[ 'name' => 'OctoberCMS', 'tagline' => 'Getting back to basics' ], 'locale' => [ 'cs' => 'Czech', 'en' => 'English (United States)', 'en-au' => 'English (Australia)', 'en-ca' => 'English (Canada)', 'en-gb' => 'English (United Kingdom)', 'de' => 'German', 'el' => 'Greek', 'es' => 'Spanish', 'es-ar' => 'Spanish (Argentina)', 'fa' => 'Persian', 'fr' => 'French', 'fr-ca' => 'French (Canada)', 'hu' => 'Hungarian', 'id' => 'Bahasa Indonesia', 'it' => 'Italian', 'ja' => 'Japanese', 'lv' => 'Latvian', 'nb-no' => 'Norwegian (Bokmål)', 'nl' => 'Dutch', 'pl' => 'Polish', 'pt-br' => 'Portuguese (Brazil)', 'ro' => 'Romanian', 'ru' => 'Russian', 'sv' => 'Swedish', 'sk' => 'Slovak (Slovakia)', 'tr' => 'Turkish', 'zh-cn' => 'Chinese (China)', 'zh-tw' => 'Chinese (Taiwan)' ], 'directory' => [ 'create_fail' => 'Cannot create directory: :name' ], 'file' => [ 'create_fail' => 'Cannot create file: :name' ], 'combiner' => [ 'not_found' => "The combiner file ':name' is not found." ], 'system' => [ 'name' => 'System', 'menu_label' => 'System', 'categories' => [ 'cms' => 'CMS', 'misc' => 'Misc', 'logs' => 'Logs', 'mail' => 'Mail', 'shop' => 'Shop', 'team' => 'Team', 'users' => 'Users', 'system' => 'System', 'social' => 'Social', 'events' => 'Events', 'customers' => 'Customers', 'my_settings' => 'My Settings' ] ], 'theme' => [ 'label' => 'Theme', 'unnamed' => 'Unnamed theme', 'name' => [ 'label' => 'Theme Name', 'help' => 'Name the theme by its unique code. For example, RainLab.Vanilla' ], ], 'themes' => [ 'install' => 'Install themes', 'search' => 'search themes to install...', 'installed' => 'Installed themes', 'no_themes' => 'There are no themes installed from the marketplace.', 'recommended' => 'Recommended', 'remove_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this theme?' ], 'plugin' => [ 'label' => 'Plugin', 'unnamed' => 'Unnamed plugin', 'name' => [ 'label' => 'Plugin Name', 'help' => 'Name the plugin by its unique code. For example, RainLab.Blog' ] ], 'plugins' => [ 'manage' => 'Manage plugins', 'enable_or_disable' => 'Enable or disable', 'enable_or_disable_title' => 'Enable or Disable Plugins', 'install' => 'Install plugins', 'install_products' => 'Install products', 'search' => 'search plugins to install...', 'installed' => 'Installed plugins', 'no_plugins' => 'There are no plugins installed from the marketplace.', 'recommended' => 'Recommended', 'remove' => 'Remove', 'refresh' => 'Refresh', 'disabled_label' => 'Disabled', 'disabled_help' => 'Plugins that are disabled are ignored by the application.', 'frozen_label' => 'Freeze updates', 'frozen_help' => 'Plugins that are frozen will be ignored by the update process.', 'selected_amount' => 'Plugins selected: :amount', 'remove_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this plugin?', 'remove_success' => 'Successfully removed those plugins from the system.', 'refresh_confirm' => 'Are you sure?', 'refresh_success' => 'Successfully refreshed those plugins in the system.', 'disable_confirm' => 'Are you sure?', 'disable_success' => 'Successfully disabled those plugins.', 'enable_success' => 'Successfully enabled those plugins.', 'unknown_plugin' => 'Plugin has been removed from the file system.' ], 'project' => [ 'name' => 'Project', 'owner_label' => 'Owner', 'attach' => 'Attach Project', 'detach' => 'Detach Project', 'none' => 'None', 'id' => [ 'label' => 'Project ID', 'help' => 'How to find your Project ID', 'missing' => 'Please specify a Project ID to use.' ], 'detach_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to detach this project?', 'unbind_success' => 'Project has been detached.' ], 'settings' => [ 'menu_label' => 'Settings', 'not_found' => 'Unable to find the specified settings.', 'missing_model' => 'The settings page is missing a Model definition.', 'update_success' => ':name settings updated', 'return' => 'Return to system settings', 'search' => 'Search' ], 'mail' => [ 'log_file' => 'Log file', 'menu_label' => 'Mail configuration', 'menu_description' => 'Manage email