( data = new SidePanelTab ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) data [ option ] . call ( $this ) } ) }
$ . fn . sidePanelTab . Constructor = SidePanelTab
$ . fn . sidePanelTab . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . sidePanelTab = old
return this }
$ ( window ) . load ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control=layout-sidepanel]' ) . sidePanelTab ( ) } )
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) { if ( Modernizr . touch || ( typeof ( localStorage ) !== 'undefined' && localStorage . ocSidePanelFixed == 1 ) ) { $ ( document . body ) . removeClass ( 'side-panel-not-fixed' )
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'resize' ) } } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var SimpleList = function ( element , options ) { var $el = this . $el = $ ( element )
this . options = options || { }
if ( $el . hasClass ( 'is-sortable' ) ) { var sortableOptions = { distance : 10 }
if ( this . options . sortableHandle )
sortableOptions [ handle ] = this . options . sortableHandle
$el . find ( '> ul, > ol' ) . sortable ( sortableOptions ) }
if ( $el . hasClass ( 'is-scrollable' ) ) { $el . wrapInner ( $ ( '<div />' ) . addClass ( 'control-scrollbar' ) )
var $scrollbar = $el . find ( '>.control-scrollbar:first' )
$scrollbar . scrollbar ( ) } }
SimpleList . DEFAULTS = { sortableHandle : null }
var old = $ . fn . simplelist
$ . fn . simplelist = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.simplelist' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , SimpleList . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.simplelist' , ( data = new SimpleList ( this , options ) ) ) } ) }
$ . fn . simplelist . Constructor = SimpleList
$ . fn . simplelist . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . simplelist = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control="simplelist"]' ) . simplelist ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var eventNames , cursorAdjustment , containerDefaults = { drag : true , drop : true , exclude : "" , nested : true , vertical : true } , groupDefaults = { afterMove : function ( $placeholder , container , $closestEl ) { } , containerPath : "" , containerSelector : "ol, ul" , distance : 0 , delay : 0 , handle : "" , itemPath : "" , useAnimation : false , itemSelector : "li" , isValidTarget : function ( $item , container ) { return true } , onCancel : function ( $item , container , _super , event ) { } , tweakCursorAdjustment : function ( adjustment ) { return adjustment } , onDragStart : function ( $item , container , _super , event ) { var offset = $item . offset ( ) , pointer = container . rootGroup . pointer
if ( pointer ) { cursorAdjustment = { left : pointer . left - offset . left , top : pointer . top - offset . top } }
else { cursorAdjustment = null }
cursorAdjustment = this . tweakCursorAdjustment ( cursorAdjustment )
$item . css ( { height : $item . height ( ) , width : $item . width ( ) } )
if ( this . useAnimation )
$item . data ( 'oc.animated' , true )
$item . addClass ( "dragged" )
$ ( "body" ) . addClass ( "dragging" ) } , onDrag : function ( $item , position , _super , event ) { if ( cursorAdjustment ) { $item . css ( { left : position . left - cursorAdjustment . left , top : position . top - cursorAdjustment . top } ) }
else { $item . css ( position ) } } , onDrop : function ( $item , container , _super , event ) { $item . removeClass ( "dragged" ) . removeAttr ( "style" )
$ ( "body" ) . removeClass ( "dragging" )
if ( $item . data ( 'oc.animated' ) ) { $item . hide ( )
$item . slideDown ( 200 ) } } , onMousedown : function ( $item , _super , event ) { if ( event . target . nodeName != 'INPUT' && event . target . nodeName != 'SELECT' ) { event . preventDefault ( )
return true } } , placeholder : '<li class="placeholder"/>' , pullPlaceholder : true , serialize : function ( $parent , $children , parentIsContainer ) { var result = $ . extend ( { } , $parent . data ( ) )
if ( parentIsContainer )
return $children
else if ( $children [ 0 ] ) { result . children = $children
delete result . subContainer }
delete result . sortable
return result } , tolerance : 0 } , containerGroups = { } , groupCounter = 0 , emptyBox = { left : 0 , top : 0 , bottom : 0 , right : 0 } , eventNames = { start : "touchstart.sortable mousedown.sortable" , drop : "touchend.sortable touchcancel.sortable mouseup.sortable" , drag : "touchmove.sortable mousemove.sortable" , scroll : "scroll.sortable" }
function d ( a , b ) { var x = Math . max ( 0 , a [ 0 ] - b [ 0 ] , b [ 0 ] - a [ 1 ] ) , y = Math . max ( 0 , a [ 2 ] - b [ 1 ] , b [ 1 ] - a [ 3 ] )
return x + y ; }
function setDimensions ( array , dimensions , tolerance , useOffset ) { var i = array . length , offsetMethod = useOffset ? "offset" : "position"
tolerance = tolerance || 0
while ( i -- ) { var el = array [ i ] . el ? array [ i ] . el : $ ( array [ i ] ) , pos = el [ offsetMethod ] ( )
pos . left += parseInt ( el . css ( 'margin-left' ) , 10 )
pos . top += parseInt ( el . css ( 'margin-top' ) , 10 )
dimensions [ i ] = [ pos . left - tolerance , pos . left + el . outerWidth ( ) + tolerance , pos . top - tolerance , pos . top + el . outerHeight ( ) + tolerance ] } }
function getRelativePosition ( pointer , element ) { var offset = element . offset ( )
return { left : pointer . left - offset . left , top : pointer . top - offset . top } }
function sortByDistanceDesc ( dimensions , pointer , lastPointer ) { pointer = [ pointer . left , pointer . top ]
lastPointer = lastPointer && [ lastPointer . left , lastPointer . top ]
var dim , i = dimensions . length , distances = [ ]
while ( i -- ) { dim = dimensions [ i ]
distances [ i ] = [ i , d ( dim , pointer ) , lastPointer && d ( dim , lastPointer ) ] }
distances = distances . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return b [ 1 ] - a [ 1 ] || b [ 2 ] - a [ 2 ] || b [ 0 ] - a [ 0 ] } )
return distances }
function ContainerGroup ( options ) { this . options = $ . extend ( { } , groupDefaults , options )
this . containers = [ ]
if ( ! this . options . parentContainer ) { this . scrollProxy = $ . proxy ( this . scroll , this )
this . dragProxy = $ . proxy ( this . drag , this )
this . dropProxy = $ . proxy ( this . drop , this )
this . placeholder = $ ( this . options . placeholder )
if ( ! options . isValidTarget )
this . options . isValidTarget = undefined } }
ContainerGroup . get = function ( options ) { if ( ! containerGroups [ options . group ] ) { if ( ! options . group )
options . group = groupCounter ++
containerGroups [ options . group ] = new ContainerGroup ( options ) }
return containerGroups [ options . group ] }
ContainerGroup . prototype = { dragInit : function ( e , itemContainer ) { this . $document = $ ( itemContainer . el [ 0 ] . ownerDocument )
if ( itemContainer . enabled ( ) ) { this . item = $ ( e . target ) . closest ( this . options . itemSelector )
this . itemContainer = itemContainer
if ( this . item . is ( this . options . exclude ) || ! this . options . onMousedown ( this . item , groupDefaults . onMousedown , e ) ) { return }
this . setPointer ( e )
this . toggleListeners ( 'on' ) } else { this . toggleListeners ( 'on' , [ 'drop' ] ) }
this . setupDelayTimer ( )
this . dragInitDone = true } , drag : function ( e ) { if ( ! this . dragging ) { if ( ! this . distanceMet ( e ) || ! this . delayMet ) { return }
this . options . onDragStart ( this . item , this . itemContainer , groupDefaults . onDragStart , e )
this . item . before ( this . placeholder )
this . dragging = true }
this . setPointer ( e )
this . options . onDrag ( this . item , getRelativePosition ( this . pointer , this . item . offsetParent ( ) ) , groupDefaults . onDrag , e )
var x = e . pageX || e . originalEvent . pageX , y = e . pageY || e . originalEvent . pageY , box = this . sameResultBox , t = this . options . tolerance
if ( ! box || box . top - t > y || box . bottom + t < y || box . left - t > x || box . right + t < x ) { if ( ! this . searchValidTarget ( ) ) this . placeholder . detach ( ) } } , drop : function ( e ) { this . toggleListeners ( 'off' )
this . dragInitDone = false
if ( this . dragging ) { if ( this . placeholder . closest ( "html" ) [ 0 ] )
this . placeholder . before ( this . item ) . detach ( )
this . options . onCancel ( this . item , this . itemContainer , groupDefaults . onCancel , e )
this . options . onDrop ( this . item , this . getContainer ( this . item ) , groupDefaults . onDrop , e )
this . clearDimensions ( )
this . clearOffsetParent ( )
this . lastAppendedItem = this . sameResultBox = undefined
this . dragging = false } } , searchValidTarget : function ( pointer , lastPointer ) { if ( ! pointer ) { pointer = this . relativePointer || this . pointer
lastPointer = this . lastRelativePointer || this . lastPointer }
var distances = sortByDistanceDesc ( this . getContainerDimensions ( ) , pointer , lastPointer ) , i = distances . length
while ( i -- ) { var index = distances [ i ] [ 0 ] , distance = distances [ i ] [ 1 ]
if ( ! distance || this . options . pullPlaceholder ) { var container = this . containers [ index ]
if ( ! container . disabled ) { if ( ! this . $getOffsetParent ( ) ) { var offsetParent = container . getItemOffsetParent ( )
pointer = getRelativePosition ( pointer , offsetParent )
lastPointer = getRelativePosition ( lastPointer , offsetParent ) }
if ( container . searchValidTarget ( pointer , lastPointer ) )
return true } } }
if ( this . sameResultBox )
this . sameResultBox = undefined } , movePlaceholder : function ( container , item , method , sameResultBox ) { var lastAppendedItem = this . lastAppendedItem
if ( ! sameResultBox && lastAppendedItem && lastAppendedItem [ 0 ] === item [ 0 ] )
return ; item [ method ] ( this . placeholder )
this . lastAppendedItem = item
this . sameResultBox = sameResultBox
this . options . afterMove ( this . placeholder , container , item ) } , getContainerDimensions : function ( ) { if ( ! this . containerDimensions )
setDimensions ( this . containers , this . containerDimensions = [ ] , this . options . tolerance , ! this . $getOffsetParent ( ) )
return this . containerDimensions } , getContainer : function ( element ) { return element . closest ( this . options . containerSelector ) . data ( 'oc.sortable' ) } , $getOffsetParent : function ( ) { if ( this . offsetParent === undefined ) { var i = this . containers . length - 1 , offsetParent = this . containers [ i ] . getItemOffsetParent ( )
if ( ! this . options . parentContainer ) { while ( i -- ) { if ( offsetParent [ 0 ] != this . containers [ i ] . getItemOffsetParent ( ) [ 0 ] ) { offsetParent = false
break ; } } }
this . offsetParent = offsetParent }
return this . offsetParent } , setPointer : function ( e ) { var pointer = this . getPointer ( e )
if ( this . $getOffsetParent ( ) ) { var relativePointer = getRelativePosition ( pointer , this . $getOffsetParent ( ) )
this . lastRelativePointer = this . relativePointer
this . relativePointer = relativePointer }
this . lastPointer = this . pointer
this . pointer = pointer } , distanceMet : function ( e ) { var currentPointer = this . getPointer ( e )
return ( Math . max ( Math . abs ( this . pointer . left - currentPointer . left ) , Math . abs ( this . pointer . top - currentPointer . top ) ) >= this . options . distance ) } , getPointer : function ( e ) { return { left : e . pageX || e . originalEvent . pageX , top : e . pageY || e . originalEvent . pageY } } , setupDelayTimer : function ( ) { var self = this
