2014-05-19 18:18:02 +10:00

714 lines
22 KiB

<?php namespace Cms\Classes;
use URL;
use App;
use File;
use View;
use Lang;
use Event;
use Config;
use Request;
use Response;
use Exception;
use Twig_Environment;
use Controller as BaseController;
use Cms\Twig\Loader as TwigLoader;
use Cms\Twig\Extension as TwigExtension;
use Cms\Classes\FileHelper as CmsFileHelper;
use System\Classes\ErrorHandler;
use October\Rain\Support\Markdown;
use October\Rain\Support\ValidationException;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
* The CMS controller class.
* The controller finds and serves requested pages.
* @package october\cms
* @author Alexey Bobkov, Samuel Georges
class Controller extends BaseController
use \System\Traits\AssetMaker;
* @var \Cms\Classes\Theme A reference to the CMS theme processed by the controller.
protected $theme;
* @var \Cms\Classes\Router A reference to the Router object.
protected $router;
* @var \Cms\Twig\Loader A reference to the Twig template loader.
protected $loader;
* @var \Cms\Classes\Page A reference to the CMS page being processed.
protected $page;
* @var \Cms\Classes\Layout A reference to the CMS layout used by the page.
protected $layout;
* @var \Twig_Environment Keeps the Twig environment object.
protected $twig;
* @var string Contains the rendered page contents string.
protected $pageContents;
* @var string Alias name of an executing component.
protected $componentContext;
* @var array A list of variables to pass to the page.
public $vars = [];
* Creates the controller.
* @param \Cms\Classes\Theme $theme Specifies the CMS theme.
* If the theme is not specified, the current active theme used.
public function __construct($theme = null)
$this->theme = $theme ? $theme : Theme::getActiveTheme();
$this->assetPath = $this->themeUrl();
* Finds and serves the requested page.
* If the page cannot be found, returns the page with the URL /404.
* If the /404 page doesn't exist, returns the system 404 page.
* @param string $url Specifies the requested page URL.
* If the parameter is omitted, the current URL used.
* @return string Returns the processed page content.
public function run($url = null)
if (!$url)
$url = Request::path();
if (!strlen($url))
$url = '/';
$this->router = new Router($this->theme);
$page = $this->router->findByUrl($url);
* Extensibility
if ($event = Event::fire('cms.beforeDisplay', [$this, $url, $page], true))
return $event;
* If the page was not found, render the 404 page - either provided by the theme or the built-in one.
if (!$page && !($page = $this->router->findByUrl('/404')))
return Response::make(View::make('cms::404'), 404);
$this->page = $page;
* If the page doesn't refer any layout, create the fallback layout.
* Otherwise load the layout specified in the page.
if (!$page->layout)
$layout = Layout::initFallback($this->theme);
elseif (($layout = Layout::loadCached($this->theme, $page->layout)) === null)
throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.layout.not_found', ['name'=>$page->layout]));
$this->layout = $layout;
* The 'this' variable is reserved for default variables.
$this->vars['this'] = [
'layout' => $this->layout,
'page' => $this->page,
'param' => $this->router->getParameters()
* Handle AJAX requests and execute the life cycle functions
* Execute AJAX event
if ($ajaxResponse = $this->execAjaxHandlers())
return $ajaxResponse;
* Execute postback handler
if (($handler = post('_handler')) && ($handlerResponse = $this->runAjaxHandler($handler)) && $handlerResponse !== true)
return $handlerResponse;
* Execute page lifecycle
if ($cycleResponse = $this->execPageCycle())
return $cycleResponse;
* Render the page
CmsException::capture($this->page, 400, function() {
$template = $this->twig->loadTemplate($this->page->getFullPath());
$this->pageContents = $template->render($this->vars);
* Render the layout
$result = CmsException::capture($this->layout, 400, function() {
$template = $this->twig->loadTemplate($this->layout->getFullPath());
return $template->render($this->vars);
* Extensibility
if ($event = Event::fire('cms.afterDisplay', [$this, $url, $page], true))
return $event;
return $result;
* Initializes the Twig environment and loader.
