configWriter = new ConfigWriter; } /** * Execute the console command. */ public function handle() { $this->displayIntro(); if ( App::hasDatabase() && !$this->confirm('Application appears to be installed already. Continue anyway?', false) ) { return; } $this->setupDatabaseConfig(); $this->setupAdminUser(); $this->setupCommonValues(); $chosenToInstall = []; if ($this->confirm('Configure advanced options?', false)) { $this->setupEncryptionKey(); $this->setupAdvancedValues(); $chosenToInstall = $this->askToInstallPlugins(); } else { $this->setupEncryptionKey(true); } $this->setupMigrateDatabase(); foreach ($chosenToInstall as $pluginCode) { $this->output->writeln('Installing plugin ' . $pluginCode . ''); $this->callSilent('plugin:install', [ 'name' => $pluginCode ]); $this->output->writeln('' . $pluginCode . ' installed successfully.'); } $this->displayOutro(); } /** * Get the console command options. */ protected function getOptions() { return [ ['force', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force the operation to run.'], ]; } // // Misc // protected function setupCommonValues() { $url = $this->ask('Application URL', Config::get('app.url')); $this->writeToConfig('app', ['url' => $url]); } protected function setupAdvancedValues() { $backendUri = $this->ask('Backend URL', Config::get('cms.backendUri')); $this->writeToConfig('cms', ['backendUri' => $backendUri]); $defaultMask = $this->ask('File Permission Mask', Config::get('cms.defaultMask.file') ?: '777'); $this->writeToConfig('cms', ['defaultMask.file' => $defaultMask]); $defaultMask = $this->ask('Folder Permission Mask', Config::get('cms.defaultMask.folder') ?: '777'); $this->writeToConfig('cms', ['defaultMask.folder' => $defaultMask]); $debug = (bool) $this->confirm('Enable Debug Mode?', true); $this->writeToConfig('app', ['debug' => $debug]); } protected function askToInstallPlugins() { $chosenToInstall = []; if ($this->confirm('Install the October.Drivers plugin?', false)) { $chosenToInstall[] = 'October.Drivers'; } if ($this->confirm('Install the Rainlab.Builder plugin?', false)) { $chosenToInstall[] = 'Rainlab.Builder'; } return $chosenToInstall; } // // Encryption key // protected function setupEncryptionKey($force = false) { $validKey = false; $cipher = Config::get('app.cipher'); $keyLength = $this->getKeyLength($cipher); $randomKey = $this->getRandomKey($cipher); if ($force) { $key = $randomKey; } else { $this->line(sprintf('Enter a new value of %s characters, or press ENTER to use the generated key', $keyLength)); while (!$validKey) { $key = $this->ask('Application key', $randomKey); $validKey = Encrypter::supported($key, $cipher); if (!$validKey) { $this->error(sprintf('[ERROR] Invalid key length for "%s" cipher. Supplied key must be %s characters in length.', $cipher, $keyLength)); } } } $this->writeToConfig('app', ['key' => $key]); $this->info(sprintf('Application key [%s] set successfully.', $key)); } /** * Generate a random key for the application. * * @param string $cipher * @return string */ protected function getRandomKey($cipher) { return Str::random($this->getKeyLength($cipher)); } /** * Returns the supported length of a key for a cipher. * * @param string $cipher * @return int */ protected function getKeyLength($cipher) { return $cipher === 'AES-128-CBC' ? 16 : 32; } // // Database config // protected function setupDatabaseConfig() { $type = $this->choice('Database type', ['MySQL', 'Postgres', 'SQLite', 'SQL Server']); $typeMap = [ 'SQLite' => 'sqlite', 'MySQL' => 'mysql', 'Postgres' => 'pgsql', 'SQL Server' => 'sqlsrv', ]; $driver = array_get($typeMap, $type, 'sqlite'); $method = 'setupDatabase'.Str::studly($driver); $newConfig = $this->$method(); $this->writeToConfig('database', ['default' => $driver]); foreach ($newConfig as $config => $value) { $this->writeToConfig('database', ['connections.'.$driver.'.'.