this . delayMet = ! this . options . delay
if ( ! this . delayMet ) { clearTimeout ( this . _mouseDelayTimer ) ; this . _mouseDelayTimer = setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . delayMet = true } , this . options . delay ) } } , scroll : function ( e ) { this . clearDimensions ( )
this . clearOffsetParent ( ) } , toggleListeners : function ( method , events ) { var self = this
events = events || [ 'drag' , 'drop' , 'scroll' ]
$ . each ( events , function ( i , event ) { self . $document [ method ] ( eventNames [ event ] , self [ event + 'Proxy' ] ) } ) } , clearOffsetParent : function ( ) { this . offsetParent = undefined } , clearDimensions : function ( ) { this . containerDimensions = undefined
var i = this . containers . length
while ( i -- ) { this . containers [ i ] . clearDimensions ( ) } } , destroy : function ( ) { containerGroups [ this . options . group ] = undefined } }
function Container ( element , options ) { this . el = element
this . options = $ . extend ( { } , containerDefaults , options )
this . group = ContainerGroup . get ( this . options )
this . rootGroup = this . options . rootGroup || this . group
this . parentContainer = this . options . parentContainer
this . handle = this . rootGroup . options . handle || this . rootGroup . options . itemSelector
var itemPath = this . rootGroup . options . itemPath , target = itemPath ? this . el . find ( itemPath ) : this . el
target . on ( eventNames . start , this . handle , $ . proxy ( this . dragInit , this ) )
if ( this . options . drop ) { this . group . containers . push ( this ) } }
Container . prototype = { dragInit : function ( e ) { var rootGroup = this . rootGroup
if ( ! rootGroup . dragInitDone && this . options . drag ) { rootGroup . dragInit ( e , this ) } } , searchValidTarget : function ( pointer , lastPointer ) { var distances = sortByDistanceDesc ( this . getItemDimensions ( ) , pointer , lastPointer ) , i = distances . length , rootGroup = this . rootGroup , validTarget = ! rootGroup . options . isValidTarget || rootGroup . options . isValidTarget ( rootGroup . item , this )
if ( ! i && validTarget ) { var itemPath = this . rootGroup . options . itemPath , target = itemPath ? this . el . find ( itemPath ) : this . el
rootGroup . movePlaceholder ( this , target , "append" )
return true } else { while ( i -- ) { var index = distances [ i ] [ 0 ] , distance = distances [ i ] [ 1 ]
if ( ! distance && this . hasChildGroup ( index ) ) { var found = this . getContainerGroup ( index ) . searchValidTarget ( pointer , lastPointer )
if ( found )
return true }
else if ( validTarget ) { this . movePlaceholder ( index , pointer )
return true } } } } , movePlaceholder : function ( index , pointer ) { var item = $ ( this . items [ index ] ) , dim = this . itemDimensions [ index ] , method = "after" , width = item . outerWidth ( ) , height = item . outerHeight ( ) , offset = item . offset ( ) , sameResultBox = { left : offset . left , right : offset . left + width , top : offset . top , bottom : offset . top + height }
if ( this . options . vertical ) { var yCenter = ( dim [ 2 ] + dim [ 3 ] ) / 2 , inUpperHalf = pointer . top <= yCenter
if ( inUpperHalf ) { method = "before"
sameResultBox . bottom -= height / 2 } else { sameResultBox . top += height / 2 } } else { var xCenter = ( dim [ 0 ] + dim [ 1 ] ) / 2 , inLeftHalf = pointer . left <= xCenter
if ( inLeftHalf ) { method = "before"
sameResultBox . right -= width / 2 } else { sameResultBox . left += width / 2 } }
if ( this . hasChildGroup ( index ) ) { sameResultBox = emptyBox }
this . rootGroup . movePlaceholder ( this , item , method , sameResultBox ) } , getItemDimensions : function ( ) { if ( ! this . itemDimensions ) { this . items = this . $getChildren ( this . el , "item" ) . filter ( ":not(.placeholder, .dragged)" ) . get ( )
setDimensions ( this . items , this . itemDimensions = [ ] , this . options . tolerance ) }
return this . itemDimensions } , getItemOffsetParent : function ( ) { var offsetParent , el = this . el
if ( el . css ( "position" ) === "relative" || el . css ( "position" ) === "absolute" || el . css ( "position" ) === "fixed" )
offsetParent = el
offsetParent = el . offsetParent ( )
return offsetParent } , hasChildGroup : function ( index ) { return this . options . nested && this . getContainerGroup ( index ) } , getContainerGroup : function ( index ) { var childGroup = $ . data ( this . items [ index ] , "subContainer" )
if ( childGroup === undefined ) { var childContainers = this . $getChildren ( this . items [ index ] , "container" )
childGroup = false
if ( childContainers [ 0 ] ) { var options = $ . extend ( { } , this . options , { parentContainer : this , rootGroup : this . rootGroup , group : groupCounter ++ } )
childGroup = childContainers . sortable ( options ) . data ( 'oc.sortable' ) . group }
$ . data ( this . items [ index ] , "subContainer" , childGroup ) }
return childGroup } , enabled : function ( ) { return ! this . disabled && ( ! this . parentContainer || this . parentContainer . enabled ( ) ) } , $getChildren : function ( parent , type ) { var options = this . rootGroup . options , path = options [ type + "Path" ] , selector = options [ type + "Selector" ]
parent = $ ( parent )
if ( path )
parent = parent . find ( path )
return parent . children ( selector ) } , _serialize : function ( parent , isContainer ) { var self = this , childType = isContainer ? "item" : "container" , children = this . $getChildren ( parent , childType ) . not ( this . options . exclude ) . map ( function ( ) { return self . _serialize ( $ ( this ) , ! isContainer ) } ) . get ( )
return this . rootGroup . options . serialize ( parent , children , isContainer ) } , clearDimensions : function ( ) { this . itemDimensions = undefined
if ( this . items && this . items [ 0 ] ) { var i = this . items . length
while ( i -- ) { var group = $ . data ( this . items [ i ] , "subContainer" )
if ( group )
group . clearDimensions ( ) } } } }
var API = { enable : function ( ignoreChildren ) { this . disabled = false } , disable : function ( ignoreChildren ) { this . disabled = true } , serialize : function ( ) { return this . _serialize ( this . el , true ) } , destroy : function ( ) { this . rootGroup . destroy ( ) } }
$ . extend ( Container . prototype , API )
var old = $ . fn . sortable
$ . fn . sortable = function ( option ) { var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 )
return this . map ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this ) , object = $this . data ( 'oc.sortable' )
if ( object && API [ option ] )
return API [ option ] . apply ( object , args ) || this
else if ( ! object && ( option === undefined || typeof option === "object" ) )
$this . data ( 'oc.sortable' , new Container ( $this , option ) )
return this } ) ; } ; $ . fn . sortable . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . sortable = old
return this } } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; if ( $ . oc === undefined )
$ . oc = { }
$ . oc . inspector = { editors : { } , propertyCounter : 0 }
var Inspector = function ( element , options ) { this . options = options
this . $el = $ ( element )
this . title = false
this . description = false }
Inspector . prototype . loadConfiguration = function ( onSuccess ) { var configString = this . $el . data ( 'inspector-config' )
if ( configString !== undefined ) { this . parseConfiguration ( configString )
if ( onSuccess !== undefined )
onSuccess ( ) ; } else { var $form = $ ( this . selector ) . closest ( 'form' ) , data = this . $el . data ( ) , self = this
$ . oc . stripeLoadIndicator . show ( )
var request = $form . request ( 'onGetInspectorConfiguration' , { data : data } ) . done ( function ( data ) { self . parseConfiguration ( data . configuration . properties )
if ( data . configuration . title !== undefined )
self . title = data . configuration . title
if ( data . configuration . description !== undefined )
self . description = data . configuration . description
$ . oc . stripeLoadIndicator . hide ( )
if ( onSuccess !== undefined )
onSuccess ( ) ; } ) . always ( function ( ) { $ . oc . stripeLoadIndicator . hide ( ) } ) } }
Inspector . prototype . parseConfiguration = function ( jsonString ) { if ( jsonString === undefined )
throw new Error ( 'The Inspector cannot be initialized because the Inspector configuration ' + 'attribute is not defined on the inspectable element.' ) ; if ( ! $ . isArray ( jsonString ) && ! $ . isPlainObject ( jsonString ) ) { try { this . config = $ . parseJSON ( jsonString ) } catch ( err ) { throw new Error ( 'Error parsing the Inspector field configuration. ' + err ) } } else
this . config = jsonString
this . propertyValuesField = $ ( 'input[data-inspector-values]' , this . $el ) }
Inspector . prototype . getPopoverTemplate = function ( ) { return ' \
< div class = "popover-head" > \
< h3 > { { title } } < / h 3 > \
{ { # description } } \
< p > { { description } } < / p > \
{ { / d e s c r i p t i o n } } \
< button type = "button" class = "close" \
data - dismiss = "popover" \
aria - hidden = "true" > & times ; < / b u t t o n > \
< / d i v > \
< form autocomplete = "off" > \
< table class = "inspector-fields {{#tableClass}}{{/tableClass}}" > \
{ { # properties } } \
< tr id = "{{#propFormat}}{{property}}{{/propFormat}}" data - property = "{{property}}" \
{ { # dataGroupIndex } } { { / d a t a G r o u p I n d e x } } \
class = "{{#cellClass}}{{/cellClass}}" > \
< th { { # colspan } } { { / c o l s p a n } } > < d i v > < d i v > < s p a n c l a s s = " t i t l e - e l e m e n t " t i t l e = " { { t i t l e } } " > \
{ { # expandControl } } { { / e x p a n d C o n t r o l } } \
{ { title } } < / s p a n > \
{ { # info } } { { / i n f o } } \
< / d i v > < / d i v > < / t h > \
{ { # editor } } { { / e d i t o r } } \
< / t r > \
{ { / p r o p e r t i e s } } \
< / t a b l e > \
< form > \
' }
2015-01-13 17:26:16 +11:00
Inspector . prototype . init = function ( ) { if ( ! this . config || this . config . length == 0 )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
var self = this , fieldsConfig = this . preprocessConfig ( ) , data = { title : this . title ? this . title : this . $el . data ( 'inspector-title' ) , description : this . description ? this . description : this . $el . data ( 'inspector-description' ) , properties : fieldsConfig . properties , editor : function ( ) { return function ( text , render ) { if ( this . itemType == 'property' )
return self . renderEditor ( this , render ) } } , info : function ( ) { return function ( text , render ) { if ( this . description !== undefined && this . description != null )
2015-03-12 20:50:16 +11:00
return render ( '<span title="{{description}}" class="info oc-icon-info with-tooltip"></span>' , this ) } } , propFormat : function ( ) { return function ( text , render ) { return 'prop-' + render ( text ) . replace ( '.' , '-' ) } } , colspan : function ( ) { return function ( text , render ) { return this . itemType == 'group' ? 'colspan="2"' : null } } , tableClass : function ( ) { return function ( text , render ) { return fieldsConfig . hasGroups ? 'has-groups' : null } } , cellClass : function ( ) { return function ( text , render ) { var result = this . itemType + ( ( this . itemType == 'property' && this . groupIndex !== undefined ) ? ' grouped' : '' )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