* Registers the \Cms\Twig\Extension object with Twig.
* @return \Twig_Environment Returns the Twig environment object.
protected function initTwigEnvironment()
$this->loader = new TwigLoader();
$options = ['auto_reload' => true];
if (!Config::get('cms.twigNoCache'))
$options['cache'] = storage_path().'/twig';
$this->twig = new Twig_Environment($this->loader, $options);
$this->twig->addExtension(new TwigExtension($this));
* Initializes the custom layout and page objects.
protected function initCustomObjects()
$this->layoutObj = null;
if (!$this->layout->isFallBack()) {
CmsException::capture($this->layout, 300, function(){
$parser = new CodeParser($this->layout);
$this->layoutObj = $parser->source($this->page, $this->layout, $this);
CmsException::capture($this->page, 300, function(){
$parser = new CodeParser($this->page);
$this->pageObj = $parser->source($this->page, $this->layout, $this);
* Initializes the components for the layout and page.
protected function initComponents()
$manager = ComponentManager::instance();
if (!$this->layout->isFallBack()) {
foreach ($this->layout->settings['components'] as $component => $properties) {
list($name, $alias) = strpos($component, ' ') ? explode(' ', $component) : array($component, $component);
$componentObj = $manager->makeComponent($name, $this->layoutObj, $properties);
$componentObj->id = uniqid($alias);
$componentObj->alias = $alias;
$this->vars[$alias] = $this->layout->components[$alias] = $componentObj;
foreach ($this->page->settings['components'] as $component => $properties) {
list($name, $alias) = strpos($component, ' ') ? explode(' ', $component) : array($component, $component);
$componentObj = $manager->makeComponent($name, $this->pageObj, $properties);
$componentObj->alias = $alias;
$this->vars[$alias] = $this->page->components[$alias] = $componentObj;
* Executes the page, layout, component and plugin AJAX handlers.
* @return mixed Returns the AJAX Response object or null.
protected function execAjaxHandlers()
if ($handler = trim(Request::header('X_OCTOBER_REQUEST_HANDLER'))) {
try {
* Validate the handler name
if (!preg_match('/^(?:\w+\:{2})?on[A-Z]{1}[\w+]*$/', $handler))
throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.ajax_handler.invalid_name', ['name'=>$handler]));
* Validate the handler partial list
if ($partialList = trim(Request::header('X_OCTOBER_REQUEST_PARTIALS'))) {
$partialList = explode('&', $partialList);
foreach ($partialList as $partial) {
if (!CmsFileHelper::validateName($partial))
throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.partial.invalid_name', ['name'=>$partial]));
else {
$partialList = [];
$responseContents = [];
* Execute the handler
if (!$result = $this->runAjaxHandler($handler))
throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.ajax_handler.not_found', ['name'=>$handler]));
* If the handler returned an array, we should add it to output for rendering.
* If it is a string, add it to the array with the key "result".
if (is_array($result))
$responseContents = array_merge($responseContents, $result);
elseif (is_string($result))
$responseContents['result'] = $result;
* Render partials and return the response as array that will be converted to JSON automatically.
foreach ($partialList as $partial)
$responseContents[$partial] = $this->renderPartial($partial);
* If the handler returned a redirect, process it so framework.js knows to redirect
* the browser and not the request!
if ($result instanceof RedirectResponse) {
$responseContents['X_OCTOBER_REDIRECT'] = $result->getTargetUrl();
return Response::make()->setContent($responseContents);
catch (ValidationException $ex) {
* Handle validation errors
$responseContents['X_OCTOBER_ERROR_FIELDS'] = $ex->getFields();
$responseContents['X_OCTOBER_ERROR_MESSAGE'] = $ex->getMessage();
return Response::make($responseContents, 406);
catch (Exception $ex) {
return Response::make($ex->getMessage(), 500);
return null;
* Tries to find and run an AJAX handler in the page, layout, components and plugins.
