setDirName($dirName); $theme->registerHalyconDatasource(); return $theme; } /** * Returns the absolute theme path. * @param string $dirName Optional theme directory. Defaults to $this->getDirName() * @return string */ public function getPath($dirName = null) { if (!$dirName) { $dirName = $this->getDirName(); } return themes_path().'/'.$dirName; } /** * Sets the theme directory name. * @return void */ public function setDirName($dirName) { $this->dirName = $dirName; } /** * Returns the theme directory name. * @return string */ public function getDirName() { return $this->dirName; } /** * Helper for {{ }} twig vars * Returns a unique string for this theme. * @return string */ public function getId() { return snake_case(str_replace('/', '-', $this->getDirName())); } /** * Determines if a theme with given directory name exists * @param string $dirName The theme directory * @return bool */ public static function exists($dirName) { $theme = static::load($dirName); $path = $theme->getPath(); return File::isDirectory($path); } /** * Returns a list of pages in the theme. * This method is used internally in the routing process and in the back-end UI. * @param boolean $skipCache Indicates if the pages should be reloaded from the disk bypassing the cache. * @return array Returns an array of \Cms\Classes\Page objects. */ public function listPages($skipCache = false) { return Page::listInTheme($this, $skipCache); } /** * Returns true if this theme is the chosen active theme. */ public function isActiveTheme() { $activeTheme = self::getActiveTheme(); return $activeTheme && $activeTheme->getDirName() == $this->getDirName(); } /** * Returns the active theme code. * By default the active theme is loaded from the cms.activeTheme parameter, * but this behavior can be overridden by the cms.theme.getActiveTheme event listener. * @return string * If the theme doesn't exist, returns null. */ public static function getActiveThemeCode() { $activeTheme = Config::get('cms.activeTheme'); $themes = static::all(); $havingMoreThemes = count($themes) > 1; $themeHasChanged = !empty($themes[0]) && $themes[0]->dirName !== $activeTheme; $checkDatabase = $havingMoreThemes || $themeHasChanged; if ($checkDatabase && App::hasDatabase()) { try { try { $dbResult = Cache::remember(self::ACTIVE_KEY, 1440, function () { return Parameter::applyKey(self::ACTIVE_KEY)->value('value'); }); } catch (Exception $ex) { // Cache failed $dbResult = Parameter::applyKey(self::ACTIVE_KEY)->value('value'); } } catch (Exception $ex) { // Database failed $dbResult = null; } if ($dbResult !== null && static::exists($dbResult)) { $activeTheme = $dbResult; } } /** * @event cms.theme.getActiveTheme * Overrides the active theme code. * * If a value is returned from this halting event, it will be used as the active * theme code. Example usage: * * Event::listen('cms.theme.getActiveTheme', function () { * return 'mytheme'; * }); * */ $apiResult = Event::fire('cms.theme.getActiveTheme', [], true); if ($apiResult !== null) { $activeTheme = $apiResult; } if (!strlen($activeTheme)) { throw new SystemException(Lang::get('')); } return $activeTheme; } /** * Returns the active theme object. * @return \Cms\Classes\Theme Returns the loaded theme object. * If the theme doesn't exist, returns null. */ public static function getActiveTheme() { if (self::$activeThemeCache !== false) { return self::$activeThemeCache; } $theme = static::load(static::getActiveThemeCode()); if (!File::isDirectory($theme->getPath())) { return self::$activeThemeCache = null; } return self::$activeThemeCache = $theme; } /** * Sets the active theme. * The active theme code is stored in the database and overrides the configuration cms.activeTheme parameter. * @param string $code Specifies the active theme code. */ public static function setActiveTheme($code) { self::resetCache(); Parameter::set(self::ACTIVE_KEY, $code); /** * @event cms.theme.setActiveTheme * Fires when the active theme has been changed. * * If a value is returned from this halting event, it will be used as the active * theme code. Example usage: * * Event::listen('cms.theme.setActiveTheme', function ($code) { * \Log::info("Theme has been changed to $code"); * }); * */ Event::fire('cms.theme.setActiveTheme', compact('code')); } /** * Returns the edit theme code. * By default the edit theme is loaded from the cms.editTheme parameter, * but this behavior can be overridden by the cms.theme.getEditTheme event listeners. * If the edit theme is not defined in the configuration file, the active theme * is returned. * @return string */ public static function getEditThemeCode() { $editTheme = Config::get('cms.editTheme'); if (!