if ( this . itemType == 'property' && this . groupIndex !== undefined )
result += self . groupExpanded ( this . group ) ? ' expanded' : ' collapsed'
if ( this . itemType == 'property' && ! this . showExternalParam )
result += ' no-external-parameter'
return result } } , expandControl : function ( ) { return function ( text , render ) { if ( this . itemType == 'group' ) { this . itemStatus = self . groupExpanded ( this . title ) ? 'expanded' : ''
return render ( '<a class="expandControl {{itemStatus}}" href="javascript:;" data-group-index="{{groupIndex}}"><span>Expand/collapse</span></a>' , this ) } } } , dataGroupIndex : function ( ) { return function ( text , render ) { return this . groupIndex !== undefined && this . itemType == 'property' ? render ( 'data-group-index={{groupIndex}}' , this ) : '' } } }
this . editors = [ ]
this . initProperties ( )
this . $el . data ( 'oc.inspectorVisible' , true )
var displayPopover = function ( ) { var offset = self . $el . data ( 'inspector-offset' )
if ( offset === undefined )
offset = 15
var offsetX = self . $el . data ( 'inspector-offset-x' ) , offsetY = self . $el . data ( 'inspector-offset-y' )
var placement = self . $el . data ( 'inspector-placement' )
if ( placement === undefined )
placement = 'bottom'
var fallbackPlacement = self . $el . data ( 'inspector-fallback-placement' )
if ( fallbackPlacement === undefined )
fallbackPlacement = 'bottom'
self . $el . ocPopover ( { content : Mustache . render ( self . getPopoverTemplate ( ) , data ) , highlightModalTarget : true , modal : true , placement : placement , fallbackPlacement : fallbackPlacement , containerClass : 'control-inspector' , container : self . $el . data ( 'inspector-container' ) , offset : offset , offsetX : offsetX , offsetY : offsetY , width : 400 } )
self . $el . on ( 'hiding.oc.popover' , function ( e ) { return self . onBeforeHide ( e ) } )
self . $el . on ( 'hide.oc.popover' , function ( ) { self . cleanup ( ) } )
self . $el . addClass ( 'inspector-open' )
$ ( self . $el . data ( 'oc.popover' ) . $container ) . on ( 'keydown' , function ( e ) { if ( e . keyCode == 13 )
$ ( this ) . trigger ( 'close.oc.popover' ) } )
if ( self . editors . length > 0 ) { if ( self . editors [ 0 ] . focus !== undefined )
self . editors [ 0 ] . focus ( ) }
if ( self . $el . closest ( '[data-inspector-external-parameters]' ) . length > 0 )
self . initExternalParameterEditor ( self . $el . data ( 'oc.popover' ) . $container )
$ . each ( self . editors , function ( ) { if ( this . init !== undefined )
this . init ( ) } )
2015-03-12 20:50:16 +11:00
$ ( '.with-tooltip' , self . $el . data ( 'oc.popover' ) . $container ) . tooltip ( { placement : 'auto right' , container : 'body' , delay : 500 } )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
var $container = self . $el . data ( 'oc.popover' ) . $container
$container . on ( 'click' , 'tr.group' , function ( ) { self . toggleGroup ( $ ( 'a.expandControl' , this ) , $container )
return false } )
var cssClass = self . options . inspectorCssClass
if ( cssClass !== undefined )
$container . addClass ( cssClass ) }
var e = $ . Event ( 'showing.oc.inspector' )
this . $el . trigger ( e , [ { callback : displayPopover } ] )
if ( e . isDefaultPrevented ( ) )
if ( ! e . isPropagationStopped ( ) )
displayPopover ( ) }
Inspector . prototype . initExternalParameterEditor = function ( $container ) { var self = this
$ ( 'table.inspector-fields tr' , $container ) . each ( function ( ) { if ( ! $ ( this ) . hasClass ( 'no-external-parameter' ) ) { var property = $ ( this ) . data ( 'property' ) , $td = $ ( 'td' , this ) , $editorContainer = $ ( '<div class="external-param-editor-container"></div>' ) , $editor = $ ( ' < div class = "external-editor" > \
< div class = "controls" > \
< input type = "text" tabindex = "-1" / > \
< a href = "#" tabindex = "-1" > \
< i class = "oc-icon-terminal" > < / i > \
< / a > \
< / d i v > \
< / d i v > ' )
$editorContainer . append ( $td . children ( ) )
$editorContainer . append ( $editor )
$td . append ( $editorContainer )
var $editorLink = $ ( 'a' , $editor )
$editorLink . click ( function ( ) { return self . toggleExternalParameterEditor ( $ ( this ) ) } ) . attr ( 'title' , 'Click to enter the external parameter name to load the property value from' ) . tooltip ( { 'container' : 'body' , delay : 500 } )
var $input = $editor . find ( 'input' ) , propertyValue = self . propertyValues [ property ]
$input . on ( 'focus' , function ( ) { var $field = $ ( this )
$ ( 'td' , $field . closest ( 'table' ) ) . removeClass ( 'active' )
$field . closest ( 'td' ) . addClass ( 'active' ) } )
$input . on ( 'change' , function ( ) { self . markPropertyChanged ( property , true ) } )
var matches = [ ]
if ( propertyValue ) { if ( matches = propertyValue . match ( /^\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}$/ ) ) { var value = $ . trim ( matches [ 1 ] )
if ( value . length > 0 ) { self . showExternalParameterEditor ( $editorContainer , $editor , $editorLink , $td , true )
$editor . find ( 'input' ) . val ( value )
self . writeProperty ( property , null , true ) } } } } } ) }
Inspector . prototype . showExternalParameterEditor = function ( $container , $editor , $editorLink , $cell , noAnimation ) { var position = $editor . position ( )
$ ( 'input' , $editor ) . focus ( )
if ( ! noAnimation ) { $editor . css ( { 'left' : position . left + 'px' , 'right' : 0 } ) } else { $editor . css ( 'right' , 0 ) }
setTimeout ( function ( ) { $editor . css ( 'left' , 0 )
$cell . scrollTop ( 0 ) } , 0 )
$container . addClass ( 'editor-visible' )
$editorLink . attr ( 'data-original-title' , 'Click to enter the property value' )
this . toggleCellEditorVisibility ( $cell , false )
$editor . find ( 'input' ) . attr ( 'tabindex' , 0 ) }
Inspector . prototype . toggleExternalParameterEditor = function ( $editorLink ) { var $container = $editorLink . closest ( '.external-param-editor-container' ) , $editor = $ ( '.external-editor' , $container ) , $cell = $editorLink . closest ( 'td' ) , self = this
$editorLink . tooltip ( 'hide' )
if ( ! $container . hasClass ( 'editor-visible' ) ) { self . showExternalParameterEditor ( $container , $editor , $editorLink , $cell ) } else { var left = $container . width ( )
$editor . css ( 'left' , left + 'px' )
setTimeout ( function ( ) { $editor . css ( { 'left' : 'auto' , 'right' : '30px' } )
$container . removeClass ( 'editor-visible' )
$container . closest ( 'td' ) . removeClass ( 'active' )
var property = $container . closest ( 'tr' ) . data ( 'property' ) , propertyEditor = self . findEditor ( property )
if ( propertyEditor && propertyEditor . onHideExternalParameterEditor !== undefined )
propertyEditor . onHideExternalParameterEditor ( ) } , 200 )
$editorLink . attr ( 'data-original-title' , 'Click to enter the external parameter name to load the property value from' )
$editor . find ( 'input' ) . attr ( 'tabindex' , - 1 )
self . toggleCellEditorVisibility ( $cell , true ) }
return false }
Inspector . prototype . toggleCellEditorVisibility = function ( $cell , show ) { var $container = $ ( '.external-param-editor-container' , $cell )
$container . children ( ) . each ( function ( ) { var $el = $ ( this )
if ( $el . hasClass ( 'external-editor' ) )
if ( show )
$el . removeClass ( 'hide' )
else { var height = $cell . data ( 'inspector-cell-height' )
if ( ! height ) { height = $cell . height ( )
$cell . data ( 'inspector-cell-height' , height ) }
$container . css ( 'height' , height + 'px' )
$el . addClass ( 'hide' ) } } ) }
Inspector . prototype . preprocessConfig = function ( ) { var fields = [ ] , result = { hasGroups : false , properties : [ ] } , groupIndex = 0
function findGroup ( title ) { var groups = $ . grep ( fields , function ( item ) { return item . itemType !== undefined && item . itemType == 'group' && item . title == title } )
if ( groups . length > 0 )
return groups [ 0 ]
return null }
$ . each ( this . config , function ( ) { this . itemType = 'property'
if ( this . group === undefined )
fields . push ( this )
else { var group = findGroup ( this . group )
if ( ! group ) { group = { itemType : 'group' , title : this . group , properties : [ ] , groupIndex : groupIndex }
groupIndex ++
fields . push ( group ) }
this . groupIndex = group . groupIndex
group . properties . push ( this ) } } )
$ . each ( fields , function ( ) { result . properties . push ( this )
if ( this . itemType == 'group' ) { result . hasGroups = true
$ . each ( this . properties , function ( ) { result . properties . push ( this ) } )
delete this . properties } } )
return result }
Inspector . prototype . toggleGroup = function ( link , $container ) { var $link = $ ( link ) , groupIndex = $link . data ( 'group-index' ) , propertyRows = $ ( 'tr[data-group-index=' + groupIndex + ']' , $container ) , duration = Math . round ( 100 / propertyRows . length ) , collapse = true , statuses = this . loadGroupExpandedStatuses ( ) , title = $ ( 'span.title-element' , $link . closest ( 'tr' ) ) . attr ( 'title' )
if ( $link . hasClass ( 'expanded' ) ) { $link . removeClass ( 'expanded' )
statuses [ title ] = false } else { $link . addClass ( 'expanded' )
collapse = false
statuses [ title ] = true }
propertyRows . each ( function ( index ) { var self = $ ( this )
setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . toggleClass ( 'collapsed' , collapse )
self . toggleClass ( 'expanded' , ! collapse ) } , index * duration ) } )
this . writeGroupExpandedStatuses ( statuses ) }
Inspector . prototype . loadGroupExpandedStatuses = function ( ) { var statuses = this . $el . data ( 'inspector-group-statuses' )
return statuses !== undefined ? JSON . parse ( statuses ) : { } }
Inspector . prototype . writeGroupExpandedStatuses = function ( statuses ) { this . $el . data ( 'inspector-group-statuses' , JSON . stringify ( statuses ) ) }
Inspector . prototype . groupExpanded = function ( title ) { var statuses = this . loadGroupExpandedStatuses ( )
if ( statuses [ title ] !== undefined )
return statuses [ title ]
return false }
2015-01-20 19:38:02 -08:00
Inspector . prototype . normalizePropertyCode = function ( code ) { var lowerCaseCode = code . toLowerCase ( )
for ( var index in this . config ) { var propertyInfo = this . config [ index ]
if ( propertyInfo . property . toLowerCase ( ) == lowerCaseCode )
return propertyInfo . property }
return code }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
Inspector . prototype . initProperties = function ( ) { if ( ! this . propertyValuesField . length ) { var properties = { } , attributes = this . $el . get ( 0 ) . attributes
for ( var i = 0 , len = attributes . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) { var attribute = attributes [ i ] , matches = [ ]
2015-01-20 19:38:02 -08:00
if ( matches = attribute . name . match ( /^data-property-(.*)$/ ) ) { properties [ this . normalizePropertyCode ( matches [ 1 ] ) ] = attribute . value } }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . propertyValues = properties } else { var propertyValuesStr = $ . trim ( this . propertyValuesField . val ( ) )