configuration.', 'general' => 'General', 'method' => 'Mail method', 'sender_name' => 'Sender name', 'sender_email' => 'Sender email', 'php_mail' => 'PHP mail', 'smtp' => 'SMTP', 'smtp_address' => 'SMTP address', 'smtp_authorization' => 'SMTP authorization required', 'smtp_authorization_comment' => 'Use this checkbox if your SMTP server requires authorization.', 'smtp_username' => 'Username', 'smtp_password' => 'Password', 'smtp_port' => 'SMTP port', 'smtp_ssl' => 'SSL connection required', 'smtp_encryption' => 'SMTP encryption protocol', 'smtp_encryption_none' => 'No encryption', 'smtp_encryption_tls' => 'TLS', 'smtp_encryption_ssl' => 'SSL', 'sendmail' => 'Sendmail', 'sendmail_path' => 'Sendmail path', 'sendmail_path_comment' => 'Please specify the path of the sendmail program.', 'mailgun' => 'Mailgun', 'mailgun_domain' => 'Mailgun domain', 'mailgun_domain_comment' => 'Please specify the Mailgun domain name.', 'mailgun_secret' => 'Mailgun secret', 'mailgun_secret_comment' => 'Enter your Mailgun API key.', 'mandrill' => 'Mandrill', 'mandrill_secret' => 'Mandrill secret', 'mandrill_secret_comment' => 'Enter your Mandrill API key.', 'ses' => 'SES', 'ses_key' => 'SES key', 'ses_key_comment' => 'Enter your SES API key', 'ses_secret' => 'SES secret', 'ses_secret_comment' => 'Enter your SES API secret key', 'ses_region' => 'SES region', 'ses_region_comment' => 'Enter your SES region (e.g. us-east-1)', 'drivers_hint_header' => 'Drivers not installed', 'drivers_hint_content' => 'This mail method requires the plugin ":plugin" be installed before you can send mail.' ], 'mail_templates' => [ 'menu_label' => 'Mail templates', 'menu_description' => 'Modify the mail templates that are sent to users and administrators, manage email layouts.', 'new_template' => 'New Template', 'new_layout' => 'New Layout', 'template' => 'Template', 'templates' => 'Templates', 'menu_layouts_label' => 'Mail Layouts', 'layout' => 'Layout', 'layouts' => 'Layouts', 'no_layout' => '-- No layout --', 'name' => 'Name', 'name_comment' => 'Unique name used to refer to this template', 'code' => 'Code', 'code_comment' => 'Unique code used to refer to this template', 'subject' => 'Subject', 'subject_comment' => 'Email message subject', 'description' => 'Description', 'content_html' => 'HTML', 'content_css' => 'CSS', 'content_text' => 'Plaintext', 'test_send' => 'Send test message', 'test_success' => 'Test message sent.', 'test_confirm' => 'Send test message to :email. Continue?', 'creating' => 'Creating Template...', 'creating_layout' => 'Creating Layout...', 'saving' => 'Saving Template...', 'saving_layout' => 'Saving Layout...', 'delete_confirm' => 'Delete this template?', 'delete_layout_confirm' => 'Delete this layout?', 'deleting' => 'Deleting Template...', 'deleting_layout' => 'Deleting Layout...', 'sending' => 'Sending test message...', 'return' => 'Return to template list' ], 'install' => [ 'project_label' => 'Attach to Project', 'plugin_label' => 'Install Plugin', 'theme_label' => 'Install Theme', 'missing_plugin_name' => 'Please specify a Plugin name to install.', 'missing_theme_name' => 'Please specify a Theme name to install.', 'install_completing' => 'Finishing installation process', 'install_success' => 'Plugin installed successfully' ], 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Manage Updates', 'name' => 'Software update', 'menu_label' => 'Updates', 'menu_description' => 'Update the system, manage and install plugins and themes.', 'return_link' => 'Return to system updates', 'check_label' => 'Check for updates', 'retry_label' => 'Try again', 'plugin_name' => 'Name', 'plugin_code' => 'Code', 'plugin_description' => 'Description', 'plugin_version' => 'Version', 'plugin_author' => 'Author', 'core_current_build' => 'Current build', 'core_build' => 'Build :build', 'core_build_help' => 'Latest build is available.', 'core_downloading' => 'Downloading application files', 'core_extracting' => 'Unpacking application files', 'plugins' => 'Plugins', 'themes' => 'Themes', 'disabled' => 