# Contributing to OctoberCMS Thank you for your contributions! ## Reporting a bug with OctoberCMS **Please don't use the main Github for reporting bugs with plugins.** If you have found a bug in a plugin, the best place to report it is with the [plugin author](http://octobercms.com/plugins). We work hard to process bugs that are reported, to assist with this please ensure the following details are always included: - **Bug summary**: Make sure your summary reflects what the problem is and where it is. - **Request location**: Enter the URL where this bug occurs, if applicable. - **Reproduce steps**: Clearly mention the steps to reproduce the bug. - **Expected result**: How OctoberCMS should behave on above mentioned steps. - **Actual result**: What is the actual result on running above steps i.e. the bug behavior - **include any error messages**. #### Here's how to report a bug on Github 1. **Register for an account on [Github](https://github.com),** if you don't already have one. 2. **Search for similar bugs.** Perhaps someone has already reported your issue! If so, please add clarification and/or more information to the **existing** bug. 3. **Create a new bug.** If you don't find any similar issues, you can report your bug via the "new issue" tab once you've logged in. 4. **Monitor your issue and respond to questions.** It may be necessary to provide additional information upon request or you might be asked if the bug still occurs after an update. 5. **Close your bug.** In case you notice that the bug doesn't occur anymore, you can close the issue yourself (don't forget to add a note saying the issue is resolved). If you find out your bug is actually a duplicate of another bug and only notice that after you created it, please also close your bug with a short reference to the other issue that was there before. #### Reporting security issues If you wish to contact us privately about any security exploits in OctoberCMS you may find, you can find our email on the [OctoberCMS website](http://octobercms.com). ## Feature requests **Please don't use Github issues for suggesting a new feature.** If you have a feature idea, the best place to suggest it is the [OctoberCMS website forum](http://octobercms.com/forum/chan/feature-requests). Only use Github if you are planning on contributing a new feature and developing it. If you want to discuss your idea first, before "officially" posting it anywhere, you can always join us on [IRC](http://octobercms.com/chat). #### Github feature requests Feature Requests submitted as GitHub Issues specifically mean *"I'd like to see this feature, I'm going to be working on some code to implement it."* It is more like a Pre-Pull Request, in which a developer signifies that he or she wants to see a feature implemented that they think would be really great, and they're committed to coding it. It's a great way to launch discussions on the developer side of things because both the core team and the community developer get a chance to talk about the technical side of the feature implementation. It's a great way to exchange ideas about how the logic could work in code. ## Pull Requests Your contributions to the project are very welcome. If you would like to fix a bug or propose a new feature, you can submit a Pull Request. To help us merge your Pull Request, please make sure you follow these points: 1. Describe the problem clearly in the Pull Request description 1. Please make your fix on the `develop` branch. This makes merging much easier. 1. Do not edit compiled asset files such as `october.css` Instead, try to edit the LESS files inside the `less/` directory and then use a compiler. 1. For any change that you make, **please try to also add a test case(s)** in the `tests/unit` directory. This helps us understand the issue and make sure that it will stay fixed forever. Thank you for your contributions! #### PSR Coding standards Also ensure that your Pull Request satisfies the following coding standards: - [PSR 2 Coding Style Guide](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-2-coding-style-guide.md) - [PSR 1 Coding Style Guide](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-1-basic-coding-standard.md) - [PSR 0 Coding Style Guide](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-0.md) #### Team rules The October team follows the [developer guidelines](http://octobercms.com/docs/help/developer-guide) as much as possible.