this . propertyValues = propertyValuesStr . length === 0 ? { } : $ . parseJSON ( propertyValuesStr ) }
try { this . originalPropertyValues = $ . extend ( true , { } , this . propertyValues ) } catch ( err ) { throw new Error ( 'Error parsing the Inspector property values string. ' + err ) } }
2015-01-14 19:39:53 -08:00
Inspector . prototype . readProperty = function ( property , returnUndefined ) { if ( this . propertyValues [ property ] !== undefined )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
return this . propertyValues [ property ]
2015-01-14 19:39:53 -08:00
return returnUndefined ? undefined : null }
2015-01-18 19:20:33 -08:00
Inspector . prototype . getDefaultValue = function ( property ) { for ( var index in this . config ) { var propertyInfo = this . config [ index ]
if ( propertyInfo . itemType !== 'property' )
if ( propertyInfo . property == property )
return propertyInfo . default }
return undefined }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
Inspector . prototype . writeProperty = function ( property , value , noChangedStatusUpdate ) { this . propertyValues [ property ] = value
if ( this . propertyValuesField . length )
this . propertyValuesField . val ( JSON . stringify ( this . propertyValues ) )
else { var self = this
$ . each ( this . propertyValues , function ( propertyName ) { self . $el . attr ( 'data-property-' + propertyName , this ) } ) }
if ( this . originalPropertyValues [ property ] === undefined || this . originalPropertyValues [ property ] != value ) { if ( ! noChangedStatusUpdate ) { this . $el . trigger ( 'change' )
this . markPropertyChanged ( property , true ) } } else { if ( ! noChangedStatusUpdate )
this . markPropertyChanged ( property , false ) }
if ( ! noChangedStatusUpdate )
this . $el . trigger ( 'propertyChanged.oc.Inspector' , [ property ] )
return value }
Inspector . prototype . markPropertyChanged = function ( property , changed ) { $ ( '#prop-' + property . replace ( '.' , '-' ) , this . $el . data ( 'oc.popover' ) . $container ) . toggleClass ( 'changed' , changed ) }
Inspector . prototype . renderEditor = function ( data , render ) { $ . oc . inspector . propertyCounter ++
var editorClass = 'inspectorEditor'
+ data . type . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( )
+ data . type . slice ( 1 ) , editorId = 'inspector-property-' + data . type + $ . oc . inspector . propertyCounter
if ( $ . oc . inspector . editors [ editorClass ] === undefined )
throw new Error ( 'The Inspector editor class "' + editorClass + '" is not defined in the $.oc.inspector.editors namespace.' )
var editor = new $ . oc . inspector . editors [ editorClass ] ( editorId , this , data )
this . editors . push ( editor )
editor . inspectorCellId = editorId
return editor . renderEditor ( ) }
Inspector . prototype . cleanup = function ( ) { this . $el . off ( 'hiding.oc.popover' )
this . $el . off ( 'hide.oc.popover' )
this . $el . off ( '.oc.Inspector' )
this . $el . removeClass ( 'inspector-open' )
var e = $ . Event ( 'hidden.oc.inspector' )
this . $el . trigger ( e )
this . $el . data ( 'oc.inspectorVisible' , false ) }
Inspector . prototype . onBeforeHide = function ( e ) { var $container = this . $el . data ( 'inspector-container' ) , externalParamErrorFound = false , self = this
$ . each ( this . editors , function ( ) { if ( ! self . editorExternalPropertyEnabled ( this ) )
this . applyValue ( )
else { var $cell = $ ( '#' + this . inspectorCellId , $container ) , $extPropEditorContainer = $cell . find ( '.external-param-editor-container' ) , $input = $extPropEditorContainer . find ( '.external-editor input' ) , val = $ . trim ( $input . val ( ) )
if ( val . length == 0 ) { alert ( 'Please enter external parameter name for the ' + this . fieldDef . title + ' property.' )
externalParamErrorFound = true
setTimeout ( function ( ) { $input . focus ( ) } , 0 )
return false }
self . writeProperty ( this . fieldDef . property , '{{ ' + val + ' }}' ) } } )
if ( externalParamErrorFound ) { e . preventDefault ( )
return false }
var eH = $ . Event ( 'hiding.oc.inspector' ) , ispector = this
this . $el . trigger ( eH , [ { values : this . propertyValues } ] )
if ( eH . isDefaultPrevented ( ) ) { e . preventDefault ( )
return false }
$ . each ( this . editors , function ( ) { if ( ispector . editorExternalPropertyEnabled ( this ) )
return true
if ( this . validate === undefined )
return true
var validationError = this . validate ( )
if ( ! validationError )
return true
alert ( validationError )
e . preventDefault ( )
var self = this
setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . focus ( ) } , 0 )
return false } )
2015-03-12 20:50:16 +11:00
$ ( '.with-tooltip' , this . $el . data ( 'oc.popover' ) . $container ) . tooltip ( 'hide' )
2015-01-13 17:26:16 +11:00
if ( ! e . isDefaultPrevented ( ) ) { $ . each ( this . editors , function ( ) { if ( this . cleanup )
this . cleanup ( ) } ) } }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
Inspector . prototype . editorExternalPropertyEnabled = function ( editor ) { var $container = this . $el . data ( 'inspector-container' ) , $cell = $ ( '#' + editor . inspectorCellId , $container ) , $extPropEditorContainer = $cell . find ( '.external-param-editor-container' )
return $extPropEditorContainer . hasClass ( 'editor-visible' ) }
Inspector . prototype . findEditor = function ( property ) { var count = this . editors . length
for ( var i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { if ( this . editors [ i ] . fieldDef . property == property )
return this . editors [ i ] }
return null }
var InspectorEditorString = function ( editorId , inspector , fieldDef ) { this . inspector = inspector
this . fieldDef = fieldDef
this . editorId = editorId
this . selector = '#' + this . editorId + ' input.string-editor'
var self = this
$ ( document ) . on ( 'focus' , this . selector , function ( ) { var $field = $ ( this )
$ ( 'td' , $field . closest ( 'table' ) ) . removeClass ( 'active' )
$field . closest ( 'td' ) . addClass ( 'active' ) } )
$ ( document ) . on ( 'change' , this . selector , function ( ) { self . applyValue ( ) } ) }
2015-01-20 19:38:02 -08:00
InspectorEditorString . prototype . init = function ( ) { var value = this . inspector . readProperty ( this . fieldDef . property , true )
if ( value === undefined )
value = this . inspector . getDefaultValue ( this . fieldDef . property )
$ ( this . selector ) . val ( $ . trim ( value ) ) }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
InspectorEditorString . prototype . applyValue = function ( ) { this . inspector . writeProperty ( this . fieldDef . property , $ . trim ( $ ( this . selector ) . val ( ) ) ) }
InspectorEditorString . prototype . renderEditor = function ( ) { var data = { id : this . editorId , placeholder : this . fieldDef . placeholder !== undefined ? this . fieldDef . placeholder : '' }
return Mustache . render ( '<td class="text" id="{{id}}"><input type="text" class="string-editor" placeholder="{{placeholder}}"/></td>' , data ) }
InspectorEditorString . prototype . validate = function ( ) { var val = $ . trim ( $ ( this . selector ) . val ( ) )
if ( this . fieldDef . required && val . length === 0 )
return this . fieldDef . validationMessage || 'Required fields were left blank.'
if ( this . fieldDef . validationPattern === undefined )
var re = new RegExp ( this . fieldDef . validationPattern , 'm' )
if ( ! val . match ( re ) )
return this . fieldDef . validationMessage }
InspectorEditorString . prototype . focus = function ( ) { $ ( this . selector ) . focus ( )
$ ( this . selector ) . closest ( 'td' ) . scrollLeft ( 0 ) }
$ . oc . inspector . editors . inspectorEditorString = InspectorEditorString ; var InspectorEditorCheckbox = function ( editorId , inspector , fieldDef ) { this . inspector = inspector
this . fieldDef = fieldDef
this . editorId = editorId
this . selector = '#' + this . editorId + ' input'
var self = this
$ ( document ) . on ( 'change' , this . selector , function ( ) { self . applyValue ( ) } ) }
InspectorEditorCheckbox . prototype . applyValue = function ( ) { this . inspector . writeProperty ( this . fieldDef . property , $ ( this . selector ) . get ( 0 ) . checked ? 1 : 0 ) }
2015-01-14 19:39:53 -08:00
InspectorEditorCheckbox . prototype . renderEditor = function ( ) { var self = this , data = { id : this . editorId , cbId : this . editorId + '-cb' , title : this . fieldDef . title }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
return Mustache . render ( this . getTemplate ( ) , data ) }
2015-01-14 19:39:53 -08:00
InspectorEditorCheckbox . prototype . init = function ( ) { var isChecked = this . inspector . readProperty ( this . fieldDef . property , true )
2015-01-20 19:38:02 -08:00
if ( isChecked === undefined ) { if ( this . fieldDef . default !== undefined ) { isChecked = this . normalizeCheckedValue ( this . fieldDef . default ) } } else { isChecked = this . normalizeCheckedValue ( isChecked ) }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
$ ( this . selector ) . prop ( 'checked' , isChecked ) }
2015-01-14 19:39:53 -08:00
InspectorEditorCheckbox . prototype . normalizeCheckedValue = function ( value ) { if ( value == '0' || value == 'false' )
return false
return value }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
InspectorEditorCheckbox . prototype . focus = function ( ) { $ ( this . selector ) . closest ( 'div' ) . focus ( ) }
InspectorEditorCheckbox . prototype . getTemplate = function ( ) { return ' \
< td id = "{{id}}" > \
< div tabindex = "0" class = " checkbox \
custom - checkbox nolabel " > \
< input type = "checkbox" \
value = "1" \
id = "{{cbId}}" / > \
< label for = "{{cbId}}" > { { title } } < / l a b e l > \
< / d i v > \
< / t d > \
' ; }
$ . oc . inspector . editors . inspectorEditorCheckbox = InspectorEditorCheckbox ; var InspectorEditorDropdown = function ( editorId , inspector , fieldDef ) { this . inspector = inspector
this . fieldDef = fieldDef
this . editorId = editorId
this . selector = '#' + this . editorId + ' select'
this . dynamicOptions = this . fieldDef . options ? false : true
this . initialization = false
var self = this
$ ( document ) . on ( 'change' , this . selector , function ( ) { self . applyValue ( ) } ) }
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . applyValue = function ( ) { this . inspector . writeProperty ( this . fieldDef . property , $ ( this . selector ) . val ( ) , this . initialization ) }
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . renderEditor = function ( ) { var
self = this , data = { id : this . editorId , value : $ . trim ( this . inspector . readProperty ( this . fieldDef . property ) ) , selectId : this . editorId + '-select' , defaultOption : function ( ) { return function ( text , render ) { if ( self . fieldDef . placeholder == undefined )
return ''
if ( ! Modernizr . touch )
return '<option></option>' } } }
if ( this . fieldDef . options ) { var options = [ ]
if ( this . fieldDef . placeholder !== undefined && Modernizr . touch )
options . push ( { value : null , title : this . fieldDef . placeholder } )
$ . each ( this . fieldDef . options , function ( value , title ) { options . push ( { value : value , title : title } ) } )
data . options = options }
return Mustache . render ( this . getTemplate ( ) , data ) }
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . getTemplate = function ( ) { return ' \
