
315 lines
15 KiB

return [
'cms_object' => [
'invalid_file' => 'Invalid file name: :name. File names can contain only alphanumeric symbols, underscores, dashes and dots. Some examples of correct file names: page.htm, page, subdirectory/page',
'invalid_property' => "The property ':name' cannot be set",
'file_already_exists' => "File ':name' already exists.",
'error_saving' => "Error saving file ':name'. Please check write permissions.",
'error_creating_directory' => 'Error creating directory :name. Please check write permissions.',
'invalid_file_extension' => 'Invalid file extension: :invalid. Allowed extensions are: :allowed.',
'error_deleting' => "Error deleting the template file ':name'. Please check write permissions.",
'delete_success' => 'Templates deleted: :count.',
'file_name_required' => 'The File Name field is required.',
'safe_mode_enabled' => 'Safe mode is currently enabled. Editing the PHP code of CMS templates is disabled. To disable safe mode, set the `cms.enableSafeMode` configuration value to `false`.',
'dashboard' => [
'active_theme' => [
'widget_title_default' => 'Website',
'online' => 'Online',
'maintenance' => 'In maintenance',
'manage_themes' => 'Manage themes',
'customize_theme' => 'Customize theme',
'theme' => [
'not_found_name' => "The theme ':name' is not found.",
'by_author' => 'By :name',
'active' => [
'not_set' => 'The active theme is not set.',
'not_found' => 'The active theme is not found.',
'edit' => [
'not_set' => 'The edit theme is not set.',
'not_found' => 'The edit theme is not found.',
'not_match' => "The object you're trying to access doesn't belong to the theme being edited. Please reload the page.",
'settings_menu' => 'Front-end theme',
'settings_menu_description' => 'Manage the front-end theme and customization options.',
'default_tab' => 'Properties',
'name_label' => 'Name',
'name_create_placeholder' => 'New theme name',
'author_label' => 'Author',
'author_placeholder' => 'Person or company name',
'description_label' => 'Description',
'description_placeholder' => 'Theme description',
'homepage_label' => 'Homepage',
'homepage_placeholder' => 'Website URL',
'code_label' => 'Code',
'code_placeholder' => 'A unique code for this theme used for distribution',
'preview_image_label' => 'Preview image',
'preview_image_placeholder' => 'The path of theme preview image.',
'dir_name_label' => 'Directory name',
'dir_name_create_label' => 'The destination theme directory',
'theme_label' => 'Theme',
'theme_title' => 'Themes',
'activate_button' => 'Activate',
'active_button' => 'Activate',
'customize_theme' => 'Customize Theme',
'customize_button' => 'Customize',
'duplicate_button' => 'Duplicate',
'duplicate_title' => 'Duplicate theme',
'duplicate_theme_success' => 'Theme duplicated!',
'manage_button' => 'Manage',
'manage_title' => 'Manage theme',
'edit_properties_title' => 'Theme',
'edit_properties_button' => 'Edit properties',
'save_properties' => 'Save properties',
'import_button' => 'Import',
'import_title' => 'Import theme',
'import_theme_success' => 'Theme imported!',
'import_uploaded_file' => 'Theme archive file',
'import_overwrite_label' => 'Overwrite existing files',
'import_overwrite_comment' => 'Untick this box to only import new files',
'import_folders_label' => 'Folders',
'import_folders_comment' => 'Please select the theme folders you would like to import',
'export_button' => 'Export',
'export_title' => 'Export theme',
'export_folders_label' => 'Folders',
'export_folders_comment' => 'Please select the theme folders you would like to export',
'delete_button' => 'Delete',
'delete_confirm' => 'Delete this theme? It cannot be undone!',
'delete_active_theme_failed' => 'Cannot delete the active theme, try making another theme active first.',
'delete_theme_success' => 'Theme deleted!',
'create_title' => 'Create theme',
'create_button' => 'Create',
'create_new_blank_theme' => 'Create a new blank theme',
'create_theme_success' => 'Theme created!',
'create_theme_required_name' => 'Please specify a name for the theme.',
'new_directory_name_label' => 'Theme directory',
'new_directory_name_comment' => 'Provide a new directory name for the duplicated theme.',
'dir_name_invalid' => 'Name can contain only digits, Latin letters and the following symbols: _-',
'dir_name_taken' => 'Desired theme directory already exists.',
'find_more_themes' => 'Find more themes',
'saving' => 'Saving theme...',
