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synced 2024-06-28 05:33:29 +02:00
This is useful when you need to "boot" or "register" certain areas of the plugin itself, eg: $plugin = $this->getPluginObject(); $plugin->registerSubscriptionEvents(); Calling boot() or register() may work too but not always, sometimes there can be things you don't want registered. Hence why it doesn't occur automatically.
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use System\Classes\UpdateManager;
use System\Classes\PluginManager;
use October\Rain\Database\Model as ActiveRecord;
abstract class PluginTestCase extends Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase
* @var array Cache for storing which plugins have been loaded
* and refreshed.
protected $pluginTestCaseLoadedPlugins = [];
* Creates the application.
* @return Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface
public function createApplication()
$app = require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/app.php';
* Store database in memory
$app['config']->set('database.default', 'sqlite');
$app['config']->set('database.connections.sqlite', [
'driver' => 'sqlite',
'database' => ':memory:',
'prefix' => ''
* Modify the plugin path away from the test context
return $app;
* Perform test case set up.
* @return void
public function setUp()
* Create application instance
* Rebind Laravel container in October Singletons
* Ensure system is up to date
* Detect plugin from test and autoload it
$this->pluginTestCaseLoadedPlugins = [];
$pluginCode = $this->guessPluginCodeFromTest();
if ($pluginCode !== false) {
$this->runPluginRefreshCommand($pluginCode, false);
* Disable mailer
* Flush event listeners and collect garbage.
* @return void
public function tearDown()
* Migrate database using october:up command.
* @return void
protected function runOctoberUpCommand()
* Since the test environment has loaded all the test plugins
* natively, this method will ensure the desired plugin is
* loaded in the system before proceeding to migrate it.
* @return void
protected function runPluginRefreshCommand($code, $throwException = true)
if (!preg_match('/^[\w+]*\.[\w+]*$/', $code)) {
if (!$throwException) return;
throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid plugin code: "%s"', $code));
$manager = PluginManager::instance();
$plugin = $manager->findByIdentifier($code);
* First time seeing this plugin, load it up
if (!$plugin) {
$namespace = '\\'.str_replace('.', '\\', strtolower($code));
$path = array_get($manager->getPluginNamespaces(), $namespace);
if (!$path) {
if (!$throwException) return;
throw new Exception(sprintf('Unable to find plugin with code: "%s"', $code));
$plugin = $manager->loadPlugin($namespace, $path);
* Spin over dependencies and refresh them too
$this->pluginTestCaseLoadedPlugins[$code] = $plugin;
if (!empty($plugin->require)) {
foreach ((array) $plugin->require as $dependency) {
if (isset($this->pluginTestCaseLoadedPlugins[$dependency])) continue;
* Execute the command
Artisan::call('plugin:refresh', ['name' => $code]);
* Returns a plugin object from its code, useful for registering events, etc.
* @return PluginBase
protected function getPluginObject($code = null)
if ($code === null) {
$code = $this->guessPluginCodeFromTest();
if (isset($this->pluginTestCaseLoadedPlugins[$code])) {
return $this->pluginTestCaseLoadedPlugins[$code];
* The models in October use a static property to store their events, these
* will need to be targeted and reset ready for a new test cycle.
* Pivot models are an exception since they are internally managed.
* @return void
protected function flushModelEventListeners()
foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) {
if ($class == 'October\Rain\Database\Pivot') {
$reflectClass = new ReflectionClass($class);
if (
!$reflectClass->isInstantiable() ||
!$reflectClass->isSubclassOf('October\Rain\Database\Model') ||
) {
* Locates the plugin code based on the test file location.
* @return string|bool
protected function guessPluginCodeFromTest()
$reflect = new ReflectionClass($this);
$path = $reflect->getFilename();
$basePath = $this->app->pluginsPath();
$result = false;
if (strpos($path, $basePath) === 0) {
$result = ltrim(str_replace('\\', '/', substr($path, strlen($basePath))), '/');
$result = implode('.', array_slice(explode('/', $result), 0, 2));
return $result;