< td id = "{{id}}" class = "dropdown" > \
< select id = "{{selectId}}" class = "custom-select" > \
{ { # defaultOption } } { { / d e f a u l t O p t i o n } } \
{ { # options } } \
< option value = "{{value}}" > \
{ { title } } \
< / o p t i o n > \
{ { / o p t i o n s } } \
< / s e l e c t > \
< / t d > \
' ; }
2015-01-18 19:20:33 -08:00
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . init = function ( ) { var value = this . inspector . readProperty ( this . fieldDef . property , true ) , self = this
if ( value === undefined )
value = this . inspector . getDefaultValue ( this . fieldDef . property )
2015-01-13 17:26:16 +11:00
$ ( this . selector ) . attr ( 'data-no-auto-update-on-render' , 'true' )
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
$ ( this . selector ) . val ( value )
if ( ! Modernizr . touch ) { var options = { dropdownCssClass : 'ocInspectorDropdown' }
if ( this . fieldDef . placeholder !== undefined )
options . placeholder = this . fieldDef . placeholder
$ ( this . selector ) . select2 ( options ) }
if ( this . dynamicOptions ) { if ( ! Modernizr . touch ) { this . indicatorContainer = $ ( '.select2-container' , $ ( this . selector ) . closest ( 'td' ) )
2015-03-12 20:50:16 +11:00
this . indicatorContainer . addClass ( 'loading-indicator-container' ) . addClass ( 'size-small' ) }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
this . loadOptions ( true ) }
if ( this . fieldDef . depends )
this . inspector . $el . on ( 'propertyChanged.oc.Inspector' , $ . proxy ( this . onDependencyChanged , this ) ) }
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . onDependencyChanged = function ( ev , property ) { if ( $ . inArray ( property , this . fieldDef . depends ) === - 1 )
var self = this , dependencyValues = this . getDependencyValues ( )
if ( this . prevDependencyValues === undefined || this . prevDependencyValues != dependencyValues )
this . loadOptions ( ) }
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . saveDependencyValues = function ( ) { this . prevDependencyValues = this . getDependencyValues ( ) }
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . getDependencyValues = function ( ) { var dependencyValues = '' , self = this
$ . each ( this . fieldDef . depends , function ( index , masterProperty ) { dependencyValues += masterProperty + ':' + self . inspector . readProperty ( masterProperty ) + '-' } )
return dependencyValues }
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . showLoadingIndicator = function ( ) { if ( ! Modernizr . touch )
2015-03-12 20:50:16 +11:00
this . indicatorContainer . loadIndicator ( ) }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . hideLoadingIndicator = function ( ) { if ( ! Modernizr . touch )
this . indicatorContainer . loadIndicator ( 'hide' ) }
2015-01-18 19:20:33 -08:00
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . loadOptions = function ( initialization ) { var $form = $ ( this . selector ) . closest ( 'form' ) , data = this . inspector . propertyValues , $select = $ ( this . selector ) , currentValue = this . inspector . readProperty ( this . fieldDef . property , true ) , self = this
if ( currentValue === undefined )
currentValue = this . inspector . getDefaultValue ( this . fieldDef . property )
for ( var index in this . inspector . config ) { var propertyInfo = this . inspector . config [ index ]
if ( propertyInfo . itemType == 'property' ) { if ( data [ propertyInfo . property ] === undefined )
data [ propertyInfo . property ] = this . inspector . getDefaultValue ( propertyInfo . property ) } }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
if ( this . fieldDef . depends )
this . saveDependencyValues ( )
data . inspectorProperty = this . fieldDef . property
data . inspectorClassName = this . inspector . options . inspectorClass
this . showLoadingIndicator ( )
$form . request ( 'onInspectableGetOptions' , { data : data , success : function ( data ) { $ ( 'option' , $select ) . remove ( )
if ( self . fieldDef . placeholder !== undefined )
$select . append ( $ ( '<option></option>' ) )
if ( data . options )
$ . each ( data . options , function ( key , obj ) { $select . append ( $ ( '<option></option>' ) . attr ( 'value' , obj . value ) . text ( obj . title ) ) } )
var hasOption = $ ( 'option[value="' + currentValue + '"]' , $select ) . length > 0
if ( hasOption )
$select . val ( currentValue )
$ ( 'option:first-child' , $select ) . attr ( "selected" , "selected" ) ; self . initialization = initialization
$select . trigger ( 'change' )
self . initialization = false
self . hideLoadingIndicator ( ) } , error : function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) { alert ( jqXHR . responseText . length ? jqXHR . responseText : jqXHR . statusText )
self . hideLoadingIndicator ( ) } } ) }
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . onHideExternalParameterEditor = function ( ) { this . loadOptions ( false ) }
2015-01-13 17:26:16 +11:00
InspectorEditorDropdown . prototype . cleanup = function ( ) { $ ( this . selector ) . select2 ( 'destroy' ) }
2015-01-12 20:08:31 +11:00
$ . oc . inspector . editors . inspectorEditorDropdown = InspectorEditorDropdown ; function initInspector ( $element ) { var inspector = $element . data ( 'oc.inspector' )
if ( inspector === undefined ) { inspector = new Inspector ( $element . get ( 0 ) , $element . data ( ) )
inspector . loadConfiguration ( function ( ) { inspector . init ( ) } )
$element . data ( 'oc.inspector' , inspector ) } else
inspector . init ( ) }
$ . fn . inspector = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { initInspector ( $ ( this ) ) } ) }
$ ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '[data-inspectable]' , function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
if ( $this . data ( 'oc.inspectorVisible' ) )
return false
initInspector ( $this )
return false } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; $ ( document ) . on ( 'shown.bs.dropdown' , '.dropdown' , function ( ) { $ ( document . body ) . addClass ( 'dropdown-open' )
var dropdown = $ ( '.dropdown-menu' , this ) , dropdownContainer = $ ( this ) . data ( 'dropdown-container' )
if ( $ ( '.dropdown-container' , dropdown ) . length == 0 ) { var
title = $ ( '[data-toggle=dropdown]' , this ) . text ( ) , titleAttr = dropdown . data ( 'dropdown-title' ) , timer = null ; if ( titleAttr !== undefined )
title = titleAttr
$ ( 'li:first-child' , dropdown ) . addClass ( 'first-item' )
dropdown . prepend ( $ ( '<li/>' ) . addClass ( 'dropdown-title' ) . text ( title ) )
container = $ ( '<li/>' ) . addClass ( 'dropdown-container' ) , ul = $ ( '<ul/>' )
container . prepend ( ul )
ul . prepend ( dropdown . children ( ) )
dropdown . prepend ( container )
dropdown . on ( 'touchstart' , function ( ) { window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { dropdown . addClass ( 'scroll' ) } , 200 ) } )
dropdown . on ( 'touchend' , function ( ) { window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { dropdown . removeClass ( 'scroll' ) } , 200 ) } )
dropdown . on ( 'click' , 'a' , function ( ) { if ( dropdown . hasClass ( 'scroll' ) )
return false } ) }
if ( dropdownContainer !== undefined && dropdownContainer == 'body' ) { $ ( this ) . data ( 'oc.dropdown' , dropdown )
$ ( document . body ) . append ( dropdown )
dropdown . css ( { 'visibility' : 'hidden' , 'left' : 0 , 'top' : 0 , 'display' : 'block' } )
var targetOffset = $ ( this ) . offset ( ) , targetHeight = $ ( this ) . height ( ) , targetWidth = $ ( this ) . width ( ) , position = { x : targetOffset . left , y : targetOffset . top + targetHeight } , leftOffset = targetWidth < 30 ? - 16 : 0 , documentHeight = $ ( document ) . height ( ) , dropdownHeight = dropdown . height ( )
if ( ( dropdownHeight + position . y ) > $ ( document ) . height ( ) ) { position . y = targetOffset . top - dropdownHeight - 12
dropdown . addClass ( 'top' ) } else
dropdown . removeClass ( 'top' )
dropdown . css ( { 'left' : position . x + leftOffset , 'top' : position . y , 'visibility' : 'visible' } ) }
if ( $ ( '.dropdown-overlay' , document . body ) . length == 0 )
$ ( document . body ) . prepend ( $ ( '<div/>' ) . addClass ( 'dropdown-overlay' ) ) ; } )
$ ( document ) . on ( 'hidden.bs.dropdown' , '.dropdown' , function ( ) { var dropdown = $ ( this ) . data ( 'oc.dropdown' )
if ( dropdown !== undefined ) { dropdown . css ( 'display' , 'none' )
$ ( this ) . append ( dropdown ) }
$ ( document . body ) . removeClass ( 'dropdown-open' ) ; } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var ChangeMonitor = function ( element , options ) { var $el = this . $el = $ ( element ) ; this . paused = false
this . options = options || { }
this . init ( ) }
ChangeMonitor . prototype . init = function ( ) { this . $el . on ( 'change' , $ . proxy ( this . change , this ) )
this . $el . on ( 'unchange.oc.changeMonitor' , $ . proxy ( this . unchange , this ) )
this . $el . on ( 'pause.oc.changeMonitor ' , $ . proxy ( this . pause , this ) )
this . $el . on ( 'resume.oc.changeMonitor ' , $ . proxy ( this . resume , this ) )
this . $el . on ( 'keyup input paste' , 'input, textarea:not(.ace_text-input)' , $ . proxy ( this . onInputChange , this ) )
$ ( 'input:not([type=hidden]), textarea:not(.ace_text-input)' , this . $el ) . each ( function ( ) { $ ( this ) . data ( 'oldval.oc.changeMonitor' , $ ( this ) . val ( ) ) ; } )
if ( this . options . windowCloseConfirm )
$ ( window ) . on ( 'beforeunload' , $ . proxy ( this . onBeforeUnload , this ) ) }
ChangeMonitor . prototype . change = function ( ev , inputChange ) { if ( this . paused )
if ( ! inputChange ) { var type = $ ( ev . target ) . attr ( 'type' )
if ( type == 'text' || type == "password" )
return }
if ( ! this . $el . hasClass ( 'oc-data-changed' ) ) { this . $el . trigger ( 'changed.oc.changeMonitor' )
this . $el . addClass ( 'oc-data-changed' ) } }
ChangeMonitor . prototype . unchange = function ( ) { if ( this . paused )
if ( this . $el . hasClass ( 'oc-data-changed' ) ) { this . $el . trigger ( 'unchanged.oc.changeMonitor' )
this . $el . removeClass ( 'oc-data-changed' ) } }
ChangeMonitor . prototype . onInputChange = function ( ev ) { if ( this . paused )
var $el = $ ( ev . target )
if ( $el . data ( 'oldval.oc.changeMonitor' ) != $el . val ( ) ) { $el . data ( 'oldval.oc.changeMonitor' , $el . val ( ) ) ; this . change ( ev , true ) ; } }
ChangeMonitor . prototype . pause = function ( ) { this . paused = true }
ChangeMonitor . prototype . resume = function ( ) { this . paused = false }
ChangeMonitor . prototype . onBeforeUnload = function ( ) { if ( $ . contains ( document . documentElement , this . $el . get ( 0 ) ) && this . $el . hasClass ( 'oc-data-changed' ) )
return this . options . windowCloseConfirm }
ChangeMonitor . DEFAULTS = { windowCloseConfirm : false }
var old = $ . fn . changeMonitor
$ . fn . changeMonitor = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.changeMonitor' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , ChangeMonitor . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.changeMonitor' , ( data = new ChangeMonitor ( this , options ) ) ) } ) }
$ . fn . changeMonitor . Constructor = ChangeMonitor
$ . fn . changeMonitor . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . changeMonitor = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-change-monitor]' ) . changeMonitor ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var ChartUtils = function ( ) { }