$editTheme) { $editTheme = static::getActiveThemeCode(); } /** * @event cms.theme.getEditTheme * Overrides the edit theme code. * * If a value is returned from this halting event, it will be used as the edit * theme code. Example usage: * * Event::listen('cms.theme.getEditTheme', function () { * return "the-edit-theme-code"; * }); * */ $apiResult = Event::fire('cms.theme.getEditTheme', [], true); if ($apiResult !== null) { $editTheme = $apiResult; } if (!strlen($editTheme)) { throw new SystemException(Lang::get('cms::lang.theme.edit.not_set')); } return $editTheme; } /** * Returns the edit theme. * @return \Cms\Classes\Theme Returns the loaded theme object. */ public static function getEditTheme() { if (self::$editThemeCache !== false) { return self::$editThemeCache; } $theme = static::load(static::getEditThemeCode()); if (!File::isDirectory($theme->getPath())) { return self::$editThemeCache = null; } return self::$editThemeCache = $theme; } /** * Returns a list of all themes. * @return array Returns an array of the Theme objects. */ public static function all() { $it = new DirectoryIterator(themes_path()); $it->rewind(); $result = []; foreach ($it as $fileinfo) { if (!$fileinfo->isDir() || $fileinfo->isDot()) { continue; } $theme = static::load($fileinfo->getFilename()); $result[] = $theme; } return $result; } /** * Reads the theme.yaml file and returns the theme configuration values. * @return array Returns the parsed configuration file values. */ public function getConfig() { if ($this->configCache !== null) { return $this->configCache; } $path = $this->getPath().'/theme.yaml'; if (!File::exists($path)) { return $this->configCache = []; } $config = Yaml::parseFile($path); /** * @event cms.theme.extendConfig * Extend basic theme configuration supplied by the theme by returning an array. * * Note if planning on extending form fields, use the `cms.theme.extendFormConfig` * event instead. * * Example usage: * * Event::listen('cms.theme.extendConfig', function ($themeCode, &$config) { * $config['name'] = 'October Theme'; * $config['description'] = 'Another great theme from October CMS'; * }); * */ Event::fire('cms.theme.extendConfig', [$this->getDirName(), &$config]); return $this->configCache = $config; } /** * Themes have a dedicated `form` option that provide form fields * for customization, this is an immutable accessor for that and * also an solid anchor point for extension. * @return array */ public function getFormConfig() { $config = $this->getConfigArray('form'); /** * @event cms.theme.extendFormConfig * Extend form field configuration supplied by the theme by returning an array. * * Note if you are planning on using `assetVar` to inject CSS variables from a * plugin registration file, make sure the plugin has elevated permissions. * * Example usage: * * Event::listen('cms.theme.extendFormConfig', function ($themeCode, &$config) { * array_set($config, 'tabs.fields.header_color', [ * 'label' => 'Header Colour', * 'type' => 'colorpicker', * 'availableColors' => [#34495e, #708598, #3498db], * 'assetVar' => 'header-bg', * 'tab' => 'Global' * ]); * }); * */ Event::fire('cms.theme.extendFormConfig', [$this->getDirName(), &$config]); return $config; } /** * Returns a value from the theme configuration file by its name. * @param string $name Specifies the configuration parameter name. * @param mixed $default Specifies the default value to return in case if the parameter * doesn't exist in the configuration file. * @return mixed Returns the parameter value or a default value */ public function getConfigValue($name, $default = null) { return array_get($this->getConfig(), $name, $default); } /** * Returns an array value from the theme configuration file by its name. * If the value is a string, it is treated as a YAML file and loaded. * @param string $name Specifies the configuration parameter name. * @return array */ public function getConfigArray($name) { $result = array_get($this->getConfig(), $name, []); if (is_string($result)) { $fileName = File::symbolizePath($result); if (File::isLocalPath($fileName)) { $path = $fileName; } else { $path = $this->getPath().'