alias = $alias; parent::__construct($controller, []); $this->checkUploadPostback(); } /** * Adds widget specific asset files. Use $this->addJs() and $this->addCss() * to register new assets to include on the page. * @return void */ protected function loadAssets() { $this->addCss('css/mediamanager.css', 'core'); $this->addJs('js/mediamanager-browser-min.js', 'core'); } /** * Renders the widget. * @return string */ public function render() { $this->prepareVars(); return $this->makePartial('body'); } // // Event handlers // public function onSearch() { $this->setSearchTerm(Input::get('search')); $this->prepareVars(); return [ '#'.$this->getId('item-list') => $this->makePartial('item-list'), '#'.$this->getId('folder-path') => $this->makePartial('folder-path') ]; } public function onGoToFolder() { $path = Input::get('path'); if (Input::get('clearCache')) { MediaLibrary::instance()->resetCache(); } if (Input::get('resetSearch')) { $this->setSearchTerm(null); } $this->setCurrentFolder($path); $this->prepareVars(); return [ '#'.$this->getId('item-list') => $this->makePartial('item-list'), '#'.$this->getId('folder-path') => $this->makePartial('folder-path') ]; } public function onGenerateThumbnails() { $batch = Input::get('batch'); if (!is_array($batch)) { return; } $result = []; foreach ($batch as $thumbnailInfo) { $result[] = $this->generateThumbnail($thumbnailInfo); } return [ 'generatedThumbnails'=>$result ]; } public function onGetSidebarThumbnail() { $path = Input::get('path'); $lastModified = Input::get('lastModified'); $thumbnailParams = $this->getThumbnailParams(); $thumbnailParams['width'] = 300; $thumbnailParams['height'] = 255; $thumbnailParams['mode'] = 'auto'; $path = MediaLibrary::validatePath($path); if (!is_numeric($lastModified)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } /* * If the thumbnail file exists, just return the thumbnail markup, * otherwise generate a new thumbnail. */ $thumbnailPath = $this->thumbnailExists($thumbnailParams, $path, $lastModified); if ($thumbnailPath) { return [ 'markup' => $this->makePartial('thumbnail-image', [ 'isError' => $this->thumbnailIsError($thumbnailPath), 'imageUrl' => $this->getThumbnailImageUrl($thumbnailPath) ]) ]; } $thumbnailInfo = $thumbnailParams; $thumbnailInfo['path'] = $path; $thumbnailInfo['lastModified'] = $lastModified; $thumbnailInfo['id'] = 'sidebar-thumbnail'; return $this->generateThumbnail($thumbnailInfo, $thumbnailParams, true); } public function onChangeView() { $viewMode = Input::get('view'); $path = Input::get('path'); $this->setViewMode($viewMode); $this->setCurrentFolder($path); $this->prepareVars(); return [ '#'.$this->getId('item-list') => $this->makePartial('item-list'), '#'.$this->getId('folder-path') => $this->makePartial('folder-path'), '#'.$this->getId('view-mode-buttons') => $this->makePartial('view-mode-buttons') ]; } public function onSetFilter() { $filter = Input::get('filter'); $path = Input::get('path'); $this->setFilter($filter); $this->setCurrentFolder($path); $this->prepareVars(); return [ '#'.$this->getId('item-list') => $this->makePartial('item-list'), '#'.$this->getId('folder-path') => $this->makePartial('folder-path'), '#'.$this->getId('filters') => $this->makePartial('filters') ]; } public function onSetSorting() { $sortBy = Input::get('sortBy'); $path = Input::get('path'); $this->setSortBy($sortBy); $this->setCurrentFolder($path); $this->prepareVars(); return [ '#'.$this->getId('item-list') => $this->makePartial('item-list'), '#'.$this->getId('folder-path') => $this->makePartial('folder-path') ]; } public function onDeleteItem() { $paths = Input::get('paths'); if (!is_array($paths)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } $library = MediaLibrary::instance(); $filesToDelete = []; foreach ($paths as $pathInfo) { $path = array_get($pathInfo, 'path'); $type = array_get($pathInfo, 'type'); if (!