pluginManager = PluginManager::instance(); } protected function loadExtensions() { /* * Load module items */ foreach ($this->callbacks as $callback) { $callback($this); } /* * Load plugin items */ $plugins = $this->pluginManager->getPlugins(); foreach ($plugins as $id => $plugin) { $items = $plugin->registerMarkupTags(); if (!is_array($items)) continue; foreach ($items as $type => $definitions) { if (!is_array($definitions)) continue; $this->registerExtensions($type, $definitions); } } } /** * Registers a callback function that defines simple Twig extensions. * The callback function should register menu items by calling the manager's * registerFunctions(), registerFilters(), registerTokenParsers() function. * The manager instance is passed to the callback function as an argument. * Usage: *
     *   MarkupManager::registerCallback(function($manager){
     *       $manager->registerFilters([...]);
     *       $manager->registerFunctions([...]);
     *       $manager->registerTokenParsers([...]);
     *   });
* @param callable $callback A callable function. */ public function registerCallback(callable $callback) { $this->callbacks[] = $callback; } /** * Registers the CMS Twig extension items. * The argument is an array of the extension definitions. The array keys represent the * function/filter name, specific for the plugin/module. Each element in the * array should be an associative array. * @param string $type The extension type: filters, functions, tokens * @param array $definitions An array of the extension definitions. */ public function registerExtensions($type, array $definitions) { if (is_null($this->items)) $this->items = []; if (!array_key_exists($type, $this->items)) $this->items[$type] = []; foreach ($definitions as $name => $definition) { switch ($type) { case self::EXTENSION_TOKEN_PARSER: $this->items[$type][] = $definition; break; case self::EXTENSION_FILTER: case self::EXTENSION_FUNCTION: $this->items[$type][$name] = $definition; break; } } } /** * Registers a CMS Twig Filter * @param array $definitions An array of the extension definitions. */ public function registerFilters(array $definitions) { $this->registerExtensions(self::EXTENSION_FILTER, $definitions); } /** * Registers a CMS Twig Function * @param array $definitions An array of the extension definitions. */ public function registerFunctions(array $definitions) { $this->registerExtensions(self::EXTENSION_FUNCTION, $definitions); } /** * Registers a CMS Twig Token Parser * @param array $definitions An array of the extension definitions. */ public function registerTokenParsers(array $definitions) { $this->registerExtensions(self::EXTENSION_TOKEN_PARSER, $definitions); } /** * Returns a list of the registered Twig extensions of a type. * @param $type string The Twig extension type * @return array */ public function listExtensions($type) { if ($this->items === null) $this->loadExtensions(); if (!isset($this->items[$type]) || !is_array($this->items[$type])) return []; return $this->items[$type]; } /** * Returns a list of the registered Twig filters. * @return array */ public function listFilters() { return $this->listExtensions(self::EXTENSION_FILTER); } /** * Returns a list of the registered Twig functions. * @return array */ public function listFunctions() { return $this->listExtensions(self::EXTENSION_FUNCTION); } /** * Returns a list of the registered Twig token parsers. * @return array */ public function listTokenParsers() { return $this->listExtensions(self::EXTENSION_TOKEN_PARSER); } }