/'.$result; } if (!File::exists($path)) { throw new ApplicationException('Path does not exist: '.$path); } $result = Yaml::parseFile($path); } return (array) $result; } /** * Writes to the theme.yaml file with the supplied array values. * @param array $values Data to write * @param array $overwrite If true, undefined values are removed. * @return void */ public function writeConfig($values = [], $overwrite = false) { if (!$overwrite) { $values = $values + (array) $this->getConfig(); } $path = $this->getPath().'/theme.yaml'; if (!File::exists($path)) { throw new ApplicationException('Path does not exist: '.$path); } $contents = Yaml::render($values); File::put($path, $contents); $this->configCache = $values; self::resetCache(); } /** * Returns the theme preview image URL. * If the image file doesn't exist returns the placeholder image URL. * @return string Returns the image URL. */ public function getPreviewImageUrl() { $previewPath = $this->getConfigValue('previewImage', 'assets/images/theme-preview.png'); if (File::exists($this->getPath().'/'.$previewPath)) { return Url::asset('themes/'.$this->getDirName().'/'.$previewPath); } return Url::asset('modules/cms/assets/images/default-theme-preview.png'); } /** * Resets any memory or cache involved with the active or edit theme. * @return void */ public static function resetCache() { self::$activeThemeCache = false; self::$editThemeCache = false; Cache::forget(self::ACTIVE_KEY); Cache::forget(self::EDIT_KEY); } /** * Returns true if this theme has form fields that supply customization data. * @return bool */ public function hasCustomData() { return $this->getConfigValue('form', false); } /** * Returns data specific to this theme * @return Cms\Models\ThemeData */ public function getCustomData() { return ThemeData::forTheme($this); } /** * Remove data specific to this theme * @return bool */ public function removeCustomData() { if ($this->hasCustomData()) { return $this->getCustomData()->delete(); } return true; } /** * Checks to see if the database layer has been enabled * * @return boolean */ public static function databaseLayerEnabled() { $enableDbLayer = Config::get('cms.databaseTemplates', false); if (is_null($enableDbLayer)) { $enableDbLayer = !Config::get('app.debug', false); } return $enableDbLayer && App::hasDatabase(); } /** * Ensures this theme is registered as a Halcyon datasource. * @return void */ public function registerHalyconDatasource() { $resolver = App::make('halcyon'); if (!$resolver->hasDatasource($this->dirName)) { if (static::databaseLayerEnabled()) { $datasource = new AutoDatasource([ 'database' => new DbDatasource($this->dirName, 'cms_theme_templates'), 'filesystem' => new FileDatasource($this->getPath(), App::make('files')), ]); } else { $datasource = new FileDatasource($this->getPath(), App::make('files')); } $resolver->addDatasource($this->dirName, $datasource); } } /** * Get the theme's datasource * * @return DatasourceInterface */ public function getDatasource() { $resolver = App::make('halcyon'); return $resolver->datasource($this->getDirName()); } /** * Implements the getter functionality. * @param string $name * @return void */ public function __get($name) { if ($this->hasCustomData()) { return $this->getCustomData()->{$name}; } return null; } /** * Determine if an attribute exists on the object. * @param string $key * @return void */ public function __isset($key) { if ($this->hasCustomData()) { $theme = $this->getCustomData(); return $theme->offsetExists($key); } return false; } }