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<?php namespace Cms\Classes;
use Cache;
use Exception;
use October\Rain\Halcyon\Model;
use October\Rain\Halcyon\Processors\Processor;
use October\Rain\Halcyon\Datasource\Datasource;
use October\Rain\Halcyon\Exception\DeleteFileException;
use October\Rain\Halcyon\Datasource\DatasourceInterface;
* Datasource that loads from other data sources automatically
* @package october\cms
* @author Luke Towers
class AutoDatasource extends Datasource implements DatasourceInterface
* @var array The available datasource instances
protected $datasources = [];
* @var array Local cache of paths available in the datasources
protected $pathCache = [];
* @var boolean Flag on whether the cache should respect refresh requests
protected $allowCacheRefreshes = true;
* @var string The key for the datasource to perform CRUD operations on
public $activeDatasourceKey = '';
* Create a new datasource instance.
* @param array $datasources Array of datasources to utilize. Lower indexes = higher priority ['datasourceName' => $datasource]
* @return void
public function __construct(array $datasources)
$this->datasources = $datasources;
$this->activeDatasourceKey = array_keys($datasources)[0];
$this->postProcessor = new Processor;
* Populate the local cache of paths available in each datasource
* @param boolean $refresh Default false, set to true to force the cache to be rebuilt
* @return void
protected function populateCache($refresh = false)
$pathCache = [];
foreach ($this->datasources as $datasource) {
// Remove any existing cache data
if ($refresh && $this->allowCacheRefreshes) {
// Load the cache
$pathCache[] = Cache::rememberForever($datasource->getPathsCacheKey(), function () use ($datasource) {
return $datasource->getAvailablePaths();
$this->pathCache = $pathCache;
* Check to see if the specified datasource has the provided Halcyon Model
* @param string $source The string key of the datasource to check
* @param Model $model The Halcyon Model to check for
* @return boolean
public function sourceHasModel(string $source, Model $model)
if (!$model->exists) {
return false;
$result = false;
$sourcePaths = $this->getSourcePaths($source);
if (!empty($sourcePaths)) {
// Generate the path
list($name, $extension) = $model->getFileNameParts();
$path = $this->makeFilePath($model->getObjectTypeDirName(), $name, $extension);
// Deleted paths are included as being handled by a datasource
// The functionality built on this will need to make sure they
// include deleted records when actually performing syncing actions
if (isset($sourcePaths[$path])) {
$result = true;
return $result;
* Get the available paths for the specified datasource key
* @param string $source The string key of the datasource to check
* @return void
public function getSourcePaths(string $source)
$result = [];
$keys = array_keys($this->datasources);
if (in_array($source, $keys)) {
// Get the datasource's cache index key
$cacheIndex = array_search($source, $keys);
// Return the available paths
$result = $this->pathCache[$cacheIndex];
return $result;
* Push the provided model to the specified datasource
* @param Model $model The Halcyon Model to push
* @param string $source The string key of the datasource to use
* @return void
public function pushToSource(Model $model, string $source)
// Set the active datasource to the provided source and retrieve it
$originalActiveKey = $this->activeDatasourceKey;
$this->activeDatasourceKey = $source;
$datasource = $this->getActiveDatasource();
// Get the path parts
$dirName = $model->getObjectTypeDirName();
list($fileName, $extension) = $model->getFileNameParts();
// Get the file content
$content = $datasource->getPostProcessor()->processUpdate($model->newQuery(), []);
// Perform an update on the selected datasource (will insert if it doesn't exist)
$this->update($dirName, $fileName, $extension, $content);
// Restore the original active datasource
$this->activeDatasourceKey = $originalActiveKey;
* Remove the provided model from the specified datasource
* @param Model $model The Halcyon model to remove
* @param string $source The string key of the datasource to use
* @return void
public function removeFromSource(Model $model, string $source)
// Set the active datasource to the provided source and retrieve it
$originalActiveKey = $this->activeDatasourceKey;
$this->activeDatasourceKey = $source;
$datasource = $this->getActiveDatasource();
// Get the path parts
$dirName = $model->getObjectTypeDirName();
list($fileName, $extension) = $model->getFileNameParts();
// Perform a forced delete on the selected datasource to ensure it's removed
$this->forceDelete($dirName, $fileName, $extension);
// Restore the original active datasource
$this->activeDatasourceKey = $originalActiveKey;
* Get the appropriate datasource for the provided path
* @param string $path
* @return Datasource
protected function getDatasourceForPath(string $path)
// Default to the last datasource provided
$datasourceIndex = count($this->datasources) - 1;
$isDeleted = false;
foreach ($this->pathCache as $i => $paths) {
