argument('name'); $themeExists = Theme::exists($themeName); if (!$themeExists) { $themeName = strtolower(str_replace('.', '-', $themeName)); $themeExists = Theme::exists($themeName); } if (!$themeExists) { return $this->error(sprintf('The theme %s does not exist.', $themeName)); } if (!$this->confirmToProceed(sprintf('This will DELETE theme "%s" from the filesystem and database.', $themeName))) { return; } try { $themeManager->deleteTheme($themeName); $this->info(sprintf('The theme %s has been deleted.', $themeName)); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->error($ex->getMessage()); } } /** * Get the console command arguments. * @return array */ protected function getArguments() { return [ ['name', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The name of the theme. (directory name)'], ]; } /** * Get the console command options. * @return array */ protected function getOptions() { return [ ['force', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force the operation to run.'], ]; } }