theme = $theme; new TemplateList($this, 'pageList', function () use ($theme) { return Page::listInTheme($theme, true); }); new TemplateList($this, 'partialList', function () use ($theme) { return Partial::listInTheme($theme, true); }); new TemplateList($this, 'layoutList', function () use ($theme) { return Layout::listInTheme($theme, true); }); new TemplateList($this, 'contentList', function () use ($theme) { return Content::listInTheme($theme, true); }); new ComponentList($this, 'componentList'); new AssetList($this, 'assetList'); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->handleError($ex); } } // // Pages // /** * Index page action * @return void */ public function index() { $this->addJs('/modules/cms/assets/js/october.cmspage.js', 'core'); $this->addJs('/modules/cms/assets/js/october.dragcomponents.js', 'core'); $this->addJs('/modules/cms/assets/js/october.tokenexpander.js', 'core'); $this->addCss('/modules/cms/assets/css/october.components.css', 'core'); // Preload the code editor class as it could be needed // before it loads dynamically. $this->addJs('/modules/backend/formwidgets/codeeditor/assets/js/build-min.js', 'core'); $this->bodyClass = 'compact-container'; $this->pageTitle = 'cms::lang.cms.menu_label'; $this->pageTitleTemplate = '%s '.trans($this->pageTitle); if (Request::ajax() && Request::input('formWidgetAlias')) { $this->bindFormWidgetToController(); } } /** * Opens an existing template from the index page * @return array */ public function index_onOpenTemplate() { $this->validateRequestTheme(); $type = Request::input('type'); $template = $this->loadTemplate($type, Request::input('path')); $widget = $this->makeTemplateFormWidget($type, $template); $this->vars['templatePath'] = Request::input('path'); $this->vars['lastModified'] = DateTime::makeCarbon($template->mtime); $this->vars['canCommit'] = $this->canCommitTemplate($template); $this->vars['canReset'] = $this->canResetTemplate($template); if ($type === 'page') { $router = new RainRouter; $this->vars['pageUrl'] = $router->urlFromPattern($template->url); } return [ 'tabTitle' => $this->getTabTitle($type, $template), 'tab' => $this->makePartial('form_page', [ 'form' => $widget, 'templateType' => $type, 'templateTheme' => $this->theme->getDirName(), 'templateMtime' => $template->mtime ]) ]; } /** * Saves the template currently open * @return array */ public function onSave() { $this->validateRequestTheme(); $type = Request::input('templateType'); $templatePath = trim(Request::input('templatePath')); $template = $templatePath ? $this->loadTemplate($type, $templatePath) : $this->createTemplate($type); $formWidget = $this->makeTemplateFormWidget($type, $template); $saveData = $formWidget->getSaveData(); $postData = post(); $templateData = []; $settings = array_get($saveData, 'settings', []) + Request::input('settings', []); $settings = $this->upgradeSettings($settings); if ($settings) { $templateData['settings'] = $settings; } $fields = ['markup', 'code', 'fileName', 'content']; foreach ($fields as $field) { if (array_key_exists($field, $saveData)) { $templateData[$field] = $saveData[$field]; } elseif (array_key_exists($field, $postData)) { $templateData[$field] = $postData[$field]; } } if (!empty($templateData['markup']) && Config::get('cms.convertLineEndings', false) === true) { $templateData['markup'] = $this->convertLineEndings($templateData['markup']); } if (!empty($templateData['code']) && Config::get('cms.convertLineEndings', false) === true) { $templateData['code'] = $this->convertLineEndings($templateData['code']); } if ( !Request::input('templateForceSave') && $template->mtime && Request::input('templateMtime') != $template->mtime ) { throw new ApplicationException('mtime-mismatch'); } $template->attributes = []; $template->fill($templateData); $template->save(); /** * @event * Fires after a CMS template (page|partial|layout|content|asset) has been saved. * * Example usage: * * Event::listen('', function ((\Cms\Controllers\Index) $controller, (mixed) $templateObject, (string) $type) { * \Log::info("A $type has been saved"); * }); * * Or * * $CmsIndexController->bindEvent('', function ((mixed) $templateObject, (string) $type) { * \Log::info("A $type has been saved"); * }); * */ $this->fireSystemEvent('', [$template, $type]); Flash::success(Lang::get('cms::lang.template.saved')); return $this->getUpdateResponse($template, $type); } /** * Displays a form that suggests