$path || !$type) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } if ($type === MediaLibraryItem::TYPE_FILE) { /* * Add to bulk collection */ $filesToDelete[] = $path; } elseif ($type === MediaLibraryItem::TYPE_FOLDER) { /* * Delete single folder */ $library->deleteFolder($path); /* * Extensibility */ $this->fireSystemEvent('media.folder.delete', [$path]); } } if (count($filesToDelete) > 0) { /* * Delete collection of files */ $library->deleteFiles($filesToDelete); /* * Extensibility */ foreach ($filesToDelete as $path) { $this->fireSystemEvent('media.file.delete', [$path]); } } $library->resetCache(); $this->prepareVars(); return [ '#'.$this->getId('item-list') => $this->makePartial('item-list') ]; } public function onLoadRenamePopup() { $path = Input::get('path'); $path = MediaLibrary::validatePath($path); $this->vars['originalPath'] = $path; $this->vars['name'] = basename($path); $this->vars['listId'] = Input::get('listId'); $this->vars['type'] = Input::get('type'); return $this->makePartial('rename-form'); } public function onApplyName() { $newName = trim(Input::get('name')); if (!strlen($newName)) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('cms::lang.asset.name_cant_be_empty')); } if (!$this->validateFileName($newName)) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('cms::lang.asset.invalid_name')); } $originalPath = Input::get('originalPath'); $originalPath = MediaLibrary::validatePath($originalPath); $newPath = dirname($originalPath).'/'.$newName; $type = Input::get('type'); if ($type == MediaLibraryItem::TYPE_FILE) { /* * Validate extension */ if (!$this->validateFileType($newName)) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('')); } /* * Move single file */ MediaLibrary::instance()->moveFile($originalPath, $newPath); /* * Extensibility */ $this->fireSystemEvent('media.file.rename', [$originalPath, $newPath]); } else { /* * Move single folder */ MediaLibrary::instance()->moveFolder($originalPath, $newPath); /* * Extensibility */ $this->fireSystemEvent('media.folder.rename', [$originalPath, $newPath]); } MediaLibrary::instance()->resetCache(); } public function onCreateFolder() { $name = trim(Input::get('name')); if (!strlen($name)) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('cms::lang.asset.name_cant_be_empty')); } if (!$this->validateFileName($name)) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('cms::lang.asset.invalid_name')); } $path = Input::get('path'); $path = MediaLibrary::validatePath($path); $newFolderPath = $path.'/'.$name; $library = MediaLibrary::instance(); if ($library->folderExists($newFolderPath)) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('')); } /* * Create the new folder */ if (!$library->makeFolder($newFolderPath)) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('')); } /* * Extensibility */ $this->fireSystemEvent('media.folder.create', [$newFolderPath]); $library->resetCache(); $this->prepareVars(); return [ '#'.$this->getId('item-list') => $this->makePartial('item-list') ]; } public function onLoadMovePopup() { $exclude = Input::get('exclude', []); if (!is_array($exclude)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } $folders = MediaLibrary::instance()->listAllDirectories($exclude); $folderList = []; foreach ($folders as $folder) { $path = $folder; if ($folder == '/') { $name = Lang::get(''); } else { $segments = explode('/', $folder); $name = str_repeat(' ', (count($segments)-1)*4).basename($folder); } $folderList[$path] = $name; } $this->vars['folders'] = $folderList; $this->vars['originalPath'] = Input::get('path'); return $this->makePartial('move-form'); } public function onMoveItems() { $dest = trim(Input::get('dest')); if (!strlen($dest)) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('')); } $dest = MediaLibrary::validatePath($dest); if ($dest == Input::get('originalPath')) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('')); } $files = Input::get('files', []); if (!is_array($files)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } $folders = Input::get('folders', []); if (!is_array($folders)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } $library = MediaLibrary::instance(); foreach ($files as $path) { /* * Move a single file */ $library->moveFile($path, $dest.'/'.basename($path)); /* * Extensibility */ $this->fireSystemEvent('media.file.move', [$path, $dest]); } foreach ($folders as $path) { /* * Move a single folder */ $library->moveFolder($path, $dest.'/'.basename($path)); /* * Extensibility */ $this->fireSystemEvent('media.folder.move', [$path, $dest]); } $library->resetCache(); $this->prepareVars(); return [ '#'.$this->getId('item-list') => $this->makePartial('item-list') ]; } public function onSetSidebarVisible() { $visible = Input::get('visible'); $this->setSidebarVisible($visible); } public function onLoadPopup() { $this->bottomToolbar = Input::get('bottomToolbar', $this->bottomToolbar); $this->cropAndInsertButton = Input::get('cropAndInsertButton', $this->cropAndInsertButton); return $this->makePartial('popup-body'); } public function onLoadImageCropPopup() { $path = Input::get('path'); $path = MediaLibrary::validatePath($path); $cropSessionKey = md5(Form::getSessionKey()); $selectionParams = $this->getSelectionParams(); $urlAndSize = $this->getCropEditImageUrlAndSize($path, $cropSessionKey); $width = $urlAndSize['dimensions'][0]; $height = $urlAndSize['dimensions'][1] ? $urlAndSize['dimensions'][1] : 1; $this->vars['currentSelectionMode'] = $selectionParams['mode']; $this->vars['currentSelectionWidth'] = $selectionParams['width']; $this->vars['currentSelectionHeight'] = $selectionParams['height']; $this->vars['cropSessionKey'] = $cropSessionKey; $this->vars['imageUrl'] = $urlAndSize['url']; $this->vars['dimensions'] = $urlAndSize['dimensions']; $this->vars['originalRatio'] = round($width / $height, 5); $this->vars['path'] = $path; return $this->makePartial('image-crop-popup-body'); } public function onEndCroppingSession() { $cropSessionKey = Input::get('cropSessionKey'); if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-z]+$/', $cropSessionKey)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } $this->removeCropEditDir($cropSessionKey); } public function onCropImage() { $imageSrcPath = trim(Input::get('img')); $selectionData = Input::get('selection'); $cropSessionKey = Input::get('cropSessionKey'); $path = Input::get('path'); $path = MediaLibrary::validatePath($path); if (!strlen($imageSrcPath)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-z]+$/', $cropSessionKey)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } if (!is_array($selectionData)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } $result = $this->cropImage($imageSrcPath, $selectionData, $cropSessionKey, $path); $selectionMode = Input::get('selectionMode'); $selectionWidth = Input::get('selectionWidth'); $selectionHeight = Input::get('selectionHeight'); $this->setSelectionParams($selectionMode, $selectionWidth, $selectionHeight); return $result; } public function onResizeImage() { $cropSessionKey = Input::get('cropSessionKey'); if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-z]+$/', $cropSessionKey)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } $width = trim(Input::get('width')); if (!strlen($width) || !ctype_digit($width)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } $height = trim(Input::get('height')); if (!strlen($height) || !ctype_digit($height)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } $path = Input::get('path'); $path = MediaLibrary::validatePath($path); $params = array( 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height ); return $this->getCropEditImageUrlAndSize($path, $cropSessionKey, $params); } // // Methods for th internal use // protected function prepareVars() { clearstatcache(); $folder = $this->getCurrentFolder(); $viewMode = $this->getViewMode(); $filter = $this->getFilter(); $sortBy = $this->getSortBy(); $searchTerm = $this->getSearchTerm(); $searchMode = strlen($searchTerm) > 0; if (!