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synced 2024-06-28 05:33:29 +02:00
Further WIP on resizer implementation, moving towards resizer object instead of static methods on a helper class
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,14 +33,17 @@
* 'colourize' => string, RGB value
* ]
* Event::fire('system.resize.afterResize')
* Event::fire('system.resize.beforeResize')
* Event::fire('system.resize.processResize')
* Event::fire('system.resizer.afterResize')
* Event::fire('system.resizer.beforeResize')
* Event::fire('system.resizer.processResize')
* Event::fire('system.resizer.getAvailableSources', [&$sourcesArray])
use App;
use Cache;
use Event;
use Storage;
use October\Rain\Database\Attach\File as FileModel;
@ -64,7 +67,104 @@ use October\Rain\Database\Attach\File as FileModel;
* - Post processing of resized images with TinyPNG to optimize filesize further
* - Replacement processing of resizing with Intervention Image (using GD or ImageMagick)
class Helper {
class Resizer {
* @var string The cache key prefix for resizer configs
public const CACHE_PREFIX = 'system.resizer.';
* @var array Image source data ['disk' => string, 'path' => string, 'source' => string]
protected $image = [];
* @var integer Desired width
protected $width = null;
* @var integer Desired height
protected $height = null;
* @var array Image resizing configuration data
protected $options = [];
* Prepare the resizer instance
* @param mixed $image
* @param integer|bool|null $width
* @param integer|bool|null $height
* @param array $options
public function __construct($image, $width = null, $height = null, $options = [])
$this->image = static::normalizeImage($image);
$this->width = is_numeric($width) ? (int) $width : null;
$this->height = is_numeric($height) ? (int) $height : null;
$this->options = array_merge($this->getDefaultOptions(), $options);
* Get the available sources for processing image resize requests from
* @return array
public static function getAvailableSources()
$sources = [
'themes' => [
'disk' => 'system',
'folder' => config('cms.themesPathLocal', base_path('themes')),
'path' => config('cms.themesPath', '/themes'),
'plugins' => [
'disk' => 'system',
'folder' => config('cms.pluginsPathLocal', base_path('plugins')),
'path' => config('cms.pluginsPath', '/plugins'),
'media' => [
'disk' => config('cms.storage.media.disk', 'local'),
'folder' => config('cms.storage.media.folder', 'media'),
'path' => config('cms.storage.media.path', '/storage/app/media'),
'modules' => [
'disk' => 'system',
'folder' => base_path('modules'),
'path' => '/modules',
'uploads' => [
'disk' => config('cms.storage.uploads.disk', 'local'),
'folder' => config('cms.storage.uploads.folder', 'uploads'),
'path' => config('cms.storage.uploads.path', '/storage/app/uploads'),
* @event system.resizer.getAvailableSources
* Provides an opportunity to modify the sources available for processing resize requests from
* Example usage:
* Event::listen('system.resizer.getAvailableSources', function ((array) &$sources)) {
* $sources['custom'] = [
* 'disk' => 'custom',
* 'folder' => 'relative/path/on/disk',
* 'path' => 'publicly/accessible/path',
* ];
* });
Event::fire('system.resizer.getAvailableSources', [&$sources]);
return $sources;
* Gets the identifier for provided resizing configuration
* This method validates, authorizes, and prepares the resizing request for execution by the resizer
@ -76,22 +176,27 @@ class Helper {
* @param integer|bool|null $width
* @param integer|bool|null $height
* @param array $options
* @return string
* @return string 40 character string used as a unique reference to the provided configuration
public function getIdentifier($image, $width = null, $height = null, array $options = [])
$image = static::normalizeImage($image);
if (is_null($image)) {
throw new \Exception("Unable to process the provided image: " . var_export($image));
$properties = [
$config = [
'image' => $image,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'options' => $options,
$identifier = hash_hmac('sha1', json_encode($config), App::make('encrypter')->getKey());
// If the image hasn't been resized yet, then store the config data for the resizer to use
if (!static::resized($identifier)) {
Cache::put(static::CACHE_PREFIX . $identifier, $config);
return $identifier;
@ -101,12 +206,14 @@ class Helper {
* ['disk' => string, 'path' => string],
* instance of October\Rain\Database\Attach\File,
* string containing URL or path accessible to the application's filesystem manager
* @return array|null Array containing the disk and path ['disk' => string, 'path' => string], null if not found
* @throws SystemException If the image was unable to be identified
* @return array Array containing the disk, path, and selected source name ['disk' => string, 'path' => string, 'source' => string]
public static function normalizeImage($image)
$disk = null;
$path = null;
$selectedSource = null;
// Process an array
if (is_array($image) && !empty($image['disk']) && !empty($image['path'])) {
@ -125,33 +232,7 @@ class Helper {
