Pascal Borreli 459c8e0cfa Fixed typos
2014-05-17 18:08:01 +02:00

380 lines
10 KiB

<?php namespace Cms\Classes;
use URL;
use File;
use Lang;
use Cache;
use Config;
use Response;
use Assetic\Asset\AssetCollection;
use Assetic\Asset\FileAsset;
use Assetic\Asset\GlobAsset;
use Assetic\Asset\AssetCache;
use Assetic\Cache\FilesystemCache;
* Class used for combining JavaScript and StyleSheet
* files.
* @package october\system
* @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges
class CombineAssets
* @var Self Instance for multi cycle execution.
private static $instance;
* @var array A list of known JavaScript extensions.
protected static $jsExtensions = ['js'];
* @var array A list of known StyleSheet extensions.
protected static $cssExtensions = ['css', 'less', 'scss', 'sass'];
* @var array Filters to apply to each file.
protected $filters = [];
* @var string The directory path context to find assets.
protected $path;
* @var string The output folder for storing combined files.
protected $storagePath;
* @var bool Cache untouched files.
public $useCache = false;
* @var bool Compress (minify) asset files.
public $useMinify = false;
* Constructor
public function __construct()
* Register cache preference.
$this->useCache = Config::get('cms.enableAssetCache', false);
$this->useMinify = Config::get('cms.enableAssetMinify', false);
* Register basic JavaScript filters.
$this->registerFilter('js', new \October\Rain\Support\Filters\JavascriptImporter);
* Register basic CSS filters.
$this->registerFilter('css', new \Assetic\Filter\CssImportFilter);
$this->registerFilter('css', new \Assetic\Filter\CssRewriteFilter);
* Special filters
$this->registerFilter('less', new \Assetic\Filter\LessphpFilter);
* Minification filters
if ($this->useMinify) {
$this->registerFilter('js', new \Assetic\Filter\JSMinFilter);
$this->registerFilter('css', new \October\Rain\Support\Filters\StylesheetMinify);
* Combines JavaScript or StyleSheet file references
* to produce a page relative URL to the combined contents.
* @return string URL to contents.
public static function combine($assets = [], $path = null)
if (static::$instance === null)
static::$instance = new self();
return static::$instance->prepareRequest($assets, $path);
* Combines asset file references of a single type to produce
* a URL reference to the combined contents.
* @var array List of asset files.
* @var string File extension, used for aesthetic purposes only.
* @return string URL to contents.
protected function prepareRequest(array $assets, $path = null)
if (substr($path, -1) != '/')
$path = $path.'/';
$this->path = public_path().$path;
$this->storagePath = storage_path().'/combiner/cms';
if (!is_array($assets))
$assets = [$assets];
* Split assets in to groups.
$combineJs = [];
$combineCss = [];
foreach ($assets as $asset) {
$extension = File::extension($asset);
if (in_array($extension, self::$jsExtensions)) {
$combineJs[] = $asset;
if (in_array($extension, self::$cssExtensions)) {
$combineCss[] = $asset;
* Determine which group of assets to combine.
if (count($combineJs) > count($combineCss)) {
$extension = 'js';
$assets = $combineJs;
else {
$extension = 'css';
$assets = $combineCss;
* Cache and process
$cacheId = $this->makeCacheId($assets);
$cacheInfo = $this->useCache ? $this->getCache($cacheId) : false;
if (!$cacheInfo) {
$combiner = $this->prepareCombiner($assets);
$version = $combiner->getLastModified();
$cacheInfo = [
'output' => $cacheId.'-'.$version,
'version' => $version,
'files' => $assets,
'path' => $this->path,
'extension' => $extension
$this->putCache($cacheId, $cacheInfo);
return $this->getCombinedUrl($cacheInfo['output']);
* Returns the URL used for accessing the combined files.
* @param string $outputFilename A custom file name to use.
* @return string
protected function getCombinedUrl($outputFilename = 'undefined.css')
return URL::action('Cms\Classes\Controller@combine', [$outputFilename], false);
* Returns the combined contents from a prepared cache identifier.
* @return string Combined file contents.
public function getContents($cacheId)
$cacheInfo = $this->getCache($cacheId);
if (!$cacheInfo)
throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.combiner.not_found', ['name'=>$cacheId]));
$this->path = $cacheInfo['path'];
$this->storagePath = storage_path().'/combiner/cms';
$combiner = $this->prepareCombiner($cacheInfo['files']);
$contents = $combiner->dump();
$mime = ($cacheInfo['extension'] == 'css') ? 'text/css' : 'text/javascript';
$response = Response::make($contents);
$response->header('Content-Type', $mime);
$response->header('Cache-Control', 'max-age=31536000, public');
$response->header('Expires', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', time() + 2678400));
return $response;
* Returns the combined contents from a prepared cache identifier.
* @return string Combined file contents.
protected function prepareCombiner(array $assets)
$files = [];
$filesSalt = null;
foreach ($assets as $asset) {
$filters = $this->getFilters(File::extension($asset));
$files[] = new FileAsset($this->path . $asset, $filters, public_path());
$filesSalt .= $this->path . $asset;
$filesSalt = md5($filesSalt);
$cache = new FilesystemCache($this->storagePath);
$collection = new AssetCollection($files, [], $filesSalt);
// @todo - Remove, this cache step is too hardcore.
// if (!$this->useCache)
// return $collection;
$cachedCollection = new AssetCache($collection, $cache);
return $cachedCollection;
* Stores information about a asset collection against
* a cache identifier.
* @var string Cache identifier.
* @var array List of asset files.
* @return bool Successful
protected function putCache($cacheId, array $cacheInfo)
$cacheId = 'combiner.'.$cacheId;
if (Cache::has($cacheId))
return false;
Cache::forever($cacheId, serialize($cacheInfo));
return true;
* Look up information about a cache identifier.
* @var string Cache identifier
* @return array Cache information
protected function getCache($cacheId)
$cacheId = 'combiner.'.$cacheId;
if (!Cache::has($cacheId))
return false;
return unserialize(Cache::get($cacheId));
* Builds a unique string based on assets
* @var array Asset files
* @return string Unique identifier
protected function makeCacheId(array $assets)
return md5($this->path . implode('|', $assets));
* Resets the combiner cache
* @return void
public static function resetCache()
if (!Cache::has('combiner.index'))
$index = unserialize(Cache::get('combiner.index'));
foreach ($index as $cacheId) {
* Adds a cache identifier to the index store used for
* performing a reset of the cache.
* @var string Cache identifier
* @return bool Returns false if identifier is already in store
protected function putCacheIndex($cacheId)
$index = [];
if (Cache::has('combiner.index'))
$index = unserialize(Cache::get('combiner.index'));
if (in_array($cacheId, $index))
return false;
$index[] = $cacheId;
Cache::forever('combiner.index', serialize($index));
return true;
* Register a filter to apply to the combining process.
* @param object $filter Collection of files to combine
* @return Self
public function registerFilter($extension, $filter)
$extension = strtolower($extension);
if (!isset($this->filters[$extension]))
$this->filters[$extension] = [];
if ($filter !== null)
$this->filters[$extension][] = $filter;
return $this;
* Clears any registered filters.
* @return Self
public function resetFilters($extension = null)
if ($extension === null)
$this->filters = [];
$this->filters[$extension] = [];
return $this;
* Returns filters.
* @return Self
public function getFilters($extension = null)
if ($extension === null)
return $this->filters;
elseif (isset($this->filters[$extension]))
return $this->filters[$extension];
return null;