ChartUtils . prototype . defaultValueColor = '#b8b8b8' ; ChartUtils . prototype . getColor = function ( index ) { var
colors = [ '#95b753' , '#cc3300' , '#e5a91a' , '#3366ff' , '#ff0f00' , '#ff6600' , '#ff9e01' , '#fcd202' , '#f8ff01' , '#b0de09' , '#04d215' , '#0d8ecf' , '#0d52d1' , '#2a0cd0' , '#8a0ccf' , '#cd0d74' , '#754deb' , '#dddddd' , '#999999' , '#333333' , '#000000' , '#57032a' , '#ca9726' , '#990000' , '#4b0c25' ] , colorIndex = index % ( colors . length - 1 ) ; return colors [ colorIndex ] ; }
ChartUtils . prototype . loadListValues = function ( $list ) { var result = { values : [ ] , total : 0 , max : 0 }
$ ( '> li' , $list ) . each ( function ( ) { var value = parseFloat ( $ ( 'span' , this ) . text ( ) ) ; result . total += value
result . values . push ( { value : value , color : $ ( this ) . data ( 'color' ) } )
result . max = Math . max ( result . max , value ) } )
return result ; }
ChartUtils . prototype . getLegendLabel = function ( $legend , index ) { return $ ( 'tr:eq(' + index + ') td:eq(1)' , $legend ) . html ( ) ; }
ChartUtils . prototype . initLegendColorIndicators = function ( $legend ) { var indicators = [ ] ; $ ( 'tr > td:first-child' , $legend ) . each ( function ( ) { var indicator = $ ( '<i></i>' )
$ ( this ) . prepend ( indicator )
indicators . push ( indicator ) } )
return indicators ; }
ChartUtils . prototype . createLegend = function ( $list ) { var
$legend = $ ( '<div>' ) . addClass ( 'chart-legend' ) , $table = $ ( '<table>' )
$legend . append ( $table )
$ ( '> li' , $list ) . each ( function ( ) { var label = $ ( this ) . clone ( ) . children ( ) . remove ( ) . end ( ) . html ( ) ; $table . append ( $ ( '<tr>' ) . append ( $ ( '<td class="indicator">' ) ) . append ( $ ( '<td>' ) . html ( label ) ) . append ( $ ( '<td>' ) . addClass ( 'value' ) . html ( $ ( 'span' , this ) . html ( ) ) ) ) } )
$legend . insertAfter ( $list )
$list . remove ( )
return $legend ; }
ChartUtils . prototype . showTooltip = function ( x , y , text ) { var $tooltip = $ ( '#chart-tooltip' )
if ( $tooltip . length )
$tooltip . remove ( )
$tooltip = $ ( '<div id="chart-tooltip">' ) . html ( text ) . css ( 'visibility' , 'hidden' )
x += 10
y += 10
$ ( document . body ) . append ( $tooltip )
var tooltipWidth = $tooltip . outerWidth ( )
if ( ( x + tooltipWidth ) > $ ( window ) . width ( ) )
x = $ ( window ) . width ( ) - tooltipWidth - 10 ; $tooltip . css ( { top : y , left : x , visibility : 'visible' } ) ; }
ChartUtils . prototype . hideTooltip = function ( ) { $ ( '#chart-tooltip' ) . remove ( ) }
if ( $ . oc === undefined )
$ . oc = { }
$ . oc . chartUtils = new ChartUtils ( ) ; } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var PieChart = function ( element , options ) { this . options = options || { } ; var
$el = this . $el = $ ( element ) , size = this . size = ( this . options . size !== undefined ? this . options . size : $el . height ( ) ) , outerRadius = size / 2 - 1 , innerRadius = outerRadius - outerRadius / 3.5 , total = 0 , values = $ . oc . chartUtils . loadListValues ( $ ( 'ul' , $el ) ) , $legend = $ . oc . chartUtils . createLegend ( $ ( 'ul' , $el ) ) , indicators = $ . oc . chartUtils . initLegendColorIndicators ( $legend ) , self = this ; var $canvas = $ ( '<div/>' ) . addClass ( 'canvas' ) . width ( size ) . height ( size )
$el . prepend ( $canvas )
Raphael ( $canvas . get ( 0 ) , size , size , function ( ) { self . paper = this ; self . segments = this . set ( )
self . paper . customAttributes . segment = function ( startAngle , endAngle ) { var
p1 = self . arcCoords ( outerRadius , startAngle ) , p2 = self . arcCoords ( outerRadius , endAngle ) , p3 = self . arcCoords ( innerRadius , endAngle ) , p4 = self . arcCoords ( innerRadius , startAngle ) , flag = ( endAngle - startAngle ) > 180 , path = [ [ "M" , p1 . x , p1 . y ] , [ "A" , outerRadius , outerRadius , 0 , + flag , 0 , p2 . x , p2 . y ] , [ "L" , p3 . x , p3 . y ] , [ "A" , innerRadius , innerRadius , 0 , + flag , 1 , p4 . x , p4 . y ] , [ "Z" ] ] ; return { path : path } }
self . paper . circle ( size / 2 , size / 2 , innerRadius + ( outerRadius - innerRadius ) / 2 ) . attr ( { "stroke-width" : outerRadius - innerRadius - 0.5 } ) . attr ( { stroke : $ . oc . chartUtils . defaultValueColor } )
$ . each ( values . values , function ( index , valueInfo ) { var color = valueInfo . color !== undefined ? valueInfo . color : $ . oc . chartUtils . getColor ( index ) , path = self . paper . path ( ) . attr ( { "stroke-width" : 0 } ) . attr ( { segment : [ 0 , 0 ] } ) . attr ( { fill : color } )
self . segments . push ( path )
indicators [ index ] . css ( 'background-color' , color )
path . hover ( function ( ev ) { $ . oc . chartUtils . showTooltip ( ev . pageX , ev . pageY , $ . trim ( $ . oc . chartUtils . getLegendLabel ( $legend , index ) ) + ': <strong>' + valueInfo . value + '</stong>' ) } , function ( ) { $ . oc . chartUtils . hideTooltip ( ) } ) } )
var start = self . options . startAngle ; $ . each ( values . values , function ( index , valueInfo ) { var length = 360 / values . total * valueInfo . value ; if ( length == 360 )
length -- ; self . segments [ index ] . animate ( { segment : [ start , start + length ] } , 1000 , "bounce" )
start += length } ) } ) ; if ( this . options . centerText !== undefined ) { var $text = $ ( '<span>' ) . addClass ( 'center' ) . html ( this . options . centerText )
$canvas . append ( $text ) } }
PieChart . prototype . arcCoords = function ( radius , angle ) { var
a = Raphael . rad ( angle ) , x = this . size / 2 + radius * Math . cos ( a ) , y = this . size / 2 - radius * Math . sin ( a ) ; return { 'x' : x , 'y' : y } }
PieChart . DEFAULTS = { startAngle : 45 }
var old = $ . fn . pieChart
$ . fn . pieChart = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.pieChart' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , PieChart . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data )
$this . data ( 'oc.pieChart' , ( data = new PieChart ( this , options ) ) ) } ) }
$ . fn . pieChart . Constructor = PieChart
$ . fn . pieChart . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . pieChart = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control=chart-pie]' ) . pieChart ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var BarChart = function ( element , options ) { this . options = options || { } ; var
$el = this . $el = $ ( element ) , size = this . size = $el . height ( ) , total = 0 , self = this , values = $ . oc . chartUtils . loadListValues ( $ ( 'ul' , $el ) ) , $legend = $ . oc . chartUtils . createLegend ( $ ( 'ul' , $el ) ) , indicators = $ . oc . chartUtils . initLegendColorIndicators ( $legend ) , isFullWidth = this . isFullWidth ( ) , chartHeight = this . options . height !== undefined ? this . options . height : size , chartWidth = isFullWidth ? this . $el . width ( ) : size , barWidth = ( chartWidth - ( values . values . length - 1 ) * this . options . gap ) / values . values . length
var $canvas = $ ( '<div/>' ) . addClass ( 'canvas' ) . height ( chartHeight ) . width ( isFullWidth ? '100%' : chartWidth )
$el . prepend ( $canvas )
$el . toggleClass ( 'full-width' , isFullWidth )
Raphael ( $canvas . get ( 0 ) , isFullWidth ? '100%' : chartWidth , chartHeight , function ( ) { self . paper = this ; self . bars = this . set ( )
self . paper . customAttributes . bar = function ( start , height ) { return { path : [ [ "M" , start , chartWidth ] , [ "L" , start , chartHeight - height ] , [ "L" , start + barWidth , chartHeight - height ] , [ "L" , start + barWidth , chartWidth ] , [ "Z" ] ] } }
var start = 0 ; $ . each ( values . values , function ( index , valueInfo ) { var color = valueInfo . color !== undefined ? valueInfo . color : $ . oc . chartUtils . getColor ( index ) , path = self . paper . path ( ) . attr ( { "stroke-width" : 0 } ) . attr ( { bar : [ start , 0 ] } ) . attr ( { fill : color } )
self . bars . push ( path )
indicators [ index ] . css ( 'background-color' , color )
start += barWidth + self . options . gap
path . hover ( function ( ev ) { $ . oc . chartUtils . showTooltip ( ev . pageX , ev . pageY , $ . trim ( $ . oc . chartUtils . getLegendLabel ( $legend , index ) ) + ': <strong>' + valueInfo . value + '</stong>' ) } , function ( ) { $ . oc . chartUtils . hideTooltip ( ) } ) } )
start = 0
$ . each ( values . values , function ( index , valueInfo ) { var height = chartHeight / values . max * valueInfo . value ; self . bars [ index ] . animate ( { bar : [ start , height ] } , 1000 , "bounce" )
start += barWidth + self . options . gap ; } )
if ( isFullWidth ) { $ ( window ) . on ( 'resize' , function ( ) { chartWidth = self . $el . width ( ) , barWidth = ( chartWidth - ( values . values . length - 1 ) * self . options . gap ) / values . values . length
var start = 0
$ . each ( values . values , function ( index , valueInfo ) { var height = chartHeight / values . max * valueInfo . value ; self . bars [ index ] . animate ( { bar : [ start , height ] } , 10 , "bounce" )
start += barWidth + self . options . gap ; } ) } ) } } ) ; }
BarChart . prototype . isFullWidth = function ( ) { return this . options . fullWidth !== undefined && this . options . fullWidth }
BarChart . DEFAULTS = { gap : 2 }
var old = $ . fn . barChart
$ . fn . barChart = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.barChart' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , BarChart . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data )
$this . data ( 'oc.barChart' , ( data = new BarChart ( this , options ) ) ) } ) }
$ . fn . barChart . Constructor = BarChart
$ . fn . barChart . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . barChart = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control=chart-bar]' ) . barChart ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var ChartLine = function ( element , options ) { var self = this
this . chartOptions = { xaxis : { mode : "time" , tickLength : 5 } , selection : { mode : "x" } , grid : { markingsColor : "rgba(0,0,0, 0.02)" , backgroundColor : { colors : [ "#fff" , "#fff" ] } , borderColor : "#7bafcc" , borderWidth : 0 , color : "#ddd" , hoverable : true , clickable : true , labelMargin : 10 } , series : { lines : { show : true , fill : true } , points : { show : true } } , tooltip : true , tooltipOpts : { defaultTheme : false , content : "%x: <strong>%y</strong>" , dateFormat : "%y-%0m-%0d" , shifts : { x : 10 , y : 20 } } , legend : { show : true , noColumns : 2 } }
this . defaultDataSetOptions = { shadowSize : 0 }
var parsedOptions = { }
try { parsedOptions = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( eval ( "({" + options . chartOptions + "})" ) ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { throw new Error ( 'Error parsing the data-chart-options attribute value. ' + e ) ; }
this . chartOptions = $ . extend ( { } , this . chartOptions , parsedOptions )
this . options = options , this . $el = $ ( element )
this . fullDataSet = [ ]
this . resetZoomLink = $ ( options . resetZoomLink )
this . $el . trigger ( 'oc.chartLineInit' , [ this ] )
this . resetZoomLink . on ( 'click' , $ . proxy ( this . clearZoom , this ) ) ; if ( this . options . zoomable ) { this . $el . on ( "plotselected" , function ( event , ranges ) { var newCoords = { xaxis : { min : ranges . xaxis . from , max : ranges . xaxis . to } }
