
1023 lines
39 KiB

* Inspector control
* Manages properties of inspectable controls.
* Data attributes:
* - data-inspectable - makes a control inspectable.
* - data-inspector-title - title for the inspector popup
* - data-inspector-description - optional description for the inspector popup
* - data-inspector-class - class name of the inspectable object. Required for drop-down
* fields with dynamic options.
* - data-inspector-container - specifies a CSS selector for the inspector container. The default container
* is the document body. The container element should be relative positioned. The 'self' container value
* allows to inject the inspector to the inspectable element.
* - data-inspector-offset - offset in pixels to add to the calculated position, to make the position more "random"
* - data-inspector-placement - top | bottom | left | right. The placement could automatically be changed
if the popover doesn't fit into the desired position.
* - data-inspector-fallback-placement - The placement to use if the default placement
* and all other possible placements do not work. The default value is "bottom".
* - data-inspector-config - Configuration of the inspector fields as an array in the JSON format.
* Each element in the array is an object with the following properties:
* - property
* - title
* - group (optional)
* - type (currently supported types are: string, checkbox, dropdown)
* - description (optional)
* - validationPattern (regex pattern for for validating the value, supported by the text editor)
* - validationMessage (a message to display if the validation fails)
* - placeholder - placholder text, for text and dropdown properties
* - depends - a list of properties the property depend on, for dropdown lists
* - options - an option list for dropdown lists, optional. If not provided the options are loaded with AJAX.
* - showExternalParameter - specifies the visibility of the external parameter feature for the property. Default: true.
* Example of the configuration string (a single property):
* [{"property":"max-width","title":"Max width","type":"string"}]
* The Inspector requires the inspectable element to contain a hidden input element with the attribute "data-inspector-values".
* The inspector uses this field to read and write field values. The field value is a JSON string, an object with keys matching property
* names and values matching property values.
* Any HTML element that wraps the inspectable element can have the data-inspector-external-parameters property that enables the external
* parameters support. External parameters saved with the special syntax {{ paramName }}. The external parameter feature can be toggled
* on per-property basis with the showExternalParameter option, visible by default.
* Events
* - change - the event is triggered on the inspectable element when it's properties are updated.
* - showing.oc.inspector - triggered before the Inspector is displayed. Allows to cancel the action with e.preventDefault()
* - hiding.oc.inspector - triggered before the Inspector is hidden. Allows to cancel the action with e.preventDefault()
* - hidden.oc.inspector - triggered after the Inspector is hidden.
* Dependences:
* - october.popover.js
+function ($) { "use strict";
if ($.oc === undefined)
$.oc = {}
$.oc.inspector = {
editors: {},
propertyCounter: 0
// ============================
var Inspector = function(element, options) {
this.options = options
this.$el = $(element)
Inspector.prototype.loadConfiguration = function() {
var jsonString = this.$'inspector-config')
if (jsonString === undefined)
throw new Error('The Inspector cannot be initialized because the Inspector configuration ' +
'attribute is not defined on the inspectable element.');
if (!$.isArray(jsonString)) {
try {
this.config = $.parseJSON(jsonString)
} catch(err) {
throw new Error('Error parsing the Inspector field configuration. ' + err)
} else
this.config = jsonString
this.propertyValuesField = $('input[data-inspector-values]', this.$el)
if (this.propertyValuesField.length === 0)
throw new Error('Error initializing the Inspector: the inspectable element should contain ' +
'an hidden input element with the data-inspector-values property.')
