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synced 2024-06-28 05:33:29 +02:00
Co-authored-by: Luke Towers <github@luketowers.ca> Co-authored-by: Ben Thomson <ben@abweb.com.au>
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270 lines
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<?php namespace Backend\Models;
use File;
use Cache;
use Model;
use Less_Parser;
use Exception;
* Editor settings that affect all users
* @package october\backend
* @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges
class EditorSetting extends Model
use \System\Traits\ViewMaker;
use \October\Rain\Database\Traits\Validation;
* @var array Behaviors implemented by this model.
public $implement = [
* @var string Unique code
public $settingsCode = 'backend_editor_settings';
* @var mixed Settings form field defitions
public $settingsFields = 'fields.yaml';
* @var string The key to store rendered CSS in the cache under
public $cacheKey = 'backend::editor.custom_css';
protected $defaultHtmlAllowEmptyTags = 'textarea, a, iframe, object, video, style, script, .fa, .fr-emoticon, .fr-inner, path, line, hr, i';
protected $defaultHtmlAllowTags = 'a, abbr, address, area, article, aside, audio, b, bdi, bdo, blockquote, br, button, canvas, caption, cite, code, col, colgroup, datalist, dd, del, details, dfn, dialog, div, dl, dt, em, embed, fieldset, figcaption, figure, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, hgroup, hr, i, iframe, img, input, ins, kbd, keygen, label, legend, li, link, main, map, mark, menu, menuitem, meter, nav, noscript, object, ol, optgroup, option, output, p, param, pre, progress, queue, rp, rt, ruby, s, samp, script, style, section, select, small, source, span, strike, strong, sub, summary, sup, table, tbody, td, textarea, tfoot, th, thead, time, title, tr, track, u, ul, var, video, wbr';
protected $defaultHtmlNoWrapTags = 'figure, script, style';
protected $defaultHtmlRemoveTags = 'script, style, base';
protected $defaultHtmlLineBreakerTags = 'figure, table, hr, iframe, form, dl';
protected $defaultHtmlStyleImage = [
'oc-img-rounded' => 'Rounded',
'oc-img-bordered' => 'Bordered',
protected $defaultHtmlStyleLink = [
'oc-link-green' => 'Green',
'oc-link-strong' => 'Strong',
protected $defaultHtmlStyleParagraph = [
'oc-text-bordered' => 'Bordered',
'oc-text-gray' => 'Gray',
'oc-text-spaced' => 'Spaced',
'oc-text-uppercase' => 'Uppercase',
protected $defaultHtmlStyleTable = [
'oc-dashed-borders' => 'Dashed Borders',
'oc-alternate-rows' => 'Alternate Rows',
protected $defaultHtmlStyleTableCell = [
'oc-cell-highlighted' => 'Highlighted',
'oc-cell-thick-border' => 'Thick Border',
protected $defaultHtmlParagraphFormats = [
'N' => 'Normal',
'H1' => 'Heading 1',
'H2' => 'Heading 2',
'H3' => 'Heading 3',
'H4' => 'Heading 4',
'PRE' => 'Code',
* Editor toolbar presets for Froala.
protected $editorToolbarPresets = [
'default' => 'paragraphFormat, paragraphStyle, quote, bold, italic, align, formatOL, formatUL, insertTable,
insertLink, insertImage, insertVideo, insertAudio, insertFile, insertHR, html',
'minimal' => 'paragraphFormat, bold, italic, underline, |, insertLink, insertImage, |, html',
'full' => 'undo, redo, |, bold, italic, underline, |, paragraphFormat, paragraphStyle, inlineStyle, |,
strikeThrough, subscript, superscript, clearFormatting, |, fontFamily, fontSize, |, color,
emoticons, -, selectAll, |, align, formatOL, formatUL, outdent, indent, quote, |, insertHR,
insertLink, insertImage, insertVideo, insertAudio, insertFile, insertTable, |, selectAll,
html, fullscreen',
* Validation rules
public $rules = [];
* Initialize the seed data for this model. This only executes when the
* model is first created or reset to default.
