* **Build 26x** (2015-06-xx) - Introduced the October Storm client-side library. - Introduced new *MediaFinder* form widget. - Improved the back-end administrator permissions and `RelationController` UI. - The page setting `hidden` has been renamed to `is_hidden`, this setting may need to be reapplied for some themes. - `FileUpload` form widget has been rebuilt from scratch, it now uses an interface similar to the Media Manager (see Backend > Forms docs). * **Build 260** (2015-05-16) - The `|page` filter now supports passing an empty string to generate a link to the current page. - Component variables set with `$this->page` no longer leech in to other component partials. * **Build 258** (2015-05-09) - The hotkey for full screen mode is now Cmd+Shift+F or Ctrl+Shift+F in Windows. * **Build 252** (2015-04-29) - Optimized many JavaScript libraries used in the back-end to reduce memory leaks. * **Build 250** (2015-04-28) - Protected files can now be downloaded by administrators using the `fileupload` form widget. - The `{% content %}` tag now supports passing parameters, parsed by a basic template engine (see Cms > Content block docs). * **Build 247** (2015-04-23) - Added Media Manager feature. * **Build 246** (2015-04-21) - Adds experimental command `october:mirror` for generating symbolic links in a public directory. - Various performance improvements. * **Build 239** (2015-04-06) - Installing plugins has a new interface and themes can now be installed using the back-end. * **Build 236** (2015-03-28) - Default context of `manage` and `pivot` forms is now *create* and *update* respectively, instead of the old value *relation*. Use the `context` option to set it back to the old value (see Backend > Relations docs). * **Build 229** (2015-03-19) - Belongs-to-many model relations now support defining a custom pivot model with the `pivotModel` option (see Database > Model docs). - The config definitions for behavior `RelationController` have been refactored. When using `pivot` mode all columns and fields should now reside in a `pivot[]` array (see Backend > Relations docs). - Record Finder form widget now supports nested attributes for relations. - List columns now support using array names (eg: `relation[attribute]`) which acts as an alias for the `valueFrom` option with `searchable` and `sortable` disabled. * **Build 226** (2015-03-16) - Form Tabs now support specifying a default tab using the `defaultTab` option (see Backend > Forms docs). - Improved the Theme management features: Edit properties, import, export, duplicate and delete. * **Build 222** (2015-03-11) - Form fields can now use a simpler interface for using the Input preset converter (see Backend > Forms docs). - The event `cms.page.init` no longer passes the URL as the third parameter, `$controller->getRouter()->getUrl()` should be used instead. - `Page::url()` no longer takes a third argument for `$absolute`, generated URLs with this method are always absolute. * **Build 217** (2015-03-06) - Improvements made to the user menu in the back-end: clicking your avatar will display a popover with settings links from the `mysettings` context. - Added new form field widget called `repeater` for repeatable fields (see Backend > Forms docs). - Made some UI improvements to the Rich Editor. - Form widget base class no longer takes a model as the 2nd argument, it should be passed as `model` in the configuration instead. * **Build 214** (2015-03-03) - Introduce `AjaxException` that allows response contents to be sent to framework.js and still be treated as an error. * **Build 211** (2015-02-29) - Report Widgets now support the use of AJAX event handlers. * **Build 210** (2015-02-28) - Fixes an intermittent issue where a `CmsXXX_XXXClass` cache class cannot be found and throws a fatal error. * **Build 209** (2015-02-25) - Added new form field type `section` for dividing groups of other fields (see Backend > Forms docs). * **Build 206** (2015-02-21) - The back-end code editor now supports the use of [Emmet](http://emmet.io/). - Added the ability to prune Event and Request log records. * **Build 199** (2015-02-19) - The **/uploads** directory has been moved to **/storage/app/uploads** to make way for CDN support. This directory should be moved on the file system and the config (`cms.storage.uploads.path`) updated. * **Build 192** (2015-02-14) - For security reasons a vague error message is shown when a user tries to sign in