argument('name')); $method = 'util'.studly_case($command); $methods = preg_grep('/^util/', get_class_methods(get_called_class())); $list = array_map(function ($item) { return "october:".snake_case($item, " "); }, $methods); if (!$this->argument('name')) { $message = 'There are no commands defined in the "util" namespace.'; if (1 == count($list)) { $message .= "\n\nDid you mean this?\n "; } else { $message .= "\n\nDid you mean one of these?\n "; } $message .= implode("\n ", $list); throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message); } if (!method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->error(sprintf('Utility command "%s" does not exist!', $command)); return; } $this->$method(); } /** * Get the console command arguments. * @return array */ protected function getArguments() { return [ ['name', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY, 'The utility command to perform, For more info "".'], ]; } /** * Get the console command options. */ protected function getOptions() { return [ ['force', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force the operation to run when in production.'], ['debug', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Run the operation in debug / development mode.'], ]; } // // Utilties // protected function utilCompileJs() { $this->utilCompileAssets('js'); } protected function utilCompileLess() { $this->utilCompileAssets('less'); } protected function utilCompileScss() { $this->utilCompileAssets('scss'); } protected function utilCompileAssets($type = null) { $this->comment('Compiling registered asset bundles...'); Config::set('cms.enableAssetMinify', !$this->option('debug')); $combiner = CombineAssets::instance(); $bundles = $combiner->getBundles($type); if (!$bundles){ $this->comment('Nothing to compile!'); return; } if ($type) { $bundles = [$bundles]; } foreach ($bundles as $bundleType) { foreach ($bundleType as $destination => $assets) { $destination = File::symbolizePath($destination); $publicDest = File::localToPublic(realpath(dirname($destination))) . '/' . basename($destination); $combiner->combineToFile($assets, $destination); $shortAssets = implode(', ', array_map('basename', $assets)); $this->comment($shortAssets); $this->comment(sprintf(' -> %s', $publicDest)); } } if ($type === null) { $this->utilCompileLang(); } } protected function utilCompileLang() { if (!$locales = Lang::get('system::lang.locale')) { return; } $this->comment('Compiling client-side language files...'); $locales = array_keys($locales); $stub = base_path() . '/modules/system/assets/js/lang/lang.stub'; foreach ($locales as $locale) { /* * Generate messages */ $fallbackPath = base_path() . '/modules/system/lang/en/client.php'; $srcPath = base_path() . '/modules/system/lang/'.$locale.'/client.php'; $messages = require $fallbackPath; if (File::isFile($srcPath) && $fallbackPath != $srcPath) { $messages = array_replace_recursive($messages, require $srcPath); } /* * Compile from stub and save file */ $destPath = base_path() . '/modules/system/assets/js/lang/lang.'.$locale.'.js'; $contents = str_replace( ['{{locale}}', '{{messages}}'], [$locale, json_encode($messages)], File::get($stub) ); /* * Include the moment localization data */ $momentPath = base_path() . '/modules/system/assets/ui/vendor/moment/locale/'.$locale.'.js'; if (File::exists($momentPath)) { $contents .= PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.File::get($momentPath).PHP_EOL; } File::put($destPath, $contents); /* * Output notes */ $publicDest = File::localToPublic(realpath(dirname($destPath))) . '/' . basename($destPath); $this->comment($locale.'/'.basename($srcPath)); $this->comment(sprintf(' -> %s', $publicDest)); } } protected function utilPurgeThumbs() { if (!$this->confirmToProceed('This will PERMANENTLY DELETE all thumbs in the uploads directory.')) { return; } $totalCount = 0; $uploadsPath = Config::get('filesystems.disks.local.root', storage_path('app')); $uploadsPath .= '/uploads'; /* * Recursive function to scan the directory for files beginning * with "thumb_" and repeat itself on directories. */ $purgeFunc = function ($targetDir) use (&$purgeFunc, &$totalCount) { if ($files = File::glob($targetDir.'/thumb_*')) { foreach ($files as $file) { $this->info('Purged: '. basename($file)); $totalCount++; @unlink($file); } } if ($dirs = File::directories($targetDir)) { foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $purgeFunc($dir); } } }; $purgeFunc($uploadsPath); if ($totalCount > 0) { $this->comment(sprintf('Successfully deleted %s thumbs', $totalCount)); } else { $this->comment('No thumbs found to delete'); } } protected function utilPurgeUploads() { if (!$this->confirmToProceed('This will PERMANENTLY DELETE files in the uploads directory that do not exist in the "system_files" table.')) { return; } // @todo } protected function utilPurgeOrphans() { if (!$this->confirmToProceed('This will PERMANENTLY DELETE files in "system_files" that do not belong to any other model.')) { return; } // @todo } /** * This command requires the git binary to be installed. */ protected function utilGitPull() { foreach (File::directories(plugins_path()) as $authorDir) { foreach (File::directories($authorDir) as $pluginDir) { if (!File::isDirectory($pluginDir.'/.git')) continue; $exec = 'cd ' . $pluginDir . ' && '; $exec .= 'git pull 2>&1'; echo 'Updating plugin: '. basename(dirname($pluginDir)) .'.'. basename($pluginDir) . PHP_EOL; echo shell_exec($exec); } } foreach (File::directories(themes_path()) as $themeDir) { if (!File::isDirectory($themeDir.'/.git')) continue; $exec = 'cd ' . $themeDir . ' && '; $exec .= 'git pull 2>&1'; echo 'Updating theme: '. basename($themeDir) . PHP_EOL; echo shell_exec($exec); } } }