$searchMode) { $this->vars['items'] = $this->listFolderItems($folder, $filter, $sortBy); } else { $this->vars['items'] = $this->findFiles($searchTerm, $filter, $sortBy); } $this->vars['currentFolder'] = $folder; $this->vars['isRootFolder'] = $folder == self::FOLDER_ROOT; $this->vars['pathSegments'] = $this->splitPathToSegments($folder); $this->vars['viewMode'] = $viewMode; $this->vars['thumbnailParams'] = $this->getThumbnailParams($viewMode); $this->vars['currentFilter'] = $filter; $this->vars['sortBy'] = $sortBy; $this->vars['searchMode'] = $searchMode; $this->vars['searchTerm'] = $searchTerm; $this->vars['sidebarVisible'] = $this->getSidebarVisible(); } protected function listFolderItems($folder, $filter, $sortBy) { $filter = $filter !== self::FILTER_EVERYTHING ? $filter : null; return MediaLibrary::instance()->listFolderContents($folder, $sortBy, $filter); } protected function findFiles($searchTerm, $filter, $sortBy) { $filter = $filter !== self::FILTER_EVERYTHING ? $filter : null; return MediaLibrary::instance()->findFiles($searchTerm, $sortBy, $filter); } protected function setCurrentFolder($path) { $path = MediaLibrary::validatePath($path); $this->putSession('media_folder', $path); } protected function getCurrentFolder() { $folder = $this->getSession('media_folder', self::FOLDER_ROOT); return $folder; } protected function setFilter($filter) { if (!in_array($filter, [ self::FILTER_EVERYTHING, MediaLibraryItem::FILE_TYPE_IMAGE, MediaLibraryItem::FILE_TYPE_AUDIO, MediaLibraryItem::FILE_TYPE_DOCUMENT, MediaLibraryItem::FILE_TYPE_VIDEO ])) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } return $this->putSession('media_filter', $filter); } protected function getFilter() { return $this->getSession('media_filter', self::FILTER_EVERYTHING); } protected function setSearchTerm($searchTerm) { $this->putSession('media_search', trim($searchTerm)); } protected function getSearchTerm() { return $this->getSession('media_search', null); } protected function setSortBy($sortBy) { if (!in_array($sortBy, [ MediaLibrary::SORT_BY_TITLE, MediaLibrary::SORT_BY_SIZE, MediaLibrary::SORT_BY_MODIFIED ])) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } return $this->putSession('media_sort_by', $sortBy); } protected function getSortBy() { return $this->getSession('media_sort_by', MediaLibrary::SORT_BY_TITLE); } protected function getSelectionParams() { $result = $this->getSession('media_crop_selection_params'); if ($result) { if (!isset($result['mode'])) { $result['mode'] = MediaManager::SELECTION_MODE_NORMAL; } if (!isset($result['width'])) { $result['width'] = null; } if (!isset($result['height'])) { $result['height'] = null; } return $result; } return [ 'mode' => MediaManager::SELECTION_MODE_NORMAL, 'width' => null, 'height' => null ]; } protected function setSelectionParams($selectionMode, $selectionWidth, $selectionHeight) { if (!in_array($selectionMode, [ MediaManager::SELECTION_MODE_NORMAL, MediaManager::SELECTION_MODE_FIXED_RATIO, MediaManager::SELECTION_MODE_FIXED_SIZE ])) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } if (strlen($selectionWidth) && !ctype_digit($selectionWidth)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } if (strlen($selectionHeight) && !ctype_digit($selectionHeight)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } return $this->putSession('media_crop_selection_params', [ 'mode' => $selectionMode, 'width' => $selectionWidth, 'height' => $selectionHeight ]); } protected function setSidebarVisible($visible) { return $this->putSession('sideba_visible', !!