mirror of
synced 2024-06-28 05:33:29 +02:00
Form fields are already constrained by their fields.yaml definition (values not defined in the yaml will not be saved) so we don't need to double dip by enforcing fillable too.
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<?php namespace Backend\Behaviors;
use Db;
use Lang;
use Event;
use Request;
use Form as FormHelper;
use Backend\Classes\ControllerBehavior;
use October\Rain\Database\Model;
use ApplicationException;
* Relation Controller Behavior
* Uses a combination of lists and forms for managing Model relations.
* @package october\backend
* @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges
class RelationController extends ControllerBehavior
use \Backend\Traits\FormModelSaver;
* @var const Postback parameter for the active relationship field.
const PARAM_FIELD = '_relation_field';
* @var const Postback parameter for the active management mode.
const PARAM_MODE = '_relation_mode';
* @var Backend\Classes\WidgetBase Reference to the search widget object.
protected $searchWidget;
* @var Backend\Classes\WidgetBase Reference to the toolbar widget object.
protected $toolbarWidget;
* @var Backend\Classes\WidgetBase Reference to the widget used for viewing (list or form).
protected $viewWidget;
* @var Backend\Classes\WidgetBase Reference to the widget used for relation management.
protected $manageWidget;
* @var Backend\Classes\WidgetBase Reference to widget for relations with pivot data.
protected $pivotWidget;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected $requiredProperties = ['relationConfig'];
* @var array Properties that must exist for each relationship definition.
protected $requiredRelationProperties = ['label'];
* @var array Configuration values that must exist when applying the primary config file.
protected $requiredConfig = [];
* @var array Original configuration values
protected $originalConfig;
* @var bool Has the behavior been initialized.
protected $initialized = false;
* @var string Relationship type
public $relationType;
* @var string Relationship name
public $relationName;
* @var Model Relationship model
public $relationModel;
* @var Model Relationship object
public $relationObject;
* @var Model The parent model of the relationship.
protected $model;
* @var Model The relationship field as defined in the configuration.
protected $field;
* @var string A unique alias to pass to widgets.
protected $alias;
* @var array The set of buttons to display in view mode.
protected $toolbarButtons;
* @var Model Reference to the model used for viewing (form only).
protected $viewModel;
* @var string Relation has many (multi) or has one (single).
protected $viewMode;
* @var string Management of relation as list, form, or pivot.
protected $manageMode;
* @var string Force a certain view mode.
protected $forceViewMode;
* @var string Force a certain manage mode.
protected $forceManageMode;
* @var string The target that triggered an AJAX event (button, list)
protected $eventTarget;
* @var int Primary id of an existing relation record.
protected $manageId;
* @var int Foeign id of a selected pivot record.
protected $foreignId;
* @var string Active session key, used for deferred bindings.
public $sessionKey;
* @var bool Disables the ability to add, update, delete or create relations.
public $readOnly = false;
* @var bool Defers all binding actions using a session key when it is available.
public $deferredBinding = false;
* Behavior constructor
* @param Backend\Classes\Controller $controller
public function __construct($controller)
$this->addJs('js/october.relation.js', 'core');
$this->addCss('css/relation.css', 'core');
* Build configuration
$this->config = $this->originalConfig = $this->makeConfig($controller->relationConfig, $this->requiredConfig);
* Validates the supplied field and initializes the relation manager.
* @param string $field The relationship field.
* @return string The active field name.
protected function validateField($field = null)
$field = $field ?: post(self::PARAM_FIELD);
if ($field && $field != $this->field) {
$this->initRelation($this->model, $field);
if (!$field && !$this->field) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('backend::lang.relation.missing_definition', compact('field')));
return $field ?: $this->field;
* Prepares the view data.