'return' => 'Return to themes list',
'default_description' => 'Custom theme generated for :url',
'scaffold' => [
'label' => 'Scaffold',
'empty' => 'Empty',
'less' => 'Basic (LESS)',
'tailwind' => 'Tailwind CSS',
'maintenance' => [
'settings_menu' => 'Maintenance mode',
'settings_menu_description' => 'Configure the maintenance mode page and toggle the setting.',
'is_enabled' => 'Enable maintenance mode',
'is_enabled_comment' => 'Select the page to show when maintenance mode is activated.',
'hint' => 'Maintenance mode will display the maintenance page to visitors who are not signed in to the back-end area.',
'allowed_ips' => [
'name' => 'Allowed IP addresses',
'description' => 'IP addresses that are permitted to view the site while maintenance mode is active',
'prompt' => 'Add an IP Address',
'ip' => 'IP address',
'label' => 'Description',
'page' => [
'not_found_name' => "The page ':name' is not found",
'not_found' => [
'label' => 'Page not found',
'help' => 'The requested page cannot be found.',
'custom_error' => [
'label' => 'Page error',
'help' => "We're sorry, but something went wrong and the page cannot be displayed.",
'menu_label' => 'Pages',
'unsaved_label' => 'Unsaved page(s)',
'no_list_records' => 'No pages found',
'new' => 'New page',
'invalid_url' => 'Invalid URL format. The URL should start with the forward slash symbol and can contain digits, Latin letters and the following symbols: ._-[]:?|/+*^$',
'delete_confirm_multiple' => 'Delete selected pages?',
'delete_confirm_single' => 'Delete this page?',
'no_layout' => '-- no layout --',
'cms_page' => 'CMS page',
'title' => 'Page title',
'url' => 'Page URL',
'file_name' => 'Page file name',
'layout' => [
'not_found_name' => "The layout ':name' is not found",
'menu_label' => 'Layouts',
'unsaved_label' => 'Unsaved layout(s)',
'no_list_records' => 'No layouts found',
'new' => 'New layout',
'delete_confirm_multiple' => 'Delete selected layouts?',
'delete_confirm_single' => 'Delete this layout?',
'partial' => [
'not_found_name' => "The partial ':name' is not found.",
'invalid_name' => 'Invalid partial name: :name.',
'menu_label' => 'Partials',
'unsaved_label' => 'Unsaved partial(s)',
'no_list_records' => 'No partials found',
'delete_confirm_multiple' => 'Delete selected partials?',
'delete_confirm_single' => 'Delete this partial?',
'new' => 'New partial',
'content' => [
'not_found_name' => "The content file ':name' is not found.",
'menu_label' => 'Content',
'unsaved_label' => 'Unsaved content',
'no_list_records' => 'No content files found',
'delete_confirm_multiple' => 'Delete selected content files or directories?',
'delete_confirm_single' => 'Delete this content file?',
'new' => 'New content file',
'ajax_handler' => [
'invalid_name' => 'Invalid AJAX handler name: :name.',
'not_found' => "AJAX handler ':name' was not found.",
'cms' => [
'menu_label' => 'CMS',
'sidebar' => [
'add' => 'Add',
'search' => 'Search...',
'editor' => [
'settings' => 'Settings',
'title' => 'Title',
'new_title' => 'New page title',
'url' => 'URL',
'filename' => 'File Name',
'layout' => 'Layout',
'description' => 'Description',
'preview' => 'Preview',
'meta' => 'Meta',
'meta_title' => 'Meta Title',
'meta_description' => 'Meta Description',
'markup' => 'Markup',
'code' => 'Code',
'content' => 'Content',
'hidden' => 'Hidden',
'hidden_comment' => 'Hidden pages are accessible only by logged-in back-end users.',
'enter_fullscreen' => 'Enter fullscreen mode',
'exit_fullscreen' => 'Exit fullscreen mode',
'open_searchbox' => 'Open Search box',
'close_searchbox' => 'Close Search box',
'open_replacebox' => 'Open Replace box',
'close_replacebox' => 'Close Replace box',
'commit' => 'Commit',
'reset' => 'Reset',
'commit_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to commit your changes to this file to the filesystem? This will overwrite the existing file on the filesystem',
'reset_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset this file to the copy that is on the filesystem? This will completely replace it with the file that is on the filesystem',
'committing' => 'Committing',
'resetting' => 'Resetting',
'commit_success' => 'The :type has been committed to the filesystem',
'reset_success' => 'The :type has been reset to the filesystem version',
'asset' => [
'menu_label' => 'Assets',
'unsaved_label' => 'Unsaved asset(s)',
'drop_down_add_title' => 'Add...',
'drop_down_operation_title' => 'Action...',
'upload_files' => 'Upload file(s)',
