theme = $theme ?: Theme::getActiveTheme(); if (!$this->theme) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('')); } $this->assetPath = Config::get('cms.themesPath', '/themes').'/'.$this->theme->getDirName(); $this->router = new Router($this->theme); $this->partialStack = new PartialStack; $this->initTwigEnvironment(); self::$instance = $this; } /** * Finds and serves the requested page. * If the page cannot be found, returns the page with the URL /404. * If the /404 page doesn't exist, returns the system 404 page. * @param string $url Specifies the requested page URL. * If the parameter is omitted, the current URL used. * @return string Returns the processed page content. */ public function run($url = '/') { if ($url === null) { $url = Request::path(); } if (empty($url)) { $url = '/'; } /* * Hidden page */ $page = $this->router->findByUrl($url); if ($page && $page->is_hidden && !BackendAuth::getUser()) { $page = null; } /* * Maintenance mode */ if ( MaintenanceSetting::isConfigured() && MaintenanceSetting::get('is_enabled', false) && !BackendAuth::getUser() ) { if (!Request::ajax()) { $this->setStatusCode(503); } $page = Page::loadCached($this->theme, MaintenanceSetting::get('cms_page')); } /* * Extensibility */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$url, $page])) { if ($event instanceof Page) { $page = $event; } else { return $event; } } /* * If the page was not found, render the 404 page - either provided by the theme or the built-in one. */ if (!$page || $url === '404') { if (!Request::ajax()) { $this->setStatusCode(404); } // Log the 404 request if (!App::runningUnitTests()) { RequestLog::add(); } if (!$page = $this->router->findByUrl('/404')) { return Response::make(View::make('cms::404'), $this->statusCode); } } /* * Run the page */ $result = $this->runPage($page); /* * Post-processing */ $result = $this->postProcessResult($page, $url, $result); /* * Extensibility */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$url, $page, $result])) { return $event; } if (!is_string($result)) { return $result; } return Response::make($result, $this->statusCode); } /** * Renders a page in its entirety, including component initialization. * AJAX will be disabled for this process. * @param string $pageFile Specifies the CMS page file name to run. * @param array $parameters Routing parameters. * @param \Cms\Classes\Theme $theme Theme object */ public static function render($pageFile, $parameters = [], $theme = null) { if (!$theme && (!$theme = Theme::getActiveTheme())) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('')); } $controller = new static($theme); $controller->getRouter()->setParameters($parameters); if (($page = Page::load($theme, $pageFile)) === null) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('', ['name'=>$pageFile])); } return $controller->runPage($page, false); } /** * Runs a page directly from its object and supplied parameters. * @param \Cms\Classes\Page $page Specifies the CMS page to run. * @return string */ public function runPage($page, $useAjax = true) { $this->page = $page; /* * If the page doesn't refer any layout, create the fallback layout. * Otherwise load the layout specified in the page. */ if (!$page->layout) { $layout = Layout::initFallback($this->theme); } elseif (($layout = Layout::loadCached($this->theme, $page->layout)) === null) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.layout.not_found_name', ['name'=>$page->layout])); } $this->layout = $layout; /* * The 'this' variable is reserved for default variables. */ $this->vars['this'] = [ 'page' => $this->page, 'layout' => $this->layout, 'theme' => $this->theme, 'param' => $this->router->getParameters(), 'controller' => $this, 'environment' => App::environment(), 'session' => App::make('session'), ]; /* * Check for the presence of validation errors in the session. */ $this->vars['errors'] = (Config::get('session.driver') && Session::has('errors')) ? Session::get('errors') : new \Illuminate\Support\ViewErrorBag; /* * Handle AJAX requests and execute the life cycle functions */ $this->initCustomObjects(); $this->initComponents(); /* * Give the layout and page an opportunity to participate * after components are initialized and before AJAX is handled. */ if ($this->layoutObj) { CmsException::mask($this->layout, 300); $this->layoutObj->onInit(); CmsException::unmask(); } CmsException::mask($this->page, 300); $this->pageObj->onInit(); CmsException::unmask(); /* * Extensibility */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$page])) { return $event; } /* * Execute AJAX event */ if ($useAjax && $ajaxResponse = $this->execAjaxHandlers()) { return $ajaxResponse; } /* * Execute postback handler */ if ( $useAjax && ($handler = post('_handler')) && $this->verifyCsrfToken() && ($handlerResponse = $this->runAjaxHandler($handler)) && $handlerResponse !