* @return void
public function prepareVars()
$this->vars['relationManageId'] = $this->manageId;
$this->vars['relationLabel'] = $this->config->label ?: $this->field;
$this->vars['relationField'] = $this->field;
$this->vars['relationType'] = $this->relationType;
$this->vars['relationSearchWidget'] = $this->searchWidget;
$this->vars['relationToolbarWidget'] = $this->toolbarWidget;
$this->vars['relationManageMode'] = $this->manageMode;
$this->vars['relationManageWidget'] = $this->manageWidget;
$this->vars['relationToolbarButtons'] = $this->toolbarButtons;
$this->vars['relationViewMode'] = $this->viewMode;
$this->vars['relationViewWidget'] = $this->viewWidget;
$this->vars['relationViewModel'] = $this->viewModel;
$this->vars['relationPivotWidget'] = $this->pivotWidget;
$this->vars['relationSessionKey'] = $this->relationGetSessionKey();
* The controller action is responsible for supplying the parent model
* so it's action must be fired. Additionally, each AJAX request must
* supply the relation's field name (_relation_field).
protected function beforeAjax()
if ($this->initialized) {
$this->initialized = true;
// Interface
* Prepare the widgets used by this behavior
* @param Model $model
* @param string $field
* @return void
public function initRelation($model, $field = null)
if ($field == null) {
$field = post(self::PARAM_FIELD);
$this->config = $this->originalConfig;
$this->model = $model;
$this->field = $field;
if ($field == null) {
if (!$this->model) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
if (!$this->model instanceof Model) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get(
['model'=>get_class($this->model), 'class'=>get_class($this->controller)]
if (!$this->getConfig($field)) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('backend::lang.relation.missing_definition', compact('field')));
$this->alias = camel_case('relation ' . $field);
$this->config = $this->makeConfig($this->getConfig($field), $this->requiredRelationProperties);
* Relationship details
$this->relationName = $field;
$this->relationType = $this->model->getRelationType($field);
$this->relationObject = $this->model->{$field}();
$this->relationModel = $this->relationObject->getRelated();
$this->readOnly = $this->getConfig('readOnly');
$this->deferredBinding = $this->getConfig('deferredBinding') || !$this->model->exists;
$this->toolbarButtons = $this->evalToolbarButtons();
$this->viewMode = $this->evalViewMode();
$this->manageMode = $this->evalManageMode();
$this->manageId = post('manage_id');
$this->foreignId = post('foreign_id');
* Toolbar widget
if ($this->toolbarWidget = $this->makeToolbarWidget()) {
* Search widget
if ($this->searchWidget = $this->makeSearchWidget()) {
* View widget
if ($this->viewWidget = $this->makeViewWidget()) {
$this->controller->relationExtendViewWidget($this->viewWidget, $this->field);
* Manage widget
if ($this->manageWidget = $this->makeManageWidget()) {
$this->controller->relationExtendManageWidget($this->manageWidget, $this->field);
* Pivot widget
if ($this->manageMode == 'pivot') {
if ($this->pivotWidget = $this->makePivotWidget()) {
$this->controller->relationExtendPivotWidget($this->pivotWidget, $this->field);
* Renders the relationship manager.
* @param string $field The relationship field.
* @param array $options
* @return string Rendered HTML for the relationship manager.
public function relationRender($field, $options = [])
$field = $this->validateField($field);
if (is_string($options)) {
$options = ['sessionKey' => $options];
* Session key
if (isset($options['sessionKey'])) {
$this->sessionKey = $options['sessionKey'];
* Determine the partial to use based on the supplied section option
$section = (isset($options['section'])) ? $options['section'] : null;
switch (strtolower($section)) {
case 'toolbar':
return $this->toolbarWidget ? $this->toolbarWidget->render() : null;
case 'view':
return $this->relationMakePartial('view');
return $this->relationMakePartial('container');
* Refreshes the relation container only, useful for returning in custom AJAX requests.
* @param string $field Relation definition.
* @return array The relation element selector as the key, and the relation view contents are the value.
public function relationRefresh($field = null)
$field = $this->validateField($field);
$result = ['#'.$this->relationGetId('view') => $this->relationRenderView($field)];
if ($toolbar = $this->relationRenderToolbar($field)) {
$result['#'.$this->relationGetId('toolbar')] = $toolbar;
if ($eventResult = $this->controller->relationExtendRefreshResults($field)) {
$result = $eventResult + $result;
return $result;
* Renders the toolbar only.
* @param string $field The relationship field.