* @return void
public function initSettingsData()
$this->html_allow_empty_tags = $this->defaultHtmlAllowEmptyTags;
$this->html_allow_tags = $this->defaultHtmlAllowTags;
$this->html_no_wrap_tags = $this->defaultHtmlNoWrapTags;
$this->html_remove_tags = $this->defaultHtmlRemoveTags;
$this->html_line_breaker_tags = $this->defaultHtmlLineBreakerTags;
$this->html_custom_styles = File::get(base_path().'/modules/backend/models/editorsetting/default_styles.less');
$this->html_style_image = $this->makeStylesForTable($this->defaultHtmlStyleImage);
$this->html_style_link = $this->makeStylesForTable($this->defaultHtmlStyleLink);
$this->html_style_paragraph = $this->makeStylesForTable($this->defaultHtmlStyleParagraph);
$this->html_style_table = $this->makeStylesForTable($this->defaultHtmlStyleTable);
$this->html_style_table_cell = $this->makeStylesForTable($this->defaultHtmlStyleTableCell);
$this->html_paragraph_formats = $this->makeFormatsForTable($this->defaultHtmlParagraphFormats);
public function afterFetch()
if (!isset($this->value['html_paragraph_formats'])) {
$this->html_paragraph_formats = $this->makeFormatsForTable($this->defaultHtmlParagraphFormats);
public function afterSave()
protected function makeStylesForTable($arr)
$count = 0;
return array_build($arr, function ($key, $value) use (&$count) {
return [$count++, ['class_label' => $value, 'class_name' => $key]];
protected function makeFormatsForTable($arr)
$count = 0;
return array_build($arr, function ($key, $value) use (&$count) {
return [$count++, ['format_label' => $value, 'format_tag' => $key]];
* Same as getConfigured but uses a special structure for styles.
* @return mixed
public static function getConfiguredStyles($key, $default = null)
return static::getConfiguredArray($key, $default, function ($key, $value) {
if (array_has($value, ['class_name', 'class_label'])) {
return [
array_get($value, 'class_name'),
array_get($value, 'class_label')
* Same as getConfigured but uses a special structure for paragraph formats.
* @return mixed
public static function getConfiguredFormats($key, $default = null)
return static::getConfiguredArray($key, $default, function ($key, $value) {
if (array_has($value, ['format_tag', 'format_label'])) {
return [
array_get($value, 'format_tag'),
array_get($value, 'format_label')
protected static function getConfiguredArray($key, $default = null, $callback = null)
$instance = static::instance();
$value = $instance->get($key);
$defaultValue = $instance->getDefaultValue($key);
if (is_array($value) && is_callable($callback)) {
$value = array_filter(array_build($value, $callback));
return $value != $defaultValue ? $value : $default;
* Returns the value only if it differs from the default value.
* @return mixed
public static function getConfigured($key, $default = null)
$instance = static::instance();
$value = $instance->get($key);
$defaultValue = $instance->getDefaultValue($key);
return $value != $defaultValue ? $value : $default;
public function getDefaultValue($attribute)
$property = 'default'.studly_case($attribute);
return $this->$property;
* Return the editor toolbar presets without line breaks.
* @return array
public function getEditorToolbarPresets()
return array_map(function ($value) {
return preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $value);
}, $this->editorToolbarPresets);
public static function renderCss()
$cacheKey = self::instance()->cacheKey;
if (Cache::has($cacheKey)) {
return Cache::get($cacheKey);
try {
$customCss = self::compileCss();
Cache::forever($cacheKey, $customCss);
catch (Exception $ex) {
$customCss = '/* ' . $ex->getMessage() . ' */';
return $customCss;
public static function compileCss()
$parser = new Less_Parser(['compress' => true]);
$customStyles = '.fr-view {';
$customStyles .= self::get('html_custom_styles');
$customStyles .= '}';
return $parser->getCss();