
170 lines
8.1 KiB

return [
'cms_object' => [
'invalid_file' => 'Invalid file name: :name. File names can contain only alphanumeric symbols, underscores, dashes and dots. Some examples of correct file names: page.htm, page, subdirectory/page',
'invalid_property' => 'The property ":name" cannot be set',
'file_already_exists' => 'File ":name" already exists.',
'error_saving' => 'Error saving file ":name". Please check write permissions.',
'error_creating_directory' => 'Error creating directory :name. Please check write permissions.',
'invalid_file_extension'=>'Invalid file extension: :invalid. Allowed extensions are: :allowed.',
'error_deleting' => 'Error deleting the template file ":name". Please check write permissions.',
'delete_success' => 'Templates were successfully deleted: :count.',
'file_name_required' => 'The File Name field is required.'
'theme' => [
'active' => [
'not_set' => "The active theme is not set.",
'not_found' => "The active theme is not found.",
'edit' => [
'not_set' => "The edit theme is not set.",
'not_found' => "The edit theme is not found.",
'not_match' => "The object you're trying to access doesn't belong to the theme being edited. Please reload the page."
'settings_menu' => 'Front-end theme',
'settings_menu_description' => 'Preview the list of installed themes and select an active theme.',
'find_more_themes' => 'Find more themes on OctoberCMS Theme Marketplace.',
'activate_button' => 'Activate',
'active_button' => 'Activate',
'page' => [
'not_found' => [
'label' => "Page not found",
'help' => "The requested page cannot be found.",
'custom_error' => [
'label' => "Page error",
'help' => "We're sorry, but something went wrong and the page cannot be displayed.",
'menu_label' => 'Pages',
'no_list_records' => 'No pages found',
'new' => 'New page',
'invalid_url' => 'Invalid URL format. The URL should start with the forward slash symbol and can contain digits, Latin letters and the following symbols: _-[]:?|/+*',
'delete_confirm_multiple' => 'Do you really want to delete selected pages?',
'delete_confirm_single' => 'Do you really want delete this page?',
'no_layout' => '-- no layout --'
'layout' => [
'not_found' => "The layout ':name' is not found",
'menu_label' => 'Layouts',
'no_list_records' => 'No layouts found',
'new' => 'New layout',
'delete_confirm_multiple' => 'Do you really want to delete selected layouts?',
'delete_confirm_single' => 'Do you really want delete this layout?'
'partial' => [
'invalid_name' => "Invalid partial name: :name.",
'not_found' => "The partial ':name' is not found.",
'menu_label' => 'Partials',
'no_list_records' => 'No partials found',
'delete_confirm_multiple' => 'Do you really want to delete selected partials?',
'delete_confirm_single' => 'Do you really want delete this partial?',
'new' => 'New partial'
'content' => [
'not_found' => "The content file ':name' is not found.",
'menu_label' => 'Content',
'no_list_records' => 'No content files found',
'delete_confirm_multiple' => 'Do you really want to delete selected content files or directories?',
'delete_confirm_single' => 'Do you really want delete this content file?',
'new' => 'New content file'
'ajax_handler' => [
'invalid_name' => "Invalid AJAX handler name: :name.",
'not_found' => "AJAX handler ':name' was not found.",
'combiner' => [
'not_found' => "The combiner file ':name' is not found.",
'cms' => [
'menu_label' => "CMS"
'sidebar' => [
'add' => 'Add',
'search' => 'Search...'
'editor' => [
'settings' => 'Settings',
'title' => 'Title',
'new_title' => 'New page title',
'url' => 'URL',
'filename' => 'File Name',
'layout' => 'Layout',
'description' => 'Description',
'preview' => 'Preview',
'meta' => 'Meta',
'meta_title' => 'Meta Title',
'meta_description' => 'Meta Description',
'markup' => 'Markup',
'code' => 'Code',
'content' => 'Content',
'hidden' => 'Hidden',
'hidden_comment' => 'Hidden pages are accessible only by logged-in back-end users.',
'enter_fullscreen' => 'Enter fullscreen mode',
'exit_fullscreen' => 'Exit fullscreen mode'
'asset' => [
'menu_label' => "Assets",
'drop_down_add_title' => 'Add...',
'drop_down_operation_title' => 'Action...',
'upload_files' => 'Upload file(s)',
'create_file' => 'Create file',
'create_directory' => 'Create directory',
'rename' => 'Rename',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'move' => 'Move',
'new' => 'New file',
'rename_popup_title' => 'Rename',
'rename_new_name' => 'New name',
'invalid_path' => 'Path can contain only digits, Latin letters, spaces and the following symbols: ._-/',
'error_deleting_file' => 'Error deleting file :name.',
'error_deleting_dir_not_empty' => 'Error deleting directory :name. The directory is not empty.',
'error_deleting_dir' => 'Error deleting file :name.',
'invalid_name' => 'Name can contain only digits, Latin letters, spaces and the following symbols: ._-',
'original_not_found' => 'Original file or directory not found',
'already_exists' => 'File or directory with this name already exists',
'error_renaming' => 'Error renaming the file or directory',
'name_cant_be_empty' => 'The name cannot be empty',
'too_large' => 'The uploaded file is too large. The maximum allowed file size is :max_size',
'type_not_allowed' => 'Only the following file types are allowed: :allowed_types',
'file_not_valid' => 'File is not valid',
'error_uploading_file' => 'Error uploading file ":name": :error',
'move_please_select' => 'please select',
'move_destination' => 'Destination directory',
'move_popup_title' => 'Move assets',
'move_button' => 'Move',
'selected_files_not_found' => 'Selected files not found',
'select_destination_dir' => 'Please select a destination directory',
'destination_not_found' => 'Destination directory is not found',
'error_moving_file' => 'Error moving file :file',
'error_moving_directory' => 'Error moving directory :dir',
'error_deleting_directory' => 'Error deleting the original directory :dir',
'path' => 'Path'
'component' => [
'menu_label' => "Components",
'unnamed' => "Unnamed",
'no_description' => "No description provided",
'alias' => "Alias",
'alias_description' => "A unique name given to this component when using it in the page or layout code.",
'validation_message' => "Component aliases are required and can contain only Latin symbols, digits, and underscores. The aliases should start with a Latin symbol.",
'invalid_request' => "The template cannot be saved because of invalid component data.",
'no_records' => 'No components found',
'not_found' => "The component ':name' is not found.",
'method_not_found' => "The component ':name' does not contain a method ':method'.",
'template' => [
'invalid_type' => "Unknown template type.",
'not_found' => "The requested template was not found.",
'saved'=> "The template has been successfully saved."
'permissions' => [
'manage_content' => 'Manage content',
'manage_assets' => 'Manage assets',
'manage_pages' => 'Manage pages',
'manage_layouts' => 'Manage layouts',
'manage_partials' => 'Manage partials',
'manage_themes' => 'Manage themes'