$ . plot ( self . $el , self . fullDataSet , $ . extend ( true , { } , self . chartOptions , newCoords ) )
self . resetZoomLink . show ( ) } ) ; }
if ( this . chartOptions . xaxis . mode == "time" && this . options . timeMode == "weeks" )
this . chartOptions . markings = weekendAreas
function weekendAreas ( axes ) { var markings = [ ] , d = new Date ( axes . xaxis . min ) ; d . setUTCDate ( d . getUTCDate ( ) - ( ( d . getUTCDay ( ) + 1 ) % 7 ) )
d . setUTCSeconds ( 0 )
d . setUTCMinutes ( 0 )
d . setUTCHours ( 0 )
var i = d . getTime ( )
do { markings . push ( { xaxis : { from : i , to : i + 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } } )
i += 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } while ( i < axes . xaxis . max )
return markings }
this . initializing = true
this . $el . find ( '>[data-chart="dataset"]' ) . each ( function ( ) { var data = $ ( this ) . data ( ) , processedData = { } ; for ( var key in data ) { var normalizedKey = key . substring ( 3 ) , value = data [ key ] ; normalizedKey = normalizedKey . charAt ( 0 ) . toLowerCase ( ) + normalizedKey . slice ( 1 ) ; if ( normalizedKey == 'data' )
value = JSON . parse ( '[' + value + ']' ) ; processedData [ normalizedKey ] = value ; }
self . addDataSet ( $ . extend ( { } , self . defaultDataSetOptions , processedData ) ) ; } )
this . initializing = false
this . rebuildChart ( ) }
ChartLine . DEFAULTS = { chartOptions : "" , timeMode : null , zoomable : false }
ChartLine . prototype . addDataSet = function ( dataSet ) { this . fullDataSet . push ( dataSet )
if ( ! this . initializing )
this . rebuildChart ( ) }
ChartLine . prototype . rebuildChart = function ( ) { this . $el . trigger ( 'oc.beforeChartLineRender' , [ this ] )
$ . plot ( this . $el , this . fullDataSet , this . chartOptions ) }
ChartLine . prototype . clearZoom = function ( ) { this . rebuildChart ( )
this . resetZoomLink . hide ( ) }
var old = $ . fn . chartLine
$ . fn . chartLine = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'october.chartLine' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , ChartLine . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'october.chartLine' , ( data = new ChartLine ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) data [ option ] . call ( $this ) } ) }
$ . fn . chartLine . Constructor = ChartLine
$ . fn . chartLine . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . chartLine = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control="chart-line"]' ) . chartLine ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var BalloonSelector = function ( element , options ) { this . $el = $ ( element )
this . $field = $ ( 'input' , this . $el )
this . options = options || { } ; var self = this ; $ ( 'li' , this . $el ) . click ( function ( ) { if ( self . $el . hasClass ( 'control-disabled' ) )
$ ( 'li' , self . $el ) . removeClass ( 'active' )
$ ( this ) . addClass ( 'active' )
self . $field . val ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'value' ) )
self . $el . trigger ( 'change' ) } ) }
BalloonSelector . DEFAULTS = { }
var old = $ . fn . balloonSelector
$ . fn . balloonSelector = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.balloon-selector' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , BalloonSelector . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.balloon-selector' , ( data = new BalloonSelector ( this , options ) ) ) } ) }
$ . fn . balloonSelector . Constructor = BalloonSelector
$ . fn . balloonSelector . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . balloonSelector = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . on ( 'render' , function ( ) { $ ( 'div[data-control=balloon-selector]' ) . balloonSelector ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var RowLink = function ( element , options ) { var self = this
this . options = options
this . $el = $ ( element )
var tr = this . $el . prop ( 'tagName' ) == 'TR' ? this . $el : this . $el . find ( 'tr:has(td)' )
tr . each ( function ( ) { var link = $ ( this ) . find ( options . target ) . filter ( function ( ) { return ! $ ( this ) . closest ( 'td' ) . hasClass ( options . excludeClass ) && ! $ ( this ) . hasClass ( options . excludeClass ) } ) . first ( )
if ( ! link . length ) return
var href = link . attr ( 'href' ) , onclick = ( typeof link . get ( 0 ) . onclick == "function" ) ? link . get ( 0 ) . onclick : null
$ ( this ) . find ( 'td' ) . not ( '.' + options . excludeClass ) . click ( function ( ) { if ( onclick )
onclick . apply ( link . get ( 0 ) )
window . location = href ; } )
$ ( this ) . addClass ( options . linkedClass )
link . hide ( ) . after ( link . html ( ) ) } ) }
RowLink . DEFAULTS = { target : 'a' , excludeClass : 'nolink' , linkedClass : 'rowlink' }
var old = $ . fn . rowLink
$ . fn . rowLink = function ( option ) { var args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 )
return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.rowlink' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , RowLink . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.rowlink' , ( data = new RowLink ( this , options ) ) )
else if ( typeof option == 'string' ) data [ option ] . apply ( data , args ) } ) }
$ . fn . rowLink . Constructor = RowLink
$ . fn . rowLink . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . rowLink = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control="rowlink"]' ) . rowLink ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var TreeListWidget = function ( element , options ) { var $el = this . $el = $ ( element ) , self = this ; this . options = options || { } ; var sortableOptions = { handle : options . handle , nested : options . nested , onDrop : function ( $item , container , _super ) { self . $el . trigger ( 'move.oc.treelist' , { item : $item , container : container } )
_super ( $item , container ) } , afterMove : function ( $placeholder , container , $closestEl ) { self . $el . trigger ( 'aftermove.oc.treelist' , { placeholder : $placeholder , container : container , closestEl : $closestEl } ) } }
$el . find ( '> ol' ) . sortable ( $ . extend ( sortableOptions , options ) )
if ( ! options . nested ) { $el . find ( '> ol ol' ) . sortable ( $ . extend ( sortableOptions , options ) ) } }
TreeListWidget . prototype . unbind = function ( ) { this . $el . find ( '> ol' ) . sortable ( 'destroy' )
if ( ! this . options . nested ) { this . $el . find ( '> ol ol' ) . sortable ( 'destroy' ) }
this . $el . removeData ( 'oc.treelist' ) }
TreeListWidget . DEFAULTS = { handle : null , nested : true }
var old = $ . fn . treeListWidget
$ . fn . treeListWidget = function ( option ) { var args = arguments , result
this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.treelist' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , TreeListWidget . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.treelist' , ( data = new TreeListWidget ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) result = data [ option ] . call ( data )
if ( typeof result != 'undefined' ) return false } )
return result ? result : this }
$ . fn . treeListWidget . Constructor = TreeListWidget
$ . fn . treeListWidget . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . treeListWidget = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . render ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control="treelist"]' ) . treeListWidget ( ) ; } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; ! function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var Autocomplete = function ( element , options ) { this . $element = $ ( element )
this . options = $ . extend ( { } , $ . fn . autocomplete . defaults , options )
this . matcher = this . options . matcher || this . matcher
this . sorter = this . options . sorter || this . sorter
this . highlighter = this . options . highlighter || this . highlighter
this . updater = this . options . updater || this . updater
this . source = this . options . source
this . $menu = $ ( this . options . menu )
this . shown = false
this . listen ( ) }
Autocomplete . prototype = { constructor : Autocomplete , select : function ( ) { var val = this . $menu . find ( '.active' ) . attr ( 'data-value' )
this . $element . val ( this . updater ( val ) ) . change ( )
return this . hide ( ) } , updater : function ( item ) { return item } , show : function ( ) { var pos = $ . extend ( { } , this . $element . position ( ) , { height : this . $element [ 0 ] . offsetHeight } )
this . $menu . insertAfter ( this . $element ) . css ( { top : pos . top + pos . height , left : pos . left } ) . show ( )
this . shown = true
return this } , hide : function ( ) { this . $menu . hide ( )
this . shown = false
return this } , lookup : function ( event ) { var items
this . query = this . $element . val ( )
if ( ! this . query || this . query . length < this . options . minLength ) { return this . shown ? this . hide ( ) : this }
items = $ . isFunction ( this . source ) ? this . source ( this . query , $ . proxy ( this . process , this ) ) : this . source
return items ? this . process ( items ) : this } , itemValue : function ( item ) { if ( typeof item === 'object' )
return item . value ; return item ; } , itemLabel : function ( item ) { if ( typeof item === 'object' )
return item . label ; return item ; } , itemsToArray : function ( items ) { var newArray = [ ]
$ . each ( items , function ( value , label ) { newArray . push ( { label : label , value : value } ) } )
return newArray } , process : function ( items ) { var that = this
if ( typeof items == 'object' )
items = this . itemsToArray ( items )
items = $ . grep ( items , function ( item ) { return that . matcher ( item ) } )
items = this . sorter ( items )
if ( ! items . length ) { return this . shown ? this . hide ( ) : this }
return this . render ( items . slice ( 0 , this . options . items ) ) . show ( ) } , matcher : function ( item ) { return ~ this . itemValue ( item ) . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( this . query . toLowerCase ( ) ) } , sorter : function ( items ) { var beginswith = [ ] , caseSensitive = [ ] , caseInsensitive = [ ] , item , itemValue
while ( item = items . shift ( ) ) { itemValue = this . itemValue ( item )
if ( ! itemValue . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( this . query . toLowerCase ( ) ) ) beginswith . push ( item )
else if ( ~ itemValue . indexOf ( this . query ) ) caseSensitive . push ( item )
else caseInsensitive . push ( item ) }
return beginswith . concat ( caseSensitive , caseInsensitive ) } , highlighter : function ( item ) { var query = this . query . replace ( /[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g , '\\$&' )
return item . replace ( new RegExp ( '(' + query + ')' , 'ig' ) , function ( $1 , match ) { return '<strong>' + match + '</strong>' } ) } , render : function ( items ) { var that = this
items = $ ( items ) . map ( function ( i , item ) { i = $ ( that . options . item ) . attr ( 'data-value' , that . itemValue ( item ) )
i . find ( 'a' ) . html ( that . highlighter ( that . itemLabel ( item ) ) )
return i [ 0 ] } )
items . first ( ) . addClass ( 'active' )
this . $menu . html ( items )