the template has been edited elsewhere * @return string */ public function onOpenConcurrencyResolveForm() { return $this->makePartial('concurrency_resolve_form'); } /** * Create a new template * @return array */ public function onCreateTemplate() { $type = Request::input('type'); $template = $this->createTemplate($type); if ($type === 'asset') { $template->fileName = $this->widget->assetList->getCurrentRelativePath(); } $widget = $this->makeTemplateFormWidget($type, $template); $this->vars['templatePath'] = ''; $this->vars['canCommit'] = $this->canCommitTemplate($template); $this->vars['canReset'] = $this->canResetTemplate($template); return [ 'tabTitle' => $this->getTabTitle($type, $template), 'tab' => $this->makePartial('form_page', [ 'form' => $widget, 'templateType' => $type, 'templateTheme' => $this->theme->getDirName(), 'templateMtime' => null ]) ]; } /** * Deletes multiple templates at the same time * @return array */ public function onDeleteTemplates() { $this->validateRequestTheme(); $type = Request::input('type'); $templates = Request::input('template'); $error = null; $deleted = []; try { foreach ($templates as $path => $selected) { if ($selected) { $this->loadTemplate($type, $path)->delete(); $deleted[] = $path; } } } catch (Exception $ex) { $error = $ex->getMessage(); } /** * @event cms.template.delete * Fires after a CMS template (page|partial|layout|content|asset) has been deleted. * * Example usage: * * Event::listen('cms.template.delete', function ((\Cms\Controllers\Index) $controller, (string) $type) { * \Log::info("A $type has been deleted"); * }); * * Or * * $CmsIndexController->bindEvent('template.delete', function ((string) $type) { * \Log::info("A $type has been deleted"); * }); * */ $this->fireSystemEvent('cms.template.delete', [$type]); return [ 'deleted' => $deleted, 'error' => $error, 'theme' => Request::input('theme') ]; } /** * Deletes a template * @return void */ public function onDelete() { $this->validateRequestTheme(); $type = Request::input('templateType'); $this->loadTemplate($type, trim(Request::input('templatePath')))->delete(); /* * Extensibility - documented above */ $this->fireSystemEvent('cms.template.delete', [$type]); } /** * Returns list of available templates * @return array */ public function onGetTemplateList() { $this->validateRequestTheme(); $page = Page::inTheme($this->theme); return [ 'layouts' => $page->getLayoutOptions() ]; } /** * Remembers an open or closed state for a supplied token, for example, component folders. * @return array */ public function onExpandMarkupToken() { if (!$alias = post('tokenName')) { throw new ApplicationException(trans('cms::lang.component.no_records')); } // Can only expand components at this stage if ((!$type = post('tokenType')) && $type !== 'component') { return; } if (!($names = (array) post('component_names')) || !($aliases = (array) post('component_aliases'))) { throw new ApplicationException(trans('cms::lang.component.not_found', ['name' => $alias])); } if (($index = array_get(array_flip($aliases), $alias, false)) === false) { throw new ApplicationException(trans('cms::lang.component.not_found', ['name' => $alias])); } if (!$componentName = array_get($names, $index)) { throw new ApplicationException(trans('cms::lang.component.not_found', ['name' => $alias])); } $manager = ComponentManager::instance(); $componentObj = $manager->makeComponent($componentName); $partial = ComponentPartial::load($componentObj, 'default'); $content = $partial->getContent(); $content = str_replace('__SELF__', $alias, $content); return $content; } /** * Commits the DB changes of a template to the filesystem * * @return array $response */ public function onCommit() { $this->validateRequestTheme(); $type = Request::input('templateType'); $template = $this->loadTemplate($type, trim(Request::input('templatePath'))); if ($this->canCommitTemplate($template)) { // Populate the filesystem with the template and then remove it from the db $datasource = $this->getThemeDatasource(); $datasource->pushToSource($template, 'filesystem'); $datasource->removeFromSource($template, 'database'); Flash::success(Lang::get('cms::lang.editor.commit_success', ['type' => $type])); } return array_merge($this->getUpdateResponse($template, $type), ['forceReload' => true]); } /** * Resets a template to the version on the filesystem * * @return array $response */ public function onReset() { $this->validateRequestTheme(); $type = Request::input('templateType'); $template = $this->loadTemplate($type, trim(Request::input('templatePath'))); if ($this->canResetTemplate($template)) { // Remove the template from the DB $datasource = $this->getThemeDatasource(); $datasource->removeFromSource($template, 'database'); Flash::success(Lang::get('cms::lang.editor.reset_success', ['type' => $type])); } return array_merge($this->getUpdateResponse($template, $type), ['forceReload' => true]); } // // Methods for internal use // /** * Get the response to return in an AJAX request that updates a template * * @param object $template The template that has been affected * @param string $type The type of template being affected * @return array $result; */ protected function getUpdateResponse($template, string $type) { $result = [ 'templatePath' => $template->fileName, 'templateMtime' => $template->mtime, 'tabTitle' => $this->getTabTitle($type, $template) ]; if ($type === 'page') { $result['pageUrl'] = Url::to($template->url); $router = new Router($this->theme); $router->clearCache(); CmsCompoundObject::clearCache($this->theme); } $result['canCommit'] = $this->canCommitTemplate($template); $result['canReset'] = $this->canResetTemplate($template); return $result; } /** * Get the active theme's datasource * * @return \October\Rain\Halcyon\Datasource\DatasourceInterface */ protected function getThemeDatasource() { return $this->theme->getDatasource(); } /** * Check to see if the provided template can be committed * Only available in debug mode, the DB layer must be enabled, and the template must exist in the database * * @param CmsObject $template * @return boolean */ protected function canCommitTemplate($template) { if ($template instanceof Cms\Contracts\CmsObject === false) { return false; } $result = false; if (Config::get('app.debug', false) && Theme::databaseLayerEnabled() && $this->getThemeDatasource()->sourceHasModel('database', $template) ) { $result = true; } return $result; } /** * Check to see if the provided template can be reset * Only available when the DB layer is enabled and the template exists in both the DB & Filesystem * * @param CmsObject $template * @return boolean */ protected function canResetTemplate($template) { if ($template instanceof Cms\Contracts\CmsObject === false) { return false; } $result = false; if (Theme::databaseLayerEnabled()) { $datasource = $this->getThemeDatasource(); $result = $datasource->sourceHasModel('database', $template) && $datasource->sourceHasModel('filesystem', $template); } return $result; } /** * Validate that the current request is within the active theme * @return void */ protected function validateRequestTheme() { if ($this->theme->getDirName() != Request::input('theme')) { throw new ApplicationException(trans('cms::lang.theme.edit.not_match')); } } /** * Reolves a template type to its class name * @param string $type * @return string */ protected function resolveTypeClassName($type) { $types = [ 'page' => Page::class, 'partial' => Partial::class, 'layout' => Layout::class, 'content' => Content::class, 'asset' => Asset::class ]; if (!array_key_exists($type, $types)) { throw new ApplicationException(trans('cms::lang.template.invalid_type')); } return $types[$type]; } /** * Returns an existing template of a given type * @param string $type * @param string $path * @return mixed */ protected function loadTemplate($type, $path) { $class = $this->resolveTypeClassName($type); if (!($template = call_user_func([$class, 'load'], $this->theme, $path))) { throw new ApplicationException(trans('cms::lang.template.not_found')); } /** * @event cms.template.processSettingsAfterLoad * Fires immediately after a CMS template (page|partial|layout|content|asset) has been loaded and provides an opportunity to interact with it. * * Example usage: * * Event::listen('cms.template.processSettingsAfterLoad', function ((\Cms\Controllers\Index) $controller, (mixed) $templateObject) { * // Make some modifications to the $template object * }); * * Or * * $CmsIndexController->bindEvent('template.processSettingsAfterLoad', function ((mixed) $templateObject) { * // Make some modifications to the $template object * }); * */ $this->fireSystemEvent('cms.template.processSettingsAfterLoad', [$template]); return $template; } /** * Creates a new template of a given type * @param string $type * @return mixed */ protected function createTemplate($type) { $class = $this->resolveTypeClassName($type); if (!