$config => $value]); } } protected function setupDatabaseMysql() { $result = []; $result['host'] = $this->ask('MySQL Host', Config::get('')); $result['port'] = $this->output->ask('MySQL Port', Config::get('database.connections.mysql.port') ?: false) ?: ''; $result['database'] = $this->ask('Database Name', Config::get('database.connections.mysql.database')); $result['username'] = $this->ask('MySQL Login', Config::get('database.connections.mysql.username')); $result['password'] = $this->ask('MySQL Password', Config::get('database.connections.mysql.password') ?: false) ?: ''; return $result; } protected function setupDatabasePgsql() { $result = []; $result['host'] = $this->ask('Postgres Host', Config::get('')); $result['port'] = $this->ask('Postgres Port', Config::get('database.connections.pgsql.port') ?: false) ?: ''; $result['database'] = $this->ask('Database Name', Config::get('database.connections.pgsql.database')); $result['username'] = $this->ask('Postgres Login', Config::get('database.connections.pgsql.username')); $result['password'] = $this->ask('Postgres Password', Config::get('database.connections.pgsql.password') ?: false) ?: ''; return $result; } protected function setupDatabaseSqlite() { $filename = $this->ask('Database path', Config::get('database.connections.sqlite.database')); try { if (!file_exists($filename)) { $directory = dirname($filename); if (!is_dir($directory)) { mkdir($directory, 0777, true); } new PDO('sqlite:'.$filename); } } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->error($ex->getMessage()); $this->setupDatabaseSqlite(); } return ['database' => $filename]; } protected function setupDatabaseSqlsrv() { $result = []; $result['host'] = $this->ask('SQL Host', Config::get('')); $result['port'] = $this->ask('SQL Port', Config::get('database.connections.sqlsrv.port') ?: false) ?: ''; $result['database'] = $this->ask('Database Name', Config::get('database.connections.sqlsrv.database')); $result['username'] = $this->ask('SQL Login', Config::get('database.connections.sqlsrv.username')); $result['password'] = $this->ask('SQL Password', Config::get('database.connections.sqlsrv.password') ?: false) ?: ''; return $result; } // // Migration // protected function setupAdminUser() { $this->line('Enter a new value, or press ENTER for the default'); SeedSetupAdmin::$firstName = $this->ask('First Name', SeedSetupAdmin::$firstName); SeedSetupAdmin::$lastName = $this->ask('Last Name', SeedSetupAdmin::$lastName); SeedSetupAdmin::$email = $this->ask('Email Address', SeedSetupAdmin::$email); SeedSetupAdmin::$login = $this->ask('Admin Login', SeedSetupAdmin::$login); SeedSetupAdmin::$password = $this->ask('Admin Password', SeedSetupAdmin::$password); if (!$this->confirm('Is the information correct?', true)) { $this->setupAdminUser(); } } protected function setupMigrateDatabase() { $this->line('Migrating application and plugins...'); try { Db::purge(); UpdateManager::instance() ->setNotesOutput($this->output) ->update() ; } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->error($ex->getMessage()); $this->setupDatabaseConfig(); $this->setupMigrateDatabase(); } } // // Helpers // protected function displayIntro() { $message = [ ".====================================================================.", " ", " .d8888b. .o8888b. db .d8888b. d8888b. d88888b d8888b. .d888b. ", ".8P Y8. d8P Y8 88 .8P Y8. 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D .8P , Y8.", "88 88 8P oooo88 88 88 88oooY' 88oooo 88oobY' 88 | 88", "88 88 8b ~~~~88 88 88 88~~~b. 88~~~~ 88`8b 88 |/ 88", "`8b d8' Y8b d8 88 `8b d8' 88 8D 88. 88 `88. `8b | d8'", " `Y8888P' `Y8888P' YP `Y8888P' Y8888P' Y88888P 88 YD `Y888P' ", " ", "`=========================== INSTALLATION ==========================='", "", ]; $this->line($message); } protected function displayOutro() { $message = [ ".=========================================.", " ,@@@@@@@, ", " ,,,. ,@@@@@@/@@, .oo8888o. ", " ,&%%&%&&%,@@@@@/@@@@@@,8888\88/8o ", " ,%&\%&&%&&%,@@@\@@@/@@@88\88888/88' ", " %&&%&%&/%&&%@@\@@/ /@@@88888\88888' ", " %&&%/ %&%%&&@@\ V /@@' `88\8 `/88' ", " `&%\ ` /%&' |.| \ '|8' ", " |o| | | | | ", " |.| | | | | ", "`========= INSTALLATION COMPLETE ========='", "", ]; $this->line($message); } protected function writeToConfig($file, $values) { $configFile = $this->getConfigFile($file); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { Config::set($file.'.'.$key, $value); } $this->configWriter->toFile($configFile, $values); } /** * Get a config file and contents. * * @return array */ protected function getConfigFile($name = 'app') { $env = $this->option('env') ? $this->option('env').'/' : ''; $name .= '.php'; $contents = File::get($path = $this->laravel['path.config']."/{$env}{$name}"); return $path; } }