return this } , next : function ( event ) { var active = this . $menu . find ( '.active' ) . removeClass ( 'active' ) , next = active . next ( )
if ( ! next . length ) { next = $ ( this . $menu . find ( 'li' ) [ 0 ] ) }
next . addClass ( 'active' ) } , prev : function ( event ) { var active = this . $menu . find ( '.active' ) . removeClass ( 'active' ) , prev = active . prev ( )
if ( ! prev . length ) { prev = this . $menu . find ( 'li' ) . last ( ) }
prev . addClass ( 'active' ) } , listen : function ( ) { this . $element . on ( 'focus' , $ . proxy ( this . focus , this ) ) . on ( 'blur' , $ . proxy ( this . blur , this ) ) . on ( 'keypress' , $ . proxy ( this . keypress , this ) ) . on ( 'keyup' , $ . proxy ( this . keyup , this ) )
if ( this . eventSupported ( 'keydown' ) ) { this . $element . on ( 'keydown' , $ . proxy ( this . keydown , this ) ) }
this . $menu . on ( 'click' , $ . proxy ( this . click , this ) ) . on ( 'mouseenter' , 'li' , $ . proxy ( this . mouseenter , this ) ) . on ( 'mouseleave' , 'li' , $ . proxy ( this . mouseleave , this ) ) } , eventSupported : function ( eventName ) { var isSupported = eventName in this . $element
if ( ! isSupported ) { this . $element . setAttribute ( eventName , 'return;' )
isSupported = typeof this . $element [ eventName ] === 'function' }
return isSupported } , move : function ( e ) { if ( ! this . shown ) return
switch ( e . keyCode ) { case 9 : case 13 : case 27 : e . preventDefault ( )
case 38 : e . preventDefault ( )
this . prev ( )
case 40 : e . preventDefault ( )
this . next ( )
break }
e . stopPropagation ( ) } , keydown : function ( e ) { this . suppressKeyPressRepeat = ~ $ . inArray ( e . keyCode , [ 40 , 38 , 9 , 13 , 27 ] )
this . move ( e ) } , keypress : function ( e ) { if ( this . suppressKeyPressRepeat ) return
this . move ( e ) } , keyup : function ( e ) { switch ( e . keyCode ) { case 40 : case 38 : case 16 : case 17 : case 18 : break
case 9 : case 13 : if ( ! this . shown ) return
this . select ( )
case 27 : if ( ! this . shown ) return
this . hide ( )
default : this . lookup ( ) }
e . stopPropagation ( )
e . preventDefault ( ) } , focus : function ( e ) { this . focused = true } , blur : function ( e ) { this . focused = false
if ( ! this . mousedover && this . shown ) this . hide ( ) } , click : function ( e ) { e . stopPropagation ( )
e . preventDefault ( )
this . select ( )
this . $element . focus ( ) } , mouseenter : function ( e ) { this . mousedover = true
this . $menu . find ( '.active' ) . removeClass ( 'active' )
$ ( e . currentTarget ) . addClass ( 'active' ) } , mouseleave : function ( e ) { this . mousedover = false
if ( ! this . focused && this . shown ) this . hide ( ) } }
var old = $ . fn . autocomplete
$ . fn . autocomplete = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this ) , data = $this . data ( 'autocomplete' ) , options = typeof option == 'object' && option
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'autocomplete' , ( data = new Autocomplete ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) data [ option ] ( ) } ) }
$ . fn . autocomplete . defaults = { source : [ ] , items : 8 , menu : '<ul class="autocomplete dropdown-menu"></ul>' , item : '<li><a href="#"></a></li>' , minLength : 1 }
$ . fn . autocomplete . Constructor = Autocomplete
$ . fn . autocomplete . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . autocomplete = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . on ( 'focus.autocomplete.data-api' , '[data-control="autocomplete"]' , function ( e ) { var $this = $ ( this )
if ( $this . data ( 'autocomplete' ) ) return
$this . autocomplete ( $this . data ( ) ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { 'use strict' ; var dismiss = '[data-dismiss="callout"]'
var Callout = function ( el ) { $ ( el ) . on ( 'click' , dismiss , this . close ) }
Callout . prototype . close = function ( e ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var selector = $this . attr ( 'data-target' )
if ( ! selector ) { selector = $this . attr ( 'href' )
selector = selector && selector . replace ( /.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/ , '' ) }
var $parent = $ ( selector )
if ( e ) e . preventDefault ( )
if ( ! $parent . length ) { $parent = $this . hasClass ( 'callout' ) ? $this : $this . parent ( ) }
$parent . trigger ( e = $ . Event ( 'close.oc.callout' ) )
if ( e . isDefaultPrevented ( ) ) return
$parent . removeClass ( 'in' )
function removeElement ( ) { $parent . trigger ( 'closed.oc.callout' ) . remove ( ) }
$ . support . transition && $parent . hasClass ( 'fade' ) ? $parent . one ( $ . support . transition . end , removeElement ) . emulateTransitionEnd ( 500 ) : removeElement ( ) }
var old = $ . fn . callout
$ . fn . callout = function ( option ) { return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.callout' )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.callout' , ( data = new Callout ( this ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) data [ option ] . call ( $this ) } ) }
$ . fn . callout . Constructor = Callout
$ . fn . callout . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . callout = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . on ( 'click.oc.callout.data-api' , dismiss , Callout . prototype . close ) } ( jQuery ) ; + function ( $ ) { "use strict" ; var SidenavTree = function ( element , options ) { this . options = options
this . $el = $ ( element )
this . init ( ) ; }
SidenavTree . DEFAULTS = { treeName : 'sidenav_tree' }
SidenavTree . prototype . init = function ( ) { var self = this
$ ( document . body ) . addClass ( 'has-sidenav-tree' )
this . statusCookieName = this . options . treeName + 'groupStatus'
this . searchCookieName = this . options . treeName + 'search'
this . $searchInput = $ ( this . options . searchInput )
this . $el . on ( 'click' , 'li > div.group' , function ( ) { self . toggleGroup ( $ ( this ) . closest ( 'li' ) )
return false ; } ) ; this . $searchInput . on ( 'keyup' , function ( ) { self . handleSearchChange ( ) } )
var searchTerm = $ . cookie ( this . searchCookieName )
if ( searchTerm !== undefined && searchTerm . length > 0 ) { this . $searchInput . val ( searchTerm )
this . applySearch ( ) }
var scrollbar = $ ( '[data-control=scrollbar]' , this . $el ) . data ( 'oc.scrollbar' ) , active = $ ( 'li.active' , this . $el )
if ( active . length > 0 )
scrollbar . gotoElement ( active ) }
SidenavTree . prototype . toggleGroup = function ( group ) { var $group = $ ( group ) , status = $group . attr ( 'data-status' )
status === undefined || status == 'expanded' ? this . collapseGroup ( $group ) : this . expandGroup ( $group ) }
SidenavTree . prototype . collapseGroup = function ( group ) { var
$list = $ ( '> ul' , group ) , self = this ; $list . css ( 'overflow' , 'hidden' )
$list . animate ( { 'height' : 0 } , { duration : 100 , queue : false , complete : function ( ) { $list . css ( { 'overflow' : 'visible' , 'display' : 'none' } )
$ ( group ) . attr ( 'data-status' , 'collapsed' )
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'oc.updateUi' )
self . saveGroupStatus ( $ ( group ) . data ( 'group-code' ) , true ) } } ) }
SidenavTree . prototype . expandGroup = function ( group , duration ) { var
$list = $ ( '> ul' , group ) , self = this
duration = duration === undefined ? 100 : duration
$list . css ( { 'overflow' : 'hidden' , 'display' : 'block' , 'height' : 0 } )
$list . animate ( { 'height' : $list [ 0 ] . scrollHeight } , { duration : duration , queue : false , complete : function ( ) { $list . css ( { 'overflow' : 'visible' , 'height' : 'auto' } )
$ ( group ) . attr ( 'data-status' , 'expanded' )
$ ( window ) . trigger ( 'oc.updateUi' )
self . saveGroupStatus ( $ ( group ) . data ( 'group-code' ) , false ) } } ) }
SidenavTree . prototype . saveGroupStatus = function ( groupCode , collapsed ) { var collapsedGroups = $ . cookie ( this . statusCookieName ) , updatedGroups = [ ]
if ( collapsedGroups === undefined )
collapsedGroups = ''
collapsedGroups = collapsedGroups . split ( '|' )
$ . each ( collapsedGroups , function ( ) { if ( groupCode != this )
updatedGroups . push ( this ) } )
if ( collapsed )
updatedGroups . push ( groupCode )
$ . cookie ( this . statusCookieName , updatedGroups . join ( '|' ) , { expires : 30 , path : '/' } ) }
SidenavTree . prototype . handleSearchChange = function ( ) { var lastValue = this . $searchInput . data ( 'oc.lastvalue' ) ; if ( lastValue !== undefined && lastValue == this . $searchInput . val ( ) )
this . $searchInput . data ( 'oc.lastvalue' , this . $searchInput . val ( ) )
if ( this . dataTrackInputTimer !== undefined )
window . clearTimeout ( this . dataTrackInputTimer ) ; var self = this
this . dataTrackInputTimer = window . setTimeout ( function ( ) { self . applySearch ( ) } , 300 ) ; $ . cookie ( this . searchCookieName , $ . trim ( this . $searchInput . val ( ) ) , { expires : 30 , path : '/' } ) }
SidenavTree . prototype . applySearch = function ( ) { var query = $ . trim ( this . $searchInput . val ( ) ) , words = query . toLowerCase ( ) . split ( ' ' ) , visibleGroups = [ ] , visibleItems = [ ] , self = this
if ( query . length == 0 ) { $ ( 'li' , this . $el ) . removeClass ( 'hidden' )
return }
$ ( 'ul.top-level > li' , this . $el ) . each ( function ( ) { var $li = $ ( this )
if ( self . textContainsWords ( $ ( 'div.group h3' , $li ) . text ( ) , words ) ) { visibleGroups . push ( $li . get ( 0 ) )
$ ( 'ul li' , $li ) . each ( function ( ) { visibleItems . push ( this ) } ) } else { $ ( 'ul li' , $li ) . each ( function ( ) { if ( self . textContainsWords ( $ ( this ) . text ( ) , words ) || self . textContainsWords ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'keywords' ) , words ) ) { visibleGroups . push ( $li . get ( 0 ) )
visibleItems . push ( this ) } } ) } } )
$ ( 'ul.top-level > li' , this . $el ) . each ( function ( ) { var $li = $ ( this ) , groupIsVisible = $ . inArray ( this , visibleGroups ) !== - 1
$li . toggleClass ( 'hidden' , ! groupIsVisible )
if ( groupIsVisible )
self . expandGroup ( $li , 0 )
$ ( 'ul li' , $li ) . each ( function ( ) { var $itemLi = $ ( this )
$itemLi . toggleClass ( 'hidden' , $ . inArray ( this , visibleItems ) == - 1 ) } ) } )
return false }
SidenavTree . prototype . textContainsWords = function ( text , words ) { text = text . toLowerCase ( )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < words . length ; i ++ ) { if ( text . indexOf ( words [ i ] ) === - 1 )
return false }
return true }
var old = $ . fn . sidenavTree
$ . fn . sidenavTree = function ( option ) { var args = arguments ; return this . each ( function ( ) { var $this = $ ( this )
var data = $this . data ( 'oc.sidenavTree' )
var options = $ . extend ( { } , SidenavTree . DEFAULTS , $this . data ( ) , typeof option == 'object' && option )
if ( ! data ) $this . data ( 'oc.sidenavTree' , ( data = new SidenavTree ( this , options ) ) )
if ( typeof option == 'string' ) { var methodArgs = [ ] ; for ( var i = 1 ; i < args . length ; i ++ )
methodArgs . push ( args [ i ] )
data [ option ] . apply ( data , methodArgs ) } } ) }
$ . fn . sidenavTree . Constructor = SidenavTree
$ . fn . sidenavTree . noConflict = function ( ) { $ . fn . sidenavTree = old
return this }
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) { $ ( '[data-control=sidenav-tree]' ) . sidenavTree ( ) } ) } ( window . jQuery ) ;