Inspector.prototype.getPopoverTemplate = function() {
return ' \
<div class="popover-head"> \
<h3>{{title}}</h3> \
{{#description}} \
<p>{{description}}</p> \
{{/description}} \
<button type="button" class="close" \
data-dismiss="popover" \
aria-hidden="true">&times;</button> \
</div> \
<form autocomplete="off"> \
<table class="inspector-fields {{#tableClass}}{{/tableClass}}"> \
{{#properties}} \
<tr id="{{#propFormat}}{{property}}{{/propFormat}}" data-property="{{property}}" \
{{#dataGroupIndex}}{{/dataGroupIndex}} \
class="{{#cellClass}}{{/cellClass}}"> \
<th {{#colspan}}{{/colspan}}><div><div><span class="title-element" title="{{title}}"> \
{{#expandControl}}{{/expandControl}} \
{{title}}</span> \
{{#info}}{{/info}} \
</div></div></th> \
{{#editor}}{{/editor}} \
</tr> \
{{/properties}} \
</table> \
<form> \
Inspector.prototype.init = function() {
var self = this,
fieldsConfig = this.preprocessConfig(),
data = {
title: this.$'inspector-title'),
description: this.$'inspector-description'),
editor: function() {
return function(text, render) {
if (this.itemType == 'property')
return self.renderEditor(this, render)
info: function() {
return function(text, render) {
if (this.description !== undefined && this.description != null)
return render('<span data-toggle="tooltip" title="{{description}}" class="info oc-icon-info"></span>', this)
propFormat: function() {
return function(text, render) {
return 'prop-'+render(text).replace('.', '-')
colspan: function() {
return function(text, render) {
return this.itemType == 'group' ? 'colspan="2"' : null
tableClass: function() {
return function(text, render) {
return fieldsConfig.hasGroups ? 'has-groups' : null
cellClass: function() {
return function(text, render) {
var result = this.itemType + ((this.itemType == 'property' && this.groupIndex !== undefined) ? ' grouped' : '')
if (this.itemType == 'property' && this.groupIndex !== undefined)
result += self.groupExpanded( ? ' expanded' : ' collapsed'
if (this.itemType == 'property' && !this.showExternalParameter)
result += ' no-external-parameter'
return result
expandControl: function() {
return function(text, render) {
if (this.itemType == 'group') {
this.itemStatus = self.groupExpanded(this.title) ? 'expanded' : ''
return render('<a class="expandControl {{itemStatus}}" href="javascript:;" data-group-index="{{groupIndex}}"><span>Expand/collapse</span></a>', this)
dataGroupIndex: function() {
return function(text, render) {
return this.groupIndex !== undefined && this.itemType == 'property' ? render('data-group-index={{groupIndex}}', this) : ''
this.editors = []
this.$'oc.inspectorVisible', true)
var displayPopover = function() {
var offset = self.$'inspector-offset')
if (offset === undefined)
offset = 15
var offsetX = self.$'inspector-offset-x'),
offsetY = self.$'inspector-offset-y')
var placement = self.$'inspector-placement')
if (placement === undefined)
placement = 'bottom'
var fallbackPlacement = self.$'inspector-fallback-placement')
if (fallbackPlacement === undefined)
fallbackPlacement = 'bottom'
content: Mustache.render(self.getPopoverTemplate(), data),
highlightModalTarget: true,
modal: true,
placement: placement,
fallbackPlacement: fallbackPlacement,
containerClass: 'control-inspector',
container: self.$'inspector-container'),
offset: offset,
offsetX: offsetX,
offsetY: offsetY,
width: 400
self.$el.on('hiding.oc.popover', function(e){return self.onBeforeHide(e)})
self.$el.on('hide.oc.popover', function(){self.cleanup()})
$(self.$'oc.popover').$container).on('keydown', function(e){
if(e.keyCode == 13)
if (self.editors.length > 0) {
if (self.editors[0].focus !== undefined)
if (self.$el.closest('[data-inspector-external-parameters]').length > 0)
$.each(self.editors, function(){
if (this.init !== undefined)
$('[data-toggle=tooltip]', self.$'oc.popover').$container).tooltip({placement: 'auto right', container: 'body', delay: 500})
var $container = self.$'oc.popover').$container
$container.on('click', '', function(){
self.toggleGroup($('a.expandControl', this), $container)
return false
var e = $.Event('showing.oc.inspector')
this.$el.trigger(e, [{callback: displayPopover}])
if (e.isDefaultPrevented())
if (!e.isPropagationStopped())
* Initializes the external parameter editors for properties that support this feature.