'Disabled', 'plugin_downloading' => 'Downloading plugin: :name', 'plugin_extracting' => 'Unpacking plugin: :name', 'plugin_version_none' => 'New plugin', 'plugin_current_version' => 'Current version', 'theme_new_install' => 'New theme installation.', 'theme_downloading' => 'Downloading theme: :name', 'theme_extracting' => 'Unpacking theme: :name', 'update_label' => 'Update software', 'update_completing' => 'Finishing update process', 'update_loading' => 'Loading available updates...', 'update_success' => 'Update process complete', 'update_failed_label' => 'Update failed', 'force_label' => 'Force update', 'found' => [ 'label' => 'Found new updates!', 'help' => 'Click Update software to begin the update process.' ], 'none' => [ 'label' => 'No updates', 'help' => 'No new updates were found.' ], 'important_action' => [ 'empty' => 'Select action', 'confirm' => 'Confirm update', 'skip' => 'Skip this plugin (once only)', 'ignore' => 'Skip this plugin (always)', ], 'important_action_required' => 'Action required', 'important_view_guide' => 'View upgrade guide', 'important_alert_text' => 'Some updates need your attention.', 'details_title' => 'Plugin details', 'details_view_homepage' => 'View homepage', 'details_readme' => 'Documentation', 'details_readme_missing' => 'There is no documentation provided.', 'details_upgrades' => 'Upgrade Guide', 'details_upgrades_missing' => 'There are no upgrade instructions provided.', 'details_current_version' => 'Current version', 'details_author' => 'Author', ], 'server' => [ 'connect_error' => 'Error connecting to the server.', 'response_not_found' => 'The update server could not be found.', 'response_invalid' => 'Invalid response from the server.', 'response_empty' => 'Empty response from the server.', 'file_error' => 'Server failed to deliver the package.', 'file_corrupt' => 'File from server is corrupt.' ], 'behavior' => [ 'missing_property' => 'Class :class must define property $:property used by :behavior behavior.' ], 'config' => [ 'not_found' => 'Unable to find configuration file :file defined for :location.', 'required' => "Configuration used in :location must supply a value ':property'." ], 'zip' => [ 'extract_failed' => "Unable to extract core file ':file'." ], 'event_log' => [ 'hint' => 'This log displays a list of potential errors that occur in the application, such as exceptions and debugging information.', 'menu_label' => 'Event log', 'menu_description' => 'View system log messages with their recorded time and details.', 'empty_link' => 'Empty event log', 'empty_loading' => 'Emptying event log...', 'empty_success' => 'Successfully emptied the event log.', 'return_link' => 'Return to event log', 'id' => 'ID', 'id_label' => 'Event ID', 'created_at' => 'Date & Time', 'message' => 'Message', 'level' => 'Level' ], 'request_log' => [ 'hint' => 'This log displays a list of browser requests that may require attention. For example, if a visitor opens a CMS page that cannot be found, a record is created with the status code 404.', 'menu_label' => 'Request log', 'menu_description' => 'View bad or redirected requests, such as Page not found (404).', 'empty_link' => 'Empty request log', 'empty_loading' => 'Emptying request log...', 'empty_success' => 'Successfully emptied the request log.', 'return_link' => 'Return to request log', 'id' => 'ID', 'id_label' => 'Log ID', 'count' => 'Counter', 'referer' => 'Referers', 'url' => 'URL', 'status_code' => 'Status' ], 'permissions' => [ 'name' => 'System', 'manage_system_settings' => 'Manage system settings', 'manage_software_updates' => 'Manage software updates', 'access_logs' => 'View system logs', 'manage_mail_templates' => 'Manage mail templates', 'manage_mail_settings' => 'Manage mail settings', 'manage_other_administrators' => 'Manage other administrators', 'manage_preferences' => 'Manage backend preferences', 'manage_editor' => 'Manage code editor preferences', 'view_the_dashboard' => 'View the dashboard', 'manage_branding' => 'Customize the back-end' ] ];