if (isset($paths[$path])) {
$datasourceIndex = $i;
// Set isDeleted to the inverse of the the path's existance flag
$isDeleted = !$paths[$path];
// Break on first datasource that can handle the path
if ($isDeleted) {
throw new Exception("$path is deleted");
$datasourceIndex = array_keys($this->datasources)[$datasourceIndex];
return $this->datasources[$datasourceIndex];
* Get all valid paths for the provided directory, removing any paths marked as deleted
* @param string $dirName
* @param array $options Array of options, [
* 'extensions' => ['htm', 'md', 'twig'], // Extensions to search for
* 'fileMatch' => '*gr[ae]y', // Shell matching pattern to match the filename against using the fnmatch function
* ];
* @return array $paths ["$dirName/path/1.md", "$dirName/path/2.md"]
protected function getValidPaths(string $dirName, array $options = [])
// Initialize result set
$paths = [];
// Reverse the order of the sources so that earlier
// sources are prioritized over later sources
$pathsCache = array_reverse($this->pathCache);
// Get paths available in the provided dirName, allowing proper prioritization of earlier datasources
foreach ($pathsCache as $sourcePaths) {
$paths = array_merge($paths, array_filter($sourcePaths, function ($path) use ($dirName, $options) {
$basePath = $dirName . '/';
$inPath = starts_with($path, $basePath);
// Check the fileMatch if provided as an option
$fnMatch = !empty($options['fileMatch']) ? fnmatch($options['fileMatch'], str_after($path, $basePath)) : true;
// Check the extension if provided as an option
$validExt = !empty($options['extensions']) && is_array($options['extensions']) ? in_array(pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), $options['extensions']) : true;
return $inPath && $fnMatch && $validExt;
// Filter out 'deleted' paths:
$paths = array_filter($paths, function ($value) {
return (bool) $value;
// Return just an array of paths
return array_keys($paths);
* Helper to make file path.
* @param string $dirName
* @param string $fileName
* @param string $extension
* @return string
protected function makeFilePath(string $dirName, string $fileName, string $extension)
return $dirName . '/' . $fileName . '.' . $extension;
* Get the datasource for use with CRUD operations
* @return DatasourceInterface
protected function getActiveDatasource()
return $this->datasources[$this->activeDatasourceKey];
* Returns a single template.
* @param string $dirName
* @param string $fileName
* @param string $extension
* @return mixed
public function selectOne(string $dirName, string $fileName, string $extension)
try {
$result = $this->getDatasourceForPath($this->makeFilePath($dirName, $fileName, $extension))->selectOne($dirName, $fileName, $extension);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$result = null;
return $result;
* Returns all templates.
* @param string $dirName
* @param array $options Array of options, [
* 'columns' => ['fileName', 'mtime', 'content'], // Only return specific columns
* 'extensions' => ['htm', 'md', 'twig'], // Extensions to search for
* 'fileMatch' => '*gr[ae]y', // Shell matching pattern to match the filename against using the fnmatch function
* 'orders' => false // Not implemented
* 'limit' => false // Not implemented
* 'offset' => false // Not implemented
* ];
* @return array
public function select(string $dirName, array $options = [])
// Handle fileName listings through just the cache
if (@$options['columns'] === ['fileName']) {
// Return just filenames of the valid paths for this directory
$results = array_values(array_map(function ($path) use ($dirName) {
return ['fileName' => str_after($path, $dirName . '/')];
}, $this->getValidPaths($dirName, $options)));
// Retrieve full listings from datasources directly
} else {
// Initialize result set
$sourceResults = [];
// Reverse the order of the sources so that earlier
// sources are prioritized over later sources
$datasources = array_reverse($this->datasources);
foreach ($datasources as $datasource) {
$sourceResults = array_merge($sourceResults, $datasource->select($dirName, $options));
// Remove duplicate results prioritizing results from earlier datasources
$sourceResults = collect($sourceResults)->keyBy('fileName');
// Get a list of valid filenames from the list of valid paths for this directory
$validFiles = array_map(function ($path) use ($dirName) {
return str_after($path, $dirName . '/');
}, $this->getValidPaths($dirName, $options));
// Filter out deleted paths
$results = array_values($sourceResults->filter(function ($value, $key) use ($validFiles) {
return in_array($key, $validFiles);
return $results;
* Creates a new template, only inserts to the active datasource
* @param string $dirName
* @param string $fileName
* @param string $extension
* @param string $content
* @return bool
public function insert(string $dirName, string $fileName, string $extension, string $content)
// Insert only on the active datasource
$result = $this->getActiveDatasource()->insert($dirName, $fileName, $extension, $content);
// Refresh the cache
return $result;
* Updates an existing template.