Inspector.prototype.initExternalParameterEditor = function($container) {
var self = this
$('table.inspector-fields tr', $container).each(function(){
if (!$(this).hasClass('no-external-parameter')) {
var property = $(this).data('property'),
$td = $('td', this),
$editorContainer = $('<div class="external-param-editor-container"></div>'),
$editor = $(
'<div class="external-editor"> \
<div class="controls"> \
<input type="text" tabindex="-1"/> \
<a href="#" tabindex="-1"> \
<i class="oc-icon-terminal"></i> \
</a> \
</div> \
var $editorLink = $('a', $editor)
.click(function() {
return self.toggleExternalParameterEditor($(this))
.attr('title', 'Click to enter the external parameter name to load the property value from')
.tooltip({'container': 'body', delay: 500})
var $input = $editor.find('input'),
propertyValue = self.propertyValues[property]
$input.on('focus', function(){
var $field = $(this)
$('td', $field.closest('table')).removeClass('active')
$input.on('change', function(){
self.markPropertyChanged(property, true)
var matches = []
if (propertyValue) {
if (matches = propertyValue.match(/^\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}$/)) {
var value = $.trim(matches[1])
if (value.length > 0) {
self.showExternalParameterEditor($editorContainer, $editor, $editorLink, $td, true)
self.writeProperty(property, null, true)
Inspector.prototype.showExternalParameterEditor = function($container, $editor, $editorLink, $cell, noAnimation) {
var position = $editor.position()
$('input', $editor).focus()
if (!noAnimation) {
'left': position.left + 'px',
'right': 0
} else {
$editor.css('right', 0)
$editor.css('left', 0)
}, 0)
$editorLink.attr('data-original-title', 'Click to enter the property value')
this.toggleCellEditorVisibility($cell, false)
$editor.find('input').attr('tabindex', 0)
Inspector.prototype.toggleExternalParameterEditor = function($editorLink) {
var $container = $editorLink.closest('.external-param-editor-container'),
$editor = $('.external-editor', $container),
$cell = $editorLink.closest('td'),
self = this
if (!$container.hasClass('editor-visible')) {
self.showExternalParameterEditor($container, $editor, $editorLink, $cell)
} else {
var left = $container.width()
$editor.css('left', left + 'px')
'left': 'auto',
'right': '30px'
var property = $container.closest('tr').data('property'),
propertyEditor = self.findEditor(property)
if (propertyEditor && propertyEditor.onHideExternalParameterEditor !== undefined)
}, 200)
$editorLink.attr('data-original-title', 'Click to enter the external parameter name to load the property value from')
$editor.find('input').attr('tabindex', -1)
self.toggleCellEditorVisibility($cell, true)
return false
Inspector.prototype.toggleCellEditorVisibility = function($cell, show) {
var $container = $('.external-param-editor-container', $cell)
var $el = $(this)
if ($el.hasClass('external-editor'))
if (show)
else {
var height = $'inspector-cell-height')
if (!height) {
height = $cell.height()
$'inspector-cell-height', height)
$container.css('height', height + 'px')
* Creates group nodes in the property set
Inspector.prototype.preprocessConfig = function() {
var fields = [],
result = {
hasGroups: false,
properties: []
groupIndex = 0
function findGroup(title) {
var groups = $.grep(fields, function(item) {
return item.itemType !== undefined && item.itemType == 'group' && item.title == title
if (groups.length > 0)
return groups[0]
return null
$.each(this.config, function() {
this.itemType = 'property'
if ( === undefined)
else {
var group = findGroup(
if (!group) {
group = {
itemType: 'group',
properties: [],
groupIndex: groupIndex
this.groupIndex = group.groupIndex
$.each(fields, function() {
if (this.itemType == 'group') {
result.hasGroups = true
$.each(, function() {
return result
Inspector.prototype.toggleGroup = function(link, $container) {
var $link = $(link),
groupIndex = $'group-index'),
propertyRows = $('tr[data-group-index='+groupIndex+']', $container),
duration = Math.round(100 / propertyRows.length),
collapse = true,
statuses = this.loadGroupExpandedStatuses(),
title = $('span.title-element', $link.closest('tr')).attr('title')
if ($link.hasClass('expanded')) {
statuses[title] = false
} else {
collapse = false
statuses[title] = true