== true ) { return $handlerResponse; } /* * Execute page lifecycle */ if ($cycleResponse = $this->execPageCycle()) { return $cycleResponse; } /* * Extensibility */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$page])) { $this->pageContents = $event; } else { /* * Render the page */ CmsException::mask($this->page, 400); $this->loader->setObject($this->page); $template = $this->twig->loadTemplate($this->page->getFilePath()); $this->pageContents = $template->render($this->vars); CmsException::unmask(); } /* * Render the layout */ CmsException::mask($this->layout, 400); $this->loader->setObject($this->layout); $template = $this->twig->loadTemplate($this->layout->getFilePath()); $result = $template->render($this->vars); CmsException::unmask(); return $result; } /** * Invokes the current page cycle without rendering the page, * used by AJAX handler that may rely on the logic inside the action. */ public function pageCycle() { return $this->execPageCycle(); } /** * Executes the page life cycle. * Creates an object from the PHP sections of the page and * it's layout, then executes their life cycle functions. */ protected function execPageCycle() { /* * Extensibility */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('')) { return $event; } /* * Run layout functions */ if ($this->layoutObj) { CmsException::mask($this->layout, 300); $response = ( ($result = $this->layoutObj->onStart()) || ($result = $this->layout->runComponents()) || ($result = $this->layoutObj->onBeforePageStart()) ) ? $result : null; CmsException::unmask(); if ($response) { return $response; } } /* * Run page functions */ CmsException::mask($this->page, 300); $response = ( ($result = $this->pageObj->onStart()) || ($result = $this->page->runComponents()) || ($result = $this->pageObj->onEnd()) ) ? $result : null; CmsException::unmask(); if ($response) { return $response; } /* * Run remaining layout functions */ if ($this->layoutObj) { CmsException::mask($this->layout, 300); $response = ($result = $this->layoutObj->onEnd()) ? $result : null; CmsException::unmask(); } /* * Extensibility */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('')) { return $event; } return $response; } /** * Post-processes page HTML code before it's sent to the client. * Note for pre-processing see cms.template.processTwigContent event. * @param \Cms\Classes\Page $page Specifies the current CMS page. * @param string $url Specifies the current URL. * @param string $content The page markup to post processs. * @return string Returns the updated result string. */ protected function postProcessResult($page, $url, $content) { $content = MediaViewHelper::instance()->processHtml($content); $dataHolder = (object) ['content' => $content]; $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$url, $page, $dataHolder]); return $dataHolder->content; } // // Initialization // /** * Initializes the Twig environment and loader. * Registers the \Cms\Twig\Extension object with Twig. * @return void */ protected function initTwigEnvironment() { $this->loader = new TwigLoader; $useCache = !Config::get('cms.twigNoCache'); $isDebugMode = Config::get('app.debug', false); $strictVariables = Config::get('cms.enableTwigStrictVariables', false); $strictVariables = $strictVariables ?? $isDebugMode; $forceBytecode = Config::get('cms.forceBytecodeInvalidation', false); $options = [ 'auto_reload' => true, 'debug' => $isDebugMode, 'strict_variables' => $strictVariables, ]; if ($useCache) { $options['cache'] = new Twig_Cache_Filesystem( storage_path().'/cms/twig', $forceBytecode ? Twig_Cache_Filesystem::FORCE_BYTECODE_INVALIDATION : 0 ); } $this->twig = new Twig_Environment($this->loader, $options); $this->twig->addExtension(new CmsTwigExtension($this)); $this->twig->addExtension(new SystemTwigExtension); if ($isDebugMode) { $this->twig->addExtension(new DebugExtension($this)); } } /** * Initializes the custom layout and page objects. * @return void */ protected function initCustomObjects() { $this->layoutObj = null; if (!$this->layout->isFallBack()) { CmsException::mask($this->layout, 300); $parser = new CodeParser($this->layout); $this->layoutObj = $parser->source($this->page, $this->layout, $this); CmsException::unmask(); } CmsException::mask($this->page, 300); $parser = new CodeParser($this->page); $this->pageObj = $parser->source($this->page, $this->layout, $this); CmsException::unmask(); } /** * Initializes the components for the layout and page. * @return void */ protected function initComponents() { if (!