Samuel Georges 1a365b10b7 Decouple extracting core and set build number
There is an unfortunate workflow issue when updating from Build 419 -> Build 420 via the back-end, which seems unavoidable. The first update will fail because there is some logic that occurs after the core zip is extracted, this results in a half 5.1 / half 5.5 version of the app running and it chokes. Refreshing the page and performing the update again fixes it.
2017-07-29 16:10:37 +10:00

960 lines
25 KiB

<?php namespace System\Classes;
use Db;
use App;
use Url;
use File;
use Lang;
use Http;
use Cache;
use Schema;
use Config;
use ApplicationException;
use Cms\Classes\ThemeManager;
use System\Models\Parameter;
use System\Models\PluginVersion;
use System\Helpers\Cache as CacheHelper;
use October\Rain\Filesystem\Zip;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Exception;
* Update manager
* Handles the CMS install and update process.
* @package october\system
* @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges
class UpdateManager
use \October\Rain\Support\Traits\Singleton;
* @var array The notes for the current operation.
protected $notes = [];
* @var \Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle
protected $notesOutput;
* @var string Application base path.
protected $baseDirectory;
* @var string A temporary working directory.
protected $tempDirectory;
* @var System\Classes\PluginManager
protected $pluginManager;
* @var Cms\Classes\ThemeManager
protected $themeManager;
* @var System\Classes\VersionManager
protected $versionManager;
* @var string Secure API Key
protected $key;
* @var string Secure API Secret
protected $secret;
* @var boolean If set to true, core updates will not be downloaded or extracted.
protected $disableCoreUpdates = false;
* @var array Cache of gateway products
protected $productCache;
* @var Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator
protected $migrator;
* @var Illuminate\Database\Migrations\DatabaseMigrationRepository
protected $repository;
* Initialize this singleton.
protected function init()
$this->pluginManager = PluginManager::instance();
$this->themeManager = class_exists(ThemeManager::class) ? ThemeManager::instance() : null;
$this->versionManager = VersionManager::instance();
$this->tempDirectory = temp_path();
$this->baseDirectory = base_path();
$this->disableCoreUpdates = Config::get('cms.disableCoreUpdates', false);
* Ensure temp directory exists
if (!File::isDirectory($this->tempDirectory)) {
File::makeDirectory($this->tempDirectory, 0777, true);
* These objects are "soft singletons" and may be lost when
* the IoC container reboots. This provides a way to rebuild
* for the purposes of unit testing.
public function bindContainerObjects()
$this->migrator = App::make('migrator');
$this->repository = App::make('migration.repository');
* Creates the migration table and updates
* @return self
public function update()
$firstUp = !Schema::hasTable($this->getMigrationTableName());
if ($firstUp) {
$this->note('Migration table created');
* Update modules
$modules = Config::get('cms.loadModules', []);
foreach ($modules as $module) {
* Update plugins
$plugins = $this->pluginManager->sortByDependencies();
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
Parameter::set('system::update.count', 0);
* Seed modules
if ($firstUp) {
$modules = Config::get('cms.loadModules', []);
foreach ($modules as $module) {
return $this;
* Checks for new updates and returns the amount of unapplied updates.
* Only requests from the server at a set interval (retry timer).
* @param boolean $force Ignore the retry timer.
* @return int Number of unapplied updates.
public function check($force = false)
* Already know about updates, never retry.
$oldCount = Parameter::get('system::update.count');
if ($oldCount > 0) {
return $oldCount;
* Retry period not passed, skipping.
if (!$force && ($retryTimestamp = Parameter::get('system::update.retry'))) {
if (Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($retryTimestamp)->isFuture()) {
return $oldCount;
try {
$result = $this->requestUpdateList();
$newCount = array_get($result, 'update', 0);
catch (Exception $ex) {
$newCount = 0;
* Remember update count, set retry date
Parameter::set('system::update.count', $newCount);
Parameter::set('system::update.retry', Carbon::now()->addHours(24)->timestamp);
return $newCount;
* Requests an update list used for checking for new updates.
* @param boolean $force Request application and plugins hash list regardless of version.