var self = $(this)
self.toggleClass('collapsed', collapse)
self.toggleClass('expanded', !collapse)
}, index*duration)
Inspector.prototype.loadGroupExpandedStatuses = function() {
var statuses = this.$'inspector-group-statuses')
return statuses !== undefined ? JSON.parse(statuses) : {}
Inspector.prototype.writeGroupExpandedStatuses = function(statuses) {
this.$'inspector-group-statuses', JSON.stringify(statuses))
Inspector.prototype.groupExpanded = function(title) {
var statuses = this.loadGroupExpandedStatuses()
if (statuses[title] !== undefined)
return statuses[title]
return false
Inspector.prototype.initProperties = function() {
var propertyValuesStr = $.trim(this.propertyValuesField.val())
try {
this.propertyValues = propertyValuesStr.length === 0 ? {} : $.parseJSON(propertyValuesStr)
this.originalPropertyValues = $.extend(true, {}, this.propertyValues)
} catch(err) {
throw new Error('Error parsing the Inspector property values string. ' + err)
Inspector.prototype.readProperty = function(property) {
if (this.propertyValues[property] !== undefined)
return this.propertyValues[property]
return null
Inspector.prototype.writeProperty = function(property, value, noChangedStatusUpdate) {
this.propertyValues[property] = value
if (this.originalPropertyValues[property] === undefined || this.originalPropertyValues[property] != value) {
if (!noChangedStatusUpdate) {
this.markPropertyChanged(property, true)
} else {
if (!noChangedStatusUpdate)
this.markPropertyChanged(property, false)
if (!noChangedStatusUpdate)
this.$el.trigger('propertyChanged.oc.Inspector', [property])
return value
Inspector.prototype.markPropertyChanged = function(property, changed) {
$('#prop-'+property.replace('.', '-'), this.$'oc.popover').$container).toggleClass('changed', changed)
Inspector.prototype.renderEditor = function(data, render) {
$.oc.inspector.propertyCounter ++
var editorClass = 'inspectorEditor'
+ data.type.charAt(0).toUpperCase()
+ data.type.slice(1),
editorId = 'inspector-property-'+data.type+$.oc.inspector.propertyCounter
if ($.oc.inspector.editors[editorClass] === undefined)
throw new Error('The Inspector editor class "' + editorClass +
'" is not defined in the $.oc.inspector.editors namespace.')
var editor = new $.oc.inspector.editors[editorClass](editorId, this, data)
editor.inspectorCellId = editorId
return editor.renderEditor()
Inspector.prototype.cleanup = function() {
var e = $.Event('hidden.oc.inspector')
this.$'oc.inspectorVisible', false)
Inspector.prototype.onBeforeHide = function(e) {
var $container = this.$'inspector-container'),
externalParamErrorFound = false,
self = this
$.each(this.editors, function() {
if (!self.editorExternalPropertyEnabled(this))
else {
var $cell = $('#'+this.inspectorCellId, $container),
$extPropEditorContainer = $cell.find('.external-param-editor-container'),
$input = $extPropEditorContainer.find('.external-editor input'),
val = $.trim($input.val())
if (val.length == 0) {
alert('Please enter external parameter name for the '+this.fieldDef.title+' property.')
externalParamErrorFound = true
}, 0)
return false
self.writeProperty(, '{{ '+val+' }}')
if (externalParamErrorFound) {
return false
var eH = $.Event('hiding.oc.inspector'),
ispector = this
this.$el.trigger(eH, [{values: this.propertyValues}])
if (eH.isDefaultPrevented()) {
return false
$.each(this.editors, function() {
if (ispector.editorExternalPropertyEnabled(this))
return true
if (this.validate === undefined)
return true
var validationError = this.validate()
if (!validationError)
return true
var self = this
setTimeout(function (){
}, 0)
return false
$('[data-toggle=tooltip]', this.$'oc.popover').$container).tooltip('hide')
Inspector.prototype.editorExternalPropertyEnabled = function(editor) {
var $container = this.$'inspector-container'),
$cell = $('#'+editor.inspectorCellId, $container),
$extPropEditorContainer = $cell.find('.external-param-editor-container')
return $extPropEditorContainer.hasClass('editor-visible')
Inspector.prototype.findEditor = function(property) {
var count = this.editors.length
for (var i=0; i < count; i++) {
if (this.editors[i] == property)
return this.editors[i]
return null
// ==================
* Inspector editor classes should be defined in the $.oc.inspector.editors namespace.
