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synced 2024-06-28 05:33:29 +02:00
Merge pull request #535 from boulox/system-french-trad
Add some missing french translation
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,20 @@ return [
'system' => [
'name' => 'Système',
'menu_label' => 'Système',
'categories' => [
'cms' => 'CMS',
'misc' => 'Divers',
'logs' => 'Logs',
'mail' => 'Email',
'shop' => 'Boutique',
'team' => 'Equipe',
'users' => 'Utilisateurs',
'system' => 'Système',
'social' => 'Social',
'events' => 'Evénement',
'customers' => 'Clients',
'my_settings' => 'Mes réglages',
'plugin' => [
'unnamed' => 'Plugin sans nom',
@ -13,61 +13,61 @@ return array(
"accepted" => "The :attribute must be accepted.",
"active_url" => "The :attribute is not a valid URL.",
"after" => "The :attribute must be a date after :date.",
"alpha" => "The :attribute may only contain letters.",
"alpha_dash" => "The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.",
"alpha_num" => "The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.",
"array" => "The :attribute must be an array.",
"before" => "The :attribute must be a date before :date.",
"accepted" => "Le :attribute doit être accepté.",
"active_url" => "Le :attribute n'est pas une URL valide.",
"after" => "Le :attribute doit être une date après le :date.",
"alpha" => "Le :attribute ne peut contenir que des lettres.",
"alpha_dash" => "Le :attribute ne peut contenir que des lettres, des chiffres et des tirets.",
"alpha_num" => "Le :attribute ne peut contenir que des lettres et des chiffres.",
"array" => "Le :attribute doit être un groupe.",
"before" => "Le :attribute doit être une date avant le :date.",
"between" => array(
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be between :min - :max.",
"file" => "The :attribute must be between :min - :max kilobytes.",
"string" => "The :attribute must be between :min - :max characters.",
"array" => "The :attribute must have between :min - :max items.",
"numeric" => "Le :attribute doit être compris entre :min - :max.",
"file" => "Le :attribute doit être compris entre :min - :max kilobytes.",
"string" => "Le :attribute doit être compris entre :min - :max caractères.",
"array" => "Le :attribute doit être compris entre :min - :max objets.",
"confirmed" => "The :attribute confirmation does not match.",
"date" => "The :attribute is not a valid date.",
"date_format" => "The :attribute does not match the format :format.",
"different" => "The :attribute and :other must be different.",
"digits" => "The :attribute must be :digits digits.",
"digits_between" => "The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.",
"email" => "The :attribute format is invalid.",
"exists" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.",
"image" => "The :attribute must be an image.",
"in" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.",
"integer" => "The :attribute must be an integer.",
"ip" => "The :attribute must be a valid IP address.",
"confirmed" => "Le :attribute de confirmation ne correspond pas.",
"date" => "Le :attribute n'est pas une date valide.",
"date_format" => "Le :attribute ne correspond pas au format :format.",
"different" => "Le :attribute et :other doivent être différents.",
"digits" => "Le :attribute doit être de :digits chiffres.",
"digits_between" => "Le :attribute doit être compris entre :min et :max chiffres.",
"email" => "Le format de l':attribute n'est pas valide.",
"exists" => "Le :attribute sélectionné n'est pas valide.",
"image" => "Le :attribute doit être une image.",
"in" => "Le :attribute sélectionné n'est pas valide.",
"integer" => "Le :attribute doit être un entier.",
"ip" => "Le :attribute doit être une adresse IP valide.",
"max" => array(
"numeric" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max.",
"file" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.",
"string" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.",
"array" => "The :attribute may not have more than :max items.",
"numeric" => "Le :attribute ne peut pas être supérieure à :max.",
"file" => "Le :attribute ne peut pas être supérieure à :max kilobytes.",
"string" => "Le :attribute ne peut pas être supérieure à :max caractères.",
"array" => "Le :attribute ne peut pas être supérieure à :max objets.",
"mimes" => "The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.",
"mimes" => "Le :attribute doit être un fichier de type: :values.",
"min" => array(
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be at least :min.",
"file" => "The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.",
"string" => "The :attribute must be at least :min characters.",
"array" => "The :attribute must have at least :min items.",
"numeric" => "Le :attribute doit être au minimum de :min.",
"file" => "Le :attribute doit être au minimum de :min kilobytes.",
"string" => "Le :attribute doit être au minimum de :min caractères.",
"array" => "Le :attribute doit être au minimum de :min objets.",
"not_in" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.",
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be a number.",
"regex" => "The :attribute format is invalid.",
"required" => "The :attribute field is required.",
"required_if" => "The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.",
"required_with" => "The :attribute field is required when :values is present.",
"required_without" => "The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.",
"same" => "The :attribute and :other must match.",
"not_in" => "Le :attribute sélectionné n'est pas valide.",
"numeric" => "Le :attribute doit être un nombre.",
"regex" => "Le format de l':attribute n'est pas valide.",
"required" => "Le champ: :attribute est obligatoire.",
"required_if" => "Le champ: :attribute est obligatoire quand :other est :value.",
"required_with" => "Le champ: :attribute est obligatoire quand :values est présent.",
"required_without" => "Le champ: :attribute est obligatoire quand :values est absent.",
"same" => "Le :attribute et :other doivent correspondre.",
"size" => array(
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be :size.",
"file" => "The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.",
"string" => "The :attribute must be :size characters.",
"array" => "The :attribute must contain :size items.",
"numeric" => "Le :attribute doit être de :size.",
"file" => "Le :attribute doit être de :size kilobytes.",
"string" => "Le :attribute doit être de :size caractères.",
"array" => "Le :attribute doit contenir :size objets.",
"unique" => "The :attribute has already been taken.",
"url" => "The :attribute format is invalid.",
"unique" => "Le :attribute a déjà été pris.",
"url" => "Le format de l':attribute n'est pas valide.",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user