$this->layout->isFallBack()) { foreach ($this->layout->settings['components'] as $component => $properties) { list($name, $alias) = strpos($component, ' ') ? explode(' ', $component) : [$component, $component]; $this->addComponent($name, $alias, $properties, true); } } foreach ($this->page->settings['components'] as $component => $properties) { list($name, $alias) = strpos($component, ' ') ? explode(' ', $component) : [$component, $component]; $this->addComponent($name, $alias, $properties); } /* * Extensibility */ $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$this->page, $this->layout]); } // // AJAX // /** * Returns the AJAX handler for the current request, if available. * @return string */ public function getAjaxHandler() { if (!Request::ajax() || Request::method() != 'POST') { return null; } if ($handler = Request::header('X_OCTOBER_REQUEST_HANDLER')) { return trim($handler); } return null; } /** * Executes the page, layout, component and plugin AJAX handlers. * @return mixed Returns the AJAX Response object or null. */ protected function execAjaxHandlers() { if ($handler = $this->getAjaxHandler()) { try { /* * Validate the handler name */ if (!preg_match('/^(?:\w+\:{2})?on[A-Z]{1}[\w+]*$/', $handler)) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.ajax_handler.invalid_name', ['name'=>$handler])); } /* * Validate the handler partial list */ if ($partialList = trim(Request::header('X_OCTOBER_REQUEST_PARTIALS'))) { $partialList = explode('&', $partialList); foreach ($partialList as $partial) { if (!preg_match('/^(?:\w+\:{2}|@)?[a-z0-9\_\-\.\/]+$/i', $partial)) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.partial.invalid_name', ['name'=>$partial])); } } } else { $partialList = []; } $responseContents = []; /* * Execute the handler */ if (!$result = $this->runAjaxHandler($handler)) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.ajax_handler.not_found', ['name'=>$handler])); } /* * Render partials and return the response as array that will be converted to JSON automatically. */ foreach ($partialList as $partial) { $responseContents[$partial] = $this->renderPartial($partial); } /* * If the handler returned a redirect, process the URL and dispose of it so * framework.js knows to redirect the browser and not the request! */ if ($result instanceof RedirectResponse) { $responseContents['X_OCTOBER_REDIRECT'] = $result->getTargetUrl(); $result = null; } /* * No redirect is used, look for any flash messages */ elseif (Request::header('X_OCTOBER_REQUEST_FLASH') && Flash::check()) { $responseContents['X_OCTOBER_FLASH_MESSAGES'] = Flash::all(); } /* * If the handler returned an array, we should add it to output for rendering. * If it is a string, add it to the array with the key "result". * If an object, pass it to Laravel as a response object. */ if (is_array($result)) { $responseContents = array_merge($responseContents, $result); } elseif (is_string($result)) { $responseContents['result'] = $result; } elseif (is_object($result)) { return $result; } return Response::make($responseContents, $this->statusCode); } catch (ValidationException $ex) { /* * Handle validation errors */ $responseContents['X_OCTOBER_ERROR_FIELDS'] = $ex->getFields(); $responseContents['X_OCTOBER_ERROR_MESSAGE'] = $ex->getMessage(); throw new AjaxException($responseContents); } catch (Exception $ex) { throw $ex; } } return null; } /** * Tries to find and run an AJAX handler in the page, layout, components and plugins. * The method stops as soon as the handler is found. * @param string $handler name of the ajax handler * @return boolean Returns true if the handler was found. Returns false otherwise. */ protected function runAjaxHandler($handler) { /** * @event cms.ajax.beforeRunHandler * Provides an opportunity to modify an AJAX request * * The parameter provided is `$handler` (the requested AJAX handler to be run) * * Example usage (forwards AJAX handlers to a backend widget): * * Event::listen('cms.ajax.beforeRunHandler', function((\Cms\Classes\Controller) $controller, (string) $handler) { * if (strpos($handler, '::')) { * list($componentAlias, $handlerName) = explode('::', $handler); * if ($componentAlias === $this->getBackendWidgetAlias()) { * return $this->backendControllerProxy->runAjaxHandler($handler); * } * } * }); * * Or * * $this->controller->bindEvent('ajax.beforeRunHandler', function ((string) $handler) { * if (strpos($handler, '::')) { * list($componentAlias, $handlerName) = explode('::', $handler); * if ($componentAlias === $this->getBackendWidgetAlias()) { * return $this->backendControllerProxy->runAjaxHandler($handler); * } * } * }); * */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('cms.ajax.beforeRunHandler', [$handler])) { return $event; } /* * Process Component handler */ if (strpos($handler, '::')) { list($componentName, $handlerName) = explode('::', $handler); $componentObj = $this->findComponentByName($componentName); if ($componentObj && $componentObj->methodExists($handlerName)) { $this->componentContext = $componentObj; $result = $componentObj->runAjaxHandler($handlerName); return $result ?: true; } } /* * Process code section handler */ else { if (method_exists($this->pageObj, $handler)) { $result = $this->pageObj->$handler(); return $result ?: true; } if (!$this->layout->isFallBack() && method_exists($this->layoutObj, $handler)) { $result = $this->layoutObj->$handler(); return $result ?: true; } /* * Cycle each component to locate a usable handler */ if (($componentObj = $this->findComponentByHandler($handler)) !