/* * Inspector Surface class. * * The class creates Inspector user interface and all the editors * corresponding to the passed configuration in a specified container * element. * */ +function ($) { "use strict"; // NAMESPACES // ============================ if ($.oc === undefined) $.oc = {} if ($.oc.inspector === undefined) $.oc.inspector = {} // CLASS DEFINITION // ============================ var Base = $.oc.foundation.base, BaseProto = Base.prototype /** * Creates the Inspector surface in a container. * - containerElement container DOM element * - properties array (array of objects) * - values - property values, an object * - inspectorUniqueId - a string containing the unique inspector identifier. * The identifier should be a constant for an inspectable element. Use * $.oc.inspector.helpers.generateElementUniqueId(element) to generate a persistent ID * for an element. Use $.oc.inspector.helpers.generateUniqueId() to generate an ID * not associated with an element. Inspector uses the ID for storing configuration * related to an element in the document DOM. */ var Surface = function(containerElement, properties, values, inspectorUniqueId, options, parentSurface, group) { if (inspectorUniqueId === undefined) { throw new Error('Inspector surface unique ID should be defined.') } this.options = $.extend({}, Surface.DEFAULTS, typeof options == 'object' && options) this.rawProperties = properties this.parsedProperties = $.oc.inspector.engine.processPropertyGroups(properties) this.container = containerElement this.inspectorUniqueId = inspectorUniqueId this.values = values !== null ? values : {} this.originalValues = $.extend(true, {}, this.values) // Clone the values hash this.idCounter = 1 this.popupCounter = 0 this.parentSurface = parentSurface this.editors = [] this.externalParameterEditors = [] this.tableContainer = null this.groupManager = null this.group = null if (group !== undefined) { this.group = group } if (!this.parentSurface) { this.groupManager = new $.oc.inspector.groupManager(this.inspectorUniqueId) } Base.call(this) this.init() } Surface.prototype = Object.create(BaseProto) Surface.prototype.constructor = Surface Surface.prototype.dispose = function() { this.unregisterHandlers() this.disposeControls() this.disposeEditors() this.removeElements() this.disposeExternalParameterEditors() this.container = null this.tableContainer = null this.rawProperties = null this.parsedProperties = null this.editors = null this.externalParameterEditors = null this.values = null this.originalValues = null this.options.onChange = null this.options.onPopupDisplayed = null this.options.onPopupHidden = null this.parentSurface = null this.groupManager = null this.group = null BaseProto.dispose.call(this) } // INTERNAL METHODS // ============================ Surface.prototype.init = function() { if (this.groupManager && !this.group) { this.group = this.groupManager.createGroup('root') } this.build() if (!this.parentSurface) { $.oc.foundation.controlUtils.markDisposable(this.tableContainer) } this.registerHandlers() } Surface.prototype.registerHandlers = function() { if (!this.parentSurface) { $(this.tableContainer).one('dispose-control', this.proxy(this.dispose)) $(this.tableContainer).on('click', 'tr.group, tr.control-group', this.proxy(this.onGroupClick)) } } Surface.prototype.unregisterHandlers = function() { if (!this.parentSurface) { $(this.tableContainer).off('dispose-control', this.proxy(this.dispose)) $(this.tableContainer).off('click', 'tr.group, tr.control-group', this.proxy(this.onGroupClick)) } } // // Building // /** * Builds the Inspector table. The markup generated by this method looks * like this: * *
* * * * * * * *
* * Expand/Collapse * Label * *
* Editor markup *
*/ Surface.prototype.build = function() { this.tableContainer = document.createElement('div') var dataTable = document.createElement('table'), tbody = document.createElement('tbody') $.oc.foundation.element.addClass(dataTable, 'inspector-fields') if (this.parsedProperties.hasGroups) { $.oc.foundation.element.addClass(dataTable, 'has-groups') } var currentGroup = this.group for (var i=0, len = this.parsedProperties.properties.length; i < len; i++) { var property = this.parsedProperties.properties[i] if (property.itemType == 'group') { currentGroup = this.getGroupManager().createGroup(property.groupIndex, this.group) } else { if (property.groupIndex === undefined) { currentGroup = this.group } } var row = this.buildRow(property, currentGroup) if (property.itemType == 'group') { this.applyGroupLevelToRow(row, currentGroup.parentGroup) } else { this.applyGroupLevelToRow(row, currentGroup) } tbody.appendChild(row) // Editor // this.buildEditor(row, property, dataTable, currentGroup) } dataTable.appendChild(tbody) this.tableContainer.appendChild(dataTable) this.container.appendChild(this.tableContainer) if (this.options.enableExternalParameterEditor) { this.buildExternalParameterEditor(tbody) } if (!this.parentSurface) { this.focusFirstEditor() } } Surface.prototype.moveToContainer = function(newContainer) { this.container = newContainer this.container.appendChild(this.tableContainer) } Surface.prototype.buildRow = function(property, group) { var row = document.createElement('tr'), th = document.createElement('th'), titleSpan = document.createElement('span'), description = this.buildPropertyDescription(property) // Table row // if (property.property) { row.setAttribute('data-property', property.property) } this.applyGroupIndexAttribute(property, row, group) $.oc.foundation.element.addClass(row, this.getRowCssClass(property, group)) // Property head // this.applyHeadColspan(th, property) titleSpan.setAttribute('class', 'title-element') titleSpan.setAttribute('title', this.escapeJavascriptString(property.title)) this.buildGroupExpandControl(titleSpan, property, false, false, group) titleSpan.innerHTML += this.escapeJavascriptString(property.title) var outerDiv = document.createElement('div'), innerDiv = document.createElement('div') innerDiv.appendChild(titleSpan) if (description) { innerDiv.appendChild(description) } outerDiv.appendChild(innerDiv) th.appendChild(outerDiv) row.appendChild(th) return row } Surface.prototype.focusFirstEditor = function() { if (this.editors.length == 0) { return } var groupManager = this.getGroupManager() for (var i = 0, len = this.editors.length; i < len; i++) { var editor = this.editors[i], group = editor.parentGroup if (group && !this.groupManager.isGroupExpanded(group) ) { continue } var externalParameterEditor = this.findExternalParameterEditor(editor.getPropertyName()) if (externalParameterEditor && externalParameterEditor.isEditorVisible()) { externalParameterEditor.focus() return } editor.focus() return } } Surface.prototype.getRowCssClass = function(property, group) { var result = property.itemType if (property.itemType == 'property') { // result += ' grouped' if (group.parentGroup) { result += this.getGroupManager().isGroupExpanded(group) ? ' expanded' : ' collapsed' } } if (property.itemType == 'property' && !property.showExternalParam) { result += ' no-external-parameter' } return result } Surface.prototype.applyHeadColspan = function(th, property) { if (property.itemType == 'group') { th.setAttribute('colspan', 2) } } Surface.prototype.buildGroupExpandControl = function(titleSpan, property, force, hasChildSurface, group) { if (property.itemType !== 'group' && !force) { return } var groupIndex = this.getGroupManager().getGroupIndex(group), statusClass = this.getGroupManager().isGroupExpanded(group) ? 'expanded' : '', anchor = document.createElement('a') anchor.setAttribute('class', 'expandControl ' + statusClass) anchor.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:;') anchor.innerHTML = 'Expand/collapse' titleSpan.appendChild(anchor) } Surface.prototype.buildPropertyDescription = function(property) { if (property.description === undefined || property.description === null) { return null } var span = document.createElement('span') span.setAttribute('title', this.escapeJavascriptString(property.description)) span.setAttribute('class', 'info oc-icon-info with-tooltip') $(span).tooltip({ placement: 'auto right', container: 'body', delay: 500 }) return span } Surface.prototype.buildExternalParameterEditor = function(tbody) { var rows = tbody.children for (var i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; i++) { var row = rows[i], property = row.getAttribute('data-property') if ($.oc.foundation.element.hasClass(row, 'no-external-parameter') || !property) { continue } var propertyEditor = this.findPropertyEditor(property) if (propertyEditor && !propertyEditor.supportsExternalParameterEditor()) { continue } var cell = row.querySelector('td'), propertyDefinition = this.findPropertyDefinition(property), editor = new $.oc.inspector.externalParameterEditor(this, propertyDefinition, cell) this.externalParameterEditors.push(editor) } } // // Field grouping // Surface.prototype.applyGroupIndexAttribute = function(property, row, group, isGroupedControl) { if (property.itemType == 'group' || isGroupedControl) { row.setAttribute('data-group-index', this.getGroupManager().getGroupIndex(group)) row.setAttribute('data-parent-group-index', this.getGroupManager().getGroupIndex(group.parentGroup)) } else { if (group.parentGroup) { row.setAttribute('data-parent-group-index', this.getGroupManager().getGroupIndex(group)) } } } Surface.prototype.applyGroupLevelToRow = function(row, group) { if (row.hasAttribute('data-group-level')) { return } var th = this.getRowHeadElement(row) if (th === null) { throw new Error('Cannot find TH element for the Inspector row') } var groupLevel = group.getLevel() row.setAttribute('data-group-level', groupLevel) th.children[0].style.marginLeft = groupLevel*10 + 'px' } Surface.prototype.toggleGroup = function(row, forceExpand) { var link = row.querySelector('a'), groupIndex = row.getAttribute('data-group-index'), table = this.getRootTable(), groupManager = this.getGroupManager(), collapse = true if ($.oc.foundation.element.hasClass(link, 'expanded') && !forceExpand) { $.oc.foundation.element.removeClass(link, 'expanded') } else { $.oc.foundation.element.addClass(link, 'expanded') collapse = false } var propertyRows = groupManager.findGroupRows(table, groupIndex, !collapse), duration = Math.round(50 / propertyRows.length) this.expandOrCollapseRows(propertyRows, collapse, duration, forceExpand) groupManager.setGroupStatus(groupIndex, !collapse) } Surface.prototype.expandGroupParents = function(group) { var groups = group.getGroupAndAllParents(), table = this.getRootTable() for (var i = groups.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var row = groups[i].findGroupRow(table) if (row) { this.toggleGroup(row, true) } } } Surface.prototype.expandOrCollapseRows = function(rows, collapse, duration, noAnimation) { var row = rows.pop(), self = this if (row) { if (!noAnimation) { setTimeout(function toggleRow() { $.oc.foundation.element.toggleClass(row, 'collapsed', collapse) $.oc.foundation.element.toggleClass(row, 'expanded', !collapse) self.expandOrCollapseRows(rows, collapse, duration, noAnimation) }, duration) } else { $.oc.foundation.element.toggleClass(row, 'collapsed', collapse) $.oc.foundation.element.toggleClass(row, 'expanded', !collapse) self.expandOrCollapseRows(rows, collapse, duration, noAnimation) } } } Surface.prototype.getGroupManager = function() { return this.getRootSurface().groupManager } // // Editors // Surface.prototype.buildEditor = function(row, property, dataTable, group) { if (property.itemType !== 'property') { return } this.validateEditorType(property.type) var cell = document.createElement('td'), type = property.type row.appendChild(cell) if (type === undefined) { type = 'string' } var editor = new $.oc.inspector.propertyEditors[type](this, property, cell, group) if (editor.isGroupedEditor()) { // property.groupedControl = true $.oc.foundation.element.addClass(dataTable, 'has-groups') $.oc.foundation.element.addClass(row, 'control-group') this.applyGroupIndexAttribute(property, row, editor.group, true) this.buildGroupExpandControl(row.querySelector('span.title-element'), property, true, editor.hasChildSurface(), editor.group) if (cell.children.length == 0) { // If the editor hasn't added any elements to the cell, // and it's a grouped control, remove the cell and // make the group title full-width. row.querySelector('th').setAttribute('colspan', 2) row.removeChild(cell) } } this.editors.push(editor) } Surface.prototype.generateSequencedId = function() { this.idCounter ++ return this.inspectorUniqueId + '-' + this.idCounter } // // Internal API for the editors // Surface.prototype.getPropertyValue = function(property) { return this.values[property] } Surface.prototype.setPropertyValue = function(property, value, supressChangeEvents, forceEditorUpdate) { if (value !== undefined) { this.values[property] = value } else { if (this.values[property] !== undefined) { delete this.values[property] } } if (!supressChangeEvents) { if (this.originalValues[property] === undefined || !this.comparePropertyValues(this.originalValues[property], value)) { this.markPropertyChanged(property, true) } else { this.markPropertyChanged(property, false) } this.notifyEditorsPropertyChanged(property, value) if (this.options.onChange !== null) { this.options.onChange(property, value) } } if (forceEditorUpdate) { var editor = this.findPropertyEditor(property) if (editor) { editor.updateDisplayedValue(value) } } return value } Surface.prototype.notifyEditorsPropertyChanged = function(property, value) { for (var i = 0, len = this.editors.length; i < len; i++) { var editor = this.editors[i] editor.onInspectorPropertyChanged(property, value) } } Surface.prototype.makeCellActive = function(cell) { var tbody = cell.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, // cell / row / tbody cells = tbody.querySelectorAll('tr td') for (var i = 0, len = cells.length; i < len; i++) { $.oc.foundation.element.removeClass(cells[i], 'active') } $.oc.foundation.element.addClass(cell, 'active') } Surface.prototype.markPropertyChanged = function(property, changed) { var row = this.tableContainer.querySelector('tr[data-property="'+property+'"]') if (changed) { $.oc.foundation.element.addClass(row, 'changed') } else { $.oc.foundation.element.removeClass(row, 'changed') } } Surface.prototype.findPropertyEditor = function(property) { for (var i = 0, len = this.editors.length; i < len; i++) { if (this.editors[i].getPropertyName() == property) return this.editors[i] } return null } Surface.prototype.findExternalParameterEditor = function(property) { for (var i = 0, len = this.externalParameterEditors.length; i < len; i++) { if (this.externalParameterEditors[i].getPropertyName() == property) return this.externalParameterEditors[i] } return null } Surface.prototype.findPropertyDefinition = function(property) { for (var i=0, len = this.parsedProperties.properties.length; i < len; i++) { var definition = this.parsedProperties.properties[i] if (definition.property == property) { return definition } } return null } Surface.prototype.validateEditorType = function(type) { if (type === undefined) { type = 'string' } if ($.oc.inspector.propertyEditors[type] === undefined) { throw new Error('The Inspector editor class "' + type + '" is not defined in the $.oc.inspector.propertyEditors namespace.') } } Surface.prototype.popupDisplayed = function() { if (this.popupCounter === 0 && this.options.onPopupDisplayed !