* Fix loosly comparison to strict + argument types and return types for >=7.0
* Change hard-coded strings to ::class,
* Fix unit-tests failures - some relative to 7.0 phpunit env deployment
* Fix exception string + format return types
* Change string representation of new classes in traceLog to ::class
Credit to @arthurkushman
FileUpload widget uploads file to the disk specified by default in config/filesystem.php instead of storage.uploads.disk in config/cms.php, if we use System\Models\File following the instruction in here.
Although we can still create another class extending System\Models\File or October\Rain\Database\Attach\File and use it as the model for attachOne/Many relation, System\Models\File seems to be the one that responsible to look at storage.uploads.disk in config/cms.php, because the existing methods are using storage.uploads.*.
Credit to @pikanji
If raw == (string) content, then it is a markdown email (html/text are ignored -- markdown sets them)
If raw == (bool) true, then it is true raw (html/text must be supplied)
- Not sure how this was not fixed sooner, since there is no easy way to obtain a full qualified URL from a system file.
- If a CDN is used this method will return a URL.
- The asset combiner returns a FQ URL as well, although it didn't always, perhaps this is a relic from that time that was never retrofitted.
Page links handler is now strict definition
Use more explicit naming for config_dashboard config
We have to use the codeeditor for mail templates for now, since froala is not playing nicely with twig
Truncate URL which should be maximum 255 lenght.
Reason: Today I got this error:
Next exception 'Illuminate\Database\QueryException' with message 'SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'url' at row 1 (SQL: insert into `system_request_logs` (`url`, `status_code`, `count`, `updated_at`, `created_at`) values (http://www.mysite.com/docs/%C3%83%C6%92%...<too-many-chars>...%80%9A%C3%82%C2%814.pdf, 404, 1, 2016-01-02 12:16:08, 2016-01-02 12:16:08))