* The method stops as soon as the handler is found.
* @return boolean Returns true if the handler was found. Returns false otherwise.
protected function runAjaxHandler($handler)
* Process Component handler
if (strpos($handler, '::')) {
list($componentName, $handlerName) = explode('::', $handler);
$componentObj = $this->findComponentByName($componentName);
if ($componentObj && method_exists($componentObj, $handlerName)) {
$this->componentContext = $componentObj;
$result = $componentObj->$handlerName();
return ($result) ?: true;
* Process code section handler
else {
if (method_exists($this->pageObj, $handler)) {
$result = $this->pageObj->$handler();
return ($result) ?: true;
if (!$this->layout->isFallBack() && method_exists($this->layoutObj, $handler)) {
$result = $this->layoutObj->$handler();
return ($result) ?: true;
* Cycle each component to locate a usable handler
if (($componentObj = $this->findComponentByHandler($handler)) !== null) {
$this->componentContext = $componentObj;
$result = $componentObj->$handler();
return ($result) ?: true;
return false;
* Executes the page life cycle.
* Creates an object from the PHP sections of the page and
* it's layout, then executes their life cycle functions.
protected function execPageCycle()
* Run layout functions
if ($this->layoutObj) {
$response = CmsException::capture($this->layout, 300, function(){
return (($result = $this->layoutObj->onStart())
|| ($result = $this->layout->runComponents())
|| ($result = $this->layoutObj->onBeforePageStart())) ? $result: null;
if ($response) return $response;
* Run page functions
$response = CmsException::capture($this->page, 300, function(){
return (($result = $this->pageObj->onStart())
|| ($result = $this->page->runComponents())
|| ($result = $this->pageObj->onEnd())) ? $result : null;
if ($response) return $response;
* Run remaining layout functions
if ($this->layoutObj) {
$response = CmsException::capture($this->layout, 300, function(){
return ($result = $this->layoutObj->onEnd()) ? $result : null;
return $response;
* Renders a requested page.
* The framework uses this method internally.
public function renderPage()
return $this->pageContents;
* Renders a requested partial.
* The framework uses this method internally.
public function renderPartial($name, $parameters = [])
* Alias @ symbol for ::
if (substr($name, 0, 1) == '@')
$name = '::' . substr($name, 1);
* Process Component partial
if (strpos($name, '::') !== false) {
list($componentAlias, $partialName) = explode('::', $name);
* Component alias not supplied
if (!strlen($componentAlias)) {
if ($this->componentContext !== null)
$componentObj = $this->componentContext;
elseif (($componentObj = $this->findComponentByPartial($partialName)) === null)
throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.partial.not_found', ['name'=>$name]));
* Component alias is supplied
else {
if (($componentObj = $this->findComponentByName($componentAlias)) === null)
throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.component.not_found', ['name'=>$componentAlias]));
$partial = null;
$this->componentContext = $componentObj;
* Check if the theme has an override
if (strpos($partialName, '/') === false) {
$overrideName = strtolower($componentObj->alias) . '/' . $partialName;
$partial = Partial::loadCached($this->theme, $overrideName);
* Check the component partial
if ($partial === null)
$partial = ComponentPartial::loadCached($componentObj, $partialName);
if ($partial === null)
throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.partial.not_found', ['name'=>$name]));
* Set context for self access
$componentObj->id = uniqid($componentAlias);
$this->vars['__SELF__'] = $componentObj;
else {
* Process theme partial
if (($partial = Partial::loadCached($this->theme, $name)) === null)
throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.partial.not_found', ['name'=>$name]));
$template = $this->twig->loadTemplate($partial->getFullPath());
$result = $template->render(array_merge($this->vars, $parameters));
$this->componentContext = null;
return $result;
* Renders a requested content file.
