app = App::make('app'); $this->metaPath = Config::get('app.manifest'); $this->loadDisabled(); $this->loadPlugins(); $this->loadDependencies(); } /** * Finds all available plugins and loads them in to the $plugins array. */ public function loadPlugins() { $this->plugins = []; /** * Locate all plugins and binds them to the container */ foreach ($this->getPluginNamespaces() as $className => $classPath) { $pluginClassName = $className.'\Plugin'; // Autoloader failed? if (!class_exists($pluginClassName)) include_once $classPath.'/Plugin.php'; // Not a valid plugin! if (!class_exists($pluginClassName)) continue; $classObj = new $pluginClassName($this->app); $classId = $this->getIdentifier($classObj); /* * Check for disabled plugins */ if ($this->isDisabled($classId)) $classObj->disabled = true; $this->plugins[$classId] = $classObj; $this->pathMap[$classId] = $classPath; } return $this->plugins; } /** * Cross checks all plugins and their dependancies, if not met plugins * are disabled and vice versa. */ protected function loadDependencies() { foreach ($this->plugins as $id => $plugin) { if (!isset($plugin->require) || !$plugin->require) continue; $required = is_array($plugin->require) ? $plugin->require : [$plugin->require]; $disable = false; foreach ($required as $require) { if (!$this->hasPlugin($require)) $disable = true; elseif (($pluginObj = $this->findByIdentifier($require)) && $pluginObj->disabled) $disable = true; } if ($disable) $this->disablePlugin($id); else $this->enablePlugin($id); } } /** * Runs the register() method on all plugins. Can only be called once. */ public function registerAll() { if ($this->registered) return; foreach ($this->plugins as $pluginId => $plugin) { if ($plugin->disabled) continue; $plugin->register(); $pluginPath = $this->getPluginPath($plugin); $pluginNamespace = strtolower($pluginId); /* * Register plugin class autoloaders */ $autoloadPath = $pluginPath . '/vendor/autoload.php'; if (File::isFile($autoloadPath)) require_once $autoloadPath; /* * Register language namespaces */ $langPath = $pluginPath . '/lang'; if (File::isDirectory($langPath)) Lang::addNamespace($pluginNamespace, $langPath); /* * Register configuration path */ $configPath = $pluginPath . '/config'; if (File::isDirectory($configPath)) Config::package($pluginNamespace, $configPath, $pluginNamespace); /* * Register views path */ $viewsPath = $pluginPath . '/views'; if (File::isDirectory($viewsPath)) View::addNamespace($pluginNamespace, $viewsPath); /* * Add routes, if available */ $routesFile = $pluginPath . '/routes.php'; if (File::exists($routesFile)) require $routesFile; } $this->registered = true; } /** * Runs the boot() method on all plugins. Can only be called once. */ public function bootAll() { if ($this->booted) return; foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) { if ($plugin->disabled) continue; $plugin->boot(); } $this->booted = true; } /** * Returns the absolute plugin path. */ public function getPath() { return base_path() . Config::get('cms.pluginsDir'); } /** * Returns the directory path to a plugin * */ public function getPluginPath($id) { $classId = $this->getIdentifier($id); if (!isset($this->pathMap[$classId])) return null; return $this->pathMap[$classId]; } /** * Returns an array with all registered plugins * The index is the plugin namespace, the value is the plugin information object. */ public function getPlugins() { return array_diff_key($this->plugins, $this->disabledPlugins); } /** * Returns a plugin registration class based on its namespace (Author\Plugin). */ public function findByNamespace($namespace) { if (!