'create_file' => 'Create file',
'create_directory' => 'Create directory',
'directory_popup_title' => 'New directory',
'directory_name' => 'Directory name',
'rename' => 'Rename',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'move' => 'Move',
'select' => 'Select',
'new' => 'New file',
'invalid_path' => 'Path can contain only digits, Latin letters, spaces and the following symbols: ._-/',
'error_deleting_file' => 'Error deleting file :name.',
'error_deleting_dir_not_empty' => 'Error deleting directory :name. The directory is not empty.',
'error_deleting_dir' => 'Error deleting directory :name.',
'invalid_name' => 'Name can contain only digits, Latin letters, spaces and the following symbols: ._-',
'original_not_found' => 'Original file or directory not found',
'already_exists' => 'File or directory with this name already exists',
'error_renaming' => 'Error renaming the file or directory',
'name_cant_be_empty' => 'The name cannot be empty',
'too_large' => 'The uploaded file is too large. The maximum allowed file size is :max_size',
'type_not_allowed' => 'Only the following file types are allowed: :allowed_types',
'file_not_valid' => 'File is not valid',
'error_uploading_file' => "Error uploading file ':name': :error",
'move_destination' => 'Destination directory',
'move_popup_title' => 'Move assets',
'selected_files_not_found' => 'Selected files not found',
'select_destination_dir' => 'Please select a destination directory',
'destination_not_found' => 'Destination directory is not found',
'error_moving_file' => 'Error moving file :file',
'error_moving_directory' => 'Error moving directory :dir',
'error_deleting_directory' => 'Error deleting the original directory :dir',
'no_list_records' => 'No files found',
'delete_confirm' => 'Delete selected files or directories?',
'path' => 'Path',
'component' => [
'menu_label' => 'Components',
'unnamed' => 'Unnamed',
'no_description' => 'No description provided',
'alias' => 'Alias',
'alias_description' => 'A unique name given to this component when using it in the page or layout code.',
'validation_message' => 'Component aliases are required and can contain only Latin symbols, digits, and underscores. The aliases should start with a Latin symbol.',
'invalid_request' => 'The template cannot be saved because of invalid component data.',
'no_records' => 'No components found',
'not_found' => "The component ':name' is not found.",
'no_default_partial' => "This component does not have a 'default' partial",
'method_not_found' => "The component ':name' does not contain a method ':method'.",
'soft_component' => 'Soft Component',
'soft_component_description' => 'This component is missing but optional.',
'template' => [
'invalid_type' => 'Unknown template type.',
'not_found' => 'Template not found.',
'saved' => 'Template saved.',
'no_list_records' => 'No records found',
'delete_confirm' => 'Delete selected templates?',
'order_by' => 'Order by',
'permissions' => [
'name' => 'CMS',
'manage_content' => 'Manage website content files',
'manage_assets' => 'Manage website assets - images, JavaScript files, CSS files',
'manage_pages' => 'Create, modify and delete website pages',
'manage_layouts' => 'Create, modify and delete CMS layouts',
'manage_partials' => 'Create, modify and delete CMS partials',
'manage_themes' => 'Activate, deactivate and configure CMS themes',
'manage_theme_options' => 'Configure customization options for the active theme',
'theme_log' => [
'hint' => 'This log displays any changes made to the theme by administrators in the back-end area.',
'menu_label' => 'Theme log',
'menu_description' => 'View changes made to the active theme.',
'empty_link' => 'Empty theme log',
'empty_loading' => 'Emptying theme log...',
'empty_success' => 'Theme log emptied',
'return_link' => 'Return to theme log',
'id' => 'ID',
'id_label' => 'Log ID',
'created_at' => 'Date & Time',
'user' => 'User',
'type' => 'Type',
'type_create' => 'Create',
'type_update' => 'Update',
'type_delete' => 'Delete',
'theme_name' => 'Theme',
'theme_code' => 'Theme code',
'old_template' => 'Template (Old)',
'new_template' => 'Template (New)',
'template' => 'Template',
'diff' => 'Changes',
'old_value' => 'Old value',
'new_value' => 'New value',
'preview_title' => 'Template changes',
'template_updated' => 'Template was updated',
'template_created' => 'Template was created',
'template_deleted' => 'Template was deleted',