* @return array
public function requestUpdateList($force = false)
$installed = PluginVersion::all();
$versions = $installed->lists('version', 'code');
$names = $installed->lists('name', 'code');
$icons = $installed->lists('icon', 'code');
$frozen = $installed->lists('is_frozen', 'code');
$updatable = $installed->lists('is_updatable', 'code');
$build = Parameter::get('');
$params = [
'core' => $this->getHash(),
'plugins' => serialize($versions),
'build' => $build,
'force' => $force
$result = $this->requestServerData('core/update', $params);
$updateCount = (int) array_get($result, 'update', 0);
* Inject known core build
if ($core = array_get($result, 'core')) {
$core['old_build'] = Parameter::get('');
$result['core'] = $core;
* Inject the application's known plugin name and version
$plugins = [];
foreach (array_get($result, 'plugins', []) as $code => $info) {
$info['name'] = isset($names[$code]) ? $names[$code] : $code;
$info['old_version'] = isset($versions[$code]) ? $versions[$code] : false;
$info['icon'] = isset($icons[$code]) ? $icons[$code] : false;
* If a plugin has updates frozen, or cannot be updated,
* do not add to the list and discount an update unit.
if (
(isset($frozen[$code]) && $frozen[$code]) ||
(isset($updatable[$code]) && !$updatable[$code])
) {
$updateCount = max(0, --$updateCount);
else {
$plugins[$code] = $info;
$result['plugins'] = $plugins;
* Strip out themes that have been installed before
if ($this->themeManager) {
$themes = [];
foreach (array_get($result, 'themes', []) as $code => $info) {
if (!$this->themeManager->isInstalled($code)) {
$themes[$code] = $info;
$result['themes'] = $themes;
* If there is a core update and core updates are disabled,
* remove the entry and discount an update unit.
if (array_get($result, 'core') && $this->disableCoreUpdates) {
$updateCount = max(0, --$updateCount);
* Recalculate the update counter
$updateCount += count($themes);
$result['hasUpdates'] = $updateCount > 0;
$result['update'] = $updateCount;
Parameter::set('system::update.count', $updateCount);
return $result;
* Requests details about a project based on its identifier.
* @param string $projectId
* @return array
public function requestProjectDetails($projectId)
return $this->requestServerData('project/detail', ['id' => $projectId]);
* Roll back all modules and plugins.
* @return self
public function uninstall()
* Rollback plugins
$plugins = $this->pluginManager->getPlugins();
foreach ($plugins as $name => $plugin) {
* Register module migration files
$paths = [];
$modules = Config::get('cms.loadModules', []);
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$paths[] = $path = base_path() . '/modules/'.strtolower($module).'/database/migrations';
* Rollback modules
while (true) {
$rolledBack = $this->migrator->rollback($paths, ['pretend' => false]);
foreach ($this->migrator->getNotes() as $note) {
if (count($rolledBack) == 0) {
return $this;
* Asks the gateway for the lastest build number and stores it.
* @return void
public function setBuildNumberManually()
$result = $this->requestServerData('ping');
$build = (int) array_get($result, 'pong', 420);
return $build;
// Modules
* Returns the currently installed system hash.
* @return string
public function getHash()
return Parameter::get('system::core.hash', md5('NULL'));
* Run migrations on a single module
* @param string $module Module name
* @return self
public function migrateModule($module)
$this->migrator->run(base_path() . '/modules/'.strtolower($module).'/database/migrations');
foreach ($this->migrator->getNotes() as $note) {
$this->note(' - '.$note);
return $this;
* Run seeds on a module
* @param string $module Module name
* @return self
public function seedModule($module)
$className = '\\'.$module.'\Database\Seeds\DatabaseSeeder';
if (!class_exists($className)) {
$seeder = App::make($className);
$this->note(sprintf('<info>Seeded %s</info> ', $module));
return $this;
* Downloads the core from the update server.
* @param string $hash Expected file hash.
* @return void
public function downloadCore($hash)
$this->requestServerFile('core/get', 'core', $hash, ['type' => 'update']);
* Extracts the core after it has been downloaded.
* @param string $hash
* @param string $build
* @return void
public function extractCore($hash, $build)
$filePath = $this->getFilePath('core');
if (!Zip::extract($filePath, $this->baseDirectory)) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('', ['file' => $filePath]));
* Sets the build number and hash
* @param string $hash
* @param string $build
* @return void
public function setBuild($build, $hash = null)
$params = [
'' => $build
if ($hash) {
$params['system::core.hash'] = $hash;
// Plugins
* Looks up a plugin from the update server.
* @param string $name Plugin name.