$this->hasPlugin($namespace)) return null; $classId = $this->getIdentifier($namespace); return $this->plugins[$classId]; } /** * Returns a plugin registration class based on its identifier (Author.Plugin). */ public function findByIdentifier($identifier) { if (!isset($this->plugins[$identifier])) $identifier = $this->normalizeIdentifier($identifier); if (!isset($this->plugins[$identifier])) return null; return $this->plugins[$identifier]; } /** * Checks to see if a plugin has been registered. */ public function hasPlugin($namespace) { $classId = $this->getIdentifier($namespace); return isset($this->plugins[$classId]); } /** * Returns a flat array of vendor plugin namespaces and their paths */ public function getPluginNamespaces() { $classNames = []; foreach ($this->getVendorAndPluginNames() as $vendorName => $vendorList) { foreach ($vendorList as $pluginName => $pluginPath) { $namespace = '\\'.$vendorName.'\\'.$pluginName; $namespace = Str::normalizeClassName($namespace); $classNames[$namespace] = $pluginPath; } } return $classNames; } /** * Returns a 2 dimensional array of vendors and their plugins. */ public function getVendorAndPluginNames() { $plugins = []; $dirPath = $this->getPath(); $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dirPath)); $it->setMaxDepth(2); while($it->valid()) { if (($it->getDepth() > 1) && $it->isFile() && (strtolower($it->getFilename()) == "plugin.php")) { $filePath = dirname($it->getPathname()); $pluginName = basename($filePath); $vendorName = basename(dirname($filePath)); $plugins[$vendorName][$pluginName] = $filePath; } $it->next(); } return $plugins; } /** * Returns a plugin identifier from a Plugin class name or object * @param mixed Plugin class name or object * @return string Identifier in format of Vendor.Plugin */ public function getIdentifier($namespace) { $namespace = Str::normalizeClassName($namespace); if (strpos($namespace, '\\') === null) return $namespace; $parts = explode('\\', $namespace); $slice = array_slice($parts, 1, 2); $namespace = implode('.', $slice); return $namespace; } /** * Takes a human plugin code ( and makes it authentic (Acme.Blog) * @param string $id * @return string */ public function normalizeIdentifier($identifier) { foreach ($this->plugins as $id => $object) { if (strtolower($id) == strtolower($identifier)) return $id; } return $identifier; } // // Disability // public function clearDisabledCache() { File::delete($this->metaPath.'/disabled.json'); $this->disabledPlugins = []; } /** * Loads all disables plugins from the meta file. */ protected function loadDisabled() { $path = $this->metaPath.'/disabled.json'; if (($configDisabled = Config::get('cms.disablePlugins')) && is_array($configDisabled)) { foreach ($configDisabled as $disabled) $this->disabledPlugins[$disabled] = true; } if (File::exists($path)) { $disabled = json_decode(File::get($path), true); $this->disabledPlugins = array_merge($this->disabledPlugins, $disabled); } else { $this->writeDisabled(); } } /** * Determines if a plugin is disabled by looking at the meta information * or the application configuration. * @return boolean */ public function isDisabled($id) { $code = $this->getIdentifier($id); if (array_key_exists($code, $this->disabledPlugins)) return true; } /** * Write the disabled plugins to a meta file. */ protected function writeDisabled() { $path = $this->metaPath.'/disabled.json'; File::put($path, json_encode($this->disabledPlugins)); } /** * Disables a single plugin in the system. * @param string $id Plugin code/namespace * @param bool $user Set to true if disabled by the user */ public function disablePlugin($id, $isUser = false) { $code = $this->getIdentifier($id); if (array_key_exists($code, $this->disabledPlugins)) return false; $this->disabledPlugins[$code] = $isUser; $this->writeDisabled(); if ($pluginObj = $this->findByIdentifier($code)) $pluginObj->disabled = true; return true; } /** * Enables a single plugin in the system. * @param string $id Plugin code/namespace * @param bool $user Set to true if enabled by the user */ public function enablePlugin($id, $isUser = false) { $code = $this->getIdentifier($id); if (!array_key_exists($code, $this->disabledPlugins)) return false; // Prevent system from enabling plugins disabled by the user if (!$isUser && $this->disabledPlugins[$code] === true) return false; unset($this->disabledPlugins[$code]); $this->writeDisabled(); if ($pluginObj = $this->findByIdentifier($code)) $pluginObj->disabled = false; return true; } }