* @return string Rendered HTML for the toolbar.
public function relationRenderToolbar($field = null)
return $this->relationRender($field, ['section' => 'toolbar']);
* Renders the view only.
* @param string $field The relationship field.
* @return string Rendered HTML for the view.
public function relationRenderView($field = null)
return $this->relationRender($field, ['section' => 'view']);
* Controller accessor for making partials within this behavior.
* @param string $partial
* @param array $params
* @return string Partial contents
public function relationMakePartial($partial, $params = [])
$contents = $this->controller->makePartial('relation_'.$partial, $params + $this->vars, false);
if (!$contents) {
$contents = $this->makePartial($partial, $params);
return $contents;
* Returns a unique ID for this relation and field combination.
* @param string $suffix A suffix to use with the identifier.
* @return string
public function relationGetId($suffix = null)
$id = class_basename($this);
if ($this->field) {
$id .= '-' . $this->field;
if ($suffix !== null) {
$id .= '-' . $suffix;
return $this->controller->getId($id);
* Returns the active session key.
public function relationGetSessionKey($force = false)
if ($this->sessionKey && !$force) {
return $this->sessionKey;
if (post('_relation_session_key')) {
return $this->sessionKey = post('_relation_session_key');
if (post('_session_key')) {
return $this->sessionKey = post('_session_key');
return $this->sessionKey = FormHelper::getSessionKey();
// Widgets
protected function makeToolbarWidget()
$defaultConfig = [];
* Add buttons to toolbar
$defaultButtons = null;
if (!$this->readOnly) {
$defaultButtons = '~/modules/backend/behaviors/relationcontroller/partials/_toolbar.htm';
$defaultConfig['buttons'] = $this->getConfig('view[toolbarPartial]', $defaultButtons);
* Make config
$toolbarConfig = $this->makeConfig($this->getConfig('toolbar', $defaultConfig));
$toolbarConfig->alias = $this->alias . 'Toolbar';
* Add search to toolbar
$useSearch = $this->viewMode == 'multi' && $this->getConfig('view[showSearch]');
if ($useSearch) {
$toolbarConfig->search = [
'prompt' => 'backend::lang.list.search_prompt'
* No buttons, no search should mean no toolbar
if (empty($toolbarConfig->search) && empty($toolbarConfig->buttons))
$toolbarWidget = $this->makeWidget('Backend\Widgets\Toolbar', $toolbarConfig);
$toolbarWidget->cssClasses[] = 'list-header';
return $toolbarWidget;
protected function makeSearchWidget()
if (!$this->getConfig('manage[showSearch]')) {
return null;
$config = $this->makeConfig();
$config->alias = $this->alias . 'ManageSearch';
$config->growable = false;
$config->prompt = 'backend::lang.list.search_prompt';
$widget = $this->makeWidget('Backend\Widgets\Search', $config);
$widget->cssClasses[] = 'recordfinder-search';
* Persist the search term across AJAX requests only
if (!Request::ajax()) {
return $widget;
protected function makeViewWidget()
* Multiple (has many, belongs to many)
if ($this->viewMode == 'multi') {
$config = $this->makeConfigForMode('view', 'list');
$config->model = $this->relationModel;
$config->alias = $this->alias . 'ViewList';
$config->showSorting = $this->getConfig('view[showSorting]', true);
$config->defaultSort = $this->getConfig('view[defaultSort]');
$config->recordsPerPage = $this->getConfig('view[recordsPerPage]');
$config->showCheckboxes = $this->getConfig('view[showCheckboxes]', !$this->readOnly);
$config->recordUrl = $this->getConfig('view[recordUrl]', null);
$defaultOnClick = sprintf(
"$.oc.relationBehavior.clickViewListRecord(':%s', '%s', '%s')",
if ($config->recordUrl) {
$defaultOnClick = null;
elseif (
!$this->makeConfigForMode('manage', 'form', false) &&