* The framework uses this method internally.
public function renderContent($name)
if (($content = Content::loadCached($this->theme, $name)) === null)
throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.content.not_found', ['name'=>$name]));
$filePath = $content->getFullPath();
$fileContent = File::get($filePath);
if (strtolower(File::extension($filePath)) == 'md')
$fileContent = Markdown::parse($fileContent);
return $fileContent;
* Renders a component's default content.
* @return string Returns the component default contents.
public function renderComponent($name)
return $this->renderPartial($name.'::default');
* Returns the current CMS theme.
* @return \Cms\Classes\Theme
public function getTheme()
return $this->theme;
* Returns the routing object.
* @return \Cms\Classes\Router
public function getRouter()
return $this->router;
* Looks up the URL for a supplied page and returns it relative to the website root.
* @param mixed $name Specifies the Cms Page file name.
* @param array $parameters Route parameters to consider in the URL.
* @param bool $routePersistence By default the existing routing parameters will be included
* when creating the URL, set to false to disable this feature.
* @return string
public function pageUrl($name, $parameters = [], $routePersistence = true)
if (!$name)
return null;
* Second parameter can act as third
if (is_bool($parameters)) {
$routePersistence = $parameters;
$parameters = [];
if ($routePersistence)
$parameters = array_merge($this->router->getParameters(), $parameters);
$url = $this->router->findByFile($name, $parameters);
return ($url) ? URL::to($url) : null;
* Looks up the current page URL with supplied parameters and route persistence.
public function currentPageUrl($parameters = [], $routePersistence = true)
return $this->pageUrl($this->page->getFileName(), $parameters, $routePersistence);
* Converts supplied URL to a theme URL relative to the website root. If the URL provided is an
* array then the files will be combined.
* @param mixed $url Specifies the theme-relative URL. If null, the theme path is returned.
* @return string
public function themeUrl($url = null)
$themePath = Config::get('cms.themesDir').'/'.$this->getTheme()->getDirName();
$_url = Request::getBaseUrl();
if ($url === null)
$_url .= $themePath;
elseif (is_array($url))
$_url .= CombineAssets::combine($url, $themePath);
$_url .= $themePath.'/'.$url;
return $_url;
* Returns a routing parameter.
* @param string Routing parameter name.
* @param string Default to use if none is found.
* @return string
public function param($name, $default = null)
return $this->router->getParameter($name, $default);
* Combines JavaScript and StyleSheet assets.
* @param string $name Combined file code
* @return string Combined content.
public function combine($name)
try {
if (!strpos($name, '-'))
throw new CmsException(Lang::get('cms::lang.combiner.not_found', ['name'=>$name]));
$parts = explode('-', $name);
$cacheId = $parts[0];
$combiner = new CombineAssets;
return $combiner->getContents($cacheId);
catch (Exception $ex) {
return '/* '.$ex->getMessage().' */';
* Searches the layout and page components by an alias
* @return ComponentBase The component object, if found
private function findComponentByName($name)
if (isset($this->page->components[$name]))
return $this->page->components[$name];
if (isset($this->layout->components[$name]))
return $this->layout->components[$name];
return null;
* Searches the layout and page components by an AJAX handler
* @return ComponentBase The component object, if found
private function findComponentByHandler($handler)
foreach ($this->page->components as $component) {
if (method_exists($component, $handler))
return $component;
foreach ($this->layout->components as $component) {
if (method_exists($component, $handler))
return $component;
return null;
* Searches the layout and page components by a partial file
* @return ComponentBase The component object, if found
private function findComponentByPartial($partial)
foreach ($this->page->components as $component) {
$fileName = ComponentPartial::getFilePath($component, $partial);
if (!strlen(File::extension($fileName)))
$fileName .= '.htm';
if (File::isFile($fileName))
return $component;
foreach ($this->layout->components as $component) {
$fileName = ComponentPartial::getFilePath($component, $partial);
if (!strlen(File::extension($fileName)))
$fileName .= '.htm';
if (File::isFile($fileName))
return $component;
return null;