fillFromConfig([ 'form', 'prompt', 'sortable', 'titleFrom', 'minItems', 'maxItems', ]); if ($this->formField->disabled) { $this->previewMode = true; } // Check for loaded flag in POST if ((bool) post($this->alias . '_loaded') === true) { $this->loaded = true; } $this->processGroupMode(); if (!self::$onAddItemCalled) { $this->processItems(); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function render() { $this->prepareVars(); return $this->makePartial('repeater'); } /** * Prepares the form widget view data */ public function prepareVars() { // Refresh the loaded data to support being modified by filterFields // @see if (!self::$onAddItemCalled) { $this->processItems(); } if ($this->previewMode) { foreach ($this->formWidgets as $widget) { $widget->previewMode = true; } } $this->vars['prompt'] = $this->prompt; $this->vars['formWidgets'] = $this->formWidgets; $this->vars['titleFrom'] = $this->titleFrom; $this->vars['minItems'] = $this->minItems; $this->vars['maxItems'] = $this->maxItems; $this->vars['useGroups'] = $this->useGroups; $this->vars['groupDefinitions'] = $this->groupDefinitions; } /** * @inheritDoc */ protected function loadAssets() { $this->addCss('css/repeater.css', 'core'); $this->addJs('js/repeater.js', 'core'); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getSaveValue($value) { return (array) $this->processSaveValue($value); } /** * Splices in some meta data (group and index values) to the dataset. * @param array $value * @return array */ protected function processSaveValue($value) { if (!is_array($value) || !$value) { return $value; } if ($this->minItems && count($value) < $this->minItems) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('backend::lang.repeater.min_items_failed', ['name' => $this->fieldName, 'min' => $this->minItems, 'items' => count($value)])); } if ($this->maxItems && count($value) > $this->maxItems) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('backend::lang.repeater.max_items_failed', ['name' => $this->fieldName, 'max' => $this->maxItems, 'items' => count($value)])); } /* * Give repeated form field widgets an opportunity to process the data. */ foreach ($value as $index => $data) { if (isset($this->formWidgets[$index])) { if ($this->useGroups) { $value[$index] = array_merge($this->formWidgets[$index]->getSaveData(), ['_group' => $data['_group']]); } else { $value[$index] = $this->formWidgets[$index]->getSaveData(); } } } return array_values($value); } /** * Processes form data and applies it to the form widgets. * @return void */ protected function processItems() { $currentValue = ($this->loaded === true) ? post($this->formField->getName()) : $this->getLoadValue(); if ($currentValue === null) { $this->formWidgets = []; return; } // Ensure that the minimum number of items are preinitialized // ONLY DONE WHEN NOT IN GROUP MODE if (!$this->useGroups && $this->minItems > 0) { if (!is_array($currentValue)) { $currentValue = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->minItems; $i++) { $currentValue[$i] = []; } } elseif (count($currentValue) < $this->minItems) { for ($i = 0; $i < ($this->minItems - count($currentValue)); $i++) { $currentValue[] = []; } } } if (!is_array($currentValue)) { return; } collect($currentValue)->each(function ($value, $index) { $this->makeItemFormWidget($index, array_get($value, '_group', null)); }); } /** * Creates a form widget based on a field index and optional group code. * @param int $index * @param string $index * @return \Backend\Widgets\Form */ protected function makeItemFormWidget($index = 0, $groupCode = null) { $configDefinition = $this->useGroups ? $this->getGroupFormFieldConfig($groupCode) : $this->form; $config = $this->makeConfig($configDefinition); $config->model = $this->model; $config->data = $this->getValueFromIndex($index); $config->alias = $this->alias . 'Form'.$index; $config->arrayName = $this->getFieldName().'['.$index.']'; $config->isNested = true; if (self::$onAddItemCalled || $this->minItems > 0) { $config->enableDefaults = true; } $widget = $this->makeWidget('Backend\Widgets\Form', $config); $widget->bindToController(); $this->indexMeta[$index] = [ 'groupCode' => $groupCode ]; return $this->formWidgets[$index] = $widget; } /** * Returns the data at a given index. * @param int $index */ protected function getValueFromIndex($index) { $value = ($this->loaded === true) ? post($this->formField->getName()) : $this->getLoadValue(); if (!is_array($value)) { $value = []; } return array_get($value, $index, []); } // // AJAX handlers // public function onAddItem() { self::$onAddItemCalled = true; $groupCode = post('_repeater_group'); $index = $this->getNextIndex(); $this->prepareVars(); $this->vars['widget'] = $this->makeItemFormWidget($index, $groupCode); $this->vars['indexValue'] = $index; $itemContainer = '@#' . $this->getId('items'); return [ $itemContainer => $this->makePartial('repeater_item') ]; } public function onRemoveItem() { // Useful for deleting relations } public function onRefresh() { $index = post('_repeater_index'); $group = post('_repeater_group'); $widget = $this->makeItemFormWidget($index, $group); return $widget->onRefresh(); } /** * Determines the next available index number for assigning to a new repeater item. * * @return int */ protected function getNextIndex() { if ($this->loaded === true) { $data = post($this->formField->getName()); if (is_array($data) && count($data)) { return (max(array_keys($data)) + 1); } } else { $data = $this->getLoadValue(); if (is_array($data)) { return count($data); } } return 0; } // // Group mode // /** * Returns the form field configuration for a group, identified by code. * @param string $code * @return array|null */ protected function getGroupFormFieldConfig($code) { if (!$code) { return null; } $fields = array_get($this->groupDefinitions, $code.'.fields'); if (!$fields) { return null; } return ['fields' => $fields, 'enableDefaults' => object_get($this->config, 'enableDefaults')]; } /** * Process features related to group mode. * @return void */ protected function processGroupMode() { $palette = []; if (!$group = $this->getConfig('groups', [])) { $this->useGroups = false; return; } if (is_string($group)) { $group = $this->makeConfig($group); } foreach ($group as $code => $config) { $palette[$code] = [ 'code' => $code, 'name' => array_get($config, 'name'), 'icon' => array_get($config, 'icon', 'icon-square-o'), 'description' => array_get($config, 'description'), 'fields' => array_get($config, 'fields') ]; } $this->groupDefinitions = $palette; $this->useGroups = true; } /** * Returns a field group code from its index. * @param $index int * @return string */ public function getGroupCodeFromIndex($index) { return array_get($this->indexMeta, $index.'.groupCode'); } /** * Returns the group title from its unique code. * @param $groupCode string * @return string */ public function getGroupTitle($groupCode) { return array_get($this->groupDefinitions, $groupCode.'.name'); } }