!$this->makeConfigForMode('pivot', 'form', false)
) {
$defaultOnClick = null;
$config->recordOnClick = $this->getConfig('view[recordOnClick]', $defaultOnClick);
if ($emptyMessage = $this->getConfig('emptyMessage')) {
$config->noRecordsMessage = $emptyMessage;
* Constrain the query by the relationship and deferred items
$widget = $this->makeWidget('Backend\Widgets\Lists', $config);
$widget->bindEvent('list.extendQuery', function ($query) {
$sessionKey = $this->deferredBinding ? $this->relationGetSessionKey() : null;
if ($sessionKey) {
elseif ($this->model->exists) {
$this->controller->relationExtendQuery($query, $this->field);
* Allows pivot data to enter the fray
if ($this->relationType == 'belongsToMany') {
return $this->relationObject;
* Constrain the list by the search widget, if available
if ($this->toolbarWidget && $this->getConfig('view[showSearch]')) {
if ($searchWidget = $this->toolbarWidget->getSearchWidget()) {
$searchWidget->bindEvent('search.submit', function () use ($widget, $searchWidget) {
return $widget->onRefresh();
* Persist the search term across AJAX requests only
if (Request::ajax()) {
else {
* Single (belongs to, has one)
elseif ($this->viewMode == 'single') {
$this->viewModel = $this->relationObject->getResults()
?: $this->relationModel;
$config = $this->makeConfigForMode('view', 'form');
$config->model = $this->viewModel;
$config->arrayName = class_basename($this->relationModel);
$config->context = 'relation';
$config->alias = $this->alias . 'ViewForm';
$widget = $this->makeWidget('Backend\Widgets\Form', $config);
$widget->previewMode = true;
return $widget;
protected function makeManageWidget()
$widget = null;
* List / Pivot
if ($this->manageMode == 'list' || $this->manageMode == 'pivot') {
$isPivot = $this->manageMode == 'pivot';
$config = $this->makeConfigForMode('manage', 'list');
$config->model = $this->relationModel;
$config->alias = $this->alias . 'ManageList';
$config->showSetup = false;
$config->showCheckboxes = $this->getConfig('manage[showCheckboxes]', !$isPivot);
$config->showSorting = $this->getConfig('manage[showSorting]', !$isPivot);
$config->defaultSort = $this->getConfig('manage[defaultSort]');
$config->recordsPerPage = $this->getConfig('manage[recordsPerPage]');
if ($this->viewMode == 'single') {
$config->showCheckboxes = false;
$config->recordOnClick = sprintf(
"$.oc.relationBehavior.clickManageListRecord(:id, '%s', '%s')",
elseif ($config->showCheckboxes) {
$config->recordOnClick = "$.oc.relationBehavior.toggleListCheckbox(this)";
elseif ($isPivot) {
$config->recordOnClick = sprintf(
"$.oc.relationBehavior.clickManagePivotListRecord(:id, '%s', '%s')",
$widget = $this->makeWidget('Backend\Widgets\Lists', $config);
* Link the Search Widget to the List Widget
if ($this->searchWidget) {
$this->searchWidget->bindEvent('search.submit', function () use ($widget) {
return $widget->onRefresh();
* Persist the search term across AJAX requests only
if (Request::ajax()) {
* Form
elseif ($this->manageMode == 'form') {
$config = $this->makeConfigForMode('manage', 'form');
$config->model = $this->relationModel;
$config->arrayName = class_basename($this->relationModel);
$config->context = $this->evalFormContext('manage', !!$this->manageId);
$config->alias = $this->alias . 'ManageForm';
* Existing record
if ($this->manageId) {
$config->model = $config->model->find($this->manageId);
if (!$config->model) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('backend::lang.model.not_found', [
'class' => get_class($config->model), 'id' => $this->manageId
$widget = $this->makeWidget('Backend\Widgets\Form', $config);
if (!$widget) {
return null;
* Exclude existing relationships
if ($this->manageMode == 'pivot' || $this->manageMode == 'list') {
