fireCallbacks(); $packages = $mixedAssets->getPackages(); $name = $this->argument('package'); if (!in_array($name, array_keys($packages))) { $this->error( sprintf('Package "%s" is not a registered package.', $name) ); return 1; } $package = $packages[$name]; $relativeMixJsPath = $package['mix']; if (!$this->canCompilePackage($relativeMixJsPath)) { $this->error( sprintf('Unable to watch "%s", %s was not found in the package.json\'s workspaces.packages property. Try running mix:install first.', $name, $packagePath) ); return 1; } $this->info( sprintf('Watching package "%s" for changes', $name) ); if ($this->mixPackage(base_path($relativeMixJsPath)) !== 0) { $this->error( sprintf('Unable to compile package "%s"', $name) ); return 1; } return 0; } /** * Create the command array to create a Process object with */ protected function createCommand(string $mixJsPath): array { $command = parent::createCommand($mixJsPath); // @TODO: Detect Homestead running on Windows to switch to watch-poll-options instead, see $command[] = '--watch'; return $command; } /** * Create the temporary mix.webpack.js config file to run webpack with */ protected function createWebpackConfig(string $mixJsPath): void { $basePath = base_path(); $fixture = File::get(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/mix.webpack.js.fixture'); $config = str_replace( ['%base%', '%notificationInject%', '%mixConfigPath%', '%pluginsPath%', '%appPath%'], [$basePath, 'mix._api.disableNotifications();', $mixJsPath, plugins_path(), base_path()], $fixture ); File::put($this->getWebpackJsPath($mixJsPath), $config); } }