== null) { $this->componentContext = $componentObj; $result = $componentObj->runAjaxHandler($handler); return $result ?: true; } } /* * Generic handler that does nothing */ if ($handler == 'onAjax') { return true; } return false; } // // Rendering // /** * Renders a requested page. * The framework uses this method internally. */ public function renderPage() { $contents = $this->pageContents; /* * Extensibility */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$contents])) { return $event; } return $contents; } /** * Renders a requested partial. * The framework uses this method internally. * @param string $name The view to load. * @param array $parameters Parameter variables to pass to the view. * @param bool $throwException Throw an exception if the partial is not found. * @return mixed Partial contents or false if not throwing an exception. */ public function renderPartial($name, $parameters = [], $throwException = true) { $vars = $this->vars; $this->vars = array_merge($this->vars, $parameters); /* * Alias @ symbol for :: */ if (substr($name, 0, 1) == '@') { $name = '::' . substr($name, 1); } /* * Extensibility */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$name])) { $partial = $event; } /* * Process Component partial */ elseif (strpos($name, '::') !== false) { list($componentAlias, $partialName) = explode('::', $name); /* * Component alias not supplied */ if (!strlen($componentAlias)) { if ($this->componentContext !== null) { $componentObj = $this->componentContext; } elseif (($componentObj = $this->findComponentByPartial($partialName)) === null) { if ($throwException) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.partial.not_found_name', ['name'=>$partialName])); } return false; } } /* * Component alias is supplied */ elseif (($componentObj = $this->findComponentByName($componentAlias)) === null) { if ($throwException) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.component.not_found', ['name'=>$componentAlias])); } return false; } $partial = null; $this->componentContext = $componentObj; /* * Check if the theme has an override */ if (strpos($partialName, '/') === false) { $partial = ComponentPartial::loadOverrideCached($this->theme, $componentObj, $partialName); } /* * Check the component partial */ if ($partial === null) { $partial = ComponentPartial::loadCached($componentObj, $partialName); } if ($partial === null) { if ($throwException) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.partial.not_found_name', ['name'=>$name])); } return false; } /* * Set context for self access */ $this->vars['__SELF__'] = $componentObj; } /* * Process theme partial */ elseif (($partial = Partial::loadCached($this->theme, $name)) === null) { if ($throwException) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.partial.not_found_name', ['name'=>$name])); } return false; } /* * Run functions for CMS partials only (Cms\Classes\Partial) */ if ($partial instanceof Partial) { $this->partialStack->stackPartial(); $manager = ComponentManager::instance(); foreach ($partial->settings['components'] as $component => $properties) { // Do not inject the viewBag component to the environment. // Not sure if they're needed there by the requirements, // but there were problems with array-typed properties used by Static Pages // snippets and setComponentPropertiesFromParams(). --ab if ($component == 'viewBag') { continue; } list($name, $alias) = strpos($component, ' ') ? explode(' ', $component) : [$component, $component]; if (!$componentObj = $manager->makeComponent($name, $this->pageObj, $properties)) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.component.not_found', ['name'=>$name])); } $componentObj->alias = $alias; $parameters[$alias] = $partial->components[$alias] = $componentObj; $this->partialStack->addComponent($alias, $componentObj); $this->setComponentPropertiesFromParams($componentObj, $parameters); $componentObj->init(); } CmsException::mask($this->page, 300); $parser = new CodeParser($partial); $partialObj = $parser->source($this->page, $this->layout, $this); CmsException::unmask(); CmsException::mask($partial, 300); $partialObj->onStart(); $partial->runComponents(); $partialObj->onEnd(); CmsException::unmask(); } /* * Render the partial */ CmsException::mask($partial, 400); $this->loader->setObject($partial); $template = $this->twig->loadTemplate($partial->getFilePath()); $partialContent = $template->render(array_merge($this->vars, $parameters)); CmsException::unmask(); if ($partial instanceof Partial) { $this->partialStack->unstackPartial(); } $this->vars = $vars; /* * Extensibility */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$name, &$partialContent])) { return $event; } return $partialContent; } /** * Renders a requested content file. * The framework uses this method