$widget->bindEvent('list.extendQuery', function ($query) {
* Where not in the current list of related records
$existingIds = $this->findExistingRelationIds();
if (count($existingIds)) {
$query->whereNotIn($this->relationModel->getQualifiedKeyName(), $existingIds);
$this->controller->relationExtendQuery($query, $this->field);
return $widget;
protected function makePivotWidget()
$config = $this->makeConfigForMode('pivot', 'form');
$config->model = $this->relationModel;
$config->arrayName = class_basename($this->relationModel);
$config->context = $this->evalFormContext('pivot', !!$this->manageId);
$config->alias = $this->alias . 'ManagePivotForm';
$foreignKeyName = $this->relationModel->getQualifiedKeyName();
* Existing record
if ($this->manageId) {
$hydratedModel = $this->relationObject->where($foreignKeyName, $this->manageId)->first();
$config->model = $hydratedModel;
if (!$config->model) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('backend::lang.model.not_found', [
'class' => get_class($config->model), 'id' => $this->manageId
* New record
else {
if ($this->foreignId) {
$foreignModel = $this->relationModel
->whereIn($foreignKeyName, (array) $this->foreignId)
if ($foreignModel) {
$foreignModel->exists = false;
$config->model = $foreignModel;
$pivotModel = $this->relationObject->newPivot();
$config->model->setRelation('pivot', $pivotModel);
$widget = $this->makeWidget('Backend\Widgets\Form', $config);
return $widget;
// AJAX (Buttons)
public function onRelationButtonAdd()
$this->eventTarget = 'button-add';
return $this->onRelationManageForm();
public function onRelationButtonCreate()
$this->eventTarget = 'button-create';
return $this->onRelationManageForm();
public function onRelationButtonDelete()
return $this->onRelationManageDelete();
public function onRelationButtonLink()
$this->eventTarget = 'button-link';
return $this->onRelationManageForm();
public function onRelationButtonUnlink()
return $this->onRelationManageRemove();
public function onRelationButtonRemove()
return $this->onRelationManageRemove();
public function onRelationButtonUpdate()
$this->eventTarget = 'button-update';
return $this->onRelationManageForm();
// AJAX (List events)
public function onRelationClickManageList()
return $this->onRelationManageAdd();
public function onRelationClickManageListPivot()
return $this->onRelationManagePivotForm();
public function onRelationClickViewList()
$this->eventTarget = 'list';
return $this->onRelationManageForm();
public function onRelationManageForm()
if ($this->manageMode == 'pivot' && $this->manageId) {
return $this->onRelationManagePivotForm();
// The form should not share its session key with the parent
$this->vars['newSessionKey'] = str_random(40);
$view = 'manage_' . $this->manageMode;
return $this->relationMakePartial($view);
* Create a new related model
public function onRelationManageCreate()
$this->forceManageMode = 'form';
$saveData = $this->manageWidget->getSaveData();
$sessionKey = $this->deferredBinding ? $this->relationGetSessionKey(true) : null;
if ($this->viewMode == 'multi') {
$newModel = $this->relationModel;
$modelsToSave = $this->prepareModelsToSave($newModel, $saveData);
foreach ($modelsToSave as $modelToSave) {
$modelToSave->save(null, $this->manageWidget->getSessionKey());
$this->relationObject->add($newModel, $sessionKey);
elseif ($this->viewMode == 'single') {
$newModel = $this->viewModel;
* Has one relations will save as part of the add() call.
if ($this->deferredBinding || $this->relationType != 'hasOne') {
$this->relationObject->add($newModel, $sessionKey);
* Belongs to relations won't save when using add() so
* it should occur if the conditions are right.