* @return array Details about the plugin.
public function requestPluginDetails($name)
return $this->requestServerData('plugin/detail', ['name' => $name]);
* Looks up content for a plugin from the update server.
* @param string $name Plugin name.
* @return array Content for the plugin.
public function requestPluginContent($name)
return $this->requestServerData('plugin/content', ['name' => $name]);
* Runs update on a single plugin
* @param string $name Plugin name.
* @return self
public function updatePlugin($name)
* Update the plugin database and version
if (!($plugin = $this->pluginManager->findByIdentifier($name))) {
$this->note('<error>Unable to find:</error> ' . $name);
if ($this->versionManager->updatePlugin($plugin) !== false) {
foreach ($this->versionManager->getNotes() as $note) {
return $this;
* Removes an existing plugin
* @param string $name Plugin name.
* @return self
public function rollbackPlugin($name)
* Remove the plugin database and version
if (!($plugin = $this->pluginManager->findByIdentifier($name))) {
if ($this->versionManager->purgePlugin($name)) {
$this->note('<info>Purged from database:</info> ' . $name);
return $this;
if ($this->versionManager->removePlugin($plugin)) {
$this->note('<info>Rolled back:</info> ' . $name);
return $this;
$this->note('<error>Unable to find:</error> ' . $name);
return $this;
* Downloads a plugin from the update server.
* @param string $name Plugin name.
* @param string $hash Expected file hash.
* @return self
public function downloadPlugin($name, $hash)
$fileCode = $name . $hash;
$this->requestServerFile('plugin/get', $fileCode, $hash, ['name' => $name]);
* Extracts a plugin after it has been downloaded.
public function extractPlugin($name, $hash)
$fileCode = $name . $hash;
$filePath = $this->getFilePath($fileCode);
if (!Zip::extract($filePath, $this->baseDirectory . '/plugins/')) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('', ['file' => $filePath]));
// Themes
* Looks up a theme from the update server.
* @param string $name Theme name.
* @return array Details about the theme.
public function requestThemeDetails($name)
return $this->requestServerData('theme/detail', ['name' => $name]);
* Downloads a theme from the update server.
* @param string $name Theme name.
* @param string $hash Expected file hash.
* @return self
public function downloadTheme($name, $hash)
$fileCode = $name . $hash;
$this->requestServerFile('theme/get', $fileCode, $hash, ['name' => $name]);
* Extracts a theme after it has been downloaded.
public function extractTheme($name, $hash)
$fileCode = $name . $hash;
$filePath = $this->getFilePath($fileCode);
if (!Zip::extract($filePath, $this->baseDirectory . '/themes/')) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('', ['file' => $filePath]));
if ($this->themeManager) {
// Products
public function requestProductDetails($codes, $type = null)
if ($type != 'plugin' && $type != 'theme') {
$type = 'plugin';
$codes = (array) $codes;
* New products requested
$newCodes = array_diff($codes, array_keys($this->productCache[$type]));
if (count($newCodes)) {
$dataCodes = [];
$data = $this->requestServerData($type.'/details', ['names' => $newCodes]);
foreach ($data as $product) {
$code = array_get($product, 'code', -1);
$this->cacheProductDetail($type, $code, $product);
$dataCodes[] = $code;
* Cache unknown products
$unknownCodes = array_diff($newCodes, $dataCodes);
foreach ($unknownCodes as $code) {
$this->cacheProductDetail($type, $code, -1);
* Build details from cache
$result = [];
$requestedDetails = array_intersect_key($this->productCache[$type], array_flip($codes));
foreach ($requestedDetails as $detail) {
if ($detail === -1) continue;
$result[] = $detail;
return $result;
* Returns popular themes found on the marketplace.
public function requestPopularProducts($type = null)
if ($type != 'plugin' && $type != 'theme') {
$type = 'plugin';
$cacheKey = 'system-updates-popular-'.$type;
if (Cache::has($cacheKey)) {
return @unserialize(@base64_decode(Cache::get($cacheKey))) ?: [];
$data = $this->requestServerData($type.'/popular');
Cache::put($cacheKey, base64_encode(serialize($data)), 60);
foreach ($data as $product) {
$code = array_get($product, 'code', -1);
$this->cacheProductDetail($type, $code, $product);
return $data;
protected function loadProductDetailCache()
$defaultCache = ['theme' => [], 'plugin' => []];
$cacheKey = 'system-updates-product-details';
if (Cache::has($cacheKey)) {
$this->productCache = @unserialize(@base64_decode(Cache::get($cacheKey))) ?: $defaultCache;
else {
$this->productCache = $defaultCache;
protected function saveProductDetailCache()
if ($this->productCache === null) {
$cacheKey = 'system-updates-product-details';
$expiresAt = Carbon::now()->addDays(2);
Cache::put($cacheKey, base64_encode(serialize($this->productCache)), $expiresAt);
protected function cacheProductDetail($type, $code, $data)
if ($this->productCache === null) {
$this->productCache[$type][$code] = $data;
// Notes
* Raise a note event for the migrator.
