getDefaultDatasource()) { return; } $defaultTheme = App::runningInBackend() ? Theme::getEditThemeCode() : Theme::getActiveThemeCode(); Theme::load($defaultTheme); $resolver->setDefaultDatasource($defaultTheme); } /** * Loads the object from a file. * This method is used in the CMS back-end. It doesn't use any caching. * @param mixed $theme Specifies the theme the object belongs to. * @param string $fileName Specifies the file name, with the extension. * The file name can contain only alphanumeric symbols, dashes and dots. * @return mixed Returns a CMS object instance or null if the object wasn't found. */ public static function load($theme, $fileName) { return static::inTheme($theme)->find($fileName); } /** * Loads the object from a cache. * This method is used by the CMS in the runtime. If the cache is not found, it is created. * @param \Cms\Classes\Theme $theme Specifies the theme the object belongs to. * @param string $fileName Specifies the file name, with the extension. * @return mixed Returns a CMS object instance or null if the object wasn't found. */ public static function loadCached($theme, $fileName) { return static::inTheme($theme) ->remember(Config::get('cms.parsedPageCacheTTL', 1440)) ->find($fileName) ; } /** * Returns the list of objects in the specified theme. * This method is used internally by the system. * @param \Cms\Classes\Theme $theme Specifies a parent theme. * @param boolean $skipCache Indicates if objects should be reloaded from the disk bypassing the cache. * @return Collection Returns a collection of CMS objects. */ public static function listInTheme($theme, $skipCache = false) { $result = []; $instance = static::inTheme($theme); if ($skipCache) { $result = $instance->get(); } else { $items = $instance->newQuery()->lists('fileName'); $loadedItems = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $loadedItems[] = static::loadCached($theme, $item); } $result = $instance->newCollection($loadedItems); } /** * @event cms.object.listInTheme * Provides opportunity to filter the items returned by a call to CmsObject::listInTheme() * * Parameters provided are `$cmsObject` (the object being listed) and `$objectList` (a collection of the CmsObjects being returned). * > Note: The `$objectList` provided is an object reference to a CmsObjectCollection, to make changes you must use object modifying methods. * * Example usage (filters all pages except for the 404 page on the CMS Maintenance mode settings page): * * // Extend only the Settings Controller * \System\Controllers\Settings::extend(function($controller) { * // Listen for the cms.object.listInTheme event * \Event::listen('cms.object.listInTheme', function ($cmsObject, $objectList) { * // Get the current context of the Settings Manager to ensure we only affect what we need to affect * $context = \System\Classes\SettingsManager::instance()->getContext(); * if ($context->owner === 'october.cms' && $context->itemCode === 'maintenance_settings') { * // Double check that this is a Page List that we're modifying * if ($cmsObject instanceof \Cms\Classes\Page) { * // Perform filtering with an original-object modifying method as $objectList is passed by reference (being that it's an object) * foreach ($objectList as $index => $page) { * if ($page->url !== '/404') { * $objectList->forget($index); * } * } * } * } * }); * }); */ Event::fire('cms.object.listInTheme', [$instance, $result]); return $result; } /** * Prepares the theme datasource for the model. * @param \Cms\Classes\Theme $theme Specifies a parent theme. * @return $this */ public static function inTheme($theme) { if (is_string($theme)) { $theme = Theme::load($theme); } return static::on($theme->getDirName()); } /** * Save the object to the theme. * * @param array $options * @return bool */ public function save(array $options = null) { try { parent::save($options); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->throwHalcyonSaveException($ex); } } /** * Returns the CMS theme this object belongs to. * @return \Cms\Classes\Theme */ public function getThemeAttribute() { if ($this->themeCache !== null) { return $this->themeCache; } $themeName = $this->getDatasourceName() ?: static::getDatasourceResolver()->getDefaultDatasource(); return $this->themeCache = Theme::load($themeName); } /** * Returns the full path to the template file corresponding to this object. * @param string $fileName * @return string */ public function getFilePath($fileName = null) { if ($fileName === null) { $fileName = $this->fileName; } return $this->theme->getPath().'/'.$this->getObjectTypeDirName().'/'.$fileName; } /** * Returns the file name. * @return string */ public function getFileName() { return $this->fileName; } /** * Returns the file name without the extension. * @return string */ public function getBaseFileName() { $pos = strrpos($this->fileName, '.'); if ($pos === false) { return $this->fileName; } return substr($this->fileName, 0, $pos); } /** * Helper for {{ }} or {{ }} twig vars * Returns a unique string for this object. * @return string */ public function getId() { return str_replace('/', '-', $this->getBaseFileName()); } /** * Returns the file content. * @return string */ public function getContent() { return $this->content; } /** * Returns the Twig content string. * @return string */ public function getTwigContent() { return $this->content; } /** * Returns the key used by the Twig cache. * @return string */ public function getTwigCacheKey() { $key = $this->getFilePath(); if ($event = $this->fireEvent('cmsObject.getTwigCacheKey', compact('key'), true)) { $key = $event; } return $key; } // // Internals // /** * Converts an exception type thrown by Halcyon to a native CMS exception. * @param Exception $ex */ protected function throwHalcyonSaveException(Exception $ex) { if ($ex instanceof \October\Rain\Halcyon\Exception\MissingFileNameException) { throw new ValidationException([ 'fileName' => Lang::get('cms::lang.cms_object.file_name_required') ]); } elseif ($ex instanceof \October\Rain\Halcyon\Exception\InvalidExtensionException) { throw new ValidationException(['fileName' => Lang::get('cms::lang.cms_object.invalid_file_extension', [ 'allowed' => implode(', ', $ex->getAllowedExtensions()), 'invalid' => $ex->getInvalidExtension() ]) ]); } elseif ($ex instanceof \October\Rain\Halcyon\Exception\InvalidFileNameException) { throw new ValidationException([ 'fileName' => Lang::get('cms::lang.cms_object.invalid_file', ['name'=>$ex->getInvalidFileName()]) ]); } elseif ($ex instanceof \October\Rain\Halcyon\Exception\FileExistsException) { throw new ApplicationException( Lang::get('cms::lang.cms_object.file_already_exists', ['name' => $ex->getInvalidPath()]) ); } elseif ($ex instanceof \October\Rain\Halcyon\Exception\CreateDirectoryException) { throw new ApplicationException( Lang::get('cms::lang.cms_object.error_creating_directory', ['name' => $ex->getInvalidPath()]) ); } elseif ($ex instanceof \October\Rain\Halcyon\Exception\CreateFileException) { throw new ApplicationException( Lang::get('cms::lang.cms_object.error_saving', ['name' => $ex->getInvalidPath()]) ); } else { throw $ex; } } }