* Editors could be defined in other scripts. The methods editors should
* define are:
* - renderEditor(), the editor cell HTML
* - validate(), optional, validates the value and returns the validation error message
* - applyValue(), applies the editor value
* - focus(), focuses the editor input element, if applicable
* - init(), sets the initial editor value
* - onHideExternalParameterEditor(), optional handler, triggered when a user hides the
* external parameter editor on the Inspector field.
// ==================
var InspectorEditorString = function(editorId, inspector, fieldDef) {
this.inspector = inspector
this.fieldDef = fieldDef
this.editorId = editorId
this.selector = '#'+this.editorId+' input.string-editor'
var self = this
$(document).on('focus', this.selector, function() {
var $field = $(this)
$('td', $field.closest('table')).removeClass('active')
$(document).on('change', this.selector, function() {
InspectorEditorString.prototype.init = function() {
var value = $.trim(this.inspector.readProperty(
InspectorEditorString.prototype.applyValue = function() {
this.inspector.writeProperty(, $.trim($(this.selector).val()))
InspectorEditorString.prototype.renderEditor = function() {
var data = {
id: this.editorId,
placeholder: this.fieldDef.placeholder !== undefined ? this.fieldDef.placeholder : ''
return Mustache.render('<td class="text" id="{{id}}"><input type="text" class="string-editor" placeholder="{{placeholder}}"/></td>', data)
InspectorEditorString.prototype.validate = function() {
if (this.fieldDef.validationPattern === undefined)
var val = $.trim($(this.selector).val()),
re = new RegExp(this.fieldDef.validationPattern, 'm')
if (!val.match(re))
return this.fieldDef.validationMessage
InspectorEditorString.prototype.focus = function() {
$.oc.inspector.editors.inspectorEditorString = InspectorEditorString;
// ==================
var InspectorEditorCheckbox = function(editorId, inspector, fieldDef) {
this.inspector = inspector
this.fieldDef = fieldDef
this.editorId = editorId
this.selector = '#'+this.editorId+' input'
var self = this
$(document).on('change', this.selector, function() {
InspectorEditorCheckbox.prototype.applyValue = function() {
this.inspector.writeProperty(, $(this.selector).get(0).checked ? 1 : 0 )
InspectorEditorCheckbox.prototype.renderEditor = function() {
var data = {
id: this.editorId,
cbId: this.editorId + '-cb',
title: this.fieldDef.title
return Mustache.render(this.getTemplate(), data)
InspectorEditorCheckbox.prototype.init = function() {
var isChecked = this.inspector.readProperty(
if (isChecked == '0' || isChecked == 'false')
isChecked = false
$(this.selector).prop('checked', isChecked)
InspectorEditorCheckbox.prototype.focus = function() {
InspectorEditorCheckbox.prototype.getTemplate = function() {
return ' \
<td id="{{id}}"> \
<div tabindex="0" class="checkbox \
custom-checkbox nolabel"> \
<input type="checkbox" \
value="1" \
id="{{cbId}}"/> \
<label for="{{cbId}}">{{title}}</label> \
</div> \
</td> \
$.oc.inspector.editors.inspectorEditorCheckbox = InspectorEditorCheckbox;
// ==================
var InspectorEditorDropdown = function(editorId, inspector, fieldDef) {
this.inspector = inspector
this.fieldDef = fieldDef
this.editorId = editorId
this.selector = '#'+this.editorId+' select'
this.dynamicOptions = this.fieldDef.options ? false : true
this.initialization = false
var self = this
$(document).on('change', this.selector, function() {
InspectorEditorDropdown.prototype.applyValue = function() {
this.inspector.writeProperty(, $(this.selector).val(), this.initialization)
InspectorEditorDropdown.prototype.renderEditor = function() {
self = this,
data = {
id: this.editorId,
value: $.trim(this.inspector.readProperty(,
