action = BackendController::$action; $this->params = BackendController::$params; /* * Apply $guarded methods to hidden actions */ $this->hiddenActions = array_merge($this->hiddenActions, $this->guarded); /* * Define layout and view paths */ $this->layout = 'default'; $this->layoutPath = Skin::getActive()->getLayoutPaths(); // Option A: (@todo Determine which is faster by benchmark) // $relativePath = strtolower(str_replace('\\', '/', get_called_class())); // $this->viewPath = $this->configPath = ['modules/' . $relativePath, 'plugins/' . $relativePath]; // Option B: $this->viewPath = $this->configPath = $this->guessViewPath(); parent::__construct(); } /** * Execute the controller action. * @param string $action The action name. * @param array $params Routing parameters to pass to the action. * @return mixed The action result. */ public function run($action = null, $params = []) { $this->action = $action; $this->params = $params; /* * Determine if this request is a public action. */ $isPublicAction = in_array($action, $this->publicActions); // Create a new instance of the admin user $this->user = BackendAuth::getUser(); /* * Check that user is logged in and has permission to view this page */ if (!$isPublicAction) { // Not logged in, redirect to login screen or show ajax error if (!BackendAuth::check()) { return Request::ajax() { ? Response::make(Lang::get(''), 403) : Redirect::guest(Backend::url('backend/auth')); } } // Check his access groups against the page definition if ($this->requiredPermissions && !$this->user->hasAnyAccess($this->requiredPermissions)) { return Response::make(View::make('backend::access_denied'), 403); } } /* * Set the admin preference locale */ if (Session::has('locale')) { App::setLocale(Session::get('locale')); } elseif ($this->user && $locale = BackendPreferences::get('locale')) { Session::put('locale', $locale); App::setLocale($locale); } /* * Execute AJAX event */ if ($ajaxResponse = $this->execAjaxHandlers()) { return $ajaxResponse; } /* * Execute postback handler */ if ( ($handler = post('_handler')) && ($handlerResponse = $this->runAjaxHandler($handler)) && $handlerResponse !== true ) { return $handlerResponse; } /* * Execute page action */ $result = $this->execPageAction($action, $params); if (!is_string($result)) { return $result; } return Response::make($result, $this->statusCode); } /** * This method is used internally. * Determines whether an action with the specified name exists. * Action must be a class public method. Action name can not be prefixed with the underscore character. * @param string $name Specifies the action name. * @param bool $internal Allow protected actions. * @return boolean */ public function actionExists($name, $internal = false) { if (!strlen($name) || substr($name, 0, 1) == '_' || !$this->methodExists($name)) { return false; } foreach ($this->hiddenActions as $method) { if (strtolower($name) == strtolower($method)) { return false; } } $ownMethod = method_exists($this, $name); if ($ownMethod) { $methodInfo = new \ReflectionMethod($this, $name); $public = $methodInfo->isPublic(); if ($public) { return true; } } if ($internal && (($ownMethod && $methodInfo->isProtected()) || !$ownMethod)) { return true; } if (!$ownMethod) { return true; } return false; } /** * Invokes the current controller action without rendering a view, * used by AJAX handler that may rely on the logic inside the action. */ public function pageAction() { if (!$this->action) { return; } $this->suppressView = true; $this->execPageAction($this->action, $this->params); } /** * This method is used internally. * Invokes the controller action and loads the corresponding view. * @param string $actionName Specifies a action name to execute. * @param array $parameters A list of the action parameters. */ protected function execPageAction($actionName, $parameters) { $result = null; if (!$this->actionExists($actionName)) { throw new SystemException(sprintf( "Action %s is not found in the controller %s", $actionName, get_class($this) )); } // Execute the action $result = call_user_func_array([$this, $actionName], $parameters); if ($result instanceof RedirectResponse) { return $result; } // Translate the page title $this->pageTitle = $this->pageTitle ? Lang::get($this->pageTitle) : Lang::get(''); // Load the view if (!$this->suppressView && is_null($result)) { return $this->makeView($actionName); } return $this->makeViewContent($result); } /** * This method is used internally. * Invokes a controller event handler and loads the supplied partials. */ protected function execAjaxHandlers() { if ($handler = trim(Request::header('X_OCTOBER_REQUEST_HANDLER'))) { try { /* * Validate the handler name */ if (!preg_match('/^(?:\w+\:{2})?on[A-Z]{1}[\w+]*$/', $handler)) { throw new SystemException(Lang::get('cms::lang.ajax_handler.invalid_name', ['name'=>$handler])); } /* * Validate the handler partial list */ if ($partialList = trim(Request::header('X_OCTOBER_REQUEST_PARTIALS'))) { $partialList = explode('&', $partialList); // @todo Do we need to validate backend partials? // foreach ($partialList as $partial) { // if (!preg_match('/^(?:\w+\:{2}|@)?[a-z0-9\_\-\.\/]+$/i', $partial)) { // throw new SystemException(Lang::get( // 'cms::lang.partial.invalid_name', // ['name' => $partial] // )); // } // } } else { $partialList = []; } $responseContents = []; /* * Execute the handler */ if (!