setSource($source); } else { $this->setSource( Config::get( 'cms.sourceManifestUrl', '' ) ); } if ($autoload) { $this->load(); } } /** * Sets the source manifest URL. * * @param string $source * @return void */ public function setSource($source) { if (is_string($source)) { $this->source = $source; } } /** * Loads the manifest file. * * @throws ApplicationException If the manifest is invalid, or cannot be parsed. */ public function load() { $source = file_get_contents($this->source); if (empty($source)) { throw new ApplicationException( 'Source manifest not found' ); } $data = json_decode($source, true); if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { throw new ApplicationException( 'Unable to decode source manifest JSON data. JSON Error: ' . json_last_error_msg() ); } if (!isset($data['manifest']) || !is_array($data['manifest'])) { throw new ApplicationException( 'The source manifest at "' . $this->source . '" does not appear to be a valid source manifest file.' ); } foreach ($data['manifest'] as $build) { $this->builds[$build['build']] = [ 'modules' => $build['modules'], 'files' => $build['files'], ]; } return $this; } /** * Adds a FileManifest instance as a build to this source manifest. * * Changes between builds are calculated and stored with the build. Builds are stored numerically, in ascending * order. * * @param integer $build Build number. * @param FileManifest $manifest The file manifest to add as a build. * @param integer $previous The previous build number, used to determine changes with this build. * @return void */ public function addBuild($build, FileManifest $manifest, $previous = null) { $this->builds[(int) $build] = [ 'modules' => $manifest->getModuleChecksums(), 'files' => $this->processChanges($manifest, $previous), ]; // Sort builds numerically in ascending order. ksort($this->builds[$build], SORT_NUMERIC); } /** * Gets all builds. * * @return array */ public function getBuilds() { return $this->builds; } /** * Gets the maximum build number in the manifest. * * @return int */ public function getMaxBuild() { if (!count($this->builds)) { return null; } return max(array_keys($this->builds)); } /** * Generates the JSON data to be stored with the source manifest. * * @throws ApplicationException If no builds have been added to this source manifest. * @return string */ public function generate() { if (!count($this->builds)) { throw new ApplicationException( 'No builds have been added to the manifest.' ); } $json = [ 'manifest' => [], ]; foreach ($this->builds as $build => $details) { $json['manifest'][] = [ 'build' => $build, 'modules' => $details['modules'], 'files' => $details['files'], ]; } return json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } /** * Gets the filelist state at a selected build. * * This method will list all expected files and hashsums at the specified build number. * * @param integer $build Build number to get the filelist state for. * @throws ApplicationException If the specified build has not been added to the source manifest. * @return array */ public function getState($build) { if (!isset($this->builds[$build])) { throw new \Exception('The specified build has not been added.'); } $state = []; foreach ($this->builds as $number => $details) { if (isset($details['files']['added'])) { foreach ($details['files']['added'] as $filename => $sum) { $state[$filename] = $sum; } } if (isset($details['files']['modified'])) { foreach ($details['files']['modified'] as $filename => $sum) { $state[$filename] = $sum; } } if (isset($details['files']['removed'])) { foreach ($details['files']['removed'] as $filename) { unset($state[$filename]); } } if ($number === $build) { break; } } return $state; } /** * Compares a file manifest with the source manifest. * * This will determine the build of the October CMS installation. * * This will return an array with the following information: * - `build`: The build number we determined was most likely the build installed. * - `modified`: Whether we detected any modifications between the installed build and the manifest. * - `confident`: Whether we are at least 60% sure that this is the installed build. More modifications to * to the code = less confidence. * - `changes`: If $detailed is true, this will include the list of files modified, created and deleted. * * @param FileManifest $manifest The file manifest to compare against the source. * @param bool $detailed If true, the list of files modified, added and deleted will be included in the result. * @return array */ public function compare(FileManifest $manifest, $detailed = false) { $modules = $manifest->getModuleChecksums(); // Look for an unmodified version foreach ($this->getBuilds() as $build => $details) { $matched = array_intersect_assoc($details['modules'], $modules); if (count($matched) === count($modules)) { $details = [ 'build' => $build, 'modified' => false, 'confident' => true, ]; if ($detailed) { $details['changes'] = []; } return $details; } } // If we could not find an unmodified version, try to find the closest version and assume this is a modified // install. $buildMatch = []; foreach ($this->getBuilds() as $build => $details) { $state = $this->getState($build); // Include only the files that match the modules being loaded in this file manifest $availableModules = array_keys($modules); foreach ($state as $file => $sum) { // Determine module $module = explode('/', $file)[2]; if (!in_array($module, $availableModules)) { unset($state[$file]); } } $filesExpected = count($state); $filesFound = []; $filesChanged = []; foreach ($manifest->getFiles() as $file => $sum) { // Unknown new file if (!isset($state[$file])) { $filesChanged[] = $file; continue; } // Modified file if ($state[$file] !== $sum) { $filesFound[] = $file; $filesChanged[] = $file; continue; } // Pristine file $filesFound[] = $file; } $foundPercent = count($filesFound) / $filesExpected; $changedPercent = count($filesChanged) / $filesExpected; $score = ((1 * $foundPercent) - $changedPercent); $buildMatch[$build] = round($score * 100, 2); } // Find likely version $likelyBuild = array_search(max($buildMatch), $buildMatch); $details = [ 'build' => $likelyBuild, 'modified' => true, 'confident' => ($buildMatch[$likelyBuild] >= 60) ]; if ($detailed) { $details['changes'] = $this->processChanges($manifest, $likelyBuild); } return $details; } /** * Determines file changes between the specified build and the previous build. * * Will return an array of added, modified and removed files. * * @param FileManifest $manifest The current build's file manifest. * @param FileManifest|integer $previous Either a previous manifest, or the previous build number as an int, * used to determine changes with this build. * @return array */ protected function processChanges(FileManifest $manifest, $previous = null) { // If no previous build has been provided, all files are added if (is_null($previous)) { return [ 'added' => $manifest->getFiles(), ]; } // Only save files if they are changing the "state" of the manifest (ie. the file is modified, added or removed) if (is_int($previous)) { $state = $this->getState($previous); } else { $state = $previous->getFiles(); } $added = []; $modified = []; foreach ($manifest->getFiles() as $file => $sum) { if (!isset($state[$file])) { $added[$file] = $sum; continue; } else { if ($state[$file] !== $sum) { $modified[$file] = $sum; } unset($state[$file]); } } // Any files still left in state have been removed $removed = array_keys($state); $changes = []; if (count($added)) { $changes['added'] = $added; } if (count($modified)) { $changes['modified'] = $modified; } if (count($removed)) { $changes['removed'] = $removed; } return $changes; } }