selectId: this.editorId + '-select',
defaultOption: function() {
return function(text, render) {
if (self.fieldDef.placeholder == undefined)
return ''
if (!Modernizr.touch)
return '<option></option>'
if (this.fieldDef.options) {
var options = []
if (this.fieldDef.placeholder !== undefined && Modernizr.touch)
options.push({value: null, title: this.fieldDef.placeholder})
$.each(this.fieldDef.options, function(value, title){
options.push({value: value, title: title})
data.options = options
return Mustache.render(this.getTemplate(), data)
InspectorEditorDropdown.prototype.getTemplate = function() {
return ' \
<td id="{{id}}" class="dropdown"> \
<select id="{{selectId}}" class="custom-select"> \
{{#defaultOption}}{{/defaultOption}} \
{{#options}} \
<option value="{{value}}"> \
{{title}} \
</option> \
{{/options}} \
</select> \
</td> \
InspectorEditorDropdown.prototype.init = function() {
var value = this.inspector.readProperty(,
self = this
if (!Modernizr.touch) {
var options = {
dropdownCssClass: 'ocInspectorDropdown'
if (this.fieldDef.placeholder !== undefined)
options.placeholder = this.fieldDef.placeholder
if (this.dynamicOptions) {
if (!Modernizr.touch) {
this.indicatorContainer = $('.select2-container', $(this.selector).closest('td'))
if (this.fieldDef.depends)
this.inspector.$el.on('propertyChanged.oc.Inspector', $.proxy(this.onDependencyChanged, this))
InspectorEditorDropdown.prototype.onDependencyChanged = function(ev, property) {
if ($.inArray(property, this.fieldDef.depends) === -1)
var self = this,
dependencyValues = this.getDependencyValues()
if (this.prevDependencyValues === undefined || this.prevDependencyValues != dependencyValues)
InspectorEditorDropdown.prototype.saveDependencyValues = function() {
this.prevDependencyValues = this.getDependencyValues()
InspectorEditorDropdown.prototype.getDependencyValues = function() {
var dependencyValues = '',
self = this
$.each(this.fieldDef.depends, function(index, masterProperty){
dependencyValues += masterProperty + ':' + self.inspector.readProperty(masterProperty) + '-'
return dependencyValues
InspectorEditorDropdown.prototype.showLoadingIndicator = function() {
if (!Modernizr.touch)
this.indicatorContainer.loadIndicator({'opaque': true})
InspectorEditorDropdown.prototype.hideLoadingIndicator = function() {
if (!Modernizr.touch)
InspectorEditorDropdown.prototype.loadOptions = function(initialization) {
var $form = $(this.selector).closest('form'),
data = this.inspector.propertyValues,
$select = $(this.selector),
currentValue = this.inspector.readProperty(,
self = this
if (this.fieldDef.depends)
data.inspectorProperty =
data.inspectorClassName = this.inspector.options.inspectorClass
$form.request('onInspectableGetOptions', {
data: data,
success: function(data) {
$('option', $select).remove()
if (self.fieldDef.placeholder !== undefined)
if (data.options)
$.each(data.options, function(key, obj) {
$select.append($('<option></option>').attr('value', obj.value).text(obj.title))
var hasOption = $('option[value="' + currentValue + '"]', $select).length > 0
if (hasOption)
$('option:first-child', $select).attr("selected", "selected");
self.initialization = initialization
self.initialization = false
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert(jqXHR.responseText.length ? jqXHR.responseText : jqXHR.statusText)
InspectorEditorDropdown.prototype.onHideExternalParameterEditor = function() {
$.oc.inspector.editors.inspectorEditorDropdown = InspectorEditorDropdown;
// ==================
$(document).on('click', '[data-inspectable]', function(){
var $this = $(this),
inspector = $'oc.inspector')
if ($'oc.inspectorVisible'))
return false
if (inspector === undefined) {
inspector = new Inspector(this, $
$'oc.inspector', inspector)
return false