$visible); } protected function getSidebarVisible() { return $this->getSession('sideba_visible', true); } protected function itemTypeToIconClass($item, $itemType) { if ($item->type == MediaLibraryItem::TYPE_FOLDER) { return 'icon-folder'; } switch ($itemType) { case MediaLibraryItem::FILE_TYPE_IMAGE: return "icon-picture-o"; case MediaLibraryItem::FILE_TYPE_VIDEO: return "icon-video-camera"; case MediaLibraryItem::FILE_TYPE_AUDIO: return "icon-volume-up"; default: return "icon-file"; } } protected function splitPathToSegments($path) { $path = MediaLibrary::validatePath($path, true); $path = explode('/', ltrim($path, '/')); $result = []; while (count($path) > 0) { $folder = array_pop($path); $result[$folder] = implode('/', $path).'/'.$folder; if (substr($result[$folder], 0, 1) != '/') { $result[$folder] = '/'.$result[$folder]; } } return array_reverse($result); } protected function setViewMode($viewMode) { if (!in_array($viewMode, [ self::VIEW_MODE_GRID, self::VIEW_MODE_LIST, self::VIEW_MODE_TILES ])) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } return $this->putSession('view_mode', $viewMode); } protected function getViewMode() { return $this->getSession('view_mode', self::VIEW_MODE_GRID); } protected function getThumbnailParams($viewMode = null) { $result = [ 'mode' => 'crop', 'ext' => 'png' ]; if ($viewMode) { if ($viewMode == self::VIEW_MODE_LIST) { $result['width'] = 75; $result['height'] = 75; } else { $result['width'] = 165; $result['height'] = 165; } } return $result; } protected function getThumbnailImagePath($thumbnailParams, $itemPath, $lastModified) { $itemSignature = md5($itemPath).$lastModified; $thumbFile = 'thumb_' . $itemSignature . '_' . $thumbnailParams['width'] . 'x' . $thumbnailParams['height'] . '_' . $thumbnailParams['mode'] . '.' . $thumbnailParams['ext']; $partition = implode('/', array_slice(str_split($itemSignature, 3), 0, 3)) . '/'; $result = $this->getThumbnailDirectory().$partition.$thumbFile; return $result; } protected function getThumbnailImageUrl($imagePath) { return Url::to('/storage/temp'.$imagePath); } protected function thumbnailExists($thumbnailParams, $itemPath, $lastModified) { $thumbnailPath = $this->getThumbnailImagePath($thumbnailParams, $itemPath, $lastModified); $fullPath = temp_path(ltrim($thumbnailPath, '/')); if (File::exists($fullPath)) { return $thumbnailPath; } return false; } protected function thumbnailIsError($thumbnailPath) { $fullPath = temp_path(ltrim($thumbnailPath, '/')); return hash_file('crc32', $fullPath) == $this->getBrokenImageHash(); } protected function getLocalTempFilePath($fileName) { $fileName = md5($fileName.uniqid().microtime()); $path = temp_path() . MediaLibrary::validatePath(Config::get('', 'media'), true); if (!File::isDirectory($path)) { File::makeDirectory($path, 0777, true, true); } return $path.'/'.$fileName; } protected function getThumbnailDirectory() { return '/public/'; } protected function getPlaceholderId($item) { return 'placeholder'.md5($item->path.'-'.$item->lastModified.uniqid(microtime())); } protected function generateThumbnail($thumbnailInfo, $thumbnailParams = null) { $tempFilePath = null; $fullThumbnailPath = null; $thumbnailPath = null; $markup = null; try { /* * Get and validate input data */ $path = $thumbnailInfo['path']; $width = $thumbnailInfo['width']; $height = $thumbnailInfo['height']; $lastModified = $thumbnailInfo['lastModified']; if (!is_numeric($width) || !is_numeric($height) || !is_numeric($lastModified)) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid input data'); } if (!