internally. * @param string $name The content view to load. * @param array $parameters Parameter variables to pass to the view. * @return string */ public function renderContent($name, $parameters = []) { /* * Extensibility */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$name])) { $content = $event; } /* * Load content from theme */ elseif (($content = Content::loadCached($this->theme, $name)) === null) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.content.not_found_name', ['name'=>$name])); } $fileContent = $content->parsedMarkup; /* * Inject global view variables */ $globalVars = ViewHelper::getGlobalVars(); if (!empty($globalVars)) { $parameters = (array) $parameters + $globalVars; } /* * Parse basic template variables */ if (!empty($parameters)) { $fileContent = TextParser::parse($fileContent, $parameters); } /* * Extensibility */ if ($event = $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$name, &$fileContent])) { return $event; } return $fileContent; } /** * Renders a component's default content, preserves the previous component context. * @param $name * @param array $parameters * @return string Returns the component default contents. */ public function renderComponent($name, $parameters = []) { $result = null; $previousContext = $this->componentContext; if ($componentObj = $this->findComponentByName($name)) { $componentObj->id = uniqid($name); $componentObj->setProperties(array_merge($componentObj->getProperties(), $parameters)); $this->componentContext = $componentObj; $result = $componentObj->onRender(); } if (!$result) { $result = $this->renderPartial($name.'::default', [], false); } $this->componentContext = $previousContext; return $result; } // // Setters // /** * Sets the status code for the current web response. * @param int $code Status code * @return self */ public function setStatusCode($code) { $this->statusCode = (int) $code; return $this; } // // Getters // /** * Returns the status code for the current web response. * @return int Status code */ public function getStatusCode() { return $this->statusCode; } /** * Returns an existing instance of the controller. * If the controller doesn't exists, returns null. * @return mixed Returns the controller object or null. */ public static function getController() { return self::$instance; } /** * Returns the current CMS theme. * @return \Cms\Classes\Theme */ public function getTheme() { return $this->theme; } /** * Returns the Twig environment. * @return Twig_Environment */ public function getTwig() { return $this->twig; } /** * Returns the Twig loader. * @return \Cms\Twig\Loader */ public function getLoader() { return $this->loader; } /** * Returns the routing object. * @return \Cms\Classes\Router */ public function getRouter() { return $this->router; } /** * Intended to be called from the layout, returns the page code base object. * @return \Cms\Classes\CodeBase */ public function getPageObject() { return $this->pageObj; } /** * Returns the CMS page object being processed by the controller. * The object is not available on the early stages of the controller * initialization. * @return \Cms\Classes\Page Returns the Page object or null. */ public function getPage() { return $this->page; } /** * Intended to be called from the page, returns the layout code base object. * @return \Cms\Classes\CodeBase */ public function getLayoutObject() { return $this->layoutObj; } // // Page helpers // /** * Looks up the URL for a supplied page and returns it relative to the website root. * * @param mixed $name Specifies the Cms Page file name. * @param array $parameters Route parameters to consider in the URL. * @param bool $routePersistence By default the existing routing parameters will be included * @return string */ public function pageUrl($name, $parameters = [], $routePersistence = true) { if (!$name) { return $this->currentPageUrl($parameters, $routePersistence); } /* * Second parameter can act as third */ if (is_bool($parameters)) { $routePersistence = $parameters; } if (!is_array($parameters)) { $parameters = []; } if ($routePersistence) { $parameters = array_merge($this->router->getParameters(), $parameters); } if (!$url = $this->router->findByFile($name, $parameters)) { return null; } return Cms::url($url); } /** * Looks up the current page URL with supplied parameters and route persistence. * @param array $parameters * @param bool $routePersistence * @return null|string */ public function currentPageUrl($parameters = [], $routePersistence = true) { if (!$currentFile = $this->page->getFileName()) { return null; } return $this->pageUrl($currentFile, $parameters, $routePersistence); } /** * Converts supplied URL to a theme URL relative to the website root. If the URL provided is an * array then the files will be combined. * @param mixed $url Specifies the theme-relative URL. If null, the theme path is returned. * @return string */ public function themeUrl($url = null) { $themeDir = $this->getTheme()->getDirName(); if (is_array($url)) { $_url = Url::to(CombineAssets::combine($url, themes_path().'