unsuccessfully and the setting `app.debug` is disabled. - Added "Auto close tags and special characters" to Code editor preferences. * **Build 187** (2015-02-12) - **Upgraded framework to Laravel version 5**, see the [end of beta page](http://octobercms.com/beta#advanced-upgrade) for information on how to upgrade. - Introduced a linking policy to control the way URLs are generated globally (see config `cms.linkPolicy`). - Popup control now supports several sizes via `data-size` attribute: giant, huge, large, small, tiny. - Added new scaffold command for creating form widgets `create:formwidget Acme.Blog PostSelector`. * **Build 186** (2015-02-03) - File Upload form widget can now specify `fileTypes` for restricting which file extensions can be uploaded. * **Build 184** (2015-01-31) - Lists now support exporting to CSV format via the default **export** controller action. - Platforms can *opt-in* for bleeding edge updates by enabling a config setting (`cms.edgeUpdates`), this helps perform testing before a stable version is deployed. * **Build 183** (2015-01-22) - Relation Controller now supports *has one* and *belongs to* relations (see Backend > Relations docs). * **Build 179** (2015-01-18) - The Settings page is no longer governed by a global permission, each settings entry should have its own permission definition. * **Build 178** (2015-01-16) - The collapsed back-end side navigation now has a less annoying 200ms delay. * **Build 175** (2015-01-13) - The variable `errors` will be included in a CMS page when redirecting via `Redirect::withErrors($validator)`. - Added new utility command for compiling back-end assets `october:util compile [assets|js|less]`. * **Build 174** (2015-01-05) - Improved asset caching (`cms.enableAssetCache`), when enabled the server will send a *304 Not Modified* header. - Introduced new *Table* widget and *DataTable* form widget. - There is now a simpler way for sending mail via `Mail::sendTo()`. - The List Filter query can now be extended with controller override `listFilterExtendQuery()`. * **Build 171** (2014-12-17) - Add new methods `propertyName()` and `paramName()` to Component base class for accessing names of external properties. * **Build 169** (2014-12-16) - Native `alert` and `confirm` functions have been styled in the back-end. - Back-end user groups have a new description field, this is shown in the group list and when creating a new administrator. - Back-end user groups can now be marked to add new administrators by default. This affects when a group is created (if checked, all administrators are added to the group) and creating a new administrator (the default groups are checked by default). * **Build 168** (2014-12-14) - Config item `cms.customErrorPage` is deprecated, the setting `app.debug` should be used instead. - Config item `cms.enableAssetMinify` can now be set to **null**, in which case assets are only minified if debug mode (`app.debug`) is disabled. * **Build 167** (2014-12-06) - Settings pages now have a *Reset to default* button. - The field `authorUrl` has been renamed to `homepage` in theme.yaml files. - Adds Theme customization feature (see Themes > Development docs). * **Build 166** (2014-11-27) - Plugin details method now support "homepage" property (see Plugins > Registration & Versions docs). - Fixes a bug in the Datepicker using `time` mode. * **Build 162** (2014-11-10) - Fixes an issue where the *Pages* tab is shown in the CMS when permission is denied. - Updates are no longer shown on the Dashboard if permission is denied. - Added Maintenance mode settings to the front-end, available via Settings > CMS. * **Build 160** (2014-11-01) - Various fixes to the Backend Brand settings page. - When `cms.disableCoreUpdates` is set to **true** the Backend will no longer display updates for the core. - Partials can support using Components (see CMS > Partials docs). * **Build 158** (2014-10-23) - Fixes an issue where new Themes attached to a project were not being installed on update. - Fixes issue where XDebug aborts the thread for maximum function count. * **Build 155** (2014-10-16) - Back-end area can now be customized with colors and logo, via System > Customize Back-end. - Added twig filters `|trans` for `Lang::get(...)` and `|transchoice` for `Lang::choice(...)