$thumbnailParams) { $thumbnailParams = $this->getThumbnailParams(); $thumbnailParams['width'] = $width; $thumbnailParams['height'] = $height; } $thumbnailPath = $this->getThumbnailImagePath($thumbnailParams, $path, $lastModified); $fullThumbnailPath = temp_path(ltrim($thumbnailPath, '/')); /* * Save the file locally */ $library = MediaLibrary::instance(); $tempFilePath = $this->getLocalTempFilePath($path); if (!@File::put($tempFilePath, $library->get($path))) { throw new SystemException('Error saving remote file to a temporary location'); } /* * Resize the thumbnail and save to the thumbnails directory */ $this->resizeImage($fullThumbnailPath, $thumbnailParams, $tempFilePath); /* * Delete the temporary file */ File::delete($tempFilePath); $markup = $this->makePartial('thumbnail-image', [ 'isError' => false, 'imageUrl' => $this->getThumbnailImageUrl($thumbnailPath) ]); } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($tempFilePath) { File::delete($tempFilePath); } if ($fullThumbnailPath) { $this->copyBrokenImage($fullThumbnailPath); } $markup = $this->makePartial('thumbnail-image', ['isError' => true]); /* * @todo We need to log all types of exceptions here */ traceLog($ex->getMessage()); } if ($markup && ($id = $thumbnailInfo['id'])) { return [ 'id' => $id, 'markup' => $markup ]; } } protected function resizeImage($fullThumbnailPath, $thumbnailParams, $tempFilePath) { $thumbnailDir = dirname($fullThumbnailPath); if (!File::isDirectory($thumbnailDir)) { if (File::makeDirectory($thumbnailDir, 0777, true) === false) { throw new SystemException('Error creating thumbnail directory'); } } $targetDimensions = $this->getTargetDimensions($thumbnailParams['width'], $thumbnailParams['height'], $tempFilePath); $targetWidth = $targetDimensions[0]; $targetHeight = $targetDimensions[1]; Resizer::open($tempFilePath) ->resize($targetWidth, $targetHeight, [ 'mode' => $thumbnailParams['mode'], 'offset' => [0, 0] ]) ->save($fullThumbnailPath) ; File::chmod($fullThumbnailPath); } protected function getBrokenImagePath() { return __DIR__.'/mediamanager/assets/images/broken-thumbnail.gif'; } protected function getBrokenImageHash() { if ($this->brokenImageHash) { return $this->brokenImageHash; } $fullPath = $this->getBrokenImagePath(); return $this->brokenImageHash = hash_file('crc32', $fullPath); } protected function copyBrokenImage($path) { try { $thumbnailDir = dirname($path); if (!File::isDirectory($thumbnailDir)) { if (File::makeDirectory($thumbnailDir, 0777, true) === false) return; } File::copy($this->getBrokenImagePath(), $path); } catch (Exception $ex) { traceLog($ex->getMessage()); } } protected function getTargetDimensions($width, $height, $originalImagePath) { $originalDimensions = [$width, $height]; try { $dimensions = getimagesize($originalImagePath); if (!$dimensions) { return $originalDimensions; } if ($dimensions[0] > $width || $dimensions[1] > $height) { return $originalDimensions; } return $dimensions; } catch (Exception $ex) { return $originalDimensions; } } protected function checkUploadPostback() { $fileName = null; $quickMode = false; if ( (!($uniqueId = Request::header('X-OCTOBER-FILEUPLOAD')) || $uniqueId != $this->getId()) && (!$quickMode = post('X_OCTOBER_MEDIA_MANAGER_QUICK_UPLOAD')) ) { return; } try { if (!Input::hasFile('file_data')) { throw new ApplicationException('File missing from request'); } $uploadedFile = Input::file('file_data'); $fileName = $uploadedFile->getClientOriginalName(); /* * Convert uppcare case file extensions to lower case */ $extension = strtolower($uploadedFile->getClientOriginalExtension()); $fileName = File::name($fileName).'.'.$extension; /* * File name contains non-latin characters, attempt to slug the value */ if (!