// Loop through the sources available to the application to pull from
// to identify the source most likely to be holding the image
$resizeSources = [
'themes' => [
'disk' => 'system',
'folder' => config('cms.themesPathLocal', base_path('themes')),
'path' => config('cms.themesPath', '/themes'),
'plugins' => [
'disk' => 'system',
'folder' => config('cms.pluginsPathLocal', base_path('plugins')),
'path' => config('cms.pluginsPath', '/plugins'),
'media' => [
'disk' => config('cms.storage.media.disk', 'local'),
'folder' => config('cms.storage.media.folder', 'media'),
'path' => config('cms.storage.media.path', '/storage/app/media'),
'modules' => [
'disk' => 'system',
'folder' => base_path('modules'),
'path' => '/modules',
'uploads' => [
'disk' => config('cms.storage.uploads.disk', 'local'),
'folder' => config('cms.storage.uploads.folder', 'uploads'),
'path' => config('cms.storage.uploads.path', '/storage/app/uploads'),
$resizeSources = static::getAvailableSources();
foreach ($resizeSources as $source => $details) {
// Normalize the source path
$sourcePath = urldecode(parse_url($details['path'], PHP_URL_PATH));
@ -175,6 +256,7 @@ class Helper {
// Verify that the file exists before exiting the identification process
if ($disk->exists($path)) {
$selectedSource = $source;
} else {
$disk = null;
@ -185,13 +267,14 @@ class Helper {
if (!$disk || !$path) {
return null;
if (!$disk || !$path || !$selectedSource) {
throw new SystemException("Unable to process the provided image: " . e(var_export($image)));
return [
'disk' => $disk,
'path' => $path,
'source' => $selectedSource,
@ -202,8 +285,10 @@ class Helper {
* @param string $identifier The Resizer Identifier that references the source image and desired resizing configuration
* @return bool|string
public function resized($identifier)
public function resized($image, $width = null, $height = null, $options = array)
$targetPath = implode('/', array_slice(str_split($identifier, 10), 0, 4)) . '/' . pathinfo($image['path'], PATHINFO_FILENAME) . "_resized_{$data['width']}_{$data['height']}.{$data['options']['extension']}";
$options = static::getOptions($identifier);
$targetDisk = $options['resized_disk'];
@ -218,32 +303,69 @@ class Helper {
public function resize()
public function resize($image, $width = null, $height = null, $options = [])
$identifier = static::getIdentifier($image, $width, $height, $options);
public static function getResizerUrl($image, $width = null, $height = null, $options = [])
$image = static::normalizeImage($image);
$identifier = static::getIdentifier($image, $width, $height, $options);
$data = static::normalizeConfig($image, $width, $height, $options);
$name = pathinfo($image['path'], PATHINFO_FILENAME) . "_resized_{$data['width']}_{$data['height']}.{$data['options']['extension']}";
return Url::to("/resizer/$identifier/{$image['source']}/$name");
// Twig filter implementation
function filterResize(mixed $image, int $width, int $height, array $options) {
$image = Helper::normalizeImage($image);
// Attempt to process the provided image
try {
$imageData = Helper::normalizeImage($image);
} catch (SystemException $ex) {
// Ignore processing this URL if the resizer is unable to identify it
if (is_string($image)) {
return $image;
} elseif ($image instanceof FileModel) {
return $image->getPath();
} else {
throw new SystemException("Unable to process the provided image: " . e(var_export($image)));
$identifier = Helper::getIdentifier(['disk' => $image->disk, 'path' => $image->path], $width, $height, $options);
$resizedUrl = Helper::resized($imageData, $width, $height, $options);
if (Helper::resized($identifier)) {
return Helper::resized($identifier)->url();
if ($resizedUrl) {
return $resizedUrl;
} else {
return '/resize/' . $identifier;
return Helper::getResizerUrl($imageData, $width, $height, $options);
// Route handling for /resize/{identifier} route
Route::get('/resize/{identifier}', function ($identifier) {
if (Helper::resized($identifier)) {
return redirect()->to(Helper::resized($identifier));
// Route handling for resizing route route
Route::get('/resize/{identifier}/{source}/{name}', function ($identifier, $source, $name) {
// Generate the URL to the final result
$resizedUrl = Helper::getResizedUrl($identifer, $source, $name);
// Attempt to retrieve the resizer configuration and remove the data from the cache after retrieval
$config = Cache::pull(Helper::CACHE_PREFIX . $identifier, null);
// If the configuration wasn't found the image has already been processed or
// is currently being processed by a different request. Either way, return a
// redirect to the final result.
if (empty($config) || Helper::resized($config['image'], $config['width'], $config['height'], $config['options'])) {
return redirect()->to($resizedUrl);
return Helper::resize($identifier);
// Process the image resize
Helper::resize($config['image'], $config['width'], $config['height'], $config['options']);
// Return a redirect to the generated image
return redirect()->to($resizedUrl);
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