`. - `SettingsModel` behavior now uses a cached database query. * **Build 153** (2014-10-09) - Plugins are now updated in order of their dependency definitions. - Moved `ViewMaker` trait now lives under system, it can be useful for Models too. - Mailgun support added to Mail settings. - Form fields can now be marked as **hidden** (see Backend > Forms docs). - Added Controller behavior extension helpers `extendFormFields` and `extendListColumns`. * **Build 149** (2014-09-29) - Added new `hint` form field type (see Backend > Forms docs). - Added new `containerAttributes` property to form fields (see Backend > Forms docs). - Field attributes have had an API change `$field->attributes` should now be `$field->getAttributes()`. - Added scheduled console commands (see Help > Console docs). * **Build 145** (2014-09-13) - Standard setting pages now have **Save** and **Save and Close** buttons. * **Build 143** (2014-09-09) - Various fixes to the RelationController relating to belongsToMany relations. - Tree Lists are now collapsed by default to better handle large data sets. - The `{% put %}` tag now appends by default. - The closing put tag now supports **overwrite**, eg: `{% endput overwrite %}`. - Numerous PostgreSQL support fixes. * **Build 141** (2014-09-04) - Add new `dump()` Twig function (config app.debug must be true). - Components can now be expanded in the CMS editor by holding Ctrl/Meta and double clicking the `{% component %}` tag. * **Build 139** (2014-08-30) - Components and variables can now be accessed in the page code section via `$this->foo` in addition to `$this['foo']`. - AJAX handlers in the CMS can now invoke the page cycle without rendering the page using `$this->pageCycle()`. - Fixes path references in the LESS compiler. - Asset combiner now supports aliases and external files (see CMS > Markup docs). * **Build 138** (2014-08-18) - List widget has been refactored to improve efficiency. - Added new list column type `nameFrom` (take name from X attribute) as an alternative to `select`. * **Build 137** (2014-08-14) - Lists now support Filters (see Backend > Lists docs). - Numerous hard coded phrases converted to localized strings. * **Build 132** (2014-08-03) - New system logging pages: Event log, Request log and Access log. * **Build 130** (2014-07-27) - Complete redesign of Settings area. - Added markdown Twig filter `{{ 'I am **markdown**'|md }}`. * **Build 129** (2014-07-25) - Fixes a bug where the active theme is not editable in the back-end. - Added a new console command `october:util` for performing utility and maintenance tasks. - Added new utility command for deleting thumbs in the uploads directory `october:util purge thumbs`. - Improved console command confirmation dialogs. * **Build 125** (2014-07-24) - Added support for Themes. - Added new Theme picker to the backend via Settings > Front-end theme - New shorthand method for `$this->getClassExtension('Backend.Behaviors.FormController')` becomes `$this->asExtension('FormController')`. - Buttons inside a popup support new `data-popup-load-indicator` attribute. - Added a new config item to disable core updates completely (see config cms.disableCoreUpdates). - Added a unique alternate favicon to the Back-end area. * **Build 124** (2014-07-17) - Improvements to Twig functions and filters. - URL, HTML and Form helpers are now available in Twig. - The DataGrid form widget has been moved to a standard widget called Grid. * **Build 122** (2014-07-15) - Restyled the CMS tabs * **Build 117** (2014-07-12) - Added new Backend control for creating informative panels (hints). - Added new properties to RelationController: readOnly, showSorting, defaultSort. - Hashable, Sluggable, Purgeable and Validation traits must now be used in the Model class definition. - Plugins can now extend existing Back-end navigation menu items, see Event docs for an example. - Required form fields now sport an asterisk (*) character at the end of their label. * **Build 116** (2014-07-07) - Added new layout and page method `onInit()` called after components are initialized and before AJAX requests are processed. * **Build 115** (2014-07-06) - Important! All references to *Email* have been changed to *Mail* and renaming may be required in plugins. - Console command october:update now supports --core, --plugins and --force options. * **Build 114** (2014-07-03) - Created a new Record Finder form widget for searching related records. - All instances now use the Cron queue driver by default (see config queue.default). - Created My Settings backend page. Renamed old My Settings to My