$this->validateFileName($fileName)) { $fileNameClean = $this->cleanFileName(File::name($fileName)); $fileName = $fileNameClean . '.' . $extension; } /* * Check for unsafe file extensions */ if (!$this->validateFileType($fileName)) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('')); } /* * See mime type handling in the asset manager */ if (!$uploadedFile->isValid()) { throw new ApplicationException($uploadedFile->getErrorMessage()); } $path = $quickMode ? '/uploaded-files' : Input::get('path'); $path = MediaLibrary::validatePath($path); $filePath = $path.'/'.$fileName; /* * getRealPath() can be empty for some environments (IIS) */ $realPath = empty(trim($uploadedFile->getRealPath())) ? $uploadedFile->getPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $uploadedFile->getFileName() : $uploadedFile->getRealPath(); MediaLibrary::instance()->put( $filePath, File::get($realPath) ); /* * Extensibility */ $this->fireSystemEvent('media.file.upload', [$filePath, $uploadedFile]); Response::json([ 'link' => MediaLibrary::url($filePath), 'result' => 'success' ])->send(); } catch (Exception $ex) { Response::json($ex->getMessage(), 400)->send(); } exit; } /** * Validate a proposed media item file name. * @param string * @return bool */ protected function validateFileName($name) { if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-z@\.\s_\-]+$/i', $name)) { return false; } if (strpos($name, '..') !== false) { return false; } return true; } /** * Check for blocked / unsafe file extensions * @param string * @return bool */ protected function validateFileType($name) { $extension = strtolower(File::extension($name)); $allowedFileTypes = FileDefinitions::get('defaultExtensions'); if (!in_array($extension, $allowedFileTypes)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Creates a slug form the string. A modified version of Str::slug * with the main difference that it accepts @-signs * @param string * @return string */ protected function cleanFileName($name) { $title = Str::ascii($name); // Convert all dashes/underscores into separator $flip = $separator = '-'; $title = preg_replace('!['.preg_quote($flip).']+!u', $separator, $title); // Remove all characters that are not the separator, letters, numbers, whitespace or @. $title = preg_replace('![^'.preg_quote($separator).'\pL\pN\s@]+!u', '', mb_strtolower($title)); // Replace all separator characters and whitespace by a single separator $title = preg_replace('!['.preg_quote($separator).'\s]+!u', $separator, $title); return trim($title, $separator); } // // Cropping // protected function getCropSessionDirPath($cropSessionKey) { return $this->getThumbnailDirectory().'edit-crop-'.$cropSessionKey; } protected function getCropEditImageUrlAndSize($path, $cropSessionKey, $params = null) { $sessionDirectoryPath = $this->getCropSessionDirPath($cropSessionKey); $fullSessionDirectoryPath = temp_path($sessionDirectoryPath); $sessionDirectoryCreated = false; if (!File::isDirectory($fullSessionDirectoryPath)) { File::makeDirectory($fullSessionDirectoryPath, 0777, true, true); $sessionDirectoryCreated = true; } $tempFilePath = null; try { $extension = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $library = MediaLibrary::instance(); $originalThumbFileName = 'original.'.$extension; /* * If the target dimensions are not provided, save the original image to the * crop session directory and return its URL. */ if (!$params) { $tempFilePath = $fullSessionDirectoryPath.'/'.$originalThumbFileName; if (!@File::put($tempFilePath, $library->get($path))) { throw new SystemException('Error saving remote file to a temporary location.'); } $url = $this->getThumbnailImageUrl($sessionDirectoryPath.'/'.