/'.$themeDir)); } else { $_url = Config::get('cms.themesPath', '/themes').'/'.$themeDir; if ($url !== null) { $_url .= '/'.$url; } $_url = Url::asset($_url); } return $_url; } /** * Returns a routing parameter. * @param string $name Routing parameter name. * @param string $default Default to use if none is found. * @return string */ public function param($name, $default = null) { return $this->router->getParameter($name, $default); } // // Component helpers // /** * Adds a component to the page object * @param mixed $name Component class name or short name * @param string $alias Alias to give the component * @param array $properties Component properties * @param bool $addToLayout Add to layout, instead of page * @return ComponentBase Component object */ public function addComponent($name, $alias, $properties, $addToLayout = false) { $manager = ComponentManager::instance(); if ($addToLayout) { if (!$componentObj = $manager->makeComponent($name, $this->layoutObj, $properties)) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.component.not_found', ['name'=>$name])); } $componentObj->alias = $alias; $this->vars[$alias] = $this->layout->components[$alias] = $componentObj; } else { if (!$componentObj = $manager->makeComponent($name, $this->pageObj, $properties)) { throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.component.not_found', ['name'=>$name])); } $componentObj->alias = $alias; $this->vars[$alias] = $this->page->components[$alias] = $componentObj; } $this->setComponentPropertiesFromParams($componentObj); $componentObj->init(); return $componentObj; } /** * Searches the layout and page components by an alias * @param $name * @return ComponentBase The component object, if found */ public function findComponentByName($name) { if (isset($this->page->components[$name])) { return $this->page->components[$name]; } if (isset($this->layout->components[$name])) { return $this->layout->components[$name]; } $partialComponent = $this->partialStack->getComponent($name); if ($partialComponent !== null) { return $partialComponent; } return null; } /** * Searches the layout and page components by an AJAX handler * @param string $handler * @return ComponentBase The component object, if found */ public function findComponentByHandler($handler) { foreach ($this->page->components as $component) { if ($component->methodExists($handler)) { return $component; } } foreach ($this->layout->components as $component) { if ($component->methodExists($handler)) { return $component; } } return null; } /** * Searches the layout and page components by a partial file * @param string $partial * @return ComponentBase The component object, if found */ public function findComponentByPartial($partial) { foreach ($this->page->components as $component) { if (ComponentPartial::check($component, $partial)) { return $component; } } foreach ($this->layout->components as $component) { if (ComponentPartial::check($component, $partial)) { return $component; } } return null; } /** * Set the component context manually, used by Components when calling renderPartial. * @param ComponentBase $component * @return void */ public function setComponentContext(ComponentBase $component = null) { $this->componentContext = $component; } /** * Sets component property values from partial parameters. * The property values should be defined as {{ param }}. * @param ComponentBase $component The component object. * @param array $parameters Specifies the partial parameters. */ protected function setComponentPropertiesFromParams($component, $parameters = []) { $properties = $component->getProperties(); $routerParameters = $this->router->getParameters(); foreach ($properties as $propertyName => $propertyValue) { if (is_array($propertyValue)) { continue; } $matches = []; if (preg_match('/^\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}$/', $propertyValue, $matches)) { $paramName = trim($matches[1]); if (substr($paramName, 0, 1) == ':') { $routeParamName = substr($paramName, 1); $newPropertyValue = $routerParameters[$routeParamName] ?? null; } else { $newPropertyValue = $parameters[$paramName] ?? null; } $component->setProperty($propertyName, $newPropertyValue); $component->setExternalPropertyName($propertyName, $paramName); } } } // // Security // /** * Checks the request data / headers for a valid CSRF token. * Returns false if a valid token is not found. Override this * method to disable the check. * @return bool */ protected function verifyCsrfToken() { if (!Config::get('cms.enableCsrfProtection')) { return true; } if (in_array(Request::method(), ['HEAD', 'GET', 'OPTIONS'])) { return true; } $token = Request::input('_token') ?: Request::header('X-CSRF-TOKEN'); if (!strlen($token)) { return false; } return hash_equals( Session::token(), $token ); } }