* @param string $message
* @return self
protected function note($message)
if ($this->notesOutput !== null) {
else {
$this->notes[] = $message;
return $this;
* Get the notes for the last operation.
* @return array
public function getNotes()
return $this->notes;
* Resets the notes store.
* @return self
public function resetNotes()
$this->notesOutput = null;
$this->notes = [];
return $this;
* Sets an output stream for writing notes.
* @param Illuminate\Console\Command $output
* @return self
public function setNotesOutput($output)
$this->notesOutput = $output;
return $this;
// Gateway access
* Contacts the update server for a response.
* @param string $uri Gateway API URI
* @param array $postData Extra post data
* @return array
public function requestServerData($uri, $postData = [])
$result = Http::post($this->createServerUrl($uri), function ($http) use ($postData) {
$this->applyHttpAttributes($http, $postData);
if ($result->code == 404) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_not_found'));
if ($result->code != 200) {
throw new ApplicationException(
? $result->body
: Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_empty')
$resultData = false;
try {
$resultData = @json_decode($result->body, true);
catch (Exception $ex) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_invalid'));
if ($resultData === false || (is_string($resultData) && !strlen($resultData))) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.response_invalid'));
return $resultData;
* Downloads a file from the update server.
* @param string $uri Gateway API URI
* @param string $fileCode A unique code for saving the file.
* @param string $expectedHash The expected file hash of the file.
* @param array $postData Extra post data
* @return void
public function requestServerFile($uri, $fileCode, $expectedHash, $postData = [])
$filePath = $this->getFilePath($fileCode);
$result = Http::post($this->createServerUrl($uri), function ($http) use ($postData, $filePath) {
$this->applyHttpAttributes($http, $postData);
if ($result->code != 200) {
throw new ApplicationException(File::get($filePath));
if (md5_file($filePath) != $expectedHash) {
throw new ApplicationException(Lang::get('system::lang.server.file_corrupt'));
* Calculates a file path for a file code
* @param string $fileCode A unique file code
* @return string Full path on the disk
protected function getFilePath($fileCode)
$name = md5($fileCode) . '.arc';
return $this->tempDirectory . '/' . $name;
* Set the API security for all transmissions.
* @param string $key API Key
* @param string $secret API Secret
public function setSecurity($key, $secret)
$this->key = $key;
$this->secret = $secret;
* Create a complete gateway server URL from supplied URI
* @param string $uri URI
* @return string URL
protected function createServerUrl($uri)
$gateway = Config::get('cms.updateServer', '');
if (substr($gateway, -1) != '/') {
$gateway .= '/';
return $gateway . $uri;
* Modifies the Network HTTP object with common attributes.
* @param Http $http Network object
* @param array $postData Post data
* @return void
protected function applyHttpAttributes($http, $postData)
$postData['server'] = base64_encode(serialize(['php' => PHP_VERSION, 'url' => Url::to('/')]));
if ($projectId = Parameter::get('')) {
$postData['project'] = $projectId;
if (Config::get('cms.edgeUpdates', false)) {
$postData['edge'] = 1;
if ($this->key && $this->secret) {
$postData['nonce'] = $this->createNonce();
$http->header('Rest-Key', $this->key);
$http->header('Rest-Sign', $this->createSignature($postData, $this->secret));
if ($credentials = Config::get('cms.updateAuth')) {
* Create a nonce based on millisecond time
* @return int
protected function createNonce()
$mt = explode(' ', microtime());
return $mt[1] . substr($mt[0], 2, 6);
* Create a unique signature for transmission.
* @return string
protected function createSignature($data, $secret)
return base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha512', http_build_query($data, '', '&'), base64_decode($secret), true));
// Internals
protected function getMigrationTableName()
return Config::get('database.migrations', 'migrations');