* @param string $dirName
* @param string $fileName
* @param string $extension
* @param string $content
* @param string $oldFileName Defaults to null
* @param string $oldExtension Defaults to null
* @return int
public function update(string $dirName, string $fileName, string $extension, string $content, $oldFileName = null, $oldExtension = null)
$searchFileName = $oldFileName ?: $fileName;
$searchExt = $oldExtension ?: $extension;
// Ensure that files that are being renamed have their old names marked as deleted prior to inserting the renamed file
// Also ensure that the cache only gets updated at the end of this operation instead of twice, once here and again at the end
if ($searchFileName !== $fileName || $searchExt !== $extension) {
$this->allowCacheRefreshes = false;
$this->delete($dirName, $searchFileName, $searchExt);
$this->allowCacheRefreshes = true;
$datasource = $this->getActiveDatasource();
if (!empty($datasource->selectOne($dirName, $searchFileName, $searchExt))) {
$result = $datasource->update($dirName, $fileName, $extension, $content, $oldFileName, $oldExtension);
} else {
$result = $datasource->insert($dirName, $fileName, $extension, $content);
// Refresh the cache
return $result;
* Run a delete statement against the datasource, only runs delete on active datasource
* @param string $dirName
* @param string $fileName
* @param string $extension
* @return int
public function delete(string $dirName, string $fileName, string $extension)
try {
// Delete from only the active datasource
if ($this->forceDeleting) {
$this->getActiveDatasource()->forceDelete($dirName, $fileName, $extension);
} else {
$this->getActiveDatasource()->delete($dirName, $fileName, $extension);
catch (Exception $ex) {
// Only attempt to do an insert-delete when not force deleting the record
if (!$this->forceDeleting) {
// Check to see if this is a valid path to delete
$path = $this->makeFilePath($dirName, $fileName, $extension);
if (in_array($path, $this->getValidPaths($dirName))) {
// Retrieve the current record
$record = $this->selectOne($dirName, $fileName, $extension);
// Insert the current record into the active datasource so we can mark it as deleted
$this->insert($dirName, $fileName, $extension, $record['content']);
// Perform the deletion on the newly inserted record
$this->delete($dirName, $fileName, $extension);
} else {
throw (new DeleteFileException)->setInvalidPath($path);
// Refresh the cache
* Return the last modified date of an object
* @param string $dirName
* @param string $fileName
* @param string $extension
* @return int
public function lastModified(string $dirName, string $fileName, string $extension)
return $this->getDatasourceForPath($this->makeFilePath($dirName, $fileName, $extension))->lastModified($dirName, $fileName, $extension);
* Generate a cache key unique to this datasource.
* @param string $name
* @return string
public function makeCacheKey($name = '')
$key = '';
foreach ($this->datasources as $datasource) {
$key .= $datasource->makeCacheKey($name) . '-';
$key .= $name;
return crc32($key);
* Generate a paths cache key unique to this datasource
* @return string
public function getPathsCacheKey()
return 'halcyon-datastore-auto';
* Get all available paths within this datastore
* @return array $paths ['path/to/file1.md' => true (path can be handled and exists), 'path/to/file2.md' => false (path can be handled but doesn't exist)]
public function getAvailablePaths()
$paths = [];
$datasources = array_reverse($this->datasources);
foreach ($datasources as $datasource) {
$paths = array_merge($paths, $datasource->getAvailablePaths());
return $paths;