if (!$this->deferredBinding && $this->relationType == 'belongsTo') {
$parentModel = $this->relationObject->getParent();
if ($parentModel->exists) {
return $this->relationRefresh();
* Updated an existing related model's fields
public function onRelationManageUpdate()
$this->forceManageMode = 'form';
$saveData = $this->manageWidget->getSaveData();
if ($this->viewMode == 'multi') {
$model = $this->relationModel->find($this->manageId);
$modelsToSave = $this->prepareModelsToSave($model, $saveData);
foreach ($modelsToSave as $modelToSave) {
$modelToSave->save(null, $this->manageWidget->getSessionKey());
elseif ($this->viewMode == 'single') {
return ['#'.$this->relationGetId('view') => $this->relationRenderView()];
* Delete an existing related model completely
public function onRelationManageDelete()
* Multiple (has many, belongs to many)
if ($this->viewMode == 'multi') {
if (($checkedIds = post('checked')) && is_array($checkedIds)) {
$relatedModel = $this->relationObject->getRelated();
foreach ($checkedIds as $relationId) {
if (!$obj = $relatedModel->find($relationId)) {
* Single (belongs to, has one)
elseif ($this->viewMode == 'single') {
$relatedModel = $this->viewModel;
if ($relatedModel->exists) {
$this->viewModel = $this->relationModel;
return $this->relationRefresh();
* Add an existing related model to the primary model
public function onRelationManageAdd()
$recordId = post('record_id');
$sessionKey = $this->deferredBinding ? $this->relationGetSessionKey() : null;
* Add
if ($this->viewMode == 'multi') {
$checkedIds = $recordId ? [$recordId] : post('checked');
if (is_array($checkedIds)) {
* Remove existing relations from the array
$existingIds = $this->findExistingRelationIds($checkedIds);
$checkedIds = array_diff($checkedIds, $existingIds);
$foreignKeyName = $this->relationModel->getKeyName();
$models = $this->relationModel->whereIn($foreignKeyName, $checkedIds)->get();
foreach ($models as $model) {
$this->relationObject->add($model, $sessionKey);
* Link
elseif ($this->viewMode == 'single') {
if ($recordId && ($model = $this->relationModel->find($recordId))) {
$this->relationObject->add($model, $sessionKey);
* Belongs to relations won't save when using add() so
* it should occur if the conditions are right.
if (!$this->deferredBinding && $this->relationType == 'belongsTo') {
$parentModel = $this->relationObject->getParent();
if ($parentModel->exists) {
return $this->relationRefresh();
* Remove an existing related model from the primary model
public function onRelationManageRemove()
$recordId = post('record_id');
* Remove
if ($this->viewMode == 'multi') {
$checkedIds = $recordId ? [$recordId] : post('checked');
if (is_array($checkedIds)) {
if ($this->relationType == 'belongsToMany') {
elseif ($this->relationType == 'hasMany') {
$relatedModel = $this->relationObject->getRelated();
foreach ($checkedIds as $relationId) {
if ($obj = $relatedModel->find($relationId)) {
* Unlink
elseif ($this->viewMode == 'single') {
if ($this->relationType == 'belongsTo') {
elseif ($this->relationType == 'hasOne') {
if ($obj = $this->relationModel->find($recordId)) {
elseif ($this->viewModel->exists) {
return $this->relationRefresh();
* Add multiple items using a single pivot form.
public function onRelationManageAddPivot()
return $this->onRelationManagePivotForm();
public function onRelationManagePivotForm()
$this->vars['foreignId'] = $this->foreignId ?: post('checked');
return $this->relationMakePartial('pivot_form');
public function onRelationManagePivotCreate()
* If the pivot model fails for some reason, abort the sync
Db::transaction(function () {
* Add the checked IDs to the pivot table
$foreignIds = (array) $this->foreignId;
$this->relationObject->sync($foreignIds, false);
* Save data to models
$foreignKeyName = $this->relationModel->getQualifiedKeyName();
$hyrdatedModels = $this->relationObject->whereIn($foreignKeyName, $foreignIds)->get();
$saveData = $this->pivotWidget->getSaveData();
foreach ($hyrdatedModels as $hydratedModel) {
$modelsToSave = $this->prepareModelsToSave($hydratedModel, $saveData);
foreach ($modelsToSave as $modelToSave) {
return ['#'.$this->relationGetId('view') => $this->relationRenderView()];
public function onRelationManagePivotUpdate()
$foreignKeyName = $this->relationModel->getQualifiedKeyName();
$hydratedModel = $this->relationObject->where($foreignKeyName, $this->manageId)->first();
$saveData = $this->pivotWidget->getSaveData();
$modelsToSave = $this->prepareModelsToSave($hydratedModel, $saveData);
foreach ($modelsToSave as $modelToSave) {
return ['#'.$this->relationGetId('view') => $this->relationRenderView()];
// Overrides
* !!!!
* !!!! WARNING: DO NOT USE - This method is scheduled to be removed
* !!!!
* Controller override: Extend the query used for populating the list
* after the default query is processed.