($template = $class::inTheme($this->theme))) { throw new ApplicationException(trans('cms::lang.template.not_found')); } return $template; } /** * Returns the text for a template tab * @param string $type * @param string $template * @return string */ protected function getTabTitle($type, $template) { if ($type === 'page') { $result = $template->title ?: $template->getFileName(); if (!$result) { $result = trans(''); } return $result; } if ($type === 'partial' || $type === 'layout' || $type === 'content' || $type === 'asset') { $result = in_array($type, ['asset', 'content']) ? $template->getFileName() : $template->getBaseFileName(); if (!$result) { $result = trans('cms::lang.'.$type.'.new'); } return $result; } return $template->getFileName(); } /** * Returns a form widget for a specified template type. * @param string $type * @param string $template * @param string $alias * @return Backend\Widgets\Form */ protected function makeTemplateFormWidget($type, $template, $alias = null) { $formConfigs = [ 'page' => '~/modules/cms/classes/page/fields.yaml', 'partial' => '~/modules/cms/classes/partial/fields.yaml', 'layout' => '~/modules/cms/classes/layout/fields.yaml', 'content' => '~/modules/cms/classes/content/fields.yaml', 'asset' => '~/modules/cms/classes/asset/fields.yaml' ]; if (!array_key_exists($type, $formConfigs)) { throw new ApplicationException(trans('cms::lang.template.not_found')); } $widgetConfig = $this->makeConfig($formConfigs[$type]); $widgetConfig->model = $template; $widgetConfig->alias = $alias ?: 'form'.studly_case($type).md5($template->getFileName()); return $this->makeWidget('Backend\Widgets\Form', $widgetConfig); } /** * Processes the component settings so they are ready to be saved * @param array $settings * @return array */ protected function upgradeSettings($settings) { /* * Handle component usage */ $componentProperties = post('component_properties'); $componentNames = post('component_names'); $componentAliases = post('component_aliases'); if ($componentProperties !== null) { if ($componentNames === null || $componentAliases === null) { throw new ApplicationException(trans('cms::lang.component.invalid_request')); } $count = count($componentProperties); if (count($componentNames) != $count || count($componentAliases) != $count) { throw new ApplicationException(trans('cms::lang.component.invalid_request')); } for ($index = 0; $index < $count; $index++) { $componentName = $componentNames[$index]; $componentAlias = $componentAliases[$index]; $section = $componentName; if ($componentAlias != $componentName) { $section .= ' '.$componentAlias; } $properties = json_decode($componentProperties[$index], true); unset($properties['oc.alias'], $properties['inspectorProperty'], $properties['inspectorClassName']); $settings[$section] = $properties; } } /* * Handle view bag */ $viewBag = post('viewBag'); if ($viewBag !== null) { $settings['viewBag'] = $viewBag; } /** * @event cms.template.processSettingsBeforeSave * Fires before a CMS template (page|partial|layout|content|asset) is saved and provides an opportunity to interact with the settings data. `$dataHolder` = {settings: array()} * * Example usage: * * Event::listen('cms.template.processSettingsBeforeSave', function ((\Cms\Controllers\Index) $controller, (object) $dataHolder) { * // Make some modifications to the $dataHolder object * }); * * Or * * $CmsIndexController->bindEvent('template.processSettingsBeforeSave', function ((object) $dataHolder) { * // Make some modifications to the $dataHolder object * }); * */ $dataHolder = (object) ['settings' => $settings]; $this->fireSystemEvent('cms.template.processSettingsBeforeSave', [$dataHolder]); return $dataHolder->settings; } /** * Binds the active form widget to the controller * @return void */ protected function bindFormWidgetToController() { $alias = Request::input('formWidgetAlias'); $type = Request::input('templateType'); $object = $this->loadTemplate($type, Request::input('templatePath')); $widget = $this->makeTemplateFormWidget($type, $object, $alias); $widget->bindToController(); } /** * Replaces Windows style (/r/n) line endings with unix style (/n) * line endings. * @param string $markup The markup to convert to unix style endings * @return string */ protected function convertLineEndings($markup) { $markup = str_replace(["\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $markup); return $markup; } }