Account. - Moved Editor Preferences to My Settings area. - Created Backend Preferences page, used for setting the Backend langauge. - Dropdown field options can now supply an image or icon. - CMS Pages now have a hidden flag. * **Build 113** (2014-07-01) - Component properties now support grouping by supplying a `group` value. - Form fields now support interdependancies by supplying a `depends` value. - Improve styling on RelationController behavior. * **Build 111** (2014-06-27) - Components now support a shared `/partials` directory used as a fallback when a partial is not found. - Improved the styling of the Breadcrumb and Email templates page. - Assets now correctly load when opening the site via `/index.php`. - Added a Preview website link to the Backend template. - Composer build now prefers stable packages. - Missing or broken components are now handled gracefully by the Backend. * **Build 110** (2014-06-24) - Created a new Grid form widget for managing tabular data. - Widget identifiers have changed to remove the alias if it matches the default alias. - Add new form field type called `number`. - You can now override partials for Relation controller by creating partials with `relation_` prefix in the controller view directory. * **Build 108** (2014-06-16) - Checkbox List form fields now use scrollbars for 10+ checkboxes. - Added new form behavior override: formCreateModelObject. - Fixes a bug where models using NestedTree trait would not save. - Opening back-end My Account page now has no permission check. * **Build 106** (2014-06-10) - Upgrade to Laravel 4.2. - Form fields can now pass context via their name definnition using syntax `field@context`. - Added a code editor preferences page. - Fixes a bug where morphToMany relations show all records in list rows. * **Build 101** (2014-06-06) - Added a global traceLog() helper for help with debugging. - New settings area added to manage Email templates and layouts. * **Build 99** (2014-06-05) - Plugins can now be removed, refreshed and disabled via the back-end. * **Build 96** (2014-05-29) - Plugin CLI commands are now case insensitive. - Fixes a bug where belongsTo form field relations were not being set. - Form field `richeditor` (WYSIWYG) no longer adds full page HTML tags. * **Build 92** (2014-05-24) - Components can now be dragged from the side navigation directly on to the page. - Asset maker methods (addJs, addCss, addRss) now use an optional build code, either *core* or a plugin code. This is converted to a version number to ensure updates are not affected by cached assets. - Added new method `addComponent()` to Cms Controller. Components can now act as a proxy for other components. - Added new override method `init()` to Components, called before AJAX requests are processed. * **Build 90** (2014-05-23) - Class `CmsPropertyHelper` has been deprecated, will be removed year > 2014. - Cms Objects now support basic queries that return a collection. Eg: `Page::sortBy('title')->lists('title', 'baseFileName')` * **Build 89** (2014-05-22) - Components have a new override method `onRender()` called before a component is rendered. - The `{% component %}` tag now supports passing parameters that override the component properties when they are rendered. - Calling `addJs()` and `addCss()` in components without a starting slash (/) will now reference the component directory, instead of the theme. * **Build 87** (2014-05-21) - Plugins can now be disabled manually by config (see config cms.disablePlugins). - Plugins with missing dependencies are disabled by the system. - Fixes an issue where paid plugins could not be downloaded. * **Build 84** (2014-05-20) - A temporary directory can now be specified in config (see config cms.tempDir). - Default AJAX error message can now be overridden (see `ajaxErrorMessage` jQuery event). - SQLite support has been improved using new `October\Rain\Database\Dongle` class. - Included `doctrine/dbal` for supporting SQLite. * **Build 82** (2014-05-19) - Line endings can be automatically converted when saving a CMS template (see config cms.convertLineEndings). - Updated Font-Autumn library to include 71 new icons. * **Build 80** (2014-05-18) - Dashboard now displays warnings about system configuration item that need attention. - Newly created files will now have a default permission mask set (see config cms.defaultMask). * **Build 64** (2014-05-15) - OctoberCMS released to the wild in Beta status.