$result = $this->runAjaxHandler($handler)) { throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('cms::lang.ajax_handler.not_found', ['name'=>$handler])); } /* * If the handler returned an array, we should add it to output for rendering. * If it is a string, add it to the array with the key "result". */ if (is_array($result)) { $responseContents = array_merge($responseContents, $result); } elseif (is_string($result)) { $responseContents['result'] = $result; } /* * Render partials and return the response as array that will be converted to JSON automatically. */ foreach ($partialList as $partial) { $responseContents[$partial] = $this->makePartial($partial); } /* * If the handler returned a redirect, process it so framework.js knows to redirect * the browser and not the request! */ if ($result instanceof RedirectResponse) { $responseContents['X_OCTOBER_REDIRECT'] = $result->getTargetUrl(); /* * No redirect is used, look for any flash messages */ } elseif (Flash::check()) { $responseContents['#layout-flash-messages'] = $this->makeLayoutPartial('flash_messages'); } /* * Detect assets */ if ($this->hasAssetsDefined()) { $responseContents['X_OCTOBER_ASSETS'] = $this->getAssetPaths(); } return Response::make()->setContent($responseContents); } catch (ValidationException $ex) { /* * Handle validation error gracefully */ Flash::error($ex->getMessage()); $responseContents = []; $responseContents['#layout-flash-messages'] = $this->makeLayoutPartial('flash_messages'); $responseContents['X_OCTOBER_ERROR_FIELDS'] = $ex->getFields(); return Response::make($responseContents, 406); } catch (MassAssignmentException $ex) { return Response::make( Lang::get('backend::lang.model.mass_assignment_failed', ['attribute' => $ex->getMessage()]), 500 ); } catch (ApplicationException $ex) { return Response::make($ex->getMessage(), 500); } catch (Exception $ex) { return Response::make( sprintf('"%s" on line %s of %s', $ex->getMessage(), $ex->getLine(), $ex->getFile()), 500 ); } } return null; } /** * Tries to find and run an AJAX handler in the page action. * The method stops as soon as the handler is found. * @return boolean Returns true if the handler was found. Returns false otherwise. */ protected function runAjaxHandler($handler) { /* * Process Widget handler */ if (strpos($handler, '::')) { list($widgetName, $handlerName) = explode('::', $handler); /* * Execute the page action so widgets are initialized */ $this->pageAction(); if ($this->fatalError) { throw new SystemException($this->fatalError); } if (!isset($this->widget->{$widgetName})) { throw new SystemException(Lang::get('backend::lang.widget.not_bound', ['name'=>$widgetName])); } if (($widget = $this->widget->{$widgetName}) && method_exists($widget, $handlerName)) { $result = call_user_func_array([$widget, $handlerName], $this->params); return ($result) ?: true; } } else { /* * Process page specific handler (index_onSomething) { */ $pageHandler = $this->action . '_' . $handler; if ($this->methodExists($pageHandler)) { $result = call_user_func_array([$this, $pageHandler], $this->params); return ($result) ?: true; } /* * Process page global handler (onSomething) { */ if ($this->methodExists($handler)) { $result = call_user_func_array([$this, $handler], $this->params); return ($result) ?: true; } /* * Cycle each widget to locate a usable handler (widget::onSomething) */ $this->suppressView = true; $this->execPageAction($this->action, $this->params); foreach ($this->widget as $widget) { if (method_exists($widget, $handler)) { $result = call_user_func_array([$widget, $handler], $this->params); return ($result) ?: true; } } } return false; } /** * Returns a unique ID for the controller and route. Useful in creating HTML markup. */ public function getId($suffix = null) { $id = class_basename(get_called_class()) . '-' . $this->action; if ($suffix !== null) { $id .= '-' . $suffix; } return $id; } /** * Sets the status code for the current web response. * @param int $code Status code */ public function setStatusCode($code) { $this->statusCode = (int) $code; return $this; } /** * Sets standard page variables in the case of a controller error. */ public function handleError($exception) { $this->fatalError = $exception->getMessage(); $this->vars['fatalError'] = $exception->getMessage(); } // // Hints // /** * Renders a hint partial, used for displaying informative information that * can be hidden by the user. * @param string $name Unique key name * @param string $partial Reference to content (partial name) * @param array $params Extra parameters * @return string */ public function makeHintPartial($name, $partial = null, array $params = []) { if (!$partial) { $partial = $name; } return $this->makeLayoutPartial('hint', [ 'hintName' => $name, 'hintPartial' => $partial, 'hintParams' => $params ] + $params); } /** * Ajax handler to hide a backend hint, once hidden the partial * will no longer display for the user. * @return void */ public function onHideBackendHint() { if (!$name = post('name')) { throw new ApplicationException('Missing a hint name.'); } $preferences = UserPreferences::forUser(); $hiddenHints = $preferences->get('backend::hints.hidden', []); $hiddenHints[$name] = 1; $preferences->set('backend::hints.hidden', $hiddenHints); } /** * Checks if a hint has been hidden by the user. * @param string $name Unique key name * @return boolean */ public function isBackendHintHidden($name) { $hiddenHints = UserPreferences::forUser()->get('backend::hints.hidden', []); return array_key_exists($name, $hiddenHints); } }