* @param October\Rain\Database\Builder $query
* @param string $field
public function relationExtendQuery($query, $field)
* Provides an opportunity to manipulate the view widget.
* @param Backend\Classes\WidgetBase $widget
* @param string $field
public function relationExtendViewWidget($widget, $field)
* Provides an opportunity to manipulate the manage widget.
* @param Backend\Classes\WidgetBase $widget
* @param string $field
public function relationExtendManageWidget($widget, $field)
* Provides an opportunity to manipulate the pivot widget.
* @param Backend\Classes\WidgetBase $widget
* @param string $field
public function relationExtendPivotWidget($widget, $field)
* The view widget is often refreshed when the manage widget makes a change,
* you can use this method to inject additional containers when this process
* occurs. Return an array with the extra values to send to the browser, eg:
* return ['#myCounter' => 'Total records: 6'];
* @param string $field
* @return array
public function relationExtendRefreshResults($field)
// Helpers
* Returns the existing record IDs for the relation.
protected function findExistingRelationIds($checkIds = null)
$foreignKeyName = $this->relationModel->getQualifiedKeyName();
$results = $this->relationObject
if ($checkIds !== null && is_array($checkIds) && count($checkIds)) {
$results = $results->whereIn($foreignKeyName, $checkIds);
return $results->lists($foreignKeyName);
* Determine the default buttons based on the model relationship type.
* @return string
protected function evalToolbarButtons()
if ($buttons = $this->getConfig('view[toolbarButtons]')) {
return is_array($buttons)
? $buttons
: array_map('trim', explode('|', $buttons));
switch ($this->relationType) {
case 'hasMany':
case 'belongsToMany':
return ['create', 'add', 'delete', 'remove'];
case 'hasOne':
case 'belongsTo':
return ['create', 'update', 'link', 'delete', 'unlink'];
* Determine the view mode based on the model relationship type.
* @return string
protected function evalViewMode()
if ($this->forceViewMode) {
return $this->forceViewMode;
switch ($this->relationType) {
case 'hasMany':
case 'belongsToMany':
return 'multi';
case 'hasOne':
case 'belongsTo':
return 'single';
* Determine the management mode based on the relation type and settings.
* @return string
protected function evalManageMode()
if ($mode = post(self::PARAM_MODE)) {
return $mode;
if ($this->forceManageMode) {
return $this->forceManageMode;
switch ($this->eventTarget) {
case 'button-create':
case 'button-update':
return 'form';
case 'button-link':
return 'list';
switch ($this->relationType) {
case 'belongsTo':
return 'list';
case 'belongsToMany':
if (isset($this->config->pivot)) return 'pivot';
elseif ($this->eventTarget == 'list') return 'form';
else return 'list';
case 'hasOne':
case 'hasMany':
if ($this->eventTarget == 'button-add') return 'list';
else return 'form';
* Determine supplied form context.
protected function evalFormContext($mode = 'manage', $exists = false)
$config = isset($this->config->{$mode}) ? $this->config->{$mode} : [];
if ($context = array_get($config, 'context')) {
if (is_array($context)) {
$context = $exists
? array_get($context, 'update')
: array_get($context, 'create');
if (!$context) {
$context = $exists ? 'update' : 'create';
return $context;
* Returns the configuration for a mode (view, manage, pivot) for an
* expected type (list, form). Uses fallback configuration.
protected function makeConfigForMode($mode = 'view', $type = 'list', $throwException = true)
$config = null;
* Look for $this->config->view['list']
if (
isset($this->config->{$mode}) &&
array_key_exists($type, $this->config->{$mode})
) {
$config = $this->config->{$mode}[$type];
* Look for $this->config->list
elseif (isset($this->config->{$type})) {
$config = $this->config->{$type};
* Apply substitutes:
* - view.list => manage.list
if (!$config) {
if ($mode == 'manage' && $type == 'list') {
return $this->makeConfigForMode('view', $type);
if ($throwException) {
throw new ApplicationException('Missing configuration for '.$mode.'.'.$type.' in RelationController definition '.$this->field);
else {
return false;
return $this->makeConfig($config);