$originalThumbFileName); $dimensions = getimagesize($tempFilePath); return [ 'url' => $url, 'dimensions' => $dimensions ]; } /* * If the target dimensions are provided, resize the original image and * return its URL and dimensions. */ else { $originalFilePath = $fullSessionDirectoryPath.'/'.$originalThumbFileName; if (!File::isFile($originalFilePath)) { throw new SystemException('The original image is not found in the cropping session directory.'); } $resizedThumbFileName = 'resized-'.$params['width'].'-'.$params['height'].'.'.$extension; $tempFilePath = $fullSessionDirectoryPath.'/'.$resizedThumbFileName; Resizer::open($originalFilePath) ->resize($params['width'], $params['height'], [ 'mode' => 'exact' ]) ->save($tempFilePath) ; $url = $this->getThumbnailImageUrl($sessionDirectoryPath.'/'.$resizedThumbFileName); $dimensions = getimagesize($tempFilePath); return [ 'url' => $url, 'dimensions' => $dimensions ]; } } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($sessionDirectoryCreated) { @File::deleteDirectory($fullSessionDirectoryPath); } if ($tempFilePath) { File::delete($tempFilePath); } throw $ex; } } protected function removeCropEditDir($cropSessionKey) { $sessionDirectoryPath = $this->getCropSessionDirPath($cropSessionKey); $fullSessionDirectoryPath = temp_path($sessionDirectoryPath); if (File::isDirectory($fullSessionDirectoryPath)) { @File::deleteDirectory($fullSessionDirectoryPath); } } protected function cropImage($imageSrcPath, $selectionData, $cropSessionKey, $path) { $originalFileName = basename($path); $path = rtrim(dirname($path), '/').'/'; $fileName = basename($imageSrcPath); if ( strpos($fileName, '..') !== false || strpos($fileName, '/') !== false || strpos($fileName, '\\') !== false ) { throw new SystemException('Invalid image file name.'); } $selectionParams = ['x', 'y', 'w', 'h']; foreach ($selectionParams as $paramName) { if (!array_key_exists($paramName, $selectionData)) { throw new SystemException('Invalid selection data.'); } if (!is_numeric($selectionData[$paramName])) { throw new SystemException('Invalid selection data.'); } $selectionData[$paramName] = (int) $selectionData[$paramName]; } $sessionDirectoryPath = $this->getCropSessionDirPath($cropSessionKey); $fullSessionDirectoryPath = temp_path($sessionDirectoryPath); if (!File::isDirectory($fullSessionDirectoryPath)) { throw new SystemException('The image editing session is not found.'); } /* * Find the image on the disk and resize it */ $imagePath = $fullSessionDirectoryPath.'/'.$fileName; if (!File::isFile($imagePath)) { throw new SystemException('The image is not found on the disk.'); } $extension = pathinfo($originalFileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $targetImageName = basename($originalFileName, '.'.$extension).'-' .$selectionData['x'].'-' .$selectionData['y'].'-' .$selectionData['w'].'-' .$selectionData['h'].'-'; $targetImageName .= time(); $targetImageName .= '.'.$extension; $targetTmpPath = $fullSessionDirectoryPath.'/'.$targetImageName; /* * Crop the image, otherwise copy original to target destination. */ if ($selectionData['w'] == 0 || $selectionData['h'] == 0) { File::copy($imagePath, $targetTmpPath); } else { Resizer::open($imagePath) ->crop( $selectionData['x'], $selectionData['y'], $selectionData['w'], $selectionData['h'], $selectionData['w'], $selectionData['h'] ) ->save($targetTmpPath) ; } /* * Upload the cropped file to the Library */ $targetFolder = $path.'cropped-images'; $targetPath = $targetFolder.'/'.$targetImageName; $library = MediaLibrary::instance(); $library->put($targetPath, file_get_contents($targetTmpPath)); return [ 'publicUrl' => $library->getPathUrl($targetPath), 'documentType' => MediaLibraryItem::FILE_TYPE_IMAGE, 'itemType' => MediaLibraryItem::TYPE_FILE, 'path' => $targetPath, 'title' => $targetImageName, 'folder' => $targetFolder ]; } }