== null) { this.options.onPopupDisplayed() } this.popupCounter++ } Surface.prototype.popupHidden = function() { this.popupCounter-- if (this.popupCounter < 0) { this.popupCounter = 0 } if (this.popupCounter === 0 && this.options.onPopupHidden !== null) { this.options.onPopupHidden() } } // // Nested surfaces support // Surface.prototype.mergeChildSurface = function(surface, mergeAfterRow) { var rows = surface.tableContainer.querySelectorAll('table.inspector-fields > tbody > tr') surface.tableContainer = this.getRootSurface().tableContainer for (var i = rows.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var row = rows[i] mergeAfterRow.parentNode.insertBefore(row, mergeAfterRow.nextSibling) this.applyGroupLevelToRow(row, surface.group) } } Surface.prototype.getRowHeadElement = function(row) { for (var i = row.children.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var element = row.children[i] if (element.tagName === 'TH') { return element } } return null } Surface.prototype.getInspectorUniqueId = function() { return this.inspectorUniqueId } Surface.prototype.getRootSurface = function() { var current = this while (current) { if (!current.parentSurface) { return current } current = current.parentSurface } } // // Disposing // Surface.prototype.removeElements = function() { if (!this.parentSurface) { this.tableContainer.parentNode.removeChild(this.tableContainer); } } Surface.prototype.disposeEditors = function() { for (var i = 0, len = this.editors.length; i < len; i++) { var editor = this.editors[i] editor.dispose() } } Surface.prototype.disposeExternalParameterEditors = function() { for (var i = 0, len = this.externalParameterEditors.length; i < len; i++) { var editor = this.externalParameterEditors[i] editor.dispose() } } Surface.prototype.disposeControls = function() { var tooltipControls = this.tableContainer.querySelectorAll('.with-tooltip') for (var i = 0, len = tooltipControls.length; i < len; i++) { $(tooltipControls[i]).tooltip('destroy') } } // // Helpers // Surface.prototype.escapeJavascriptString = function(str) { var div = document.createElement('div') div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str)) return div.innerHTML } Surface.prototype.comparePropertyValues = function(oldValue, newValue) { if (oldValue === undefined && newValue !== undefined) { return false } if (oldValue !== undefined && newValue === undefined) { return false } if (typeof oldValue == 'object' && typeof newValue == 'object') { return JSON.stringify(oldValue) == JSON.stringify(newValue) } return oldValue == newValue } Surface.prototype.getRootTable = function() { return this.getRootSurface().container.querySelector('table.inspector-fields') } // // External API // Surface.prototype.getValues = function() { var result = {} for (var i=0, len = this.parsedProperties.properties.length; i < len; i++) { var property = this.parsedProperties.properties[i] if (property.itemType !== 'property') { continue } var value = null, externalParameterEditor = this.findExternalParameterEditor(property.property) if (!externalParameterEditor || !externalParameterEditor.isEditorVisible()) { value = this.getPropertyValue(property.property) if (value === undefined) { var editor = this.findPropertyEditor(property.property) if (editor) { value = editor.getUndefinedValue() } else { value = property.default } } if (value === $.oc.inspector.removedProperty) { continue } } else { value = externalParameterEditor.getValue() value = '{{ ' + value + ' }}' } result[property.property] = value } return result } Surface.prototype.validate = function() { this.getGroupManager().unmarkInvalidGroups(this.getRootTable()) for (var i = 0, len = this.editors.length; i < len; i++) { var editor = this.editors[i], externalEditor = this.findExternalParameterEditor(editor.propertyDefinition.property) if (externalEditor && externalEditor.isEditorVisible()) { if (!externalEditor.validate()) { editor.markInvalid() return false } else { continue } } if (!editor.validate()) { editor.markInvalid() return false } } return true } Surface.prototype.hasChanges = function() { return !this.comparePropertyValues(this.originalValues, this.values) } // EVENT HANDLERS // Surface.prototype.onGroupClick = function(ev) { var row = ev.currentTarget this.toggleGroup(row) $.oc.foundation.event.stop(ev) return false } // DEFAULT OPTIONS // ============================ Surface.DEFAULTS = { enableExternalParameterEditor: false, onChange: null, onPopupDisplayed: null, onPopupHidden: null } // REGISTRATION // ============================ $.oc.